Trump Summons Schumer To White House

Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer suggested that he offered a concession on the border wall to President Donald Trump during their midday White House meeting before Democrats shut down the government’s 2018 budget at midnight.
Shutdown: Schumer Claims He Offered Border Wall Concession to Trump

And we are suppose to believe this lying pos. Who looks like a snide, stuck up , arrogant bastard who would stop at nothing to cover up his dirt, and cover up for the team Demorats................

He's starting to look like a B-movie Lucifer, with his beetled brow and arched eyebrows.

Plus, he wears his eyeglasses on the tip of his hooked and crooked nose.
Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer suggested that he offered a concession on the border wall to President Donald Trump during their midday White House meeting before Democrats shut down the government’s 2018 budget at midnight.
Shutdown: Schumer Claims He Offered Border Wall Concession to Trump

And we are suppose to believe this lying pos. Who looks like a snide, stuck up , arrogant bastard who would stop at nothing to cover up his dirt, and cover up for the team Demorats................
He may have, but offering a bottle of poison to a thirsty man will do him no good.
Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer suggested that he offered a concession on the border wall to President Donald Trump during their midday White House meeting before Democrats shut down the government’s 2018 budget at midnight.
Shutdown: Schumer Claims He Offered Border Wall Concession to Trump

And we are suppose to believe this lying pos. Who looks like a snide, stuck up , arrogant bastard who would stop at nothing to cover up his dirt, and cover up for the team Demorats................

He's starting to look like a B-movie Lucifer, with his beetled brow and arched eyebrows.

Plus, he wears his eyeglasses on the tip of his hooked and crooked nose.

Too be fair, why would he want to look at his nose....

Who cares about your fake news poll?
Is the 130,000 fake too ? or mexico is paying for the wall ,,or I'll be showing my taxes? I could go on forever Vicente Fox had it right when he said the only s--t hole is in trumps mouth
How do we know it's real? All we have is the word of a prostitute who previously denied it.
Hmm, CHIP, combat pay for our troops to name a couple... things Democrats are on board for, but only if Republicans cave in to their demands to grant amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

See this is what really annoys me. Instead of looking out for the common interest, it seems one party (Democrats in this case) only care about being self centered.
Asking for DACA is not unreasonable. Many Republicans supported it. You know that right?

Can't pass a bill that hasn't been written yet, Coyote. The Democrats are overplaying their hand. Democrats want instant results. DACA doesn't expire until March. Why pick this fight now? Why are we prioritizing illegal immigrants over American children, our military and first responders?

Not budging on this one. Democrats have seriously mixed up their priorities.
Instant results? When did Trump sign his EO canceling DACA?

Why did the Republicans wait this long to reauthorize CHIP?
First, there was no executive order, just a directive undertaken by the Department of Justice.

Trump ends DACA program, no new applications accepted

Second, it wasn't a matter of Republicans waiting, it was a matter of Democrats resisting. Just how much can you expect to get done as the prevailing party when you encounter such fervent resistance?

Republicans were willing to concede CHIP but now Democrats are taking that concession hostage along with DACA and the CR (continuing resolution).
You can’t keep kicking DACA down the roads. This isn’t the time for comprehensive immigration reform....the Dems and Republicans together put together a good deal. Do you forget that in your need to blame Dems? CHIP was not a concession. Both sides want it.
You must think Republicans are as dumb as snowflakes. You don't give away your main bargaining chip without getting what you want first.
Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer suggested that he offered a concession on the border wall to President Donald Trump during their midday White House meeting before Democrats shut down the government’s 2018 budget at midnight.
Shutdown: Schumer Claims He Offered Border Wall Concession to Trump

And we are suppose to believe this lying pos. Who looks like a snide, stuck up , arrogant bastard who would stop at nothing to cover up his dirt, and cover up for the team Demorats................
I'm sure Trump learned his lesson and recorded the conversation......
An Exit From Trumpocracy
The stability of American society depends on conservatives finding a way forward from the Trump dead end.

Only halfway through it, but this is really a brilliant read - thanks for sharing eddie!

As an aside: Trumplings should read it but they won't. Like their Cheeto Jesus, no intellectual curiosity and very short attention span.
Why would we bother reading such obvious trash? We have no interest in exiting from "Tumpocracy," moron.
Both sides want it.

Then why are the Democrats holding the process up? If the Republicans wanted CHIP then there was no need for the Democrats to hold such a critical program up by making such unreasonable demands. House Republicans passed a 6 year extension to CHIP and yet still the Democrats rejected it. The Republicans pulled this in 2013 with Obamacare repeal and I despised them for it. Even in my objective state I cannot help but blame the democrats for this. If these two parties care about the children (legal or illegal), they'll get off their backsides and reach a deal.
how can they reach a deal when trump insists on a wall and dems insist they don't want one and as polled either do the majority of the people?

Simple, Dems give Republicans what they want, a wall and an end to chain migration, so they can get something they want. That's called "compromise."

