Trump Support Highest Among American Workers since FDR - 60%+


You don't give a damn about that.

You're just throwing whatever shit you can against the wall and hoping something sticks.

Trump is doing a great job of campaigning. If he thinks that social media is important than he is probably right.

You lefties love it when Republicans "take the High ROad" so you can get down in the gutter and have play as dirty as you like without getting any return fire.

Stop lying.
You provide a fine example of the basic superficial stupidity of your average Trump follower.

More bullshit.

All you've got is bullshit.

Why don't you tell us what you consider Trump's dumbest policy?
You seem confused. Vague bombastic rhetoric is nothing like policy.

Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

When you ask a question that matters I'll be sure to answer it.

I asked you about which of Trumps policies you were most against, to shed light on why you are so hysterically anti-Trump.

Asking about the policies of Presidential Candidates is completely reasonable.

Libs. All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

(no offense meant)
Asking about the policies of Presidential Candidates is completely reasonable.

It is indeed.

So why doesn't anyone ask Rump to describe one? And how do mumbling drones decide to support him in lieu of any?

You provide a fine example of the basic superficial stupidity of your average Trump follower.

More bullshit.

All you've got is bullshit.

Why don't you tell us what you consider Trump's dumbest policy?
You seem confused. Vague bombastic rhetoric is nothing like policy.

Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

When you ask a question that matters I'll be sure to answer it.

I asked you about which of Trumps policies you were most against, to shed light on why you are so hysterically anti-Trump.

Asking about the policies of Presidential Candidates is completely reasonable.

Libs. All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

(no offense meant)

Which of the new Studebakers do you like?

What? No answer?

All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Last edited:
You provide a fine example of the basic superficial stupidity of your average Trump follower.

More bullshit.

All you've got is bullshit.

Why don't you tell us what you consider Trump's dumbest policy?
You seem confused. Vague bombastic rhetoric is nothing like policy.

Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

Your question was about "policy". That being unavailable, you've deflected your own quesstion to emotion.
-- which is entirely what Rump is about. That and unbridled egomania, something only authoritarian sycophants can respect.

Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies. It is only "unavailable" because you won't back up your anti-Trump hysteria with any real reasons.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

Progressive douchebags can't handle the truth and men who haven't been thoroughly immasculated scare the shit out of them.
Has it ever occurred to idk look at a presidential candidate's webpage for their policies? JS


How about this one:

"The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.

The Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that belongs to all law-abiding Americans. The Constitution doesn’t create that right – it ensures that the government can’t take it away. Our Founding Fathers knew, and our Supreme Court has upheld, that the Second Amendment’s purpose is to guarantee our right to defend ourselves and our families. This is about self-defense, plain and simple.

It’s been said that the Second Amendment is America’s first freedom. That’s because the Right to Keep and Bear Arms protects all our other rights. We are the only country in the world that has a Second Amendment. Protecting that freedom is imperative. Here’s how we will do that:

Enforce The Laws On The Books

We need to get serious about prosecuting violent criminals. The Obama administration’s record on that is abysmal. Violent crime in cities like Baltimore, Chicago and many others is out of control. Drug dealers and gang members are given a slap on the wrist and turned loose on the street. This needs to stop.

Several years ago there was a tremendous program in Richmond, Virginia called Project Exile. It said that if a violent felon uses a gun to commit a crime, you will be prosecuted in federal court and go to prison for five years – no parole or early release. Obama’s former Attorney General, Eric Holder, called that a “cookie cutter” program. That’s ridiculous. I call that program a success. Murders committed with guns in Richmond decreased by over 60% when Project Exile was in place – in the first two years of the program alone, 350 armed felons were taken off the street." (continues on site linked above)
Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

Your question was about "policy". That being unavailable, you've deflected your own quesstion to emotion.
-- which is entirely what Rump is about. That and unbridled egomania, something only authoritarian sycophants can respect.

Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

Err, no, it's pretty pathetic that you two libs can be so anti-Trump and not even be able to give a policy of his you disagree with.

NOt funny at all.

Your lack of understanding of the business world is noted.

Tellya what -- the day he actually articulates one I'll just rush right back here to opine on it. If that ever happens, which I doubt.

Wow. Pretty embarrassing to be found out to be completely ignorant of a politician you are attacking.
More bullshit.

All you've got is bullshit.

Why don't you tell us what you consider Trump's dumbest policy?
You seem confused. Vague bombastic rhetoric is nothing like policy.

Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

Your question was about "policy". That being unavailable, you've deflected your own quesstion to emotion.
-- which is entirely what Rump is about. That and unbridled egomania, something only authoritarian sycophants can respect.

Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

No, it's not funny.

It's pretty sad that two people who are so anti-trump can't name any.

I note that you didn't make the obvious challenge to me of demanding that I name what I consider the smartest Trump policy.

Probably because you are afraid I would come up with something that would make you look like a fool for A. not knowing about it, or B. being against it.
Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

Your question was about "policy". That being unavailable, you've deflected your own quesstion to emotion.
-- which is entirely what Rump is about. That and unbridled egomania, something only authoritarian sycophants can respect.

Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

Err, no, it's pretty pathetic that you two libs can be so anti-Trump and not even be able to give a policy of his you disagree with.

NOt funny at all.

Your lack of understanding of the business world is noted.

Tellya what -- the day he actually articulates one I'll just rush right back here to opine on it. If that ever happens, which I doubt.

Try to be less dishonest.

We've established that you hatred of Trump is not based on any policy , because you are ignorant of his policy positions.

So, what is it really? And don't even try whining about Character or maturity.
More bullshit.

All you've got is bullshit.

Why don't you tell us what you consider Trump's dumbest policy?
You seem confused. Vague bombastic rhetoric is nothing like policy.

Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

Your question was about "policy". That being unavailable, you've deflected your own quesstion to emotion.
-- which is entirely what Rump is about. That and unbridled egomania, something only authoritarian sycophants can respect.

Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies. It is only "unavailable" because you won't back up your anti-Trump hysteria with any real reasons.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

Progressive douchebags can't handle the truth and men who haven't been thoroughly immasculated scare the shit out of them.

That sounds about right.

It certainly makes more sense than the nonsense they have been pushing.
Asking about the policies of Presidential Candidates is completely reasonable.

It is indeed.

So why doesn't anyone ask Rump to describe one? And how do mumbling drones decide to support him in lieu of any?

More bullshit.

All you've got is bullshit.

Why don't you tell us what you consider Trump's dumbest policy?
You seem confused. Vague bombastic rhetoric is nothing like policy.

Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

When you ask a question that matters I'll be sure to answer it.

I asked you about which of Trumps policies you were most against, to shed light on why you are so hysterically anti-Trump.

Asking about the policies of Presidential Candidates is completely reasonable.

Libs. All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

(no offense meant)

Which of the new Studebakers do you like?

What? No answer?

All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.


Your ignorance is making you look the fool.
Interesting. Does character suddenly matter?

Lets try a game.

Time Warp.

"Why would anyone listen to a man who spends so much time diddling interns young enough to be his daughter?"

AND in my opinion talking about social media is less of a character flaw that being a sexual predator.

You did vote for Bill both times, right?
Character? How would you know the character of any politician? I'm talking about Trump's personality and level of maturity. He talks like a petulant little girl.


You don't give a damn about that.

You're just throwing whatever shit you can against the wall and hoping something sticks.

Trump is doing a great job of campaigning. If he thinks that social media is important than he is probably right.

You lefties love it when Republicans "take the High ROad" so you can get down in the gutter and have play as dirty as you like without getting any return fire.

Stop lying.
You provide a fine example of the basic superficial stupidity of your average Trump follower.

More bullshit.

All you've got is bullshit.

Why don't you tell us what you consider Trump's dumbest policy?

Rump has "policies"? Have yet to hear one beyond calling people "rapists".

But when somebody gets down to nuts and bolts to ask that question, he's going down like an Atlantic City casino.
Broken record - Read his damn book. He spells out everything in it. Crippled America. A lousy 13 bucks. You want to know what his policies are read the damn book. I already spelled them out for one poster on here and I'm not doing it again. I'm sick and tired of you idiots purposely reveling in your ignorance.
So why doesn't anyone ask Rump to describe one? And how do mumbling drones decide to support him in lieu of any?
Trump has released plenty of policy statements and entire books over the years.

No one here nor Trump is responsible for making stupid ignorant whores like you read anything.
Wow. Pretty embarrassing to be found out to be completely ignorant of a politician you are attacking.

Not for pogo; he is pretty much inured to being embarrassed any more, kind of like a crack whore that works every street corner they can find just to get one more high.
You provide a fine example of the basic superficial stupidity of your average Trump follower.

More bullshit.

All you've got is bullshit.

Why don't you tell us what you consider Trump's dumbest policy?
You seem confused. Vague bombastic rhetoric is nothing like policy.

Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

When you ask a question that matters I'll be sure to answer it.

I asked you about which of Trumps policies you were most against, to shed light on why you are so hysterically anti-Trump.

Asking about the policies of Presidential Candidates is completely reasonable.

Libs. All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

(no offense meant)

Who could possibly take offense at that from someone like you? After all, you're a Trump follower, so the standards of decorum are much lower than they are for people of normal intelligence.
Your question was about "policy". That being unavailable, you've deflected your own quesstion to emotion.
-- which is entirely what Rump is about. That and unbridled egomania, something only authoritarian sycophants can respect.

Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

Err, no, it's pretty pathetic that you two libs can be so anti-Trump and not even be able to give a policy of his you disagree with.

NOt funny at all.

Your lack of understanding of the business world is noted.

Tellya what -- the day he actually articulates one I'll just rush right back here to opine on it. If that ever happens, which I doubt.

Wow. Pretty embarrassing to be found out to be completely ignorant of a politician you are attacking.
You seem confused. Vague bombastic rhetoric is nothing like policy.

Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

Your question was about "policy". That being unavailable, you've deflected your own quesstion to emotion.
-- which is entirely what Rump is about. That and unbridled egomania, something only authoritarian sycophants can respect.

Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

No, it's not funny.

It's pretty sad that two people who are so anti-trump can't name any.

I note that you didn't make the obvious challenge to me of demanding that I name what I consider the smartest Trump policy.

Probably because you are afraid I would come up with something that would make you look like a fool for A. not knowing about it, or B. being against it.

I have never heard Rump articulate any policy about anything. And I haven't seen you articulate one either.
What I HAVE seen and heard is an egomaniac attention whore spewing a constant bloviation of rah-rah emotive and divisive bullshit. That right there tells me what his agenda is, and there's not a single element in any of that that is attractive at all in any way.

But it's revealing that there are those who are swayed by such empty rhetoric.
Character? How would you know the character of any politician? I'm talking about Trump's personality and level of maturity. He talks like a petulant little girl.


You don't give a damn about that.

You're just throwing whatever shit you can against the wall and hoping something sticks.

Trump is doing a great job of campaigning. If he thinks that social media is important than he is probably right.

You lefties love it when Republicans "take the High ROad" so you can get down in the gutter and have play as dirty as you like without getting any return fire.

Stop lying.
You provide a fine example of the basic superficial stupidity of your average Trump follower.

More bullshit.

All you've got is bullshit.

Why don't you tell us what you consider Trump's dumbest policy?

Rump has "policies"? Have yet to hear one beyond calling people "rapists".

But when somebody gets down to nuts and bolts to ask that question, he's going down like an Atlantic City casino.
Broken record - Read his damn book. He spells out everything in it. Crippled America. A lousy 13 bucks. You want to know what his policies are read the damn book. I already spelled them out for one poster on here and I'm not doing it again. I'm sick and tired of you idiots purposely reveling in your ignorance.

Hear hear.

What I particularly love is when they blame you for their own ignorance or unwillingness to acknowledge facts.

That's when they start calling YOU stupid, and pretending that facts aren't facts if this outlet or that outlet reports on them.
Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

Err, no, it's pretty pathetic that you two libs can be so anti-Trump and not even be able to give a policy of his you disagree with.

NOt funny at all.

Your lack of understanding of the business world is noted.

Tellya what -- the day he actually articulates one I'll just rush right back here to opine on it. If that ever happens, which I doubt.

Wow. Pretty embarrassing to be found out to be completely ignorant of a politician you are attacking.
Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

Your question was about "policy". That being unavailable, you've deflected your own quesstion to emotion.
-- which is entirely what Rump is about. That and unbridled egomania, something only authoritarian sycophants can respect.

Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

No, it's not funny.

It's pretty sad that two people who are so anti-trump can't name any.

I note that you didn't make the obvious challenge to me of demanding that I name what I consider the smartest Trump policy.

Probably because you are afraid I would come up with something that would make you look like a fool for A. not knowing about it, or B. being against it.

I have never heard Rump articulate any policy about anything. And I haven't seen you articulate one either.
What I HAVE seen is an egomaniac attention whore spewing a constant bloviation of rah-rah emotive bullshit. And there's nothing attractive in that at all.

But it's revealing that there are those who are swayed by it.

See this is a perfect example. He's claiming that Trump has never stated a policy of any kind, on anything. He's been provided with quotes, and books, by Trump..yet he continues to deny that Trump has ever suggested any policy anywhere.

