Trump Support Highest Among American Workers since FDR - 60%+

SHOCK POLL: Trump Blue Collar Support highest since FDR in 1930s –...

It may come as a surprise to many that Donald J Trump’s support from Blue Collar Americans (those involved in trades, manufacturing, industry, and labor) is the highest since any candidate since FDR in 1936 since Gallup began polling.

Trump has consistently shown his appeal to the blue collar sector of the economy, pulling ahead of even Clinton and Sanders in “rust belt” states like Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Pennslyvania.

These states have the highest share of “Blue Collar” voters in the nation, and many of them have not voted Republican in over 20 years.

Trump’s appeal to blue collar workers is in the 60% range, higher than any candidate since Franklin Roosevelt won a massive landslide in 1936 on the support of the Blue Collar voter.

Trump is pulling high among 'Republican leaning' voters but less among 'Reliable Republican voters' who voted in the previous Presidential election's primary in their state.

These polls are all screwed up--in fact it's a world wide problem. No one picks up on unknown callers any more.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

So I imagine they polled Trumps Casino & golf course workers--LOL

But if Donald Trump is the nominee, Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. Trump & his supporters have chased off 17% of the voting population, Hispanics. G.W. Bush won 44% of this group to get election, Romney lost with only 27% of this group. Trump is polling at a negative 75%.

GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
SHOCK POLL: Trump Blue Collar Support highest since FDR in 1930s –...

It may come as a surprise to many that Donald J Trump’s support from Blue Collar Americans (those involved in trades, manufacturing, industry, and labor) is the highest since any candidate since FDR in 1936 since Gallup began polling.

Trump has consistently shown his appeal to the blue collar sector of the economy, pulling ahead of even Clinton and Sanders in “rust belt” states like Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Pennslyvania.

These states have the highest share of “Blue Collar” voters in the nation, and many of them have not voted Republican in over 20 years.

Trump’s appeal to blue collar workers is in the 60% range, higher than any candidate since Franklin Roosevelt won a massive landslide in 1936 on the support of the Blue Collar voter.

Trump is pulling high among 'Republican leaning' voters but less among 'Reliable Republican voters' who voted in the previous Presidential election's primary in their state.

These polls are all screwed up--in fact it's a world wide problem. No one picks up on unknown callers any more.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

So I imagine they polled Trumps Casino & golf course workers--LOL

But if Donald Trump is the nominee, Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. Trump & his supporters have chased off 17% of the voting population, Hispanics. G.W. Bush won 44% of this group to get election, Romney lost with only 27% of this group. Trump is polling at a negative 75%.

GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Actually there was no poll. It was a blog page purporting to cite a poll that it never linked or gave a name of, or any details.

The Echosphere burps again.
Wow. Still playing stupid.

I'm pretty sure you're not playing, since you can't name even one single so called policy that Trump has publicly detailed during his faux campaign.
seal the border
increase funding for VA medical
Repatriation holiday.
It's been spelled out to you multiple times.

You want detail specifics click here --> Donald Trump on the Issues
The link provides a nearly interesting collection of superficial one liners......more evidence that Trump doesn't know what he stands for or why.
It shows his policies the same as Hillary's web site shows hers. You are a hypocrite expecting more from those who disagree with you than you get from those you agree with.
His website looks very nice. Now I'd like to see Trump himself elaborate on some of these so called positions and policies. I'd like to see if he can.
Read his book.

Who the fuck are you to demand special access to him. Read the damn book written by trump.

Liberals cant do anything for themselves.
Actually there was no poll. It was a blog page purporting to cite a poll that it never linked or gave a name of, or any details.

The Echosphere burps again.

Poor widdl Pogo, all stupid, drooling and caught on the wrong side of HIStory.

Eat shit, dude, lol.
I'm pretty sure you're not playing, since you can't name even one single so called policy that Trump has publicly detailed during his faux campaign.
seal the border
increase funding for VA medical
Repatriation holiday.
It's been spelled out to you multiple times.

