Trump Summons Schumer To White House

Hyper-partisan bitches like Darkwind will INSTANTLY change their tunes if and when 45 pulls a fast one and gets a deal signed at the 11th hour.

He'll then go from blaming the Democrats to saying that "Trump is such a great leader, he got everything organized as a great leader/fuhrer is supposed to do!!"



Didn't happen


Lolz!!! :lol:
No one wants a shutdown but the pos in our WH is used to strong arming everyone That's what he did his whole life in RE Now the &^&*(*& can't get away with that crap This deal should be easy but trump won't disappoint his deplorables
Trump didn't have to strong-arm anyone. He just beat Hillary, and the butt-hurt came pouring out.

Strong-arm? No one strong-armed Democrats into putting terrorists, our enemies, Mexican Drug Cartels, violent illegals, etc... ahead of US citizens.
the Dems and Republicans together put together a good deal.

Forgive me for being cynical, but if it were a "good deal" then we wouldn't be talking about a government shutdown right now.
it was bi partisan until the dump changed his mind
How could it be "bipartisan" when it was never even on paper?
Bipartisan to Democrats means they get everything they want and we take it in the ass.
Both sides want it.

Then why are the Democrats holding the process up? If the Republicans wanted CHIP then there was no need for the Democrats to hold such a critical program up by making such unreasonable demands. House Republicans passed a 6 year extension to CHIP and yet still the Democrats rejected it. The Republicans pulled this in 2013 with Obamacare repeal and I despised them for it. Even in my objective state I cannot help but blame the democrats for this. If these two parties care about the children (legal or illegal), they'll get off their backsides and reach a deal.
how can they reach a deal when trump insists on a wall and dems insist they don't want one and as polled either do the majority of the people?

Simple, Dems give Republicans what they want, a wall and an end to chain migration, so they can get something they want. That's called "compromise."
He’s gonna ask for a definition of compromise, he has never heard of it

When Dims say "compromise," they mean only Republicans have to do it.
Public polling on blame for the shutdown

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31


Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34

You've seen to have left out that 18% blame both.

So in actuality half the people are blaming the Dems also.

It doesn't matter. The Donald has put the Dems in a corner.
They are gonna have to cave in if they want to save DACA.

Because his remarks right after the vote was taken were very clear
and specific.

We will reopen negotiations on Immigration immediately after our
Military and 1st Responders are receiving their paychecks.

So if they bring him a deal in the next 5 minutes that includes anything
on Immigration, he ain't gonna sign it.

Each day that this drags on DACA will lose support of the American people.

If this is not settled by the SOTU...His address to the Nation will be
Theater at its Finest. Especially, the empty seats. He'll do 10 minutes
on that.

I would suggest that Pelosi and Schumer go find somebody that tiles
floors for a living. They have those knee pads that those two are gonna
need when they are in the Oval Office, on their knees, begging him to give them some
wiggle room with their base.

You will need to step outside of your old lilly white bubble if you want to speak for America.

You speak for America?

the Dems and Republicans together put together a good deal.

Forgive me for being cynical, but if it were a "good deal" then we wouldn't be talking about a government shutdown right now.
it was bi partisan until the dump changed his mind
How could it be "bipartisan" when it was never even on paper?
Bipartisan to Democrats means they get everything they want and we take it in the ass.
It means America takes it up the ass.
Both sides want it.

Then why are the Democrats holding the process up? If the Republicans wanted CHIP then there was no need for the Democrats to hold such a critical program up by making such unreasonable demands. House Republicans passed a 6 year extension to CHIP and yet still the Democrats rejected it. The Republicans pulled this in 2013 with Obamacare repeal and I despised them for it. Even in my objective state I cannot help but blame the democrats for this. If these two parties care about the children (legal or illegal), they'll get off their backsides and reach a deal.
how can they reach a deal when trump insists on a wall and dems insist they don't want one and as polled either do the majority of the people?

Simple, Dems give Republicans what they want, a wall and an end to chain migration, so they can get something they want. That's called "compromise."
He’s gonna ask for a definition of compromise, he has never heard of it

When Dims say "compromise," they mean only Republicans have to do it.
I don't understand something.......

If Leftists love the illegal immigrant children so much.....why are they such advocates of abortions of American children? And why are they unwilling to help American children with all those billions spent on the children of people who clearly committed criminal acts to come here?

Seems hypocritical.
Schumwr and Pelosi had their chance to put Americans 1st ahead of violent illegals...


They had no desire to...
Forgive me for being cynical, but if it were a "good deal" then we wouldn't be talking about a government shutdown right now.
it was bi partisan until the dump changed his mind
How could it be "bipartisan" when it was never even on paper?
Bipartisan to Democrats means they get everything they want and we take it in the ass.
It means America takes it up the ass.
What BS you nutjobs spew Seems to me Americas ass is weary from getting it up the butt every time Repubs run our Gov't

How have Republicans screwed America?
when is the mexican money coming, retardo?

I hear the faint bleating of a snowflake withering on the vine.

no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the american right.

You think you're the "smart ones"? Keep believing that, shithead. The worst thing you leftist tards can do is underestimate us like you did in 2010 and 2016.
next week McDonalds will probably introduce the McShoomer Burger. I wonder what it will consist of

really? I think they'll come out with the orange lunatic burger. I wonder why. :rolleyes:
Cause Schumer shutdown the government?
HOW MANY TIMES did Scheumer think there was a deal on the table and trump go back on the deal??

about half a dozen... but Donald's loons were the last voices whispering in his ear.
next week McDonalds will probably introduce the McShoomer Burger. I wonder what it will consist of

really? I think they'll come out with the orange lunatic burger. I wonder why. :rolleyes:
Yes, you can never trust what Dims promise.
mexico is going to pay for the wall????? Good news bri

I'm pretty sure the former president of Mexico said "we're not paying for [his] fucking wall"
COMPROMISE it’s a very simple word you should learn. Without that you’re a patsy

Yes, and when was the last time Adolf Twitler or his sycophantic congressional Republicans "compromised"?
next week McDonalds will probably introduce the McShoomer Burger. I wonder what it will consist of

really? I think they'll come out with the orange lunatic burger. I wonder why. :rolleyes:
Cause Schumer shutdown the government?
HOW MANY TIMES did Scheumer think there was a deal on the table and trump go back on the deal??
He doesn’t know bartering though. The game isn’t I get mine you get mine. . Schumer played the fool
COMPROMISE it’s a very simple word you should learn. Without that you’re a patsy

Yes, and when was the last time Adolf Twitler or his sycophantic congressional Republicans "compromised"?
They first need to get something. So far that hasn’t happened. Money for the wall, end chain migration, e-verify and end visa lottery. They get Chips and DACA. You ready to sign on that? Trump was, but didn’t get it. Why?
They first need to get something. So far that hasn’t happened. Money for the wall, end chain migration, e-verify and end visa lottery. They get Chips and DACA. You ready to sign on that? Trump was, but didn’t get it. Why?

Schumer offered President Dotard his damn wall and Trump was pretty much in agreement.
Then Beavis got ahold of him in the West Wing as he was on his way to drain his tiny orange schween. :neutral:

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