The President asked for $1.6 Billion and the bipartisan deal Trump rejected (after saying he would accept a bipartisan bill) included the President's requested $1.6 Billion.


$1.6 billion for designing and building structures including a wall. That's the same amount Trump requested for this year to build or replace 74 miles of fencing in Texas and California."

Bipartisan deal would create 12-year citizenship pathway


"The FY 2018 President’s Budget funds the following key investments:

$1.6 billion for 32 miles of new border wall construction, 28 miles of levee wall
along the Rio Grande Valley, and 14 miles of new border wall system that will
replace existing secondary fence in the San Diego Sector, where apprehensions are
the highest along the Southwest Border, and where a border wall system will deny
access to drug and alien smuggling organizations." FY18 BIB Final.pdf
(PDF Page 11, 3rd item)

That was Paul Ryans offer.
the Dems and Republicans together put together a good deal.

Forgive me for being cynical, but if it were a "good deal" then we wouldn't be talking about a government shutdown right now.
it was bi partisan until the dump changed his mind
How could it be "bipartisan" when it was never even on paper?

so you think it has to be on paper for a bipartisan deal to be reached?

damn, you're stupid.
How do we know it's real? All we have is the word of a prostitute who previously denied it.

There are literally no limits to your idiocy

President Donald Trump’s lawyer used a private Delaware company to pay a former adult-film star $130,000 in return for her agreeing to not publicly discuss an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, according to corporate records and people familiar with the matter.

The lawyer, Michael Cohen, established Essential Consultants LLC, on Oct. 17, 2016, just before the 2016 presidential election, corporate documents show. Mr. Cohen, who is based in New York, then used a bank account linked to the entity to send the payment to the client-trust account of a lawyer representing the woman, Stephanie Clifford, one of the people said.

Mr. Cohen’s decision to establish the company in Delaware offered him privacy and simplicity, hallmarks of a state that has attracted more than one million business entities. Unlike some states, Delaware doesn’t require companies to publicly disclose the names of their managers. In October 2016, the month Mr. Cohen created the entity used in the deal with Ms. Clifford, Delaware officials recorded 10,574 new limited liability companies.

Mr. Cohen’s connection to Essential Consultants LLC isn’t readily apparent in online searches of Delaware companies. However, on its formation documents, which were reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Cohen listed himself as the “authorized person” for the company, rather than hiring a lawyer or an agent to serve in that role, which some company owners do to further obscure their identities.

To further mask the identities of the people involved in the agreement, the parties used pseudonyms, with Ms. Clifford identified as “Peggy Peterson,” according to a person familiar with the matter. Part of the draft settlement pact was published by Slate.​

Trump Lawyer Used Private Company, Pseudonyms to Pay Porn Star ‘Stormy Daniels’

Both sides want it.

Then why are the Democrats holding the process up? If the Republicans wanted CHIP then there was no need for the Democrats to hold such a critical program up by making such unreasonable demands. House Republicans passed a 6 year extension to CHIP and yet still the Democrats rejected it. The Republicans pulled this in 2013 with Obamacare repeal and I despised them for it. Even in my objective state I cannot help but blame the democrats for this. If these two parties care about the children (legal or illegal), they'll get off their backsides and reach a deal.
how can they reach a deal when trump insists on a wall and dems insist they don't want one and as polled either do the majority of the people?

The President asked for $1.6 Billion and the bipartisan deal Trump rejected (after saying he would accept a bipartisan bill) included the President's requested $1.6 Billion.


$1.6 billion for designing and building structures including a wall. That's the same amount Trump requested for this year to build or replace 74 miles of fencing in Texas and California."

Bipartisan deal would create 12-year citizenship pathway


"The FY 2018 President’s Budget funds the following key investments:

$1.6 billion for 32 miles of new border wall construction, 28 miles of levee wall
along the Rio Grande Valley, and 14 miles of new border wall system that will
replace existing secondary fence in the San Diego Sector, where apprehensions are
the highest along the Southwest Border, and where a border wall system will deny
access to drug and alien smuggling organizations." FY18 BIB Final.pdf
(PDF Page 11, 3rd item)

That was Paul Ryans offer.

That was the biapartisan deal and it's the amount requested by the President. I linked to the DHS budget request.


"The agreement between three Republican and three Democratic senators would prevent deportation of hundreds of thousands of so-called Dreamers, who were brought to this country as children and are here illegally.

President Donald Trump and some GOP congressional leaders have said the bipartisan deal is insufficient. Its proponents — led by Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. — say they are continuing to round up supporters in hopes of building momentum for their plan."

Bipartisan deal would create 12-year citizenship pathway

Any idea when these people plan on waking up from their destroy America dream?

Yeah when we have a total grid down , and there is no government around to lick the crap off their rear ends for them any longer. So when they have to fend for their lives realizing giving hugs and kisses doesn' work in the real world maybe then these lunatics will get a slap in the face called reality.

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