And then on the end, he states that anybody who agrees with the policies he states Trump has never suggested, is stooped.

It's a perfect storm of idiocy.
Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

Err, no, it's pretty pathetic that you two libs can be so anti-Trump and not even be able to give a policy of his you disagree with.

NOt funny at all.

Your lack of understanding of the business world is noted.

Tellya what -- the day he actually articulates one I'll just rush right back here to opine on it. If that ever happens, which I doubt.

Wow. Pretty embarrassing to be found out to be completely ignorant of a politician you are attacking.
Your question was about "policy". That being unavailable, you've deflected your own quesstion to emotion.
-- which is entirely what Rump is about. That and unbridled egomania, something only authoritarian sycophants can respect.

Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

No, it's not funny.

It's pretty sad that two people who are so anti-trump can't name any.

I note that you didn't make the obvious challenge to me of demanding that I name what I consider the smartest Trump policy.

Probably because you are afraid I would come up with something that would make you look like a fool for A. not knowing about it, or B. being against it.

I have never heard Rump articulate any policy about anything. And I haven't seen you articulate one either.
What I HAVE seen is an egomaniac attention whore spewing a constant bloviation of rah-rah emotive bullshit. And there's nothing attractive in that at all.

But it's revealing that there are those who are swayed by it.

See this is a perfect example. He's claiming that Trump has never stated a policy of any kind, on anything. He's been provided with quotes, and books, by Trump..yet he continues to deny that Trump has ever suggested any policy anywhere.

And then on the end, he states that anybody who agrees with the policies he states Trump has never suggested, is stooped.

It's a perfect storm of idiocy.

If there are no policies ----- then how can anyone "agree" or "disagree" with what does not exist? Let alone be "stooped", whatever the fuck that means?

See why you can't put words in my mouth?

And no, I'm not about to go put even more money in the egomaniac's pocket buying his self-serving "book". I like my books to be things I can learn from.
Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

Err, no, it's pretty pathetic that you two libs can be so anti-Trump and not even be able to give a policy of his you disagree with.

NOt funny at all.

Your lack of understanding of the business world is noted.

Tellya what -- the day he actually articulates one I'll just rush right back here to opine on it. If that ever happens, which I doubt.

Wow. Pretty embarrassing to be found out to be completely ignorant of a politician you are attacking.
Everyone noticed that you could not answer the question.

All you've got is bullshit and personal attacks.

What is it really about Trump that bothers you? Simply that he is not afraid of Political Correctness?

Your question was about "policy". That being unavailable, you've deflected your own quesstion to emotion.
-- which is entirely what Rump is about. That and unbridled egomania, something only authoritarian sycophants can respect.

Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

No, it's not funny.

It's pretty sad that two people who are so anti-trump can't name any.

I note that you didn't make the obvious challenge to me of demanding that I name what I consider the smartest Trump policy.

Probably because you are afraid I would come up with something that would make you look like a fool for A. not knowing about it, or B. being against it.

I have never heard Rump articulate any policy about anything. And I haven't seen you articulate one either.
What I HAVE seen and heard is an egomaniac attention whore spewing a constant bloviation of rah-rah emotive and divisive bullshit. That right there tells me what his agenda is, and there's not a single element in any of that that is attractive at all in any way.

But it's revealing that there are those who are swayed by such empty rhetoric.
Seal and control the borders. A country without a controlled border isn't a country.

Deport illegal aliens.

import immigrants who will add jobs to our country, not compete with our poor for the few jobs there are.

Maintain and keep the promise that SS will be there for us when we retire.

Repatriation holiday so as to get companies who made money in other countries and storing that money in those other country to bring their money here. They won't do it now because they would have to pay 30% tax on that money. Trump would cap it at 10% making it more likely and more viable for the companies to transfer the funds back to America where we can tax it. 30% of 0 is 0.

Guarantee that everybody who makes less than 30k a year pays 0 in taxes.

Streamline the tax structure, get rid of loopholes and most tax write offs creating a two tier tax system for those who make more than 30k in a year.

Invest in our military to insure that it can handle our defense. Only use our military when our interests requires it. When using our military only using it as an army that kills the enemy and not as a police force. When using it to free a country from it's totalitarian controllers ensure we get paid back for our efforts.

Destroy ISIS by destroying their ability to make money. Destroy their oil fields. Destroy their ability to move money around.

And many more are written in his fucking book if you would just read the damn thing.

