Trump Sues to Block Release of his Financials


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"On Monday, the president went so far as to sue House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), as well as his own accounting firm, in an attempt to block a subpoena of Trump’s accounting firm...."

"Cummings initially wrote Mazers USA, the accounting firm in question, seeking Trump’s financial records on March 20th, weeks after the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, testified publicly before the Oversight Committee that Trump had lied about his finances in an effort to mislead lenders.

"The company responded, Cummings said, by requesting a 'friendly' subpoena to formalize the process, after which it planned to comply with Congress.

"Last week, Trump’s attorneys tried to pressure Mazers USA into not honoring a subpoena from Cummings, writing that it 'would not be valid or enforceable.'"

Ready for the good part?

Trump wants Democrats to pay his legal bills in this obfuscation.

Is it simply taken for granted that this president holds himself above all legal accountability and Republicans will inevitably support him to the hilt?
Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.

Because he is the Potus of the US and he damns the presidency.
Trump has to file a financial disclosure every year he is president, just as he had to file as a candidate.

In case you are unfamiliar with a financial disclosure there is far more information than a tax return since it is a disclosure of your net worth.

And I'm not 100% sure but I believe Trump also has to submit his taxes for audit to the FEC for every year he is in office.

There is no legislative purpose for the demo slime in congress to see his financial information before he was president.
Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.

Because he is the Potus of the US and he damns the presidency.

You are so pathetic at this since his quote was grotequely taken out of context, as the below makes clear:


The President returned to the consequences of the appointment and said,

"Everyone tells me if you get one of these independent councils it ruins your presidency. It takes years and years and I won't be able to do anything. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me."

Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
The LAW governing the Democrat's request is unusually clear. The IRC states, "Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means....the secretary SHALL furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such a request."

Republicans Are Trashing the Law to Keep Trump’s Taxes Secret

Donald Trump was widely regarded as a lying, narcissistic con man long before he moved into the White House, so anyone who questions why his financials might influence his "public service" are probably as indifferent to the US Constitution as he is.

Emoluments Clause: Could Overturning 185 Years of Precedent Let Trump Off the Hook? — ProPublica
Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
The LAW governing the Democrat's request is unusually clear. The IRC states, "Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means....the secretary SHALL furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such a request."

Republicans Are Trashing the Law to Keep Trump’s Taxes Secret

Donald Trump was widely regarded as a lying, narcissistic con man long before he moved into the White House, so anyone who questions why his financials might influence his "public service" are probably as indifferent to the US Constitution as he is.

Emoluments Clause: Could Overturning 185 Years of Precedent Let Trump Off the Hook? — ProPublica

Georgie, like Elijah Cummings and the rest of the Stalinist-Democrats; you're pissing up a rope and better have face shields.
It ain't happening!
Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.

Because he is the Potus of the US and he damns the presidency.
You only got till 2024 till Trump is no longer your president. :itsok:
Trump has to file a financial disclosure every year he is president, just as he had to file as a candidate.

In case you are unfamiliar with a financial disclosure there is far more information than a tax return since it is a disclosure of your net worth.

And I'm not 100% sure but I believe Trump also has to submit his taxes for audit to the FEC for every year he is in office.

There is no legislative purpose for the demo slime in congress to see his financial information before he was president.
n case you are unfamiliar with a financial disclosure there is far more information than a tax return since it is a disclosure of your net worth.
Do you have any credible evidence for that claim?

What’s Under the Hood: Tax Return vs. Financial Disclosure – Third Way

"But the fact is, tax returns are very different from the FEC’s financial disclosure—and provide very different information about a candidate.

"Specifically, here are six things tax returns show that financial disclosures do not:

  1. "How much a candidate paid in taxes. Financial disclosures do not include how much a candidate paid in taxes and, thus, what their effective tax rate was.
  2. What tax breaks a candidate claimed. Financial disclosures do not list what types of tax deductions a candidate has claimed. These could range from deducting interest paid on one’s mortgage to putting a goat on a golf course to qualify for farmland tax credits.
  3. Whether a candidate has offshore accounts. Financial disclosures ask candidates to list assets but are not required to provide detailed information, so offshore accounts can be easily masked.
  4. Charitable giving. Financial disclosures do not include information on what, if anything, a candidate has given to charity
    1. A more truthful picture. Financial disclosures are reviewed by the FEC for compliance with reporting requirements, but they are not audited for accuracy like tax returns which carry fines and possible jail time for fraud.3 Because of that, a tax return presents less of an opportunity to inflate claims of wealth.
    2. Numbers down to the cent. Financial disclosures report assets in broad ranges (e.g. $1,001 - $15,000; over $1,000,000),4 while tax returns focus on the exact dollar figure of an asset."
Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.

Deutsche bank, Russian money laundering, tRump loans.
I dont blame him.
What makes you believe Trump is above the law?

Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"Suing a Democratic committee chairman is only the latest action the president has taken to prevent his finances from going public.

"After House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) sent a letter to the IRS formally requesting six years of Trump’s tax returns, the president said he was 'not inclined' to comply the request, and, according to the Washington Post, is willing to take the fight to keep his returns secret to the Supreme Court.

