Trump supporters, don't the superlatives bother you?

Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?

Then there's the overt lies, like saying he didn't say Bush lied, he said Bush might have lied. He lies about what he said all the time as if we're stupid.

He sounds like he has a mental disease. Like he actually believes his ridiculous claims and shallow lies. Does that actually turn you on? Why does he say things like that? They don't seem like they help him at all. It's like the compulsive liar Kerry who lied about stupid things like that he ran the Boston Marathon. Like he actually believes it.

That he lies when it doesn't benefit him is actually the scary thing, like that he's not processing reality. That has to bother you,doesn't it?

Well Cruz's whole campaign is based on the lie that he is an outsider when in truth he and Heidi are a big inside the beltway power couple.

That's the biggest lie in the R campaign.

Doesn't answer the question. And I'm not even sure what you mean. He's certainly not gone along with the establishment

Certainly he's played the part of an outsider but it's for show. They both worked for President Bush. Heidi longer than Ted. She was under Condi Rice as a director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council.

Before that she was an economic policy advisor to Robert Zoellick the US Trade Rep. Oh they are fully connected to GW's administration.

Cruz was crucial to the Bush win vs Gore. Not sure if you knew that.

Goldman Sachs was her next big deal. Wall Street and Washington elite inside the beltway all the way.

Think about it. All the RINO's are endorsing him.

My point is not that Trump lies, the politicians all do, I agree. But speaking in hyperbole and denying he said in his speeches all the time is a different kinds of lie, that's what I'm asking about. It doesn't bother you? That the straight shooter can't even be honest about what he says in videotaped speeches all the time?

Why have a straight shooter who's that blatantly a liar?

I actually give candidates a lot of leeway during campaigns. They get fried out. They mess up and misspeak because they are on the road 24/7 and it's a meat grinder.

I didn't even go after Obama on his 57 states comment. Regarding Trump and his speeches don't forget he's just winging it. I think the first time he used a teleprompter with a canned speech was at AIPAC.

So when he says "I said what?" he means it.


Here's the difference between Cruz and Trump for me. And please be aware that I had been a Cruz fan for forever until Iowa. That dirty to Carson put me off him. Not that politics aren't dirty, but Cruz has been running a campaign based on "not politics as usual".

And the more I studied him the more disappointed I became. His term in the Senate playing the rebel, the campaign as an outsider fighting against the Washington Cartel is a charade.

Finding out that they were linked at the hip to the Bush administration and Wall Street far more than I originally presumed really turned me off him. Pity. Like I said I really had believed in him.

As to Trump. He's authentic. Of that there is no doubt. He's rough around the edges. But that's a good thing because I am sick and tired of smooth and polished bullshitters. And he won't owe any damn favors to Goldman Sachs or to any one who has endorsed him. That's a huge selling point for me.
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Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?

Then there's the overt lies, like saying he didn't say Bush lied, he said Bush might have lied. He lies about what he said all the time as if we're stupid.

He sounds like he has a mental disease. Like he actually believes his ridiculous claims and shallow lies. Does that actually turn you on? Why does he say things like that? They don't seem like they help him at all. It's like the compulsive liar Kerry who lied about stupid things like that he ran the Boston Marathon. Like he actually believes it.

That he lies when it doesn't benefit him is actually the scary thing, like that he's not processing reality. That has to bother you,doesn't it?
He's just using words...after all, he has the best words.

A useless post, your typical contribution to a discussion ...
Trump is the most positive free market candidate in years

True, but I want the real thing, not just incrementally better than the endless socialists representing both parties. He says he's not a free market capitalist, he's for protectionism and government control over industry. I would never vote for that
Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?


In an op attacking Trump for exaggerating, the lib in question uses Trump's exaggeration as a "reason" to conclude that Trump is a megalomaniac.

Was this supposed to be ironic?

Or is this standard complete LACK of lib self awareness?

