Trump Support Highest Among American Workers since FDR - 60%+

Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?
When you ask a question that matters I'll be sure to answer it.

I asked you about which of Trumps policies you were most against, to shed light on why you are so hysterically anti-Trump.

Asking about the policies of Presidential Candidates is completely reasonable.

Libs. All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

(no offense meant)
Who could possibly take offense at that from someone like you? After all, you're a Trump follower, so the standards of decorum are much lower than they are for people of normal intelligence.

Actually, the "no offense meant" was directed at any crack whores that might be reading. I didn't want them to be offended by my comparing you to them.

And the fact that you are completely ignorant of the policies of a politician that you hate reveal what a dishonest brain dead knee jerk partisan hack you are.
It isn't hard to figure out why you are a Trump follower.

I doubt you are able to understand my reasons as you can't admit to yourself than anyone can disagree you for any reason other than being stupid or evul.
Seal and control the borders. A country without a controlled border isn't a country.

Deport illegal aliens.

import immigrants who will add jobs to our country, not compete with our poor for the few jobs there are.

Maintain and keep the promise that SS will be there for us when we retire.

Repatriation holiday so as to get companies who made money in other countries and storing that money in those other country to bring their money here. They won't do it now because they would have to pay 30% tax on that money. Trump would cap it at 10% making it more likely and more viable for the companies to transfer the funds back to America where we can tax it. 30% of 0 is 0.

Guarantee that everybody who makes less than 30k a year pays 0 in taxes.

Streamline the tax structure, get rid of loopholes and most tax write offs creating a two tier tax system for those who make more than 30k in a year.

Invest in our military to insure that it can handle our defense. Only use our military when our interests requires it. When using our military only using it as an army that kills the enemy and not as a police force. When using it to free a country from it's totalitarian controllers ensure we get paid back for our efforts.

Destroy ISIS by destroying their ability to make money. Destroy their oil fields. Destroy their ability to move money around.

And many more are written in his fucking book if you would just read the damn thing.

Now stop playing ignorant and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not interested in books written by morons.

And I have more than enough to tell me he's a moron: It started with "they're rapists". Most recently it was this.

--- in both cases, all emotive bullshit, no substance and no acknowledgement of context. I don't need some self-worshiping assclown in the WH who doesn't know or care about contexts or causal relationships. Had enough of that with Dumbya.

See --- I'm just not impressed with irrational pandering. It's amusing that some are, and it's damn scary that some of them can actually vote.

Besides all of which, the poster kept insisting on criticism of Rumpian "policies" --- without ever citing any. That's his job to supply, not mine.

And the hits just keep on comin'.....

Rump: Consider Closing Mosques

Not even making that up. Don't need to. All you gotta do to get rid of Donald Rump is (a) hand him a microphone and (b) make sure it's recording. He does the rest.

Trump reminds me a lot of this guy.......another well known bombastic bull shitter.

Blah, blah, blah.

By far your most eloquent rebuttal.

It probably just seems that way to you, because it is the only one so far that has not gone over your head.
Wow. Pretty embarrassing to be found out to be completely ignorant of a politician you are attacking.
No, it's not funny.

It's pretty sad that two people who are so anti-trump can't name any.

I note that you didn't make the obvious challenge to me of demanding that I name what I consider the smartest Trump policy.

Probably because you are afraid I would come up with something that would make you look like a fool for A. not knowing about it, or B. being against it.

I have never heard Rump articulate any policy about anything. And I haven't seen you articulate one either.
What I HAVE seen and heard is an egomaniac attention whore spewing a constant bloviation of rah-rah emotive and divisive bullshit. That right there tells me what his agenda is, and there's not a single element in any of that that is attractive at all in any way.

But it's revealing that there are those who are swayed by such empty rhetoric.
Seal and control the borders. A country without a controlled border isn't a country.

Deport illegal aliens.

import immigrants who will add jobs to our country, not compete with our poor for the few jobs there are.

Maintain and keep the promise that SS will be there for us when we retire.

