Trump Support Highest Among American Workers since FDR - 60%+

Being a US senator and a US Sec State seems to be relevant qualifications, but maybe that's just me.

I dont think that holding down a desk chair with you ass qualifies as an achievement. What did she accomplish while Secretary of State or as Senator that would be an achievement worthy of being considered for President? Making Putin bust out in gales of laughter over poor translations?

To make sure I understand, you think she is very likely to win the nomnination then and your earlier comment was sarcastic.
Yes, definitely sarcasm, bro.
Do some people here still think Trump has a shot at being the GOP nominee?

That's awesome.
Trump's not only going to be the Nominee, he's also going to be the next President. I will vote Trump regardless of what party he heads.

What probability do you estimate that Trump will be elected President in 2016 on the Republican ticket?

ZERO....Didn't you noticed these Trumpo believers have in common here? They used the same common street corners attitude thugs and potty mouth. Like.... you stupid, fuck you, asshole, shit, dumb. These are the kind of people that follow and will vote for Trumpo. What's the percentage of these people? Very low. Meaning zero probability that Trumpo will win the election 2016. That's sad.
ZERO....Didn't you noticed these Trumpo believers have in common here? They used the same common street corners attitude thugs and potty mouth. Like.... you stupid, fuck you, asshole, shit, dumb. These are the kind of people that follow and will vote for Trumpo. What's the percentage of these people? Very low. Meaning zero probability that Trumpo will win the election 2016. That's sad.

That is probably the most stupid post I have read on the internet for this whole month.

Congratulations, idiot.
ZERO....Didn't you noticed these Trumpo believers have in common here? They used the same common street corners attitude thugs and potty mouth. Like.... you stupid, fuck you, asshole, shit, dumb. These are the kind of people that follow and will vote for Trumpo. What's the percentage of these people? Very low. Meaning zero probability that Trumpo will win the election 2016. That's sad.

That is probably the most stupid post I have read on the internet for this whole month.

Congratulations, idiot.

EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Every single post these are your regular vocabulary and will not be a surprised if you use it every single time you talk to ALL people you know in your life. Wonder if this board has any rules about violence attitude.
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?

And the fact that you are completely ignorant of the policies of a politician that you hate reveal what a dishonest brain dead knee jerk partisan hack you are.

Or more likely --- it reveals that there aren't any. Defying the Constitution and spouting a lot of empty emotive fluff does not constitute "policies". Unless you count the mining of the unwashed not-listening as a "policy".

And if I had spent several pages attacking the new Studebakers, and you asked me what feature I didn't like the most, I would be able to tell you, and if I couldn't that I would realize that I was full of shit and that I should stop that.

Exactly. Because, again, new Studebakers do not exist.

I note you have not done the OBVIOUS debating step of counter challenging me as to which policies of his I consider the smartest.

That wouldn't be fair. We'd be back to the Studebakers.

That is because you don't question your Authority Figures. They tell you and show you the clips they want you to base your world view on and you do. Blindly.

Moi?? :rofl: Obviously you've never read my postings. Have we already forgotten the high school student flipped like a tiddlywink? That was you slobbering the Authority knob and me ridiculing your doing that.

Doublethink lives.

1. Harsh language directed at people violating our laws and our sovereignty is imo, not a reason to dislike someone. That you do, is an actual reason, such as it is, finally, but you still haven't been able to articulate any of his policies that you don't like.

2. The policies are there. THey have been spoon fed to you . That you still play dumb is just proof of what a dishonest ass you are.

3. Cops aren't your Authority Figure moron. They are your enemy. It is not impressive that you "question" them. You moron. You ever question the pap the MSM feeds you?

1. "Harsh language" is irrelevant. One screens that out. What's relevant is, in the case of "rapists", the fatally fallacious logic, in this case blanket generalization, which tells me he's an unabashed panderer. Panderers insult my intelligence, and they should be insulting yours too. And in the case of "closing mosques" a blatant disregard for the Constitution, which is literally the first thing a POTUS has to swear to preserve, protect and defend at literally the moment he or she takes office. That Rump expresses this degree of contempt for the framework this country is built on is enough, all by itself, to disqualify him from consideration. That simple enough?

None of that involves "dislike"; that element comes in with the attention-whoring and irrepressible self-inflation. I have zero respect for that. Actually less than zero. Far into negative numbers. Insofar as it's relevant to a candidate it reveals a man with as he would say "lots of problems", not the least of which is a hopeless insecurity and self-centredness that does not bode well for any leader of anything.