You want detail specifics click here --> Donald Trump on the Issues
The link provides a nearly interesting collection of superficial one liners......more evidence that Trump doesn't know what he stands for or why.
It shows his policies the same as Hillary's web site shows hers. You are a hypocrite expecting more from those who disagree with you than you get from those you agree with.
His website looks very nice. Now I'd like to see Trump himself elaborate on some of these so called positions and policies. I'd like to see if he can.
Read his book.

Who the fuck are you to demand special access to him. Read the damn book written by trump.

Liberals cant do anything for themselves.
His book? I wonder who wrote it for him? Did the author tell Trump what Trump stands for?
Actually there was no poll. It was a blog page purporting to cite a poll that it never linked or gave a name of, or any details.

The Echosphere burps again.

Poor widdl Pogo, all stupid, drooling and caught on the wrong side of HIStory.

Eat shit, dude, lol.

These lefties are not only idiots, but ideologues Jim. They should ask themselves...............if someone is NOT brainwashed and is a blue collar worker, who do you think they would likely support..........someone who is talking about raising wages by getting rid of low wage competition, or conversely; someone who wants to keep low wage competition and import more?

DUH, hello! What is wrong with these people anyway? Why do these people think that MILLIONS of Democrats came out and voted for Ronald Reagan twice? Was it because he was good looking?!?!?!?!

Good Presidents are NOT tied to just one party, just as BAD Presidents are not either. If anyone reading that last sentence thinks it is wrong, than you are ideologically BRAINWASHED! To just dismiss the other side because they have a D or R in front of their names is idiocy. Thinking people know this, so listening to Trump tell them that he is going to help them..........and he is spending his own money to deliver the message, is very powerful indeed.

And in all honesty.....again.....the left tells us Trump is NOT a conservative, he is at least slightly liberal. And so, you would think the left would LIKE him nominated as a decent alternative, but no, they want to dismantle him, lol. In other words, they would RATHER have a MORE conservative person run against Hillary than Trump, and if Hillary loses, end up under conservative rule.

Does anyone think that lefty logic is totally illogical? Their ends, so far in the Presidential race, has not justified the means. I believe they must be coming unglued-)
Actually there was no poll. It was a blog page purporting to cite a poll that it never linked or gave a name of, or any details.

The Echosphere burps again.

Poor widdl Pogo, all stupid, drooling and caught on the wrong side of HIStory.

Eat shit, dude, lol.

These lefties are not only idiots, but ideologues Jim. They should ask themselves...............if someone is NOT brainwashed and is a blue collar worker, who do you think they would likely support..........someone who is talking about raising wages by getting rid of low wage competition, or conversely; someone who wants to keep low wage competition and import more?

DUH, hello! What is wrong with these people anyway? Why do these people think that MILLIONS of Democrats came out and voted for Ronald Reagan twice? Was it because he was good looking?!?!?!?!

Good Presidents are NOT tied to just one party, just as BAD Presidents are not either. If anyone reading that last sentence thinks it is wrong, than you are ideologically BRAINWASHED! To just dismiss the other side because they have a D or R in front of their names is idiocy. Thinking people know this, so listening to Trump tell them that he is going to help them..........and he is spending his own money to deliver the message, is very powerful indeed.

And in all honesty.....again.....the left tells us Trump is NOT a conservative, he is at least slightly liberal. And so, you would think the left would LIKE him nominated as a decent alternative, but no, they want to dismantle him, lol. In other words, they would RATHER have a MORE conservative person run against Hillary than Trump, and if Hillary loses, end up under conservative rule.

Does anyone think that lefty logic is totally illogical? Their ends, so far in the Presidential race, has not justified the means. I believe they must be coming unglued-)
You seem to have forgotten to add a couple of things to your equation: Reagan had brains and character while Trump is a dim witted sleazy salesman.
Actually there was no poll. It was a blog page purporting to cite a poll that it never linked or gave a name of, or any details.

The Echosphere burps again.

Poor widdl Pogo, all stupid, drooling and caught on the wrong side of HIStory.

Eat shit, dude, lol.

