Trump supporters, don't the superlatives bother you?

Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?


In an op attacking Trump for exaggerating, the lib in question uses Trump's exaggeration as a "reason" to conclude that Trump is a megalomaniac.

Was this supposed to be ironic?

Or is this standard complete LACK of lib self awareness?

I'll bet he'll soon be telling us hoe intelligent he is and how ignorant we are. They're a dime a dozen.

Well, since you pass judgment based on what people will do (according to you), I don't have to, do I?
Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?

Then there's the overt lies, like saying he didn't say Bush lied, he said Bush might have lied. He lies about what he said all the time as if we're stupid.

He sounds like he has a mental disease. Like he actually believes his ridiculous claims and shallow lies. Does that actually turn you on? Why does he say things like that? They don't seem like they help him at all. It's like the compulsive liar Kerry who lied about stupid things like that he ran the Boston Marathon. Like he actually believes it.

That he lies when it doesn't benefit him is actually the scary thing, like that he's not processing reality. That has to bother you,doesn't it?

He's rich and the right color. If Obama had said "I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words...but there is no better word than stupid. Right?"

They'd have shit their bowels clean at the stupidity and arrogance. But Trump? You get cow eyed nods and slack jaws.
Trump says a lot of stupid things, no doubt. However, he doesn't filter them through staid political filters which is refreshing and doubtless unacceptable by all establishment politicos. That is part-and-parcel of his appeal.

So let me pick one. He said he didn't say Bush lied, when it's all over him saying over and over pounding the Bush lied message. I'm not even talking about his position. Whether or not you think W lied, would you go all around and say Bush lied and then deny you said that?

I'm not talking about his politics, I'm talking about egomania

You have used three or four different words to describe Trump in your posts. What are your qualifications to diagnose someone as a "megalomaniac self obsessed personality?"

So just to be clear, when you joined a message board, you thought no one would express opinions on subjects they aren't Phd's in? Wow, where did you ever get that idea?

I'll clue you in to a little secret. Message boards are to express opinions. Bad news is, you may disagree with some of them. Sucks, huh?
Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?

Then there's the overt lies, like saying he didn't say Bush lied, he said Bush might have lied. He lies about what he said all the time as if we're stupid.

He sounds like he has a mental disease. Like he actually believes his ridiculous claims and shallow lies. Does that actually turn you on? Why does he say things like that? They don't seem like they help him at all. It's like the compulsive liar Kerry who lied about stupid things like that he ran the Boston Marathon. Like he actually believes it.

That he lies when it doesn't benefit him is actually the scary thing, like that he's not processing reality. That has to bother you,doesn't it?

Well Cruz's whole campaign is based on the lie that he is an outsider when in truth he and Heidi are a big inside the beltway power couple.

That's the biggest lie in the R campaign.

Doesn't answer the question. And I'm not even sure what you mean. He's certainly not gone along with the establishment

Certainly he's played the part of an outsider but it's for show. They both worked for President Bush. Heidi longer than Ted. She was under Condi Rice as a director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council.

Before that she was an economic policy advisor to Robert Zoellick the US Trade Rep. Oh they are fully connected to GW's administration.

Cruz was crucial to the Bush win vs Gore. Not sure if you knew that.

Goldman Sachs was her next big deal. Wall Street and Washington elite inside the beltway all the way.

Think about it. All the RINO's are endorsing him.

My point is not that Trump lies, the politicians all do, I agree. But speaking in hyperbole and denying he said in his speeches all the time is a different kinds of lie, that's what I'm asking about. It doesn't bother you? That the straight shooter can't even be honest about what he says in videotaped speeches all the time?

Why have a straight shooter who's that blatantly a liar?
Trump says a lot of stupid things, no doubt. However, he doesn't filter them through staid political filters which is refreshing and doubtless unacceptable by all establishment politicos. That is part-and-parcel of his appeal.

So let me pick one. He said he didn't say Bush lied, when it's all over him saying over and over pounding the Bush lied message. I'm not even talking about his position. Whether or not you think W lied, would you go all around and say Bush lied and then deny you said that?

I'm not talking about his politics, I'm talking about egomania

You have used three or four different words to describe Trump in your posts. What are your qualifications to diagnose someone as a "megalomaniac self obsessed personality?"

Let me guess, he is a liberal. Which in his mind makes him an expert psychologists, as well as the most amazing tolerant guy on earth. I mean, they identify racists all the time with 100% accuracy so a "megalomaniac self obsessed narcissistic personality with xenophobic, racist, Hitler supporting tint" shouldn't be an impossible task to identify either.
You people don't grasp the concept of a message board, it's hillarious
Trump is going to make America the greatest again.

I'm sure in his mind, he already did. So when he says lame extreme shit like that he's the most pro-Israel candidate and he respects women more than any other candidate, that floats your boat?

You trumpettes are being as content deprived as the left is

Trump is a guy who finally put an end to the political correctness. Something that the republican mainstream nominees did not even attempt. Even Rand Paul of all things was made powerless by the might of it. For that he deserves an award, and the presidency. Now, we can finally actually speak.