2. Pointless. Rump can do something new and start articulating some policies, rather than shovel after shovel of pandering bullshit, but it's too late for that because see number 1.

3. As noted -- doublethink lives. Cops are supposed to be The Law, and obviously I question how they administer it a lot. The MSM is not an "authority figure" by any definition at all. And I question that too -- it makes up most of what I do here whenever somebody posts an absurd link expecting readers to be as gullible as the OP was. My record on that is also a mile long.
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?
Then why are you a Hillary supporter?

I'm not. Where'd you read that? :link:
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?
Then why are you a Hillary supporter?

I'm not. Where'd you read that? :link:
If you refuse to vote for Trump, Hillary will have an easier time of getting elected because it's going to be Trump vs Hillary. So unless you want Hillary to win it is time to stop bad mouthing Trump.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?
Then why are you a Hillary supporter?

I'm not. Where'd you read that? :link:
If you refuse to vote for Trump, Hillary will have an easier time of getting elected because it's going to be Trump vs Hillary. So unless you want Hillary to win it is time to stop bad mouthing Trump.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.

Horse Shit. Rump won't even be nominated. He'll self-immolate long before that step comes.
Furthermore polls at this point mean jack squat. This isn't even an election year.

Now don't put words in my mouth again.
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?
Then why are you a Hillary supporter?

I'm not. Where'd you read that? :link:
If you refuse to vote for Trump, Hillary will have an easier time of getting elected because it's going to be Trump vs Hillary. So unless you want Hillary to win it is time to stop bad mouthing Trump.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.

I'm curious, if I offered to make you a bet for $20 on whether the election will be Trump v. Hillary, would you take it?
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?

And the fact that you are completely ignorant of the policies of a politician that you hate reveal what a dishonest brain dead knee jerk partisan hack you are.

Or more likely --- it reveals that there aren't any. Defying the Constitution and spouting a lot of empty emotive fluff does not constitute "policies". Unless you count the mining of the unwashed not-listening as a "policy".

And if I had spent several pages attacking the new Studebakers, and you asked me what feature I didn't like the most, I would be able to tell you, and if I couldn't that I would realize that I was full of shit and that I should stop that.

Exactly. Because, again, new Studebakers do not exist.

I note you have not done the OBVIOUS debating step of counter challenging me as to which policies of his I consider the smartest.

That wouldn't be fair. We'd be back to the Studebakers.

That is because you don't question your Authority Figures. They tell you and show you the clips they want you to base your world view on and you do. Blindly.

Moi?? :rofl: Obviously you've never read my postings. Have we already forgotten the high school student flipped like a tiddlywink? That was you slobbering the Authority knob and me ridiculing your doing that.

Doublethink lives.

1. Harsh language directed at people violating our laws and our sovereignty is imo, not a reason to dislike someone. That you do, is an actual reason, such as it is, finally, but you still haven't been able to articulate any of his policies that you don't like.

2. The policies are there. THey have been spoon fed to you . That you still play dumb is just proof of what a dishonest ass you are.

3. Cops aren't your Authority Figure moron. They are your enemy. It is not impressive that you "question" them. You moron. You ever question the pap the MSM feeds you?

1. "Harsh language" is irrelevant. One screens that out. What's relevant is, in the case of "rapists", the fatally fallacious logic, in this case blanket generalization, which tells me he's an unabashed panderer. Panderers insult my intelligence, and they should be insulting yours too. And in the case of "closing mosques" a blatant disregard for the Constitution, which is literally the first thing a POTUS has to swear to preserve, protect and defend at literally the moment he or she takes office. That Rump expresses this degree of contempt for the framework this country is built on is enough, all by itself, to disqualify him from consideration. That simple enough?

None of that involves "dislike"; that element comes in with the attention-whoring and irrepressible self-inflation. I have zero respect for that. Actually less than zero. Far into negative numbers. Insofar as it's relevant to a candidate it reveals a man with as he would say "lots of problems", not the least of which is a hopeless insecurity and self-centredness that does not bode well for any leader of anything.

2. Pointless. Rump can do something new and start articulating some policies, rather than shovel after shovel of pandering bullshit, but it's too late for that because see number 1.

3. As noted -- doublethink lives. Cops are supposed to be The Law, and obviously I question how they administer it a lot. The MSM is not an "authority figure" by any definition at all. And I question that too -- it makes up most of what I do here whenever somebody posts an absurd link expecting readers to be as gullible as the OP was. My record on that is also a mile long.