Repatriation holiday so as to get companies who made money in other countries and storing that money in those other country to bring their money here. They won't do it now because they would have to pay 30% tax on that money. Trump would cap it at 10% making it more likely and more viable for the companies to transfer the funds back to America where we can tax it. 30% of 0 is 0.

Guarantee that everybody who makes less than 30k a year pays 0 in taxes.

Streamline the tax structure, get rid of loopholes and most tax write offs creating a two tier tax system for those who make more than 30k in a year.

Invest in our military to insure that it can handle our defense. Only use our military when our interests requires it. When using our military only using it as an army that kills the enemy and not as a police force. When using it to free a country from it's totalitarian controllers ensure we get paid back for our efforts.

Destroy ISIS by destroying their ability to make money. Destroy their oil fields. Destroy their ability to move money around.

And many more are written in his fucking book if you would just read the damn thing.

Now stop playing ignorant and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not interested in books written by morons.

And I have more than enough to tell me he's a moron: It started with "they're rapists". Most recently it was this.

--- in both cases, all emotive bullshit, no substance and no acknowledgement of context. I don't need some self-worshiping assclown in the WH who doesn't know or care about contexts or causal relationships. Had enough of that with Dumbya.

See --- I'm just not impressed with irrational pandering. It's amusing that some are, and it's damn scary that some of them can actually vote.

Besides all of which, the poster kept insisting on criticism of Rumpian "policies" --- without ever citing any. That's his job to supply, not mine.

Trump has put them out there. SLyhunter just summarized them for you and still you play dumb.

What kind of game are you playing?
How do you summarize Trump's one liners?

Are you really so dumb that you can't read them right above or are you just a complete asshole?

You don't give a damn about that.

You're just throwing whatever shit you can against the wall and hoping something sticks.

Trump is doing a great job of campaigning. If he thinks that social media is important than he is probably right.

You lefties love it when Republicans "take the High ROad" so you can get down in the gutter and have play as dirty as you like without getting any return fire.

Stop lying.
You provide a fine example of the basic superficial stupidity of your average Trump follower.

More bullshit.

All you've got is bullshit.

Why don't you tell us what you consider Trump's dumbest policy?

Rump has "policies"? Have yet to hear one beyond calling people "rapists".

But when somebody gets down to nuts and bolts to ask that question, he's going down like an Atlantic City casino.

EVERYONE NOTICED, that you couldn't answer the question.

And making fun of someone's name is not really a substitute for an actual point.

NOt that any lib is ever going to understand that.

Are you honest enough to admit that the part you really hate about Trump is that he has no fear of Political Correctness?
Wrong again dummy. What I hate about Trump is the ease with which he exploits the great unwashed mass of stupid people.

THat is not credible.

Please try again only this time don't be a lying asshole.
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?

And the fact that you are completely ignorant of the policies of a politician that you hate reveal what a dishonest brain dead knee jerk partisan hack you are.

Or more likely --- it reveals that there aren't any. Defying the Constitution and spouting a lot of empty emotive fluff does not constitute "policies". Unless you count the mining of the unwashed not-listening as a "policy".

And if I had spent several pages attacking the new Studebakers, and you asked me what feature I didn't like the most, I would be able to tell you, and if I couldn't that I would realize that I was full of shit and that I should stop that.

Exactly. Because, again, new Studebakers do not exist.

I note you have not done the OBVIOUS debating step of counter challenging me as to which policies of his I consider the smartest.

That wouldn't be fair. We'd be back to the Studebakers.

That is because you don't question your Authority Figures. They tell you and show you the clips they want you to base your world view on and you do. Blindly.

Moi?? :rofl: Obviously you've never read my postings. Have we already forgotten the high school student flipped like a tiddlywink? That was you slobbering the Authority knob and me ridiculing your doing that.

Doublethink lives.

1. Harsh language directed at people violating our laws and our sovereignty is imo, not a reason to dislike someone. That you do, is an actual reason, such as it is, finally, but you still haven't been able to articulate any of his policies that you don't like.

2. The policies are there. THey have been spoon fed to you . That you still play dumb is just proof of what a dishonest ass you are.