I agree, but the question is about his stupid, pointless, obvious lies about things like lying about what he says in his speeches and ridiculous extreme statements like he's the most this and the most that. What benefit is there to saying ridiculous crap like he's the "most pro-Israel?" Only a moron would believe that. Why not just say that he is pro-Israel. People might believe that. I wouldn't, but some might. but when he puts it that extreme, I just laugh at him

The point is that, low IQ people are attracted to those blanket statements. How do you think Obama won? By reason and logic? Give me a break.

You think Obama supporters.....on average.....have lower IQ's than trump supporters?

when you're talking about numbers that low, does it matter?
Trump is going to make America the greatest again.

I'm sure in his mind, he already did. So when he says lame extreme shit like that he's the most pro-Israel candidate and he respects women more than any other candidate, that floats your boat?

You trumpettes are being as content deprived as the left is

Trump is a guy who finally put an end to the political correctness. Something that the republican mainstream nominees did not even attempt. Even Rand Paul of all things was made powerless by the might of it. For that he deserves an award, and the presidency. Now, we can finally actually speak.

I agree, but the question is about his stupid, pointless, obvious lies about things like lying about what he says in his speeches and ridiculous extreme statements like he's the most this and the most that. What benefit is there to saying ridiculous crap like he's the "most pro-Israel?" Only a moron would believe that. Why not just say that he is pro-Israel. People might believe that. I wouldn't, but some might. but when he puts it that extreme, I just laugh at him

The point is that, low IQ people are attracted to those blanket statements. How do you think Obama won? By reason and logic? Give me a break.

Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?

Then there's the overt lies, like saying he didn't say Bush lied, he said Bush might have lied. He lies about what he said all the time as if we're stupid.

He sounds like he has a mental disease. Like he actually believes his ridiculous claims and shallow lies. Does that actually turn you on? Why does he say things like that? They don't seem like they help him at all. It's like the compulsive liar Kerry who lied about stupid things like that he ran the Boston Marathon. Like he actually believes it.

That he lies when it doesn't benefit him is actually the scary thing, like that he's not processing reality. That has to bother you,doesn't it?

Well Cruz's whole campaign is based on the lie that he is an outsider when in truth he and Heidi are a big inside the beltway power couple.

That's the biggest lie in the R campaign.

Doesn't answer the question. And I'm not even sure what you mean. He's certainly not gone along with the establishment

Certainly he's played the part of an outsider but it's for show. They both worked for President Bush. Heidi longer than Ted. She was under Condi Rice as a director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council.

Before that she was an economic policy advisor to Robert Zoellick the US Trade Rep. Oh they are fully connected to GW's administration.

Cruz was crucial to the Bush win vs Gore. Not sure if you knew that.

Goldman Sachs was her next big deal. Wall Street and Washington elite inside the beltway all the way.

Think about it. All the RINO's are endorsing him.

Don't need to think about that. It's Cruz, Trump or a Democrat. It's hardly a free endorsement.

I'd never support Trump as I said in the thread I started because he's not a free market capitalist and he says so. Granted I could find reasons to not support most Republicans if I dig into their policies on that, but he says so, I would never vote for that
I'm sure in his mind, he already did. So when he says lame extreme shit like that he's the most pro-Israel candidate and he respects women more than any other candidate, that floats your boat?

You trumpettes are being as content deprived as the left is

Trump is a guy who finally put an end to the political correctness. Something that the republican mainstream nominees did not even attempt. Even Rand Paul of all things was made powerless by the might of it. For that he deserves an award, and the presidency. Now, we can finally actually speak.

I agree, but the question is about his stupid, pointless, obvious lies about things like lying about what he says in his speeches and ridiculous extreme statements like he's the most this and the most that. What benefit is there to saying ridiculous crap like he's the "most pro-Israel?" Only a moron would believe that. Why not just say that he is pro-Israel. People might believe that. I wouldn't, but some might. but when he puts it that extreme, I just laugh at him

The point is that, low IQ people are attracted to those blanket statements. How do you think Obama won? By reason and logic? Give me a break.

You think Obama supporters.....on average.....have lower IQ's than trump supporters?

I was saying that somehow the lower IQ base needs to be captured too. They aren't receptive to logic and reason.

Although, based on your post, I would like to answer yes.

In most elections, they are the only bases represented when we get to the actual election
I guess most Trump supporters understand that exaggeration is one of the most commonly used rhetoric in Mr. Trump's speech. They may or may not like it. For those who do not like it, they can tolerate it because they like the candidate for other reasons. I believe Trump supporters, most of them, do not take these exaggerations in a literal sense.

As for those who strongly dislike exaggeration, they are very unlikely to become a Trump supporter. Thus, questioning Trump's accuracy/intention in using superlatives should typically not affect Trump supporters' view on their candidate.
I guess most Trump supporters understand that exaggeration is one of the most commonly used rhetoric in Mr. Trump's speech. They may or may not like it. For those who do not like it, they can tolerate it because they like the candidate for other reasons. I believe Trump supporters, most of them, do not take these exaggerations in a literal sense.