1. It's simple. It's just not convincing considering the blanket generalizations and complete disrespect for the Constitution from the Left with nary a whimper from ANY lefties, from slaming Christians, Working Class White, SOutherns, ect, OR Gun Control, Affirmative Action, Eminent Domain, Restrictions on Speech, Mandatory Voluntarism, ect.

2. Trumps policies are new and fresh. Shockingly so. He is challenging long standing Consensus on serious issues and making no bones about it. Why are you afraid to admit that?

3. Not for liberals they aren't. A liberal questioning a cop is about as much of questioning Authority as a conservative questioning what a well known pot head has to say about legalizing marijuana. Your Authority figures are different than mine.

And you managed to question them when they told you something that you didn't want to believe it true?

When you really need to question them is when they tell you what you want to hear. Like the idea that Trump has no policies.
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?

And the fact that you are completely ignorant of the policies of a politician that you hate reveal what a dishonest brain dead knee jerk partisan hack you are.

Or more likely --- it reveals that there aren't any. Defying the Constitution and spouting a lot of empty emotive fluff does not constitute "policies". Unless you count the mining of the unwashed not-listening as a "policy".

And if I had spent several pages attacking the new Studebakers, and you asked me what feature I didn't like the most, I would be able to tell you, and if I couldn't that I would realize that I was full of shit and that I should stop that.

Exactly. Because, again, new Studebakers do not exist.

I note you have not done the OBVIOUS debating step of counter challenging me as to which policies of his I consider the smartest.

That wouldn't be fair. We'd be back to the Studebakers.

That is because you don't question your Authority Figures. They tell you and show you the clips they want you to base your world view on and you do. Blindly.

Moi?? :rofl: Obviously you've never read my postings. Have we already forgotten the high school student flipped like a tiddlywink? That was you slobbering the Authority knob and me ridiculing your doing that.

Doublethink lives.

1. Harsh language directed at people violating our laws and our sovereignty is imo, not a reason to dislike someone. That you do, is an actual reason, such as it is, finally, but you still haven't been able to articulate any of his policies that you don't like.

2. The policies are there. THey have been spoon fed to you . That you still play dumb is just proof of what a dishonest ass you are.

3. Cops aren't your Authority Figure moron. They are your enemy. It is not impressive that you "question" them. You moron. You ever question the pap the MSM feeds you?

1. "Harsh language" is irrelevant. One screens that out. What's relevant is, in the case of "rapists", the fatally fallacious logic, in this case blanket generalization, which tells me he's an unabashed panderer. Panderers insult my intelligence, and they should be insulting yours too. And in the case of "closing mosques" a blatant disregard for the Constitution, which is literally the first thing a POTUS has to swear to preserve, protect and defend at literally the moment he or she takes office. That Rump expresses this degree of contempt for the framework this country is built on is enough, all by itself, to disqualify him from consideration. That simple enough?

None of that involves "dislike"; that element comes in with the attention-whoring and irrepressible self-inflation. I have zero respect for that. Actually less than zero. Far into negative numbers. Insofar as it's relevant to a candidate it reveals a man with as he would say "lots of problems", not the least of which is a hopeless insecurity and self-centredness that does not bode well for any leader of anything.

2. Pointless. Rump can do something new and start articulating some policies, rather than shovel after shovel of pandering bullshit, but it's too late for that because see number 1.

3. As noted -- doublethink lives. Cops are supposed to be The Law, and obviously I question how they administer it a lot. The MSM is not an "authority figure" by any definition at all. And I question that too -- it makes up most of what I do here whenever somebody posts an absurd link expecting readers to be as gullible as the OP was. My record on that is also a mile long.

1. It's simple. It's just not convincing considering the blanket generalizations and complete disrespect for the Constitution from the Left with nary a whimper from ANY lefties, from slaming Christians, Working Class White, SOutherns, ect, OR Gun Control, Affirmative Action, Eminent Domain, Restrictions on Speech, Mandatory Voluntarism, ect.

2. Trumps policies are new and fresh. Shockingly so. He is challenging long standing Consensus on serious issues and making no bones about it. Why are you afraid to admit that?

3. Not for liberals they aren't. A liberal questioning a cop is about as much of questioning Authority as a conservative questioning what a well known pot head has to say about legalizing marijuana. Your Authority figures are different than mine.

And you managed to question them when they told you something that you didn't want to believe it true?