These lefties are not only idiots, but ideologues Jim. They should ask themselves...............if someone is NOT brainwashed and is a blue collar worker, who do you think they would likely support..........someone who is talking about raising wages by getting rid of low wage competition, or conversely; someone who wants to keep low wage competition and import more?

DUH, hello! What is wrong with these people anyway? Why do these people think that MILLIONS of Democrats came out and voted for Ronald Reagan twice? Was it because he was good looking?!?!?!?!

Good Presidents are NOT tied to just one party, just as BAD Presidents are not either. If anyone reading that last sentence thinks it is wrong, than you are ideologically BRAINWASHED! To just dismiss the other side because they have a D or R in front of their names is idiocy. Thinking people know this, so listening to Trump tell them that he is going to help them..........and he is spending his own money to deliver the message, is very powerful indeed.

And in all honesty.....again.....the left tells us Trump is NOT a conservative, he is at least slightly liberal. And so, you would think the left would LIKE him nominated as a decent alternative, but no, they want to dismantle him, lol. In other words, they would RATHER have a MORE conservative person run against Hillary than Trump, and if Hillary loses, end up under conservative rule.

Does anyone think that lefty logic is totally illogical? Their ends, so far in the Presidential race, has not justified the means. I believe they must be coming unglued-)
You seem to have forgotten to add a couple of things to your equation: Reagan had brains and character while Trump is a dim witted sleazy salesman.

Since you did respond nicely; which is a surprise, I will answer nicely also.

If you are going to define Trump from your side, or overall what you see as Americans view of him, do not forget to define the people on the Democratic side he would run against. Because let us remember, when talking about these particular voters that are usually on the Democratic side of the ledger, they would be looking at their alternatives; meaning Democratic candidates, and not so much GOP ones.

We both know that different causes in politics are drawn to different candidates. What is different about this conversation is is a GOP candidate against Democratic candidates, in primary voting and support. This is something that needs to be examined, because the LOSS of these voters from the Democratic side, or the ADDITION of these voters to the GOP side, is highly significant; and can ANOTHER/DIFFERENT GOP candidate harness these voters if Trump should drop?

As political junkies, regardless of party affiliation, we should find this absolutely fascinating!!!!
seal the border
increase funding for VA medical
Repatriation holiday.
It's been spelled out to you multiple times.

You want detail specifics click here --> Donald Trump on the Issues
The link provides a nearly interesting collection of superficial one liners......more evidence that Trump doesn't know what he stands for or why.
It shows his policies the same as Hillary's web site shows hers. You are a hypocrite expecting more from those who disagree with you than you get from those you agree with.
His website looks very nice. Now I'd like to see Trump himself elaborate on some of these so called positions and policies. I'd like to see if he can.
Read his book.

Who the fuck are you to demand special access to him. Read the damn book written by trump.

Liberals cant do anything for themselves.
His book? I wonder who wrote it for him? Did the author tell Trump what Trump stands for?
The same ones who grew his 1 million loan into a 20 billion empire.
What have you done lately?
Since you did respond nicely; which is a surprise, I will answer nicely also.

If you are going to define Trump from your side, or overall what you see as Americans view of him, do not forget to define the people on the Democratic side he would run against. Because let us remember, when talking about these particular voters that are usually on the Democratic side of the ledger, they would be looking at their alternatives; meaning Democratic candidates, and not so much GOP ones.

We both know that different causes in politics are drawn to different candidates. What is different about this conversation is is a GOP candidate against Democratic candidates, in primary voting and support. This is something that needs to be examined, because the LOSS of these voters from the Democratic side, or the ADDITION of these voters to the GOP side, is highly significant; and can ANOTHER/DIFFERENT GOP candidate harness these voters if Trump should drop?

As political junkies, regardless of party affiliation, we should find this absolutely fascinating!!!!

These morons truly think that Trump is some kind of idiot and it is the epitome of their mindset.

