Trump supporters, don't the superlatives bother you?

Sonny Clark has NO PROBLEM that Trump is a megalomaniac and power hungry say whatever he needs to get himself into power used car salesman. His excuse is....mmmmmmmm wait for it......cuz politicians are megalomaniac power hungry say whatever they need to say to get themselves into power....and he doesnt like that. The book couldnt write its fucking self, could it sonny? Come on man. Wake up.
I support Trump. I will support him until someone shows me a better person for the job. Who's better?

You can open up a phone book and pick a name at random and find someone better
Trump never saw that ad he watched.

But saying you watched an ad and three minutes later saying you never did isn't lying. Trump is a straight talker. And Mormons don't like liars and we all know Trump wins big among Mormons

A straight talker? Bush lied, Bush lied, Bush lied!

I didn't say he lied, I said he might of. Bull, he says Bush lied all the time. How does a "straight talker" not remember what he said in speech after speech? Again, the point isn't his position, it's his lame lie about what he said

Exactly! He lies about things that no one would care about. Like his business deals that went south. I wouldn't care at all about them except he needs to lie about it.

Exactly, compulsive liars like John F'ing Kerry, Bill Slick Clinton and Donald Trump lie about stupid things that don't matter because they can't help it, they are compulsive liars
Sonny Clark has NO PROBLEM that Trump is a megalomaniac and power hungry say whatever he needs to get himself into power used car salesman. His excuse is....mmmmmmmm wait for it......cuz politicians are megalomaniac power hungry say whatever they need to say to get themselves into power....and he doesnt like that. The book couldnt write its fucking self, could it sonny? Come on man. Wake up.
I support Trump. I will support him until someone shows me a better person for the job. Who's better?

You can open up a phone book and pick a name at random and find someone better
I think the Trump phenomenon should prove, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that democracy in the US is utterly dysfunctional. If this is the best we can do, we should throw in the towel and let the banksters pick who they want in the open.
Deflect. Bitch. Deflect.

Well actually, we don't spend too much time worrying about the lies because we're so amused at all the time you Liberal loons spend on USMB trying to trash him each day exposing your absolute fear of him. You folks are really quite pathetic you know.

I'm a liberal loon? Thanks for letting me know

Yes. Someone needed to tell you.

Actually, I'm the most non-liberal person on the board (don't get it, do you?)

Yeah apparently I'm suddenly a liberal too because I oppose the billionaire tyrant and call him out as the rino he is.

As I said, you didn't get it ...
I think the Trump phenomenon should prove, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that democracy in the US is utterly dysfunctional. If this is the best we can do, we should throw in the towel and let the banksters pick who they want in the open.

I agree, but the same observation about Hillary is equally apt. That she didn't think setting up her own server was a violation of each and every Federal law and standard is to the point of retarded or just kool-aid swilling
Trump supporters need to be bothered by Trump’s lies, bigotry, and the fact that he has no business being president.

So do Clinton supporters

Couldn't help yourself, could you.

Dummies like you think Clinton lies like Trump. But you can't prove it. You just know it. Right?

Don't bother answering. It's meaningless.

They've been blatantly lying for decades. There is a reason Hillary is one of the least trusted politicians out there. And why she laments that she can't lie like others

She's one of the least people who don't trust anyone.

Where is the PROOF that she's dishonest on Trump's level?

She is a politician. She spins. She twists. But she DOES NOT TELL STRAIGHT LIES like Trump and Cruz do. Period.

She tried to pretend she and Bill were broke when they left the White House despite the fact that they made half a million a year for the 8 years Bill was in the White House, she was a sitting Senator, they had Bill's pension, plus multi million dollar Book deals for both of their memoirs (which is ironic since they spent those 8 years constantly testifying that they could not recall anything).

And that's just one of her over the top lies.
I think the Trump phenomenon should prove, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that democracy in the US is utterly dysfunctional. If this is the best we can do, we should throw in the towel and let the banksters pick who they want in the open.