When you really need to question them is when they tell you what you want to hear. Like the idea that Trump has no policies.

1. "the Left"? You actually want to accuse a series of blanket generalizations --- by using a blanket generalization? Are you insane?

Plus, you've listed a litany of various and vague issues on which you have no clue what my various positions are. I'm not "the Left". I'm an individual. That concept seems to be over your head.

2. For the 87th time, I have yet to hear him articulate any. All I hear is empty emotive pandering. And I've said this literally EVERY TIME you've brought it up, yet here you are continuing to ignore that.

3. You're actually trying so hard to spin that you're ready to deny that police --- who are charged with enforcing civil law --- are not Authority figures.

That about says it all. Dishonest hack.
1. It's simple. It's just not convincing considering the blanket generalizations and complete disrespect for the Constitution from the Left with nary a whimper from ANY lefties, from slaming Christians, Working Class White, SOutherns, ect, OR Gun Control, Affirmative Action, Eminent Domain, Restrictions on Speech, Mandatory Voluntarism, ect.

2. Trumps policies are new and fresh. Shockingly so. He is challenging long standing Consensus on serious issues and making no bones about it. Why are you afraid to admit that?

3. Not for liberals they aren't. A liberal questioning a cop is about as much of questioning Authority as a conservative questioning what a well known pot head has to say about legalizing marijuana. Your Authority figures are different than mine.

And you managed to question them when they told you something that you didn't want to believe it true?

When you really need to question them is when they tell you what you want to hear. Like the idea that Trump has no policies.
Trumps ability to think fresh, outside the box of the Professional Political Class that is his biggest advantage, aside from also being financially independent of them too..
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?

And the fact that you are completely ignorant of the policies of a politician that you hate reveal what a dishonest brain dead knee jerk partisan hack you are.

Or more likely --- it reveals that there aren't any. Defying the Constitution and spouting a lot of empty emotive fluff does not constitute "policies". Unless you count the mining of the unwashed not-listening as a "policy".

And if I had spent several pages attacking the new Studebakers, and you asked me what feature I didn't like the most, I would be able to tell you, and if I couldn't that I would realize that I was full of shit and that I should stop that.

Exactly. Because, again, new Studebakers do not exist.

I note you have not done the OBVIOUS debating step of counter challenging me as to which policies of his I consider the smartest.

That wouldn't be fair. We'd be back to the Studebakers.

That is because you don't question your Authority Figures. They tell you and show you the clips they want you to base your world view on and you do. Blindly.

Moi?? :rofl: Obviously you've never read my postings. Have we already forgotten the high school student flipped like a tiddlywink? That was you slobbering the Authority knob and me ridiculing your doing that.

Doublethink lives.

1. Harsh language directed at people violating our laws and our sovereignty is imo, not a reason to dislike someone. That you do, is an actual reason, such as it is, finally, but you still haven't been able to articulate any of his policies that you don't like.

2. The policies are there. THey have been spoon fed to you . That you still play dumb is just proof of what a dishonest ass you are.

3. Cops aren't your Authority Figure moron. They are your enemy. It is not impressive that you "question" them. You moron. You ever question the pap the MSM feeds you?

1. "Harsh language" is irrelevant. One screens that out. What's relevant is, in the case of "rapists", the fatally fallacious logic, in this case blanket generalization, which tells me he's an unabashed panderer. Panderers insult my intelligence, and they should be insulting yours too. And in the case of "closing mosques" a blatant disregard for the Constitution, which is literally the first thing a POTUS has to swear to preserve, protect and defend at literally the moment he or she takes office. That Rump expresses this degree of contempt for the framework this country is built on is enough, all by itself, to disqualify him from consideration. That simple enough?

None of that involves "dislike"; that element comes in with the attention-whoring and irrepressible self-inflation. I have zero respect for that. Actually less than zero. Far into negative numbers. Insofar as it's relevant to a candidate it reveals a man with as he would say "lots of problems", not the least of which is a hopeless insecurity and self-centredness that does not bode well for any leader of anything.

2. Pointless. Rump can do something new and start articulating some policies, rather than shovel after shovel of pandering bullshit, but it's too late for that because see number 1.

3. As noted -- doublethink lives. Cops are supposed to be The Law, and obviously I question how they administer it a lot. The MSM is not an "authority figure" by any definition at all. And I question that too -- it makes up most of what I do here whenever somebody posts an absurd link expecting readers to be as gullible as the OP was. My record on that is also a mile long.

