Trump Summons Schumer To White House

Dying from the flu? Dems don't care, do dah, do dah.

Fighting in Afghanistan without a check, do dah, do dah.

Protecting illegals all the live long day,
There are no, crime, drug, or terror clauses in our Constitution. The right wing doesn't care because they refuse to fund those ventures with war "on fill in the blank" tax rates.
That should be the dem's legal defense. "We protect illegals over American citizens because there are no clauses in the Constitution that say we can't."
Going to whine all day, going to whine all night..

Democrats battling against laws and order,it has become their way.
Dying from the flu? Dems don't care, do dah, do dah.

Fighting in Afghanistan without a check, do dah, do dah.

Protecting illegals all the live long day,
There are no, crime, drug, or terror clauses in our Constitution. The right wing doesn't care because they refuse to fund those ventures with war "on fill in the blank" tax rates.

Where did I mention Republicans you moron?
Hey daniel, how about I post for you half the time? At least you will sound intelligent, be funny and make solid points when I do it.
As well he should.

Trump will castigate these losers on twitter until they give him the wall.

This shutdown is nothing more than the desperation of Democrats as they have no more cards to play.

Republicans just picked up 8 Senate seats in states Trump won where Democrats are defending their pathetic butts.

Thank you, lieberals.
The Democrats have gone off the rails on this. Placing the interests of illegals over that of citizens is foolish, very foolish and a price will be dearly paid.

Libtards are going to get their asses kicked over this shut down. And the longer it goes, the worse it will get for them.
What is Trump offering?

Hmm, CHIP, combat pay for our troops to name a couple... things Democrats are on board for, but only if Republicans cave in to their demands to grant amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

See this is what really annoys me. Instead of looking out for the common interest, it seems one party (Democrats in this case) only care about being self centered.
Asking for DACA is not unreasonable. Many Republicans supported it. You know that right?

Can't pass a bill that hasn't been written yet, Coyote. The Democrats are overplaying their hand. Democrats want instant results. DACA doesn't expire until March. Why pick this fight now? Why are we prioritizing illegal immigrants over American children, our military and first responders?

Not budging on this one. Democrats have seriously mixed up their priorities.
Instant results? When did Trump sign his EO canceling DACA?

Why did the Republicans wait this long to reauthorize CHIP?
First, there was no executive order, just a directive undertaken by the Department of Justice.

Trump ends DACA program, no new applications accepted

Second, it wasn't a matter of Republicans waiting, it was a matter of Democrats resisting. Just how much can you expect to get done as the prevailing party when you encounter such fervent resistance?

Republicans were willing to concede CHIP but now Democrats are taking that concession hostage along with DACA and the CR (continuing resolution).
You can’t keep kicking DACA down the roads. This isn’t the time for comprehensive immigration reform....the Dems and Republicans together put together a good deal. Do you forget that in your need to blame Dems? CHIP was not a concession. Both sides want it.
Even the poll at CNN showed that people would rather have the government funded over a DACA fix. The Democrats have set their sorry asses up for the biggest hammering since the election in 2016.

You know damned well Trump will be twisting the knife and the shutdown will forever be tattooed on Schumer's forehead.


I am loving it..

President Donald J. Trump is shoving this

up their liberal ass sideways.....

You can see it on nancy belowsi's face....
Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer suggested that he offered a concession on the border wall to President Donald Trump during their midday White House meeting before Democrats shut down the government’s 2018 budget at midnight.
Shutdown: Schumer Claims He Offered Border Wall Concession to Trump

And we are suppose to believe this lying pos. Who looks like a snide, stuck up , arrogant bastard who would stop at nothing to cover up his dirt, and cover up for the team Demorats................
Schumer offered a wall 10 feet long.
As well he should.

Trump will castigate these losers on twitter until they give him the wall.

This shutdown is nothing more than the desperation of Democrats as they have no more cards to play.

Republicans just picked up 8 Senate seats in states Trump won where Democrats are defending their pathetic butts.

Thank you, lieberals.
I was just watching the dipshit dems try and justify their "RESISTANCE" and they doubled down on killing children and the CHIP program and paying our military by sticking up for Criminal's who entered our country illegally....

You would think they would have paid attention to the electoral college and the states who elected Trump. This wont play well in those states and they are now going to pay dearly..
Remember the movie "The American President" with Michael Douglas and Anette Bening?

Remember the Senator Bob Rumson character played by Richard Dreyfuss?

Remember Senator Bob's reaction over a TV news report that the President's girlfriend burned an American flag at a protest years before?

That's what the dumb-ass Democrats just handed the Imperial Cheeto,..

Standing alongside 800,000 Illegal Aliens rather than 330,000,000 fellow countrymen...

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."



Even an old beater-automobile needs an oil change once in a while...

The Democratic Party needs to change its oil (leadership in the House and Senate) in the worst way...
Schumer went to that meeting with more, not less demands. That means he wasn't there to negotiate a compromise. He wanted to close the government. Fuck DACA recipients, create an executive order giving Federal agents the right to immediately deport all of them.

schumer and your party are taking it up the ass from Trump...

You seem to like it because you keep asking for more ...
Both sides want it.

Then why are the Democrats holding the process up? If the Republicans wanted CHIP then there was no need for the Democrats to hold such a critical program up by making such unreasonable demands. House Republicans passed a 6 year extension to CHIP and yet still the Democrats rejected it. The Republicans pulled this in 2013 with Obamacare repeal and I despised them for it. Even in my objective state I cannot help but blame the democrats for this. If these two parties care about the children (legal or illegal), they'll get off their backsides and reach a deal.

Sigh, what gets me the most, and I mean no offense to you in any way, is that you value the fate of these "dreamers" over the healthcare of our children, our national security and our men and women in uniform. Why is it so important to you? I mean their parents skirted our laws to bring them here and now you want the government to forget all about the breach of the law? Do we not even care about the law anymore? Or do we care so much about "compassion" that we ignore it completely?
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Dying from the flu? Dems don't care, do dah, do dah.

Fighting in Afghanistan without a check, do dah, do dah.

Protecting illegals all the live long day,

Man, as soon as I realized the song my childhood came back to me. Foghorn Leghorn!

Foghorn Leghorn VS the Dog is hilarious
Kids today are missing out on the Loony Toons cartoons
Spin away dems but you fucked yourselves hard this time. You chose to support illegals over our military and children. There's no saving this one.
Both sides want it.

Then why are the Democrats holding the process up? If the Republicans wanted CHIP then there was no need for the Democrats to hold such a critical program up by making such unreasonable demands. House Republicans passed a 6 year extension to CHIP and yet still the Democrats rejected it. The Republicans pulled this in 2013 with Obamacare repeal and I despised them for it. Even in my objective state I cannot help but blame the democrats for this. If these two parties care about the children (legal or illegal), they'll get off their backsides and reach a deal.
how can they reach a deal when trump insists on a wall and dems insist they don't want one and as polled either do the majority of the people?
Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer suggested that he offered a concession on the border wall to President Donald Trump during their midday White House meeting before Democrats shut down the government’s 2018 budget at midnight.
Shutdown: Schumer Claims He Offered Border Wall Concession to Trump

And we are suppose to believe this lying pos. Who looks like a snide, stuck up , arrogant bastard who would stop at nothing to cover up his dirt, and cover up for the team Demorats................
Schumer offered a wall 10 feet long.

As I understand it he also offered a list of demands, including the exclusion of an end to chain migration. Failure.

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