I'm a lib again, LOL. You haven't noticed his tendency to say he's the "most" everything? It doesn't seem like a bit of creepy to you?

And again, does it not bother you when he is blasting Bush for lying over and over, then he denies saying that? If he's this straight forward guy, why lie about speeches he's making all over the country right now? How stupid does he think you are?

His use of exaggeration and hyperbole is part of his public persona. It is not important to me.

Creepy? No.

I don't agree with your opinion, but thank you for actually answering the question
Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?

Then there's the overt lies, like saying he didn't say Bush lied, he said Bush might have lied. He lies about what he said all the time as if we're stupid.

He sounds like he has a mental disease. Like he actually believes his ridiculous claims and shallow lies. Does that actually turn you on? Why does he say things like that? They don't seem like they help him at all. It's like the compulsive liar Kerry who lied about stupid things like that he ran the Boston Marathon. Like he actually believes it.

That he lies when it doesn't benefit him is actually the scary thing, like that he's not processing reality. That has to bother you,doesn't it?

Well Cruz's whole campaign is based on the lie that he is an outsider when in truth he and Heidi are a big inside the beltway power couple.

That's the biggest lie in the R campaign.

Doesn't answer the question. And I'm not even sure what you mean. He's certainly not gone along with the establishment

Certainly he's played the part of an outsider but it's for show. They both worked for President Bush. Heidi longer than Ted. She was under Condi Rice as a director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council.

Before that she was an economic policy advisor to Robert Zoellick the US Trade Rep. Oh they are fully connected to GW's administration.

Cruz was crucial to the Bush win vs Gore. Not sure if you knew that.

Goldman Sachs was her next big deal. Wall Street and Washington elite inside the beltway all the way.

Think about it. All the RINO's are endorsing him.

My point is not that Trump lies, the politicians all do, I agree. But speaking in hyperbole and denying he said in his speeches all the time is a different kinds of lie, that's what I'm asking about. It doesn't bother you? That the straight shooter can't even be honest about what he says in videotaped speeches all the time?

Why have a straight shooter who's that blatantly a liar?

I actually give candidates a lot of leeway during campaigns. They get fried out. They mess up and misspeak because they are on the road 24/7 and it's a meat grinder.

I didn't even go after Obama on his 57 states comment. Regarding Trump and his speeches don't forget he's just winging it. I think the first time he used a teleprompter with a canned speech was at AIPAC.

So when he says "I said what?" he means it.


Here's the difference between Cruz and Trump for me. And please be aware that I had been a Cruz fan for forever until Iowa. That dirty to Carson put me off him. Not that politics aren't dirty, but Cruz has been running a campaign based on "not politics as usual".

And the more I studied him the more disappointed I became. His term in the Senate playing the rebel, the campaign as an outsider fighting against the Washington Cartel is a charade.

Finding out that they were linked at the hip to the Bush administration and Wall Street far more than I originally presumed really turned me off him. Pity. Like I said I really had believed in him.

As to Trump. He's authentic. Of that there is no doubt. He's rough around the edges. But that's a good thing because I am sick and tired of smooth and polished bullshitters. And he won't owe any damn favors to Goldman Sachs or to any one who has endorsed him. That's a huge selling point for me.

You've fallen for exactly what you claim to be sick of - a polished bullshitter. One of the best of them. Congrats!
I guess most Trump supporters understand that exaggeration is one of the most commonly used rhetoric in Mr. Trump's speech. They may or may not like it. For those who do not like it, they can tolerate it because they like the candidate for other reasons. I believe Trump supporters, most of them, do not take these exaggerations in a literal sense.

As for those who strongly dislike exaggeration, they are very unlikely to become a Trump supporter. Thus, questioning Trump's accuracy in using superlatives should typically not affect Trump supporters' view on their candidate.

They probably should. As Trump just revealed the source on foreign policy he listens to most in an interview with the Washington Post.