1. It's simple. It's just not convincing considering the blanket generalizations and complete disrespect for the Constitution from the Left with nary a whimper from ANY lefties, from slaming Christians, Working Class White, SOutherns, ect, OR Gun Control, Affirmative Action, Eminent Domain, Restrictions on Speech, Mandatory Voluntarism, ect.

2. Trumps policies are new and fresh. Shockingly so. He is challenging long standing Consensus on serious issues and making no bones about it. Why are you afraid to admit that?

3. Not for liberals they aren't. A liberal questioning a cop is about as much of questioning Authority as a conservative questioning what a well known pot head has to say about legalizing marijuana. Your Authority figures are different than mine.

And you managed to question them when they told you something that you didn't want to believe it true?

When you really need to question them is when they tell you what you want to hear. Like the idea that Trump has no policies.

1. "the Left"? You actually want to accuse a series of blanket generalizations --- by using a blanket generalization? Are you insane?

Plus, you've listed a litany of various and vague issues on which you have no clue what my various positions are. I'm not "the Left". I'm an individual. That concept seems to be over your head.

2. For the 87th time, I have yet to hear him articulate any. All I hear is empty emotive pandering. And I've said this literally EVERY TIME you've brought it up, yet here you are continuing to ignore that.

3. You're actually trying so hard to spin that you're ready to deny that police --- who are charged with enforcing civil law --- are not Authority figures.

That about says it all. Dishonest hack.

1. Yes. Generalizations is HOW you talk about groups. My point about the behavior of Leftists, generally speaking, is true. Have you spoken out against that generalizations I have pointed out coming from the Left? Or is it only bad when Trump does it? Because if you have NOT, then your complaining about Trump doing it is hypocrisy.

2. I'm not ignoring it. Your lack of knowledge and your actively ignoring information other posters have been screaming at you is something I have been discussing. I'm not sure how you can think that it is working for you at this late date.

3. Not to you lefties, they aren't. Yours is the MSM, Hollywood, the DNC... And you don't question them when they tell you what you want to hear.
1. It's simple. It's just not convincing considering the blanket generalizations and complete disrespect for the Constitution from the Left with nary a whimper from ANY lefties, from slaming Christians, Working Class White, SOutherns, ect, OR Gun Control, Affirmative Action, Eminent Domain, Restrictions on Speech, Mandatory Voluntarism, ect.

2. Trumps policies are new and fresh. Shockingly so. He is challenging long standing Consensus on serious issues and making no bones about it. Why are you afraid to admit that?

3. Not for liberals they aren't. A liberal questioning a cop is about as much of questioning Authority as a conservative questioning what a well known pot head has to say about legalizing marijuana. Your Authority figures are different than mine.

And you managed to question them when they told you something that you didn't want to believe it true?

When you really need to question them is when they tell you what you want to hear. Like the idea that Trump has no policies.
Trumps ability to think fresh, outside the box of the Professional Political Class that is his biggest advantage, aside from also being financially independent of them too..

Very much so. He ideas are challenging polices that have been the Consensus of BOTH sides of the Professional Political Class for my entire life.
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?

And the fact that you are completely ignorant of the policies of a politician that you hate reveal what a dishonest brain dead knee jerk partisan hack you are.

Or more likely --- it reveals that there aren't any. Defying the Constitution and spouting a lot of empty emotive fluff does not constitute "policies". Unless you count the mining of the unwashed not-listening as a "policy".

And if I had spent several pages attacking the new Studebakers, and you asked me what feature I didn't like the most, I would be able to tell you, and if I couldn't that I would realize that I was full of shit and that I should stop that.

Exactly. Because, again, new Studebakers do not exist.

I note you have not done the OBVIOUS debating step of counter challenging me as to which policies of his I consider the smartest.

That wouldn't be fair. We'd be back to the Studebakers.

That is because you don't question your Authority Figures. They tell you and show you the clips they want you to base your world view on and you do. Blindly.

Moi?? :rofl: Obviously you've never read my postings. Have we already forgotten the high school student flipped like a tiddlywink? That was you slobbering the Authority knob and me ridiculing your doing that.

Doublethink lives.

1. Harsh language directed at people violating our laws and our sovereignty is imo, not a reason to dislike someone. That you do, is an actual reason, such as it is, finally, but you still haven't been able to articulate any of his policies that you don't like.

2. The policies are there. THey have been spoon fed to you . That you still play dumb is just proof of what a dishonest ass you are.