Now stop playing ignorant and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

Err, no, it's pretty pathetic that you two libs can be so anti-Trump and not even be able to give a policy of his you disagree with.

NOt funny at all.

Your lack of understanding of the business world is noted.

Tellya what -- the day he actually articulates one I'll just rush right back here to opine on it. If that ever happens, which I doubt.

Wow. Pretty embarrassing to be found out to be completely ignorant of a politician you are attacking.
Your question was about "policy". That being unavailable, you've deflected your own quesstion to emotion.
-- which is entirely what Rump is about. That and unbridled egomania, something only authoritarian sycophants can respect.

Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

No, it's not funny.

It's pretty sad that two people who are so anti-trump can't name any.

I note that you didn't make the obvious challenge to me of demanding that I name what I consider the smartest Trump policy.

Probably because you are afraid I would come up with something that would make you look like a fool for A. not knowing about it, or B. being against it.

I have never heard Rump articulate any policy about anything. And I haven't seen you articulate one either.
What I HAVE seen and heard is an egomaniac attention whore spewing a constant bloviation of rah-rah emotive and divisive bullshit. That right there tells me what his agenda is, and there's not a single element in any of that that is attractive at all in any way.

But it's revealing that there are those who are swayed by such empty rhetoric.
Seal and control the borders. A country without a controlled border isn't a country.

Deport illegal aliens.

import immigrants who will add jobs to our country, not compete with our poor for the few jobs there are.

Maintain and keep the promise that SS will be there for us when we retire.

Repatriation holiday so as to get companies who made money in other countries and storing that money in those other country to bring their money here. They won't do it now because they would have to pay 30% tax on that money. Trump would cap it at 10% making it more likely and more viable for the companies to transfer the funds back to America where we can tax it. 30% of 0 is 0.

Guarantee that everybody who makes less than 30k a year pays 0 in taxes.

Streamline the tax structure, get rid of loopholes and most tax write offs creating a two tier tax system for those who make more than 30k in a year.

Invest in our military to insure that it can handle our defense. Only use our military when our interests requires it. When using our military only using it as an army that kills the enemy and not as a police force. When using it to free a country from it's totalitarian controllers ensure we get paid back for our efforts.

Destroy ISIS by destroying their ability to make money. Destroy their oil fields. Destroy their ability to move money around.

And many more are written in his fucking book if you would just read the damn thing.

Now stop playing ignorant and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not interested in books written by morons.

And I have more than enough to tell me he's a moron: It started with "they're rapists". Most recently it was this.

--- in both cases, all emotive bullshit, no substance and no acknowledgement of context. I don't need some self-worshiping assclown in the WH who doesn't know or care about contexts or causal relationships. Had enough of that with Dumbya.

See --- I'm just not impressed with irrational pandering. It's amusing that some are, and it's damn scary that some of them can actually vote.

Besides all of which, the poster kept insisting on criticism of Rumpian "policies" --- without ever citing any. That's his job to supply, not mine.
Last edited:
Err, no, it's pretty pathetic that you two libs can be so anti-Trump and not even be able to give a policy of his you disagree with.

NOt funny at all.

Your lack of understanding of the business world is noted.

Tellya what -- the day he actually articulates one I'll just rush right back here to opine on it. If that ever happens, which I doubt.

Wow. Pretty embarrassing to be found out to be completely ignorant of a politician you are attacking.
Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

No, it's not funny.

It's pretty sad that two people who are so anti-trump can't name any.

I note that you didn't make the obvious challenge to me of demanding that I name what I consider the smartest Trump policy.

Probably because you are afraid I would come up with something that would make you look like a fool for A. not knowing about it, or B. being against it.

I have never heard Rump articulate any policy about anything. And I haven't seen you articulate one either.
What I HAVE seen and heard is an egomaniac attention whore spewing a constant bloviation of rah-rah emotive and divisive bullshit. That right there tells me what his agenda is, and there's not a single element in any of that that is attractive at all in any way.

But it's revealing that there are those who are swayed by such empty rhetoric.
Seal and control the borders. A country without a controlled border isn't a country.

Deport illegal aliens.

import immigrants who will add jobs to our country, not compete with our poor for the few jobs there are.

Maintain and keep the promise that SS will be there for us when we retire.

Repatriation holiday so as to get companies who made money in other countries and storing that money in those other country to bring their money here. They won't do it now because they would have to pay 30% tax on that money. Trump would cap it at 10% making it more likely and more viable for the companies to transfer the funds back to America where we can tax it. 30% of 0 is 0.