Here is a man, Trump, who is an extremely successful real estate businessman in one of the toughest real estate markets in the world; New York. And this man not only swam with the sharks, he excelled. Trump is also a successful entertainer and TV personality, which takes a completely different set of talents and skills.

But to libtards, none of that matters one little bit. Since Trump is opposed to their ideology, he must either be an idiot, an evil person or a fool. Well the fool thing doesnt really work on this guy at all and the left doesnt like going with the evil gambit much any more as they dont really believe in good and evil any more, so they have to go with 'idiot' as it is all that is left to them.

Now have any of them ever done anything more successful than Trump has? Have they ever bested him at his own game? No, they sit behind their keyboards in Mommy's basement and type their bullshit by rote.

You can take a look at their criticisms of Romney, Trump, McCain, Bush the Elder and Younger, and Reagan and Nixon going back as far as Eisenhower and they all use the same insults and the same criticisms on each and every one of them. Even Dr Ben Carson, one of the top neurosurgeons in the world is an idiot to them, and to justify that some of them condemn all of neuropathic surgery to being an idiots field for surgery in order to justify their attacks on Carson. But their idiot fool of a President, Obamy, to them is a genius despite his mishandling of the economy, his annihilation of our military, our loss of respect globally and his complete fiasco of a federally controlled health care system that did not work from the first day it rolled out, nah, he is a genius simply because he agrees with them ideologically.

It is very plain to any real thinking person who the idiots really are here.

Last edited:
Since you did respond nicely; which is a surprise, I will answer nicely also.

If you are going to define Trump from your side, or overall what you see as Americans view of him, do not forget to define the people on the Democratic side he would run against. Because let us remember, when talking about these particular voters that are usually on the Democratic side of the ledger, they would be looking at their alternatives; meaning Democratic candidates, and not so much GOP ones.

We both know that different causes in politics are drawn to different candidates. What is different about this conversation is is a GOP candidate against Democratic candidates, in primary voting and support. This is something that needs to be examined, because the LOSS of these voters from the Democratic side, or the ADDITION of these voters to the GOP side, is highly significant; and can ANOTHER/DIFFERENT GOP candidate harness these voters if Trump should drop?

As political junkies, regardless of party affiliation, we should find this absolutely fascinating!!!!

These morons truly think that Trump is some kind of idiot and it is the epitome of their mindset.

Here is a man, Trump, who is an extremely successful real estate businessman in one of the toughest real estate markets in the world; New York. And this man not only swam with the sharks, he excelled. Trump is also a successful entertainer and TV personality, which takes a completely different set of talents and skills.

But to libtards, none of that matters one little bit. Since Trump is opposed to their ideology, he must either be an idiot, an evil person or a fool. Well the fool thing doesnt really work on this guy at all and the left doesnt like going with the evil gambit much any more as they dont really believe in good and evil any more, so they have to go with 'idiot' as it is all that is left to them.

Now have any of them ever done anything more successful than Trump has? Have they ever bested him at his own game? No, they sit behind their keyboards in Mommy's basement and type their bullshit by rote.

You can take a look at their criticisms of Romney, Trump, McCain, Bush the Elder and Younger, and Reagan and Nixon going back as far as Eisenhower and they all use the same insults and the same criticisms on each and every one of them. Even Dr Ben Carson, one of the top neurosurgeons in the world is an idiot to them, and to justify that some of them condemn all of neuropathic surgery to being an idiots field for surgery in order to justify their attacks on Carson. But their idiot fool of a President, Obamy, to them is a genius despite his mishandling of the economy, his annihilation of our military, our loss of respect globally and his complete fiasco of a federally controlled health care system that did not work from the first day it rolled out, nah, he is a genius simply because he agrees with them ideologically.

It is very plain to any real thinking person who the idiots really are here.


The Republicans have the election in the bag: Obama Weakness Gives GOP 2016 Momentum

Turn out the lights, the Democrat Party's over.

Both of you are spot on, but Human, that article will be claimed by the left to be passé even though it still applies today!

I am of the strong opinion that the GOP has this election virtually locked if they so want it to be. I seriously doubt that the left is going to change its arrogant stripes, thus its policies in time to save themselves.