3. Cops aren't your Authority Figure moron. They are your enemy. It is not impressive that you "question" them. You moron. You ever question the pap the MSM feeds you?

1. "Harsh language" is irrelevant. One screens that out. What's relevant is, in the case of "rapists", the fatally fallacious logic, in this case blanket generalization, which tells me he's an unabashed panderer. Panderers insult my intelligence, and they should be insulting yours too. And in the case of "closing mosques" a blatant disregard for the Constitution, which is literally the first thing a POTUS has to swear to preserve, protect and defend at literally the moment he or she takes office. That Rump expresses this degree of contempt for the framework this country is built on is enough, all by itself, to disqualify him from consideration. That simple enough?

None of that involves "dislike"; that element comes in with the attention-whoring and irrepressible self-inflation. I have zero respect for that. Actually less than zero. Far into negative numbers. Insofar as it's relevant to a candidate it reveals a man with as he would say "lots of problems", not the least of which is a hopeless insecurity and self-centredness that does not bode well for any leader of anything.

2. Pointless. Rump can do something new and start articulating some policies, rather than shovel after shovel of pandering bullshit, but it's too late for that because see number 1.

3. As noted -- doublethink lives. Cops are supposed to be The Law, and obviously I question how they administer it a lot. The MSM is not an "authority figure" by any definition at all. And I question that too -- it makes up most of what I do here whenever somebody posts an absurd link expecting readers to be as gullible as the OP was. My record on that is also a mile long.

1. It's simple. It's just not convincing considering the blanket generalizations and complete disrespect for the Constitution from the Left with nary a whimper from ANY lefties, from slaming Christians, Working Class White, SOutherns, ect, OR Gun Control, Affirmative Action, Eminent Domain, Restrictions on Speech, Mandatory Voluntarism, ect.

2. Trumps policies are new and fresh. Shockingly so. He is challenging long standing Consensus on serious issues and making no bones about it. Why are you afraid to admit that?

3. Not for liberals they aren't. A liberal questioning a cop is about as much of questioning Authority as a conservative questioning what a well known pot head has to say about legalizing marijuana. Your Authority figures are different than mine.

And you managed to question them when they told you something that you didn't want to believe it true?

When you really need to question them is when they tell you what you want to hear. Like the idea that Trump has no policies.
I guess it's hard for some people to tell the difference between elucidating policy and vague postering.
1. It's simple. It's just not convincing considering the blanket generalizations and complete disrespect for the Constitution from the Left with nary a whimper from ANY lefties, from slaming Christians, Working Class White, SOutherns, ect, OR Gun Control, Affirmative Action, Eminent Domain, Restrictions on Speech, Mandatory Voluntarism, ect.

2. Trumps policies are new and fresh. Shockingly so. He is challenging long standing Consensus on serious issues and making no bones about it. Why are you afraid to admit that?

3. Not for liberals they aren't. A liberal questioning a cop is about as much of questioning Authority as a conservative questioning what a well known pot head has to say about legalizing marijuana. Your Authority figures are different than mine.

And you managed to question them when they told you something that you didn't want to believe it true?

When you really need to question them is when they tell you what you want to hear. Like the idea that Trump has no policies.
Trumps ability to think fresh, outside the box of the Professional Political Class that is his biggest advantage, aside from also being financially independent of them too..

Very much so. He ideas are challenging polices that have been the Consensus of BOTH sides of the Professional Political Class for my entire life.
That must be why he invites Hilary to his private social gatherings.
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?

And the fact that you are completely ignorant of the policies of a politician that you hate reveal what a dishonest brain dead knee jerk partisan hack you are.

Or more likely --- it reveals that there aren't any. Defying the Constitution and spouting a lot of empty emotive fluff does not constitute "policies". Unless you count the mining of the unwashed not-listening as a "policy".

And if I had spent several pages attacking the new Studebakers, and you asked me what feature I didn't like the most, I would be able to tell you, and if I couldn't that I would realize that I was full of shit and that I should stop that.

Exactly. Because, again, new Studebakers do not exist.

I note you have not done the OBVIOUS debating step of counter challenging me as to which policies of his I consider the smartest.

That wouldn't be fair. We'd be back to the Studebakers.

That is because you don't question your Authority Figures. They tell you and show you the clips they want you to base your world view on and you do. Blindly.

Moi?? :rofl: Obviously you've never read my postings. Have we already forgotten the high school student flipped like a tiddlywink? That was you slobbering the Authority knob and me ridiculing your doing that.

Doublethink lives.