"I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and have said a lot of things".

I'm pretty sure he's serious.

He'd been advised by the head of the CFR. AND he rolled out his foreign policy team this week.
Well Cruz's whole campaign is based on the lie that he is an outsider when in truth he and Heidi are a big inside the beltway power couple.

That's the biggest lie in the R campaign.

Doesn't answer the question. And I'm not even sure what you mean. He's certainly not gone along with the establishment

Certainly he's played the part of an outsider but it's for show. They both worked for President Bush. Heidi longer than Ted. She was under Condi Rice as a director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council.

Before that she was an economic policy advisor to Robert Zoellick the US Trade Rep. Oh they are fully connected to GW's administration.

Cruz was crucial to the Bush win vs Gore. Not sure if you knew that.

Goldman Sachs was her next big deal. Wall Street and Washington elite inside the beltway all the way.

Think about it. All the RINO's are endorsing him.

My point is not that Trump lies, the politicians all do, I agree. But speaking in hyperbole and denying he said in his speeches all the time is a different kinds of lie, that's what I'm asking about. It doesn't bother you? That the straight shooter can't even be honest about what he says in videotaped speeches all the time?

Why have a straight shooter who's that blatantly a liar?

I actually give candidates a lot of leeway during campaigns. They get fried out. They mess up and misspeak because they are on the road 24/7 and it's a meat grinder.

I didn't even go after Obama on his 57 states comment. Regarding Trump and his speeches don't forget he's just winging it. I think the first time he used a teleprompter with a canned speech was at AIPAC.

So when he says "I said what?" he means it.


Here's the difference between Cruz and Trump for me. And please be aware that I had been a Cruz fan for forever until Iowa. That dirty to Carson put me off him. Not that politics aren't dirty, but Cruz has been running a campaign based on "not politics as usual".

And the more I studied him the more disappointed I became. His term in the Senate playing the rebel, the campaign as an outsider fighting against the Washington Cartel is a charade.

Finding out that they were linked at the hip to the Bush administration and Wall Street far more than I originally presumed really turned me off him. Pity. Like I said I really had believed in him.

As to Trump. He's authentic. Of that there is no doubt. He's rough around the edges. But that's a good thing because I am sick and tired of smooth and polished bullshitters. And he won't owe any damn favors to Goldman Sachs or to any one who has endorsed him. That's a huge selling point for me.

You've fallen for exactly what you claim to be sick of - a polished bullshitter. One of the best of them. Congrats!

Give me a break. Polished does not fit the Donald at all.
I guess most Trump supporters understand that exaggeration is one of the most commonly used rhetoric in Mr. Trump's speech. They may or may not like it. For those who do not like it, they can tolerate it because they like the candidate for other reasons. I believe Trump supporters, most of them, do not take these exaggerations in a literal sense.

As for those who strongly dislike exaggeration, they are very unlikely to become a Trump supporter. Thus, questioning Trump's accuracy in using superlatives should typically not affect Trump supporters' view on their candidate.

They probably should. As Trump just revealed the source on foreign policy he listens to most in an interview with the Washington Post.

"I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and have said a lot of things".

I'm pretty sure he's serious.

He'd been advised by the head of the CFR. AND he rolled out his foreign policy team this week.

Why would he listen to the head of the CFR if his favorite source on foreign himself?

After all, Trump has 'said a lot of things'. So why wouldn't Trump listen to Trump?
Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?

Then there's the overt lies, like saying he didn't say Bush lied, he said Bush might have lied. He lies about what he said all the time as if we're stupid.

He sounds like he has a mental disease. Like he actually believes his ridiculous claims and shallow lies. Does that actually turn you on? Why does he say things like that? They don't seem like they help him at all. It's like the compulsive liar Kerry who lied about stupid things like that he ran the Boston Marathon. Like he actually believes it.

That he lies when it doesn't benefit him is actually the scary thing, like that he's not processing reality. That has to bother you,doesn't it?