Guarantee that everybody who makes less than 30k a year pays 0 in taxes.

Streamline the tax structure, get rid of loopholes and most tax write offs creating a two tier tax system for those who make more than 30k in a year.

Invest in our military to insure that it can handle our defense. Only use our military when our interests requires it. When using our military only using it as an army that kills the enemy and not as a police force. When using it to free a country from it's totalitarian controllers ensure we get paid back for our efforts.

Destroy ISIS by destroying their ability to make money. Destroy their oil fields. Destroy their ability to move money around.

And many more are written in his fucking book if you would just read the damn thing.

Now stop playing ignorant and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not interested in books written by morons.

And I have more than enough to tell me he's a moron: It started with "they're rapists". Most recently it was this.

--- in both cases, all emotive bullshit, no substance and no acknowledgement of context. I don't need some self-worshiping assclown in the WH who doesn't know or care about contexts or causal relationships. Had enough of that with Dumbya.

See --- I'm just not impressed with irrational pandering. It's amusing that some are, and it's damn scary that some of them can actually vote.

Besides all of which, the poster kept insisting on criticism of Rumpian "policies" --- without ever citing any. That's his job to supply, not mine.
Don't complain about your ignorance when it's self inflicted.
Err, no, it's pretty pathetic that you two libs can be so anti-Trump and not even be able to give a policy of his you disagree with.

NOt funny at all.

Your lack of understanding of the business world is noted.

Tellya what -- the day he actually articulates one I'll just rush right back here to opine on it. If that ever happens, which I doubt.

Wow. Pretty embarrassing to be found out to be completely ignorant of a politician you are attacking.
Blah, blah, blah. All you have is spin and lies.

Trump has policies.

Funny no one can name any.
Other than declaring bankruptcy, which is, shall we say, informative for a blowhard pretending to run for President.

No, it's not funny.

It's pretty sad that two people who are so anti-trump can't name any.

I note that you didn't make the obvious challenge to me of demanding that I name what I consider the smartest Trump policy.

Probably because you are afraid I would come up with something that would make you look like a fool for A. not knowing about it, or B. being against it.

I have never heard Rump articulate any policy about anything. And I haven't seen you articulate one either.
What I HAVE seen and heard is an egomaniac attention whore spewing a constant bloviation of rah-rah emotive and divisive bullshit. That right there tells me what his agenda is, and there's not a single element in any of that that is attractive at all in any way.

But it's revealing that there are those who are swayed by such empty rhetoric.
Seal and control the borders. A country without a controlled border isn't a country.

Deport illegal aliens.

import immigrants who will add jobs to our country, not compete with our poor for the few jobs there are.

Maintain and keep the promise that SS will be there for us when we retire.

Repatriation holiday so as to get companies who made money in other countries and storing that money in those other country to bring their money here. They won't do it now because they would have to pay 30% tax on that money. Trump would cap it at 10% making it more likely and more viable for the companies to transfer the funds back to America where we can tax it. 30% of 0 is 0.

Guarantee that everybody who makes less than 30k a year pays 0 in taxes.

Streamline the tax structure, get rid of loopholes and most tax write offs creating a two tier tax system for those who make more than 30k in a year.

Invest in our military to insure that it can handle our defense. Only use our military when our interests requires it. When using our military only using it as an army that kills the enemy and not as a police force. When using it to free a country from it's totalitarian controllers ensure we get paid back for our efforts.

Destroy ISIS by destroying their ability to make money. Destroy their oil fields. Destroy their ability to move money around.

And many more are written in his fucking book if you would just read the damn thing.

Now stop playing ignorant and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not interested in books written by morons.

And I have more than enough to tell me he's a moron: It started with "they're rapists". Most recently it was this.

--- in both cases, all emotive bullshit, no substance and no acknowledgement of context. I don't need some self-worshiping assclown in the WH who doesn't know or care about contexts or causal relationships. Had enough of that with Dumbya.

See --- I'm just not impressed with irrational pandering. It's amusing that some are, and it's damn scary that some of them can actually vote.

Besides all of which, the poster kept insisting on criticism of Rumpian "policies" --- without ever citing any. That's his job to supply, not mine.

And the hits just keep on comin'.....

Rump: Consider Closing Mosques

Not even making that up. Don't need to. All you gotta do to get rid of Donald Rump is (a) hand him a microphone and (b) make sure it's recording. He does the rest.

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