1. Harsh language directed at people violating our laws and our sovereignty is imo, not a reason to dislike someone. That you do, is an actual reason, such as it is, finally, but you still haven't been able to articulate any of his policies that you don't like.

2. The policies are there. THey have been spoon fed to you . That you still play dumb is just proof of what a dishonest ass you are.

3. Cops aren't your Authority Figure moron. They are your enemy. It is not impressive that you "question" them. You moron. You ever question the pap the MSM feeds you?

1. "Harsh language" is irrelevant. One screens that out. What's relevant is, in the case of "rapists", the fatally fallacious logic, in this case blanket generalization, which tells me he's an unabashed panderer. Panderers insult my intelligence, and they should be insulting yours too. And in the case of "closing mosques" a blatant disregard for the Constitution, which is literally the first thing a POTUS has to swear to preserve, protect and defend at literally the moment he or she takes office. That Rump expresses this degree of contempt for the framework this country is built on is enough, all by itself, to disqualify him from consideration. That simple enough?

None of that involves "dislike"; that element comes in with the attention-whoring and irrepressible self-inflation. I have zero respect for that. Actually less than zero. Far into negative numbers. Insofar as it's relevant to a candidate it reveals a man with as he would say "lots of problems", not the least of which is a hopeless insecurity and self-centredness that does not bode well for any leader of anything.

2. Pointless. Rump can do something new and start articulating some policies, rather than shovel after shovel of pandering bullshit, but it's too late for that because see number 1.

3. As noted -- doublethink lives. Cops are supposed to be The Law, and obviously I question how they administer it a lot. The MSM is not an "authority figure" by any definition at all. And I question that too -- it makes up most of what I do here whenever somebody posts an absurd link expecting readers to be as gullible as the OP was. My record on that is also a mile long.

1. It's simple. It's just not convincing considering the blanket generalizations and complete disrespect for the Constitution from the Left with nary a whimper from ANY lefties, from slaming Christians, Working Class White, SOutherns, ect, OR Gun Control, Affirmative Action, Eminent Domain, Restrictions on Speech, Mandatory Voluntarism, ect.

2. Trumps policies are new and fresh. Shockingly so. He is challenging long standing Consensus on serious issues and making no bones about it. Why are you afraid to admit that?

3. Not for liberals they aren't. A liberal questioning a cop is about as much of questioning Authority as a conservative questioning what a well known pot head has to say about legalizing marijuana. Your Authority figures are different than mine.

And you managed to question them when they told you something that you didn't want to believe it true?

When you really need to question them is when they tell you what you want to hear. Like the idea that Trump has no policies.
I guess it's hard for some people to tell the difference between elucidating policy and vague postering.

Wow. Still playing stupid.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?

Or more likely --- it reveals that there aren't any. Defying the Constitution and spouting a lot of empty emotive fluff does not constitute "policies". Unless you count the mining of the unwashed not-listening as a "policy".

Exactly. Because, again, new Studebakers do not exist.

That wouldn't be fair. We'd be back to the Studebakers.

Moi?? :rofl: Obviously you've never read my postings. Have we already forgotten the high school student flipped like a tiddlywink? That was you slobbering the Authority knob and me ridiculing your doing that.

Doublethink lives.

1. Harsh language directed at people violating our laws and our sovereignty is imo, not a reason to dislike someone. That you do, is an actual reason, such as it is, finally, but you still haven't been able to articulate any of his policies that you don't like.

2. The policies are there. THey have been spoon fed to you . That you still play dumb is just proof of what a dishonest ass you are.

3. Cops aren't your Authority Figure moron. They are your enemy. It is not impressive that you "question" them. You moron. You ever question the pap the MSM feeds you?

1. "Harsh language" is irrelevant. One screens that out. What's relevant is, in the case of "rapists", the fatally fallacious logic, in this case blanket generalization, which tells me he's an unabashed panderer. Panderers insult my intelligence, and they should be insulting yours too. And in the case of "closing mosques" a blatant disregard for the Constitution, which is literally the first thing a POTUS has to swear to preserve, protect and defend at literally the moment he or she takes office. That Rump expresses this degree of contempt for the framework this country is built on is enough, all by itself, to disqualify him from consideration. That simple enough?

None of that involves "dislike"; that element comes in with the attention-whoring and irrepressible self-inflation. I have zero respect for that. Actually less than zero. Far into negative numbers. Insofar as it's relevant to a candidate it reveals a man with as he would say "lots of problems", not the least of which is a hopeless insecurity and self-centredness that does not bode well for any leader of anything.