I am also convinced that the GOP will only put their resources behind a nominee they want. Why? Because they know if someone they do NOT want wins the GOP nomination, they would lose more power under them then a President Hillary, Clinton.

What we (Whosure, Human, and Jim Bowie) need is the information of what it is going to take to win the GOP nomination out right, and exactly how it works. The establishment is going to want a brokered convention, so they can slip an establishment candidate in there, even if that candidate trails the leader (s) by a huge amount. I believe, this is how they will slip Rubio past Trump, Carson, and Cruz.

We must learn the method (s) to stop this, and insure that we educate conservatives on how to prevent it.

We must realize this-------> Marco talks a real good game, but when it came to the gang of 8 bill, he threw in with SHumer to stop any changes. The whole gang voted in lockstep. In other words, he voted AGAINST his conservative roots, his conservative lobby in congress, and his conservative ideals to cut a deal to get illegals something, which is nothing more than AMNESTY!

No, we can't trust Marco either I am sorry to say.

What we have is Trump, Carson, and Cruz if we actually want to break Washington DCs outlandish hold on power across this country; power they should not have. We need find out how to prevent a brokered convention, and the most likely of the 3 who can win it out right, and go there ASAP. If we do not, we are going to end up with Rubio, and while I believe he would win, it would be salvation for Washington, and that is NOT why the top GOP contenders are doing so well. They are doing well because the citizens believe they say what they mean, and mean what they say. If we want to change where the power is, we had better start phase 2; because while phase 1 went well, phase 2 gets the right person/people in there to bring about the return to the constitution we all demand.
The link provides a nearly interesting collection of superficial one liners......more evidence that Trump doesn't know what he stands for or why.
It shows his policies the same as Hillary's web site shows hers. You are a hypocrite expecting more from those who disagree with you than you get from those you agree with.
His website looks very nice. Now I'd like to see Trump himself elaborate on some of these so called positions and policies. I'd like to see if he can.
Read his book.

Who the fuck are you to demand special access to him. Read the damn book written by trump.

Liberals cant do anything for themselves.
His book? I wonder who wrote it for him? Did the author tell Trump what Trump stands for?
The same ones who grew his 1 million loan into a 20 billion empire.
What have you done lately?
Wrong again.
Since you did respond nicely; which is a surprise, I will answer nicely also.

If you are going to define Trump from your side, or overall what you see as Americans view of him, do not forget to define the people on the Democratic side he would run against. Because let us remember, when talking about these particular voters that are usually on the Democratic side of the ledger, they would be looking at their alternatives; meaning Democratic candidates, and not so much GOP ones.

We both know that different causes in politics are drawn to different candidates. What is different about this conversation is is a GOP candidate against Democratic candidates, in primary voting and support. This is something that needs to be examined, because the LOSS of these voters from the Democratic side, or the ADDITION of these voters to the GOP side, is highly significant; and can ANOTHER/DIFFERENT GOP candidate harness these voters if Trump should drop?

As political junkies, regardless of party affiliation, we should find this absolutely fascinating!!!!

These morons truly think that Trump is some kind of idiot and it is the epitome of their mindset.

Here is a man, Trump, who is an extremely successful real estate businessman in one of the toughest real estate markets in the world; New York. And this man not only swam with the sharks, he excelled. Trump is also a successful entertainer and TV personality, which takes a completely different set of talents and skills.

But to libtards, none of that matters one little bit. Since Trump is opposed to their ideology, he must either be an idiot, an evil person or a fool. Well the fool thing doesnt really work on this guy at all and the left doesnt like going with the evil gambit much any more as they dont really believe in good and evil any more, so they have to go with 'idiot' as it is all that is left to them.

Now have any of them ever done anything more successful than Trump has? Have they ever bested him at his own game? No, they sit behind their keyboards in Mommy's basement and type their bullshit by rote.

