Trump successfully pressures Ford to move plant from Mexico to Ohio

Where did the OP go?


Do you feel stupid?

Have you learned anything from this embarrassment?
Where did the OP go?


Do you feel stupid?

Have you learned anything from this embarrassment?
I;m here, I've been playing golf all day. Oh dear my post was bogus.
Oh dear, I feel like curling up in a ball and crying like a little school girl.

Why do NaziCons post bogus wingnut shit before verifying it to be true?

I am not a conservative but I think I can answer this one.

I tend to give credence to the story at first. If I consider it fantastic news, most likely to post it.

Any candidate that is able to draw jobs back to America does fall into that category of fantastic news.
Hey Alex.

You are one smart guy. Thanks for thanking my post. You've made my day, idiot.
I take post for face value your are welcome.

Apparently, you take everything at face value. Not a good way to go through life.

Funny he couldn't take Hillary Clinton's Chicago accent at face value last week -- kept insisting there was something there that didn't exist.

Musta had wunna them thar epiphanies.
I see you are still chaffed over being shown you were wrong.:funnyface:



I was neither. What I also wasn't was suckered into a meme by a YouTube title that looked fine until you actually played the video and found out the title, like the meme, was bullshit.

Guess you took the title at face value. Now look where you are.

Got me a Trump hat. Says Made in China on the label. Now I did order it through Amazon so maybe it's a cheap copycat.
From the start I've thought Trump has treated this campaign as pretty much of a joke and he's done more damage to fellow Republicans than to Hillary. When is enough, enough?
The fact remains the US is losing every negotiation it enters... Slave of the debtors we are.

Embrace the suck
From the start I've thought Trump has treated this campaign as pretty much of a joke and he's done more damage to fellow Republicans than to Hillary. When is enough, enough?

That depends on Republican support, which he is not losing.
Hey Alex.

You are one smart guy. Thanks for thanking my post. You've made my day, idiot.
I take post for face value your are welcome.

Apparently, you take everything at face value. Not a good way to go through life.

Funny he couldn't take Hillary Clinton's Chicago accent at face value last week -- kept insisting there was something there that didn't exist.

Musta had wunna them thar epiphanies.
I see you are still chaffed over being shown you were wrong.:funnyface:



I was neither. What I also wasn't was suckered into a meme by a YouTube title that looked fine until you actually played the video and found out the title, like the meme, was bullshit.

Guess you took the title at face value. Now look where you are.

You agreed and now you cry. Very libtard of you.


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