Don't see many bankers backing up trump.

Look, for someone who is outside the establishment it is crucial to market yourself correctly. It's unfortunate that all of your anti-trumpians are clueless. No one is going to make it to the office by just making good points. I am sorry, but that's the truth.

And if making blanket statements and all the silliness that trump does is what is needed for democracy to work - and to overcome the cloud of PC - then so be it.
Trump supporters need to be bothered by Trump’s lies, bigotry, and the fact that he has no business being president.

So do Clinton supporters

Couldn't help yourself, could you.

Dummies like you think Clinton lies like Trump. But you can't prove it. You just know it. Right?

Don't bother answering. It's meaningless.

They've been blatantly lying for decades. There is a reason Hillary is one of the least trusted politicians out there. And why she laments that she can't lie like others

She's one of the least people who don't trust anyone.

Where is the PROOF that she's dishonest on Trump's level?

She is a politician. She spins. She twists. But she DOES NOT TELL STRAIGHT LIES like Trump and Cruz do. Period.

She tried to pretend she and Bill were broke when they left the White House despite the fact that they made half a million a year for the 8 years Bill was in the White House, she was a sitting Senator, they had Bill's pension, plus multi million dollar Book deals for both of their memoirs (which is ironic since they spent those 8 years constantly testifying that they could not recall anything).

And that's just one of her over the top lies.

Trump supporters need to be bothered by Trump’s lies, bigotry, and the fact that he has no business being president.

So do Clinton supporters

Couldn't help yourself, could you.

Dummies like you think Clinton lies like Trump. But you can't prove it. You just know it. Right?

Don't bother answering. It's meaningless.

They've been blatantly lying for decades. There is a reason Hillary is one of the least trusted politicians out there. And why she laments that she can't lie like others

She's one of the least people who don't trust anyone.

Where is the PROOF that she's dishonest on Trump's level?

She is a politician. She spins. She twists. But she DOES NOT TELL STRAIGHT LIES like Trump and Cruz do. Period.

She tried to pretend she and Bill were broke when they left the White House despite the fact that they made half a million a year for the 8 years Bill was in the White House, she was a sitting Senator, they had Bill's pension, plus multi million dollar Book deals for both of their memoirs (which is ironic since they spent those 8 years constantly testifying that they could not recall anything).

And that's just one of her over the top lies.

Just one? That leads the reader to assume that here are many. Neat trick.

Yes she played very loose with the facts when she said hat they left the WH broke. They had resources and were hardly destitute. In her desire to show commonality with the average American, she was bullshitting.

Reason to disqualify her for the job? Nope.
I think the Trump phenomenon should prove, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that democracy in the US is utterly dysfunctional. If this is the best we can do, we should throw in the towel and let the banksters pick who they want in the open.

Don't see many bankers backing up trump.

Duh? They're all behind Hillary.
Geesh can't anyone stick to the topic, the question is about trumps affinity for lying, and people want to interject hillary, then Cruz. Lol as if that proves anything or has anything to do with trumps lying.

Trump does not think before he speaks, he is all about the emotion of the moment and " tells it like it is" or more accurately how he feels at that moment. When his mood changes and/or he thinks about things, he changes his tone/position, and he thinks he is always right because that is how he feels at that moment, he didn't lie because he is talking right now. Lol

I found it interesting before his AIPAC speech that he was silent on Twitter. I could imagine him cramming and studying trying his best to impress and of course his views had changed during the speech that was written for him. Lol until he was asked questions again and went with his gut again to be in the moment. Facts and truth do not mean anything to trump, it is all about him. Of course that is the only time he actually studied something and he still got things wrong.

Trump is easily manipulated, his mood changes when he sees something he doesn't like and they are all lying about him. It is quite funny actually. All one has to do is write something or do something that puts him on the spot and he lashes out. Children act this way when they have been spoiled. I really do not see any maturity in him at all, the only leadership quality I could say he has is charisma (only because of his ardent followers that believe anything he says).