Well Cruz's whole campaign is based on the lie that he is an outsider when in truth he and Heidi are a big inside the beltway power couple.

That's the biggest lie in the R campaign.

Doesn't answer the question. And I'm not even sure what you mean. He's certainly not gone along with the establishment

Certainly he's played the part of an outsider but it's for show. They both worked for President Bush. Heidi longer than Ted. She was under Condi Rice as a director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council.

Before that she was an economic policy advisor to Robert Zoellick the US Trade Rep. Oh they are fully connected to GW's administration.

Cruz was crucial to the Bush win vs Gore. Not sure if you knew that.

Goldman Sachs was her next big deal. Wall Street and Washington elite inside the beltway all the way.

Think about it. All the RINO's are endorsing him.

My point is not that Trump lies, the politicians all do, I agree. But speaking in hyperbole and denying he said in his speeches all the time is a different kinds of lie, that's what I'm asking about. It doesn't bother you? That the straight shooter can't even be honest about what he says in videotaped speeches all the time?

Why have a straight shooter who's that blatantly a liar?

I actually give candidates a lot of leeway during campaigns. They get fried out. They mess up and misspeak because they are on the road 24/7 and it's a meat grinder.

I didn't even go after Obama on his 57 states comment. Regarding Trump and his speeches don't forget he's just winging it. I think the first time he used a teleprompter with a canned speech was at AIPAC.

So when he says "I said what?" he means it.


Here's the difference between Cruz and Trump for me. And please be aware that I had been a Cruz fan for forever until Iowa. That dirty to Carson put me off him. Not that politics aren't dirty, but Cruz has been running a campaign based on "not politics as usual".

And the more I studied him the more disappointed I became. His term in the Senate playing the rebel, the campaign as an outsider fighting against the Washington Cartel is a charade.

Finding out that they were linked at the hip to the Bush administration and Wall Street far more than I originally presumed really turned me off him. Pity. Like I said I really had believed in him.

As to Trump. He's authentic. Of that there is no doubt. He's rough around the edges. But that's a good thing because I am sick and tired of smooth and polished bullshitters. And he won't owe any damn favors to Goldman Sachs or to any one who has endorsed him. That's a huge selling point for me.

Rand was clearly my preferred candidate, originally, later and now. but of course he was never going to win. Like you, I then liked Cruz. And like you, he turned me off with some statements and stunts. The "carpet bombing" thing was moronic.

I have felt he's settled down though, his interviews and speeches are a lot better now and I'm back on board. I probably would vote for Cruz.

But please on Trump, I didn't say Bush is a liar? He says that ALL the time. He wants to say whatever he wants to say at the moment and have you believe him. Kerry and Slick were the only others I've remotely seen like that, not exactly good company to keep.

And the being the "most" everything really sounds like a mental condition, why say things in such ridiculous terms? And he's the most pro-Israel? Wow
Doesn't answer the question. And I'm not even sure what you mean. He's certainly not gone along with the establishment

Certainly he's played the part of an outsider but it's for show. They both worked for President Bush. Heidi longer than Ted. She was under Condi Rice as a director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council.

Before that she was an economic policy advisor to Robert Zoellick the US Trade Rep. Oh they are fully connected to GW's administration.

Cruz was crucial to the Bush win vs Gore. Not sure if you knew that.

Goldman Sachs was her next big deal. Wall Street and Washington elite inside the beltway all the way.

Think about it. All the RINO's are endorsing him.

My point is not that Trump lies, the politicians all do, I agree. But speaking in hyperbole and denying he said in his speeches all the time is a different kinds of lie, that's what I'm asking about. It doesn't bother you? That the straight shooter can't even be honest about what he says in videotaped speeches all the time?

Why have a straight shooter who's that blatantly a liar?

