Trump Summons Schumer To White House

I saw that. He was asked more than once & refused to answer.

In the White House briefing a moment ago it was made clear so Chuckie can't use it as a point of deception.

The 1.6 Billion was the request last fall to get started. Chuckie came yesterday and told Trump he was going to give him what he wanted for the wall. Trump asked, 20 Billion? Chuckie said no, the 1.6 Billion.

So that fucker lied when he said he agreed to Trump's request for funding.
Public polling on blame for the shutdown

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31


Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34

You've seemed to have left out that 18% blame both.

So in actuality half the people are blaming the Dems also.

It doesn't matter. The Donald has put the Dems in a corner.
They are gonna have to cave in if they want to save DACA.

Because his remarks right after the vote was taken were very clear
and specific.

We will reopen negotiations on Immigration immediately after our
Military and 1st Responders are receiving their paychecks.

So if they bring him a deal in the next 5 minutes that includes anything
on Immigration, he ain't gonna sign it.

Each day that this drags on DACA will lose support of the American people.

If this is not settled by the SOTU...His address to the Nation will be
Theater at its Finest. Especially, the empty seats. He'll do 10 minutes
on that.

I would suggest that Pelosi and Schumer go find somebody that tiles
floors for a living. They have those knee pads that those two are gonna
need when they are in the Oval Office, on their knees, begging him to give them some
wiggle room with their base.
Last edited:
In the White House briefing a moment ago it was made clear so Chuckie can't use it as a point of deception.

The 1.6 Billion was the request last fall to get started. Chuckie came yesterday and told Trump he was going to give him what he wanted for the wall. Trump asked, 20 Billion? Chuckie said no, the 1.6 Billion.

So that fucker lied when he said he agreed to Trump's request for funding.

So, the President requests 1.6 Billion, the bipartisan group agrees, Schumer agrees.

Then the President changes his mind and says (to paraphrase), "No, not 1.6 billion I'm changing the amount to 20 billion".

And Schumer's to blame because the President changed what he asked for?

(BTW - I'm not supporting Schumer, but I don't Trump changing the conditions.)

Dying from the flu? Dems don't care, do dah, do dah.

Fighting in Afghanistan without a check, do dah, do dah.

Protecting illegals all the live long day,
There are no, crime, drug, or terror clauses in our Constitution. The right wing doesn't care because they refuse to fund those ventures with war "on fill in the blank" tax rates.
That should be the dem's legal defense. "We protect illegals over American citizens because there are no clauses in the Constitution that say we can't."
Not sure what you mean. This has been an ongoing political issue for awhile. Why did the right wing want tax cuts instead of making sure they had enough revenue to, fiscally prove the democrats wrong.
Dying from the flu? Dems don't care, do dah, do dah.

Fighting in Afghanistan without a check, do dah, do dah.

Protecting illegals all the live long day,
There are no, crime, drug, or terror clauses in our Constitution. The right wing doesn't care because they refuse to fund those ventures with war "on fill in the blank" tax rates.

Where did I mention Republicans you moron?
where did I, "intelligent wonder"?
In the White House briefing a moment ago it was made clear so Chuckie can't use it as a point of deception.

The 1.6 Billion was the request last fall to get started. Chuckie came yesterday and told Trump he was going to give him what he wanted for the wall. Trump asked, 20 Billion? Chuckie said no, the 1.6 Billion.

So that fucker lied when he said he agreed to Trump's request for funding.

So, the President requests 1.6 Billion, the bipartisan group agrees, Schumer agrees.

Then the President changes his mind and says (to paraphrase), "No, not 1.6 billion I'm changing the amount to 20 billion".

And Schumer's to blame because the President changed what he asked for?

(BTW - I'm not supporting Schumer, but I don't Trump changing the conditions.)


No, petunia. Pay attention for fucks sake.

Trump requested 20 Billion for the wall last year to be spent over several years.

Trump's request was for the 1.6 Billion to get started and wanted the full funding in the budget.

Chuckie said he'd give him what he wanted.

Trump asked, 20 Billion?

Chuckie said no, the 1.6 Billion.

Trump told him to get fucked.
Both sides want it.

Then why are the Democrats holding the process up? If the Republicans wanted CHIP then there was no need for the Democrats to hold such a critical program up by making such unreasonable demands. House Republicans passed a 6 year extension to CHIP and yet still the Democrats rejected it. The Republicans pulled this in 2013 with Obamacare repeal and I despised them for it. Even in my objective state I cannot help but blame the democrats for this. If these two parties care about the children (legal or illegal), they'll get off their backsides and reach a deal.
how can they reach a deal when trump insists on a wall and dems insist they don't want one and as polled either do the majority of the people?

