Trump supporters are nothing but sick enablers for this man.


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
That horrible horrible speech Trump gave at the UN, was yet another rallying bone for his base. These people who continue to give this man pass after pass after pass for making a complete fool not only of himself, but for our country.....are nothing but enablers. The more you stick with this moron, the more he wants to entertain you and be loved exclusively by you and you alone. Stop feeding the monster people, because someday, soon this monster is gonna turn on've been warned

He's keeps calling for war, while his white ass avoided his time and his fuckin sons are safe at home...but got no problems sending our family's to war.
That horrible horrible speech Trump gave at the UN, was yet another rallying bone for his base. These people who continue to give this man pass after pass after pass for making a complete fool not only of himself, but for our country.....are nothing but enablers. The more you stick with this moron, the more he wants to entertain you and be loved exclusively by you and you alone. Stop feeding the monster people, because someday, soon this monster is gonna turn on've been warned

He's keeps calling for war, while his white ass avoided his time and his fuckin sons are safe at home...but got no problems sending our family's to war.
So you are someone who gives the midget rocket man a pass time after time when he shoots missiles over Democratic countries? yeah , shows where your priorities are, you dimwitted fuck.

Why do Liberals love Kim Jong Un?
Why do Liberals love Kim Jong Un?

Answer #5 | 01/08 2014 12:39

because he has the authority to kill people whenever he is in the mood.
That horrible horrible speech Trump gave at the UN, was yet another rallying bone for his base. These people who continue to give this man pass after pass after pass for making a complete fool not only of himself, but for our country.....are nothing but enablers. The more you stick with this moron, the more he wants to entertain you and be loved exclusively by you and you alone. Stop feeding the monster people, because someday, soon this monster is gonna turn on've been warned

He's keeps calling for war, while his white ass avoided his time and his fuckin sons are safe at home...but got no problems sending our family's to war.


You clearly think that Trump is making an ass out of himself.

What do you think of Maxine Watters' recent performances?
All his speeches are horrible, first grade level speeches if even that...his ignorance is is embarrassing, but not an impeachable offense....
All his speeches are horrible, first grade level speeches if even that...his ignorance is is embarrassing, but not impeachable offense....
He is not a politician,
Bill Clinton a politician appeased Kim Jung Il and did it stop N Korea from getting the A bomb?
George Bush a politician appeased Kim Jung Il and did it stop N Korea from getting missile technology?
Barrack the pussie Obama, a politican appeased Kim Jung Un and now the rocket man is threatening other countries and the US with nuclear war.
Donald J Trump, Make America Great Again, not a politician is putting fear into the midget rocket man, and if the Socialist uses his weapons, the US of A will completely bomb N Korea off the face of the planet.
All his speeches are horrible, first grade level speeches if even that...his ignorance is is embarrassing, but not an impeachable offense....
you are the epitome of speech-giving and education
we all bow your your greatness and wisdom
Barrack the pussie Obama, a politican appeased Kim Jung Un and now the rocket man is threatening other countries and the US with nuclear war.
I guess by that you mean 'threatening nuclear retaliation'. As does Fuckwit45.
i don't know , but to me TRUMP talks to his underlings at the 'un' like an American should TRed !!

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