I actually give candidates a lot of leeway during campaigns. They get fried out. They mess up and misspeak because they are on the road 24/7 and it's a meat grinder.

I didn't even go after Obama on his 57 states comment. Regarding Trump and his speeches don't forget he's just winging it. I think the first time he used a teleprompter with a canned speech was at AIPAC.

So when he says "I said what?" he means it.


Here's the difference between Cruz and Trump for me. And please be aware that I had been a Cruz fan for forever until Iowa. That dirty to Carson put me off him. Not that politics aren't dirty, but Cruz has been running a campaign based on "not politics as usual".

And the more I studied him the more disappointed I became. His term in the Senate playing the rebel, the campaign as an outsider fighting against the Washington Cartel is a charade.

Finding out that they were linked at the hip to the Bush administration and Wall Street far more than I originally presumed really turned me off him. Pity. Like I said I really had believed in him.

As to Trump. He's authentic. Of that there is no doubt. He's rough around the edges. But that's a good thing because I am sick and tired of smooth and polished bullshitters. And he won't owe any damn favors to Goldman Sachs or to any one who has endorsed him. That's a huge selling point for me.

You've fallen for exactly what you claim to be sick of - a polished bullshitter. One of the best of them. Congrats!

Give me a break. Polished does not fit the Donald at all.

I guess it's in the ear of the beholder. I watch him and I see someone who's very, very good at bamboozling idiots. He's playing a role, playing out the redneck idiot's fantasy of what it would be like if they were rich. They'd flaunt they're wealth, strut around with a trophy wife saying "You're fired!" and "Get 'em outta here!", and never put up with crap from anyone!
Trump is the most positive free market candidate in years

True, but I want the real thing, not just incrementally better than the endless socialists representing both parties. He says he's not a free market capitalist, he's for protectionism and government control over industry. I would never vote for that

Well I agree, but you got to take what you can. Besides that, he says a lot of ridiculous things, that I really have hard time he believes.
Certainly he's played the part of an outsider but it's for show. They both worked for President Bush. Heidi longer than Ted. She was under Condi Rice as a director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council.

Before that she was an economic policy advisor to Robert Zoellick the US Trade Rep. Oh they are fully connected to GW's administration.

Cruz was crucial to the Bush win vs Gore. Not sure if you knew that.

Goldman Sachs was her next big deal. Wall Street and Washington elite inside the beltway all the way.

Think about it. All the RINO's are endorsing him.

My point is not that Trump lies, the politicians all do, I agree. But speaking in hyperbole and denying he said in his speeches all the time is a different kinds of lie, that's what I'm asking about. It doesn't bother you? That the straight shooter can't even be honest about what he says in videotaped speeches all the time?

Why have a straight shooter who's that blatantly a liar?

I actually give candidates a lot of leeway during campaigns. They get fried out. They mess up and misspeak because they are on the road 24/7 and it's a meat grinder.

I didn't even go after Obama on his 57 states comment. Regarding Trump and his speeches don't forget he's just winging it. I think the first time he used a teleprompter with a canned speech was at AIPAC.

So when he says "I said what?" he means it.


Here's the difference between Cruz and Trump for me. And please be aware that I had been a Cruz fan for forever until Iowa. That dirty to Carson put me off him. Not that politics aren't dirty, but Cruz has been running a campaign based on "not politics as usual".

And the more I studied him the more disappointed I became. His term in the Senate playing the rebel, the campaign as an outsider fighting against the Washington Cartel is a charade.

Finding out that they were linked at the hip to the Bush administration and Wall Street far more than I originally presumed really turned me off him. Pity. Like I said I really had believed in him.

As to Trump. He's authentic. Of that there is no doubt. He's rough around the edges. But that's a good thing because I am sick and tired of smooth and polished bullshitters. And he won't owe any damn favors to Goldman Sachs or to any one who has endorsed him. That's a huge selling point for me.

You've fallen for exactly what you claim to be sick of - a polished bullshitter. One of the best of them. Congrats!