2. Pointless. Rump can do something new and start articulating some policies, rather than shovel after shovel of pandering bullshit, but it's too late for that because see number 1.

3. As noted -- doublethink lives. Cops are supposed to be The Law, and obviously I question how they administer it a lot. The MSM is not an "authority figure" by any definition at all. And I question that too -- it makes up most of what I do here whenever somebody posts an absurd link expecting readers to be as gullible as the OP was. My record on that is also a mile long.

1. It's simple. It's just not convincing considering the blanket generalizations and complete disrespect for the Constitution from the Left with nary a whimper from ANY lefties, from slaming Christians, Working Class White, SOutherns, ect, OR Gun Control, Affirmative Action, Eminent Domain, Restrictions on Speech, Mandatory Voluntarism, ect.

2. Trumps policies are new and fresh. Shockingly so. He is challenging long standing Consensus on serious issues and making no bones about it. Why are you afraid to admit that?

3. Not for liberals they aren't. A liberal questioning a cop is about as much of questioning Authority as a conservative questioning what a well known pot head has to say about legalizing marijuana. Your Authority figures are different than mine.

And you managed to question them when they told you something that you didn't want to believe it true?

When you really need to question them is when they tell you what you want to hear. Like the idea that Trump has no policies.
I guess it's hard for some people to tell the difference between elucidating policy and vague postering.

Wow. Still playing stupid.

I'm pretty sure you're not playing, since you can't name even one single so called policy that Trump has publicly detailed during his faux campaign.
1. Harsh language directed at people violating our laws and our sovereignty is imo, not a reason to dislike someone. That you do, is an actual reason, such as it is, finally, but you still haven't been able to articulate any of his policies that you don't like.

2. The policies are there. THey have been spoon fed to you . That you still play dumb is just proof of what a dishonest ass you are.

3. Cops aren't your Authority Figure moron. They are your enemy. It is not impressive that you "question" them. You moron. You ever question the pap the MSM feeds you?

1. "Harsh language" is irrelevant. One screens that out. What's relevant is, in the case of "rapists", the fatally fallacious logic, in this case blanket generalization, which tells me he's an unabashed panderer. Panderers insult my intelligence, and they should be insulting yours too. And in the case of "closing mosques" a blatant disregard for the Constitution, which is literally the first thing a POTUS has to swear to preserve, protect and defend at literally the moment he or she takes office. That Rump expresses this degree of contempt for the framework this country is built on is enough, all by itself, to disqualify him from consideration. That simple enough?

None of that involves "dislike"; that element comes in with the attention-whoring and irrepressible self-inflation. I have zero respect for that. Actually less than zero. Far into negative numbers. Insofar as it's relevant to a candidate it reveals a man with as he would say "lots of problems", not the least of which is a hopeless insecurity and self-centredness that does not bode well for any leader of anything.

2. Pointless. Rump can do something new and start articulating some policies, rather than shovel after shovel of pandering bullshit, but it's too late for that because see number 1.

3. As noted -- doublethink lives. Cops are supposed to be The Law, and obviously I question how they administer it a lot. The MSM is not an "authority figure" by any definition at all. And I question that too -- it makes up most of what I do here whenever somebody posts an absurd link expecting readers to be as gullible as the OP was. My record on that is also a mile long.

1. It's simple. It's just not convincing considering the blanket generalizations and complete disrespect for the Constitution from the Left with nary a whimper from ANY lefties, from slaming Christians, Working Class White, SOutherns, ect, OR Gun Control, Affirmative Action, Eminent Domain, Restrictions on Speech, Mandatory Voluntarism, ect.

2. Trumps policies are new and fresh. Shockingly so. He is challenging long standing Consensus on serious issues and making no bones about it. Why are you afraid to admit that?

3. Not for liberals they aren't. A liberal questioning a cop is about as much of questioning Authority as a conservative questioning what a well known pot head has to say about legalizing marijuana. Your Authority figures are different than mine.

And you managed to question them when they told you something that you didn't want to believe it true?

When you really need to question them is when they tell you what you want to hear. Like the idea that Trump has no policies.
I guess it's hard for some people to tell the difference between elucidating policy and vague postering.

Wow. Still playing stupid.

I'm pretty sure you're not playing, since you can't name even one single so called policy that Trump has publicly detailed during his faux campaign.

And now more dishonesty.

Why are you so determined to avoid anything of substance?

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