He would be easily manipulated by Putin because of this and other world leaders, massage his ego and you are great. Meagyn kelly manipulates him and he falls for it every time, by lashing out.

He was manipulated by the SuperPAC to attack cruz and warn him about spilling beans about his wife. Lol. What ever that means. And their was nothing wrong or untrue with that ad, if he is indeed president that will be the First Lady. But he keeps saying cruz lied. Lol
Trump says a lot of stupid things, no doubt. However, he doesn't filter them through staid political filters which is refreshing and doubtless unacceptable by all establishment politicos. That is part-and-parcel of his appeal.

So let me pick one. He said he didn't say Bush lied, when it's all over him saying over and over pounding the Bush lied message. I'm not even talking about his position. Whether or not you think W lied, would you go all around and say Bush lied and then deny you said that?

I'm not talking about his politics, I'm talking about egomania

You have used three or four different words to describe Trump in your posts. What are your qualifications to diagnose someone as a "megalomaniac self obsessed personality?"

So just to be clear, when you joined a message board, you thought no one would express opinions on subjects they aren't Phd's in? Wow, where did you ever get that idea?

I'll clue you in to a little secret. Message boards are to express opinions. Bad news is, you may disagree with some of them. Sucks, huh?

I didn't say I disagreed, merely asked a question. You are expressing an opinion that would require a certain level of training, and now I know you are just another asshole using big words that you don't understand.
Geesh can't anyone stick to the topic, the question is about trumps affinity for lying, and people want to interject hillary, then Cruz. Lol as if that proves anything or has anything to do with trumps lying.

Trump does not think before he speaks, he is all about the emotion of the moment and " tells it like it is" or more accurately how he feels at that moment. When his mood changes and/or he thinks about things, he changes his tone/position, and he thinks he is always right because that is how he feels at that moment, he didn't lie because he is talking right now. Lol

I found it interesting before his AIPAC speech that he was silent on Twitter. I could imagine him cramming and studying trying his best to impress and of course his views had changed during the speech that was written for him. Lol until he was asked questions again and went with his gut again to be in the moment. Facts and truth do not mean anything to trump, it is all about him. Of course that is the only time he actually studied something and he still got things wrong.

Trump is easily manipulated, his mood changes when he sees something he doesn't like and they are all lying about him. It is quite funny actually. All one has to do is write something or do something that puts him on the spot and he lashes out. Children act this way when they have been spoiled. I really do not see any maturity in him at all, the only leadership quality I could say he has is charisma (only because of his ardent followers that believe anything he says).

He would be easily manipulated by Putin because of this and other world leaders, massage his ego and you are great. Meagyn kelly manipulates him and he falls for it every time, by lashing out.

He was manipulated by the SuperPAC to attack cruz and warn him about spilling beans about his wife. Lol. What ever that means. And their was nothing wrong or untrue with that ad, if he is indeed president that will be the First Lady. But he keeps saying cruz lied. Lol

Trump is operating at a level of Experienced Negotiator that you cannot even see.

His public persona of a fire from the hip guy using low vocabulary words has been developed over decades of use and success.
Trump says a lot of stupid things, no doubt. However, he doesn't filter them through staid political filters which is refreshing and doubtless unacceptable by all establishment politicos. That is part-and-parcel of his appeal.

So let me pick one. He said he didn't say Bush lied, when it's all over him saying over and over pounding the Bush lied message. I'm not even talking about his position. Whether or not you think W lied, would you go all around and say Bush lied and then deny you said that?

I'm not talking about his politics, I'm talking about egomania

You have used three or four different words to describe Trump in your posts. What are your qualifications to diagnose someone as a "megalomaniac self obsessed personality?"

So just to be clear, when you joined a message board, you thought no one would express opinions on subjects they aren't Phd's in? Wow, where did you ever get that idea?