You can take a look at their criticisms of Romney, Trump, McCain, Bush the Elder and Younger, and Reagan and Nixon going back as far as Eisenhower and they all use the same insults and the same criticisms on each and every one of them. Even Dr Ben Carson, one of the top neurosurgeons in the world is an idiot to them, and to justify that some of them condemn all of neuropathic surgery to being an idiots field for surgery in order to justify their attacks on Carson. But their idiot fool of a President, Obamy, to them is a genius despite his mishandling of the economy, his annihilation of our military, our loss of respect globally and his complete fiasco of a federally controlled health care system that did not work from the first day it rolled out, nah, he is a genius simply because he agrees with them ideologically.

It is very plain to any real thinking person who the idiots really are here.


The Republicans have the election in the bag: Obama Weakness Gives GOP 2016 Momentum

Turn out the lights, the Democrat Party's over.

Both of you are spot on, but Human, that article will be claimed by the left to be passé even though it still applies today!

I am of the strong opinion that the GOP has this election virtually locked if they so want it to be. I seriously doubt that the left is going to change its arrogant stripes, thus its policies in time to save themselves.

I am also convinced that the GOP will only put their resources behind a nominee they want. Why? Because they know if someone they do NOT want wins the GOP nomination, they would lose more power under them then a President Hillary, Clinton.

What we (Whosure, Human, and Jim Bowie) need is the information of what it is going to take to win the GOP nomination out right, and exactly how it works. The establishment is going to want a brokered convention, so they can slip an establishment candidate in there, even if that candidate trails the leader (s) by a huge amount. I believe, this is how they will slip Rubio past Trump, Carson, and Cruz.

We must learn the method (s) to stop this, and insure that we educate conservatives on how to prevent it.

We must realize this-------> Marco talks a real good game, but when it came to the gang of 8 bill, he threw in with SHumer to stop any changes. The whole gang voted in lockstep. In other words, he voted AGAINST his conservative roots, his conservative lobby in congress, and his conservative ideals to cut a deal to get illegals something, which is nothing more than AMNESTY!

No, we can't trust Marco either I am sorry to say.

What we have is Trump, Carson, and Cruz if we actually want to break Washington DCs outlandish hold on power across this country; power they should not have. We need find out how to prevent a brokered convention, and the most likely of the 3 who can win it out right, and go there ASAP. If we do not, we are going to end up with Rubio, and while I believe he would win, it would be salvation for Washington, and that is NOT why the top GOP contenders are doing so well. They are doing well because the citizens believe they say what they mean, and mean what they say. If we want to change where the power is, we had better start phase 2; because while phase 1 went well, phase 2 gets the right person/people in there to bring about the return to the constitution we all demand.

The problem is with the GOP Establishment who has a tacit agreement with the Democrats ever since Perot scared the hell out of both parties, to not form an existential threat to the Democratic Party. What this means is that both parties will never attempt to defeat the other to such a degree that the other party risks losing the perks that come with finishing among the top two parties in the US Presidential election. They also will not take the Democrats to court on election fraud, nor will the GOP give the Democrats such a defeat that they could pass any legislation without the Democrats getting a say in the process, which would mean that the Democrats have to retain at least a filibuster proof minority in the Senate.

Neither party really wants to defeat the Democrats, they just want to play fight each other to keep voters from going to a third party that might make effective change and thus upend their little apple carts.
As I have said before I hope to hell that fat blowhard Orangutan wins his Garbage party's nomination, Clinton will kick his ass in the election..

What are you Trump fanboys, nuthuggers gonna do if the party establishment, finds a way to screw Trump and give the delegates to a mainstream guy like Bush or Rubio. LOL..

That paper he signed to NOT run as a 3rd party candidate doesn't amount to a can of beans..
As I have said before I hope to hell that fat blowhard Orangutan wins his Garbage party's nomination, Clinton will kick his ass in the election..

What are you Trump fanboys, nuthuggers gonna do if the party establishment, finds a way to screw Trump and give the delegates to a mainstream guy like Bush or Rubio. LOL..

That paper he signed to NOT run as a 3rd party candidate doesn't amount to a can of beans..

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