3. Cops aren't your Authority Figure moron. They are your enemy. It is not impressive that you "question" them. You moron. You ever question the pap the MSM feeds you?
Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?
When you ask a question that matters I'll be sure to answer it.

I asked you about which of Trumps policies you were most against, to shed light on why you are so hysterically anti-Trump.

Asking about the policies of Presidential Candidates is completely reasonable.

Libs. All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

(no offense meant)

Dude.. What policies? Trumpo has not given any specific about any of his policy. If there is such one. Can you provide a link? Maybe I missed it.
That book, you don't give a rats ass about, spells out his policies. Read it.

Fine -- why don't we put our posts into a book you have to buy too.

This one will be covered on page 831.
Don't buy the book, visit the web page instead Donald Trump on the Issues quit playing stupid.
He has described them. That you missed it is a tribute to your Poor Communication Skills.

If you mean characterizing Mexicans as "rapists" and "considering shutting down mosques", that's all the communication I need to hear. See, the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution, and he's already disqualified himself. Why do I need to hear him dig hisself even deeper?

Hell, he doesn't even seem to understand the distinction between the Second Amendment and French law. Why would I want a captain at the helm who has no idea where he's going?
Then why are you a Hillary supporter?
When you ask a question that matters I'll be sure to answer it.

I asked you about which of Trumps policies you were most against, to shed light on why you are so hysterically anti-Trump.

Asking about the policies of Presidential Candidates is completely reasonable.

Libs. All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

(no offense meant)

Dude.. What policies? Trumpo has not given any specific about any of his policy. If there is such one. Can you provide a link? Maybe I missed it.
That book, you don't give a rats ass about, spells out his policies. Read it.

Fine -- why don't we put our posts into a book you have to buy too.

This one will be covered on page 831.
Don't buy the book, visit the web page instead Donald Trump on the Issues quit playing stupid.

I mean, they are actually acting as though my asking them about the issues is somehow unreasonable of me.

And AFTER his positions have been explained they are STILL pretending not to know of any of them.

LIbs are generally dishonest, but these guys take the fucking cake.

IMO, they must be sociopaths.
The Klan wasn't founded by any political party. None of its iterations were.
That is a bullshit lie. The KKK was founded by the Southerners that dominated the Democratic Party in the South and had the full support of Democrats in the North and the rest of the country also.
Funny then that the comment section on the blog page is asking the same question about where the poll is.
Why would they have it and then remove it? Because it didn't say what they claim it said?
You will have to ask them.
And yet I have a Master's Degree and a successful career. hmmmm.......
I have heard that plenty of people can barter off IQ they lack with free BJs on demand, so there are other possibilities to assplain your claims of a degree and success, lol.
Do some people here still think Trump has a shot at being the GOP nominee?

That's awesome.
Not nearly so awesome as a crook like Hillary being the Dimbocrap nominee.

That sounds like you estimate a very low chance that Hillary will be the Democratic nominee. Can you estimate that probability?
I think that Hillary has the inside track on the nomination, as her fellow Feministas have rigged the whole process for her.

Should she be? I dunno, I would think one would need more qualifications to be POTUS than simply having a vagina.
And yet I have a Master's Degree and a successful career. hmmmm.......
I have heard that plenty of people can barter off IQ they lack with free BJs on demand, so there are other possibilities to assplain your claims of a degree and success, lol.

Do some people here still think Trump has a shot at being the GOP nominee?

That's awesome.
Not nearly so awesome as a crook like Hillary being the Dimbocrap nominee.

That sounds like you estimate a very low chance that Hillary will be the Democratic nominee. Can you estimate that probability?
I think that Hillary has the inside track on the nomination, as her fellow Feministas have rigged the whole process for her.

Should she be? I dunno, I would think one would need more qualifications to be POTUS than simply having a vagina.

Being a US senator and a US Sec State seems to be relevant qualifications, but maybe that's just me.

To make sure I understand, you think she is very likely to win the nomnination then and your earlier comment was sarcastic.

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