Trump - Suicide mission if Repubs support amnesty for 11 million illegals


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
It's more like 40 million and given citizenship they will all go on welfare and vote dem the rest of their wretched lives.

Donald Trump rants at CPAC that Republicans are on a 'suicide mission' if they give citizenship to 11 million immigrants in America... because they'll all vote Democrat | Mail Online

PUBLISHED: 15:10 EST, 15 March 2013

The real estate mogul and host of NBC's The Apprentice also warned conservatives to be careful on how they deal with immigration reform, a pet cause of Florida Republican Senator, and the party's rising star, Marco Rubio.
'When it comes to immigration, you know that the 11 million illegals, even if given the right to vote ... the fact is 11 million people will be voting Democratic,' Trump, 66, predicted.
'You can do whatever you want to do, every one of those 11 million people will be voting Democratic ...The odds are not looking so great for Republicans, you could say you're on a suicide mission.'
Yes, Trump said we should invite European immigrants, who would vote republican. He said he had many friends in Europe who are just dying to come to the US. :bsflag:
BTW, he was speaking to a half empty room.
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That CPAC actually invited a birther to speak says a lot more about how suicidal the GOP is than anything he has to say.
I don't agree with Trump very often but he's right this time.




While every petition, fax, email and phone call against the amnesty is important, signing this petition is by far the most important single thing one of your friends or relatives can do.

The reason is that signing this petition puts a person into an email system at NumbersUSA that will alert them every time one of their elected officials needs to hear something specific about immigration. Nobody else but NumbersUSA runs a customized grassroots mobilization system like this that constantly gathers information on Capitol Hill about your Members of Congress and then lets you know what they are doing, saying and thinking about immigration policy.

The New York Times and other mass media have repeatedly stated that NumbersUSA's mobilization network led the efforts that defeated the close-call amnesty efforts of 2007 and 2010. But the forces for open borders are far more powerful today. Please help by passing along this Petition to everybody you know.
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Yes, Trump said we should invite European immigrants, who would vote republican. He said he had many friends in Europe who are just dying to come to the US. :bsflag:
BTW, he was speaking to a half empty room.

Why do we allow mexican imigrants but not europrean? Answer - racism. Europeans are white and you liberals hate whites.
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That CPAC actually invited a birther to speak says a lot more about how suicidal the GOP is than anything he has to say.

Yup - super-orly was there making her strong case that obozo is a fraud. Repubs are idiots not to jump on the birther issue. The evidence is that strong.
'When it comes to immigration, you know that the 11 million illegals, even if given the right to vote ... the fact is 11 million people will be voting Democratic,' Trump, 66, predicted.
'You can do whatever you want to do, every one of those 11 million people will be voting Democratic ...The odds are not looking so great for Republicans, you could say you're on a suicide mission.'

One can only hope all conservatives and republicans aren’t as stupid and ignorant as Trump.

First, no one advocates ‘amnesty,’ no democratic or republican lawmaker has proposed any such legislation.

Second, no one is ‘given’ the right to vote, that right is an innate aspect of citizenship. Even if one were given ‘amnesty’ with regard to entering the country illegally, that would not give such a person citizenship, and without citizenship he could not vote.

Last, Trump is actually advocating that the 5th and 14th Amendment right to due process be denied undocumented immigrants for purely partisan reasons; he wants to deny due process to persons in the United Sates for fear they might at some point after obtaining citizenship vote for democratic candidates.

That is clearly a violation of the Constitution, and the fundamental principles upon which this Nation was founded.
Who cares if Republican Party gone? Their Banker Mission is to facilitate Corporate Takeover of US. When Illegal Alien give permanent majority to Democrats, Republican not needed anymore.

And when Democrat Party implement their Banker Mission of total Socialism/Communism in America, they won't be needed anymore either.

Why need ANY Party when you have all the Power?
Yes, Trump said we should invite European immigrants, who would vote republican. He said he had many friends in Europe who are just dying to come to the US. :bsflag:
BTW, he was speaking to a half empty room.

Why do we allow mexican imigrants but not europrean? Answer - racism. Europeans are white and you liberals hate whites.
Not many Europeans want to live in the US. They have good lives where they are.
Amnesty will create a minor blip on the current radar.
People care far more about their own sucky economy than this issue.
Now, if the Pubs gave in to the President on one of his massive new spending bills and cave-in on the sequester issue - THAT would be suicide.
It's more like 40 million and given citizenship they will all go on welfare and vote dem the rest of their wretched lives.

Donald Trump rants at CPAC that Republicans are on a 'suicide mission' if they give citizenship to 11 million immigrants in America... because they'll all vote Democrat | Mail Online

PUBLISHED: 15:10 EST, 15 March 2013

The real estate mogul and host of NBC's The Apprentice also warned conservatives to be careful on how they deal with immigration reform, a pet cause of Florida Republican Senator, and the party's rising star, Marco Rubio.
'When it comes to immigration, you know that the 11 million illegals, even if given the right to vote ... the fact is 11 million people will be voting Democratic,' Trump, 66, predicted.
'You can do whatever you want to do, every one of those 11 million people will be voting Democratic ...The odds are not looking so great for Republicans, you could say you're on a suicide mission.'

I hope that they take Trump's advice. You don't know what you are talking about with those "stats' of yours. Rush Limbaugh says welfare recipients turn out to vote in force. They really don?t.
Last, Trump is actually advocating that the 5th and 14th Amendment right to due process be denied undocumented immigrants for purely partisan reasons; .

Well of course it should be denied them. The first seven words of the constitution makes it clear that it applies only to citizens. Illegal invaders of a country have no rights. Invade mexico and demand your rights and see how that works.
'When it comes to immigration, you know that the 11 million illegals, even if given the right to vote ... the fact is 11 million people will be voting Democratic,' Trump, 66, predicted.
'You can do whatever you want to do, every one of those 11 million people will be voting Democratic ...The odds are not looking so great for Republicans, you could say you're on a suicide mission.'

One can only hope all conservatives and republicans aren’t as stupid and ignorant as Trump.

First, no one advocates ‘amnesty,’ no democratic or republican lawmaker has proposed any such legislation.

Second, no one is ‘given’ the right to vote, that right is an innate aspect of citizenship. Even if one were given ‘amnesty’ with regard to entering the country illegally, that would not give such a person citizenship, and without citizenship he could not vote.

Last, Trump is actually advocating that the 5th and 14th Amendment right to due process be denied undocumented immigrants for purely partisan reasons; he wants to deny due process to persons in the United Sates for fear they might at some point after obtaining citizenship vote for democratic candidates.

That is clearly a violation of the Constitution, and the fundamental principles upon which this Nation was founded.

Bull Shit.

Plain and simple.

Bull Shit.

What do you think the Dream act crap is? It is Amnesty.
All illegal aliens, regardless of the reason they are here, should be deported immediately. Call them what ever you wish, they are nothing more than criminals.
All illegal aliens, regardless of the reason they are here, should be deported immediately. Call them what ever you wish, they are nothing more than criminals.

Cost a lot of money to deport all 40 million of them.. Far better to take away their incentives and they'll leave on their own. End free health care and free schooling for illegals and mandate e-verify. Most will then be gone overnight.

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