Simple, Dems give Republicans what they want, a wall and an end to chain migration, so they can get something they want. That's called "compromise."
He’s gonna ask for a definition of compromise, he has never heard of it
Hmm, CHIP, combat pay for our troops to name a couple... things Democrats are on board for, but only if Republicans cave in to their demands to grant amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

See this is what really annoys me. Instead of looking out for the common interest, it seems one party (Democrats in this case) only care about being self centered.
Asking for DACA is not unreasonable. Many Republicans supported it. You know that right?

Can't pass a bill that hasn't been written yet, Coyote. The Democrats are overplaying their hand. Democrats want instant results. DACA doesn't expire until March. Why pick this fight now? Why are we prioritizing illegal immigrants over American children, our military and first responders?

Not budging on this one. Democrats have seriously mixed up their priorities.
Instant results? When did Trump sign his EO canceling DACA?

Why did the Republicans wait this long to reauthorize CHIP?
First, there was no executive order, just a directive undertaken by the Department of Justice.

Trump ends DACA program, no new applications accepted

Second, it wasn't a matter of Republicans waiting, it was a matter of Democrats resisting. Just how much can you expect to get done as the prevailing party when you encounter such fervent resistance?

Republicans were willing to concede CHIP but now Democrats are taking that concession hostage along with DACA and the CR (continuing resolution).
You can’t keep kicking DACA down the roads. This isn’t the time for comprehensive immigration reform....the Dems and Republicans together put together a good deal. Do you forget that in your need to blame Dems? CHIP was not a concession. Both sides want it.
Build a wall end chain migration stop visa lottery and we’re good. That will end the illegal issue
I don't understand something.......

If Leftists love the illegal immigrant children so much.....why are they such advocates of abortions of American children? And why are they unwilling to help American children with all those billions spent on the children of people who clearly committed criminal acts to come here?

Seems hypocritical.
The price of the Wall is $20B....Trump's legendary bargaining skills will get it done for $16B......Miss Lindsie and Dickie Durban got the decimal in the wrong place and offered $1.6B so Trump S-bombed them and threw 'em out. :lol:
Public polling on blame for the shutdown

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31


Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34

You've seen to have left out that 18% blame both.

So in actuality half the people are blaming the Dems also.

It doesn't matter. The Donald has put the Dems in a corner.
They are gonna have to cave in if they want to save DACA.

Because his remarks right after the vote was taken were very clear
and specific.

We will reopen negotiations on Immigration immediately after our
Military and 1st Responders are receiving their paychecks.

So if they bring him a deal in the next 5 minutes that includes anything
on Immigration, he ain't gonna sign it.

Each day that this drags on DACA will lose support of the American people.

If this is not settled by the SOTU...His address to the Nation will be
Theater at its Finest. Especially, the empty seats. He'll do 10 minutes
on that.

I would suggest that Pelosi and Schumer go find somebody that tiles
floors for a living. They have those knee pads that those two are gonna
need when they are in the Oval Office, on their knees, begging him to give them some
wiggle room with their base.

You will need to step outside of your old lilly white bubble if you want to speak for America.
Whatever for?

IS White...

An Exit From Trumpocracy
The stability of American society depends on conservatives finding a way forward from the Trump dead end.

Only halfway through it, but this is really a brilliant read - thanks for sharing eddie!

As an aside: Trumplings should read it but they won't. Like their Cheeto Jesus, no intellectual curiosity and very short attention span.
COMPROMISE it’s a very simple word you should learn. Without that you’re a patsy
Both sides want it.

Then why are the Democrats holding the process up? If the Republicans wanted CHIP then there was no need for the Democrats to hold such a critical program up by making such unreasonable demands. House Republicans passed a 6 year extension to CHIP and yet still the Democrats rejected it. The Republicans pulled this in 2013 with Obamacare repeal and I despised them for it. Even in my objective state I cannot help but blame the democrats for this. If these two parties care about the children (legal or illegal), they'll get off their backsides and reach a deal.
how can they reach a deal when trump insists on a wall and dems insist they don't want one and as polled either do the majority of the people?
You don’t. It’s called COMPROMISE , learn the word it will help you understand

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