"Defying the request, which the Ways and Means Committee is entitled to make, would amount to a violation of federal law.

"Nevertheless, as they did with Mazers USA, Trump’s lawyers wrote a letter to the Treasury Department, which oversees the IRS, pressuring them to tell IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig not to comply with Neal’s request for Trump’s tax returns.

"While testifying before Congress earlier this month, Rettig, visibly shaking, said he was 'working on a letter' to respond to Neal."
I dont blame him.
What makes you believe Trump is above the law?

Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"Suing a Democratic committee chairman is only the latest action the president has taken to prevent his finances from going public.

"After House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) sent a letter to the IRS formally requesting six years of Trump’s tax returns, the president said he was 'not inclined' to comply the request, and, according to the Washington Post, is willing to take the fight to keep his returns secret to the Supreme Court.

"Defying the request, which the Ways and Means Committee is entitled to make, would amount to a violation of federal law.

"Nevertheless, as they did with Mazers USA, Trump’s lawyers wrote a letter to the Treasury Department, which oversees the IRS, pressuring them to tell IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig not to comply with Neal’s request for Trump’s tax returns.

"While testifying before Congress earlier this month, Rettig, visibly shaking, said he was 'working on a letter' to respond to Neal."
I dont think he is above the law. What a stupid assumption.
Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.

Deutsche bank, Russian money laundering, tRump loans.

They still don't have the right to go into the financials of a private citizen UNLESS they are INDICTED for FINANCIAL CRIMES, Stalin!
Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
The LAW governing the Democrat's request is unusually clear. The IRC states, "Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means....the secretary SHALL furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such a request."

Republicans Are Trashing the Law to Keep Trump’s Taxes Secret

Donald Trump was widely regarded as a lying, narcissistic con man long before he moved into the White House, so anyone who questions why his financials might influence his "public service" are probably as indifferent to the US Constitution as he is.

Emoluments Clause: Could Overturning 185 Years of Precedent Let Trump Off the Hook? — ProPublica

Georgie, like Elijah Cummings and the rest of the Stalinist-Democrats; you're pissing up a rope and better have face shields.
It ain't happening!
Georgie, like Elijah Cummings and the rest of the Stalinist-Democrats; you're pissing up a rope and better have face shields.
It ain't happening!

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
The LAW governing the Democrat's request is unusually clear. The IRC states, "Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means....the secretary SHALL furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such a request."

Republicans Are Trashing the Law to Keep Trump’s Taxes Secret

Donald Trump was widely regarded as a lying, narcissistic con man long before he moved into the White House, so anyone who questions why his financials might influence his "public service" are probably as indifferent to the US Constitution as he is.

Emoluments Clause: Could Overturning 185 Years of Precedent Let Trump Off the Hook? — ProPublica

Trump doesn't have to show congress jackchit.
4th Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
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I dont blame him.
What makes you believe Trump is above the law?

Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"Suing a Democratic committee chairman is only the latest action the president has taken to prevent his finances from going public.

"After House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) sent a letter to the IRS formally requesting six years of Trump’s tax returns, the president said he was 'not inclined' to comply the request, and, according to the Washington Post, is willing to take the fight to keep his returns secret to the Supreme Court.

"Defying the request, which the Ways and Means Committee is entitled to make, would amount to a violation of federal law.

"Nevertheless, as they did with Mazers USA, Trump’s lawyers wrote a letter to the Treasury Department, which oversees the IRS, pressuring them to tell IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig not to comply with Neal’s request for Trump’s tax returns.

"While testifying before Congress earlier this month, Rettig, visibly shaking, said he was 'working on a letter' to respond to Neal."
I dont think he is above the law. What a stupid assumption.
I dont think he is above the law. What a stupid assumption.
Why did you imply support for his suit to block the legally required release of his tax records if you don't think the rich-bi*tch is above the law?
Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
The LAW governing the Democrat's request is unusually clear. The IRC states, "Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means....the secretary SHALL furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such a request."

Republicans Are Trashing the Law to Keep Trump’s Taxes Secret

Donald Trump was widely regarded as a lying, narcissistic con man long before he moved into the White House, so anyone who questions why his financials might influence his "public service" are probably as indifferent to the US Constitution as he is.

Emoluments Clause: Could Overturning 185 Years of Precedent Let Trump Off the Hook? — ProPublica

Trump doesn't have to show congress jackchit.
4th Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
View attachment 257320
wrong again,
Trump doesn't have to show congress jackchit.
4th Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Republicans Are Trashing the Law to Keep Trump’s Taxes Secret

"The law governing this matter is unusually clear.

"The Internal Revenue Code states, 'Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.'

"This law has been used to examine tax returns of high-placed political officials.

"It was enacted in order to let Congress examine financial conflicts of interest by the administration, and forced the disclosure of a president’s tax returns (Richard Nixon)."
Why not just release them though. I don't believe he did anything wrong and broke no law. What would be the harm? I think his approval rating would rise 10 points if they were released.

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