Give me a break. Polished does not fit the Donald at all.

I guess it's in the ear of the beholder. I watch him and I see someone who's very, very good at bamboozling idiots. He's playing a role, playing out the redneck idiot's fantasy of what it would be like if they were rich. They'd flaunt they're wealth, strut around with a trophy wife saying "You're fired!" and "Get 'em outta here!", and never put up with crap from anyone!

I don't get the appeal either
Trump supporters need to be bothered by Trump’s lies, bigotry, and the fact that he has no business being president.

So do Clinton supporters

Couldn't help yourself, could you.

Dummies like you think Clinton lies like Trump. But you can't prove it. You just know it. Right?

Don't bother answering. It's meaningless.

They've been blatantly lying for decades. There is a reason Hillary is one of the least trusted politicians out there. And why she laments that she can't lie like others
Trump never saw that ad he watched.

But saying you watched an ad and three minutes later saying you never did isn't lying. Trump is a straight talker. And Mormons don't like liars and we all know Trump wins big among Mormons

A straight talker? Bush lied, Bush lied, Bush lied!

I didn't say he lied, I said he might of. Bull, he says Bush lied all the time. How does a "straight talker" not remember what he said in speech after speech? Again, the point isn't his position, it's his lame lie about what he said

Exactly! He lies about things that no one would care about. Like his business deals that went south. I wouldn't care at all about them except he needs to lie about it.
Last edited:
Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?

Then there's the overt lies, like saying he didn't say Bush lied, he said Bush might have lied. He lies about what he said all the time as if we're stupid.

He sounds like he has a mental disease. Like he actually believes his ridiculous claims and shallow lies. Does that actually turn you on? Why does he say things like that? They don't seem like they help him at all. It's like the compulsive liar Kerry who lied about stupid things like that he ran the Boston Marathon. Like he actually believes it.

That he lies when it doesn't benefit him is actually the scary thing, like that he's not processing reality. That has to bother you,doesn't it?

Well Cruz's whole campaign is based on the lie that he is an outsider when in truth he and Heidi are a big inside the beltway power couple.

That's the biggest lie in the R campaign.

Which is why the establishment is has been so reluctant to support him until he was their only option to be Trump.

The biggest lie of the campaign is the man who has been funding establishment corruption in both parties for decades is somehow an outsider
Well Cruz's whole campaign is based on the lie that he is an outsider when in truth he and Heidi are a big inside the beltway power couple.

That's the biggest lie in the R campaign.

Doesn't answer the question. And I'm not even sure what you mean. He's certainly not gone along with the establishment

Certainly he's played the part of an outsider but it's for show. They both worked for President Bush. Heidi longer than Ted. She was under Condi Rice as a director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council.

Before that she was an economic policy advisor to Robert Zoellick the US Trade Rep. Oh they are fully connected to GW's administration.

Cruz was crucial to the Bush win vs Gore. Not sure if you knew that.

Goldman Sachs was her next big deal. Wall Street and Washington elite inside the beltway all the way.

Think about it. All the RINO's are endorsing him.

My point is not that Trump lies, the politicians all do, I agree. But speaking in hyperbole and denying he said in his speeches all the time is a different kinds of lie, that's what I'm asking about. It doesn't bother you? That the straight shooter can't even be honest about what he says in videotaped speeches all the time?

Why have a straight shooter who's that blatantly a liar?

I actually give candidates a lot of leeway during campaigns. They get fried out. They mess up and misspeak because they are on the road 24/7 and it's a meat grinder.

I didn't even go after Obama on his 57 states comment. Regarding Trump and his speeches don't forget he's just winging it. I think the first time he used a teleprompter with a canned speech was at AIPAC.

So when he says "I said what?" he means it.