I'll clue you in to a little secret. Message boards are to express opinions. Bad news is, you may disagree with some of them. Sucks, huh?

I didn't say I disagreed, merely asked a question. You are expressing an opinion that would require a certain level of training, and now I know you are just another asshole using big words that you don't understand.

Of all the opinions on all the subjects across the forum, why exactly did you decide to be a dick on this one?
Trump says a lot of stupid things, no doubt. However, he doesn't filter them through staid political filters which is refreshing and doubtless unacceptable by all establishment politicos. That is part-and-parcel of his appeal.

So let me pick one. He said he didn't say Bush lied, when it's all over him saying over and over pounding the Bush lied message. I'm not even talking about his position. Whether or not you think W lied, would you go all around and say Bush lied and then deny you said that?

I'm not talking about his politics, I'm talking about egomania

You have used three or four different words to describe Trump in your posts. What are your qualifications to diagnose someone as a "megalomaniac self obsessed personality?"

So just to be clear, when you joined a message board, you thought no one would express opinions on subjects they aren't Phd's in? Wow, where did you ever get that idea?

I'll clue you in to a little secret. Message boards are to express opinions. Bad news is, you may disagree with some of them. Sucks, huh?

I didn't say I disagreed, merely asked a question. You are expressing an opinion that would require a certain level of training, and now I know you are just another asshole using big words that you don't understand.

Of all the opinions on all the subjects across the forum, why exactly did you decide to be a dick on this one?

Mostly because you pretended to know what you are talking about and couldn't answer my question. That makes you the dick.
So let me pick one. He said he didn't say Bush lied, when it's all over him saying over and over pounding the Bush lied message. I'm not even talking about his position. Whether or not you think W lied, would you go all around and say Bush lied and then deny you said that?

I'm not talking about his politics, I'm talking about egomania

You have used three or four different words to describe Trump in your posts. What are your qualifications to diagnose someone as a "megalomaniac self obsessed personality?"

So just to be clear, when you joined a message board, you thought no one would express opinions on subjects they aren't Phd's in? Wow, where did you ever get that idea?

I'll clue you in to a little secret. Message boards are to express opinions. Bad news is, you may disagree with some of them. Sucks, huh?

I didn't say I disagreed, merely asked a question. You are expressing an opinion that would require a certain level of training, and now I know you are just another asshole using big words that you don't understand.

Of all the opinions on all the subjects across the forum, why exactly did you decide to be a dick on this one?

Mostly because you pretended to know what you are talking about and couldn't answer my question. That makes you the dick.

Cut the crap. I did nothing to "pretend" I know what I'm talking about. I said my opinion. period. You are full of shit, bitch. There is nothing I said any differently than anyone else expressing their opinion. Apparently I just hit too close to home.
Just one? That leads the reader to assume that here are many. Neat trick.

Yes she played very loose with the facts when she said hat they left the WH broke. They had resources and were hardly destitute. In her desire to show commonality with the average American, she was bullshitting.

Reason to disqualify her for the job? Nope.

So Trump lying disqualifies him, Hillary lying just adds depth to her? :thup:

There is no hypocrisy like demopocrisy...
I guess most Trump supporters understand that exaggeration is one of the most commonly used rhetoric in Mr. Trump's speech. They may or may not like it. For those who do not like it, they can tolerate it because they like the candidate for other reasons. I believe Trump supporters, most of them, do not take these exaggerations in a literal sense.

As for those who strongly dislike exaggeration, they are very unlikely to become a Trump supporter. Thus, questioning Trump's accuracy/intention in using superlatives should typically not affect Trump supporters' view on their candidate.
His use of empty superlatives about himself is one of the things I don't like about him personally. I don't argue about them. There are too many substantive things about him I don't like I haven't got time to argue about this.

He is a mendacious blowhard. But that is not as important as his lies, double dealing, stealing, being in Hillary's pocket, ...... just one more reason I regard him and Hillary with equal disfavor

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