Here's the difference between Cruz and Trump for me. And please be aware that I had been a Cruz fan for forever until Iowa. That dirty to Carson put me off him. Not that politics aren't dirty, but Cruz has been running a campaign based on "not politics as usual".

And the more I studied him the more disappointed I became. His term in the Senate playing the rebel, the campaign as an outsider fighting against the Washington Cartel is a charade.

Finding out that they were linked at the hip to the Bush administration and Wall Street far more than I originally presumed really turned me off him. Pity. Like I said I really had believed in him.

As to Trump. He's authentic. Of that there is no doubt. He's rough around the edges. But that's a good thing because I am sick and tired of smooth and polished bullshitters. And he won't owe any damn favors to Goldman Sachs or to any one who has endorsed him. That's a huge selling point for me.

Rand was clearly my preferred candidate, originally, later and now. but of course he was never going to win. Like you, I then liked Cruz. And like you, he turned me off with some statements and stunts. The "carpet bombing" thing was moronic.

I have felt he's settled down though, his interviews and speeches are a lot better now and I'm back on board. I probably would vote for Cruz.

But please on Trump, I didn't say Bush is a liar? He says that ALL the time. He wants to say whatever he wants to say at the moment and have you believe him. Kerry and Slick were the only others I've remotely seen like that, not exactly good company to keep.

And the being the "most" everything really sounds like a mental condition, why say things in such ridiculous terms? And he's the most pro-Israel? Wow

I love Rand and I thought he had so much to offer in the campaign and I was really disappointed that he left the race as soon as he did. I'm really angry that the establishment supported and ran so many candidates to force good candidates out early.

As far as self aggrandizing goes all politicians do it. Trump is just being Trump so it doesn't bother me.

What I am really concerned about now is possibly situation B. Cruz does what all his establishment backers want right now. To keep Trump from making the magic number and going to a brokered convention and then pull a double cross on Cruz and run Kasich or heaven's forbid Romney.

At this point I don't think we can rule out any scenario.
Well, actually after seven years of Obama and Hillary, we are pretty much immune to lies.

Deflect. Bitch. Deflect.

Well actually, we don't spend too much time worrying about the lies because we're so amused at all the time you Liberal loons spend on USMB trying to trash him each day exposing your absolute fear of him. You folks are really quite pathetic you know.

I'm a liberal loon? Thanks for letting me know

Yes. Someone needed to tell you.

Actually, I'm the most non-liberal person on the board (don't get it, do you?)

Yeah apparently I'm suddenly a liberal too because I oppose the billionaire tyrant and call him out as the rino he is.
Trump supporters need to be bothered by Trump’s lies, bigotry, and the fact that he has no business being president.

So do Clinton supporters

Couldn't help yourself, could you.

Dummies like you think Clinton lies like Trump. But you can't prove it. You just know it. Right?

Don't bother answering. It's meaningless.

They've been blatantly lying for decades. There is a reason Hillary is one of the least trusted politicians out there. And why she laments that she can't lie like others

She's one of the least people who don't trust anyone.

Where is the PROOF that she's dishonest on Trump's level?

She is a politician. She spins. She twists. But she DOES NOT TELL STRAIGHT LIES like Trump and Cruz do. Period.
I guess most Trump supporters understand that exaggeration is one of the most commonly used rhetoric in Mr. Trump's speech. They may or may not like it. For those who do not like it, they can tolerate it because they like the candidate for other reasons. I believe Trump supporters, most of them, do not take these exaggerations in a literal sense.

As for those who strongly dislike exaggeration, they are very unlikely to become a Trump supporter. Thus, questioning Trump's accuracy in using superlatives should typically not affect Trump supporters' view on their candidate.

They probably should. As Trump just revealed the source on foreign policy he listens to most in an interview with the Washington Post.

"I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and have said a lot of things".

I'm pretty sure he's serious.

I suspect you are right. I have a good brain and I have said a lot of things as well. But I would always listen to counsel.

"Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety" Provers 11:14

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