As for those who strongly dislike exaggeration, they are very unlikely to become a Trump supporter. Thus, questioning Trump's accuracy in using superlatives should typically not affect Trump supporters' view on their candidate.

They probably should. As Trump just revealed the source on foreign policy he listens to most in an interview with the Washington Post.

"I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and have said a lot of things".

I'm pretty sure he's serious.
I guess most Trump supporters understand that exaggeration is one of the most commonly used rhetoric in Mr. Trump's speech. They may or may not like it. For those who do not like it, they can tolerate it because they like the candidate for other reasons. I believe Trump supporters, most of them, do not take these exaggerations in a literal sense.

As for those who strongly dislike exaggeration, they are very unlikely to become a Trump supporter. Thus, questioning Trump's accuracy/intention in using superlatives should typically not affect Trump supporters' view on their candidate.

Come on, the exaggerations fit the anti-PC character perfectly. It ain't no accident. Plus, he is a great man.
I guess most Trump supporters understand that exaggeration is one of the most commonly used rhetoric in Mr. Trump's speech. They may or may not like it. For those who do not like it, they can tolerate it because they like the candidate for other reasons. I believe Trump supporters, most of them, do not take these exaggerations in a literal sense.

As for those who strongly dislike exaggeration, they are very unlikely to become a Trump supporter. Thus, questioning Trump's accuracy in using superlatives should typically not affect Trump supporters' view on their candidate.

They probably should. As Trump just revealed the source on foreign policy he listens to most in an interview with the Washington Post.

"I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and have said a lot of things".

I'm pretty sure he's serious.

Yet still he is more informed than Barack "Not all Muslims" Obama. Perhaps he too could use some self reflection instead of spending all his time in a regressive echo chamber. Of course, Donald is actually really smart... Actually really starting to like that guy.
I guess most Trump supporters understand that exaggeration is one of the most commonly used rhetoric in Mr. Trump's speech. They may or may not like it. For those who do not like it, they can tolerate it because they like the candidate for other reasons. I believe Trump supporters, most of them, do not take these exaggerations in a literal sense.

As for those who strongly dislike exaggeration, they are very unlikely to become a Trump supporter. Thus, questioning Trump's accuracy in using superlatives should typically not affect Trump supporters' view on their candidate.

They probably should. As Trump just revealed the source on foreign policy he listens to most in an interview with the Washington Post.

"I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and have said a lot of things".

I'm pretty sure he's serious.

Yet still he is more informed than Barack "Not all Muslims" Obama. And smart too... Actually really starting to like that guy.

Trump certainly thinks so. Looks like early retirement for our generals and entire diplomatic corp. Trump's got that covered.
I guess most Trump supporters understand that exaggeration is one of the most commonly used rhetoric in Mr. Trump's speech. They may or may not like it. For those who do not like it, they can tolerate it because they like the candidate for other reasons. I believe Trump supporters, most of them, do not take these exaggerations in a literal sense.

As for those who strongly dislike exaggeration, they are very unlikely to become a Trump supporter. Thus, questioning Trump's accuracy/intention in using superlatives should typically not affect Trump supporters' view on their candidate.

Now that's a great post, thank you!
Sonny Clark has NO PROBLEM that Trump is a megalomaniac and power hungry say whatever he needs to get himself into power used car salesman. His excuse is....mmmmmmmm wait for it......cuz politicians are megalomaniac power hungry say whatever they need to say to get themselves into power....and he doesnt like that. The book couldnt write its fucking self, could it sonny? Come on man. Wake up.
I support Trump. I will support him until someone shows me a better person for the job. Who's better?
Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?

Then there's the overt lies, like saying he didn't say Bush lied, he said Bush might have lied. He lies about what he said all the time as if we're stupid.

He sounds like he has a mental disease. Like he actually believes his ridiculous claims and shallow lies. Does that actually turn you on? Why does he say things like that? They don't seem like they help him at all. It's like the compulsive liar Kerry who lied about stupid things like that he ran the Boston Marathon. Like he actually believes it.

That he lies when it doesn't benefit him is actually the scary thing, like that he's not processing reality. That has to bother you,doesn't it?
He's just using words...after all, he has the best words.
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Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?

Then there's the overt lies, like saying he didn't say Bush lied, he said Bush might have lied. He lies about what he said all the time as if we're stupid.

He sounds like he has a mental disease. Like he actually believes his ridiculous claims and shallow lies. Does that actually turn you on? Why does he say things like that? They don't seem like they help him at all. It's like the compulsive liar Kerry who lied about stupid things like that he ran the Boston Marathon. Like he actually believes it.

That he lies when it doesn't benefit him is actually the scary thing, like that he's not processing reality. That has to bother you,doesn't it?

Well Cruz's whole campaign is based on the lie that he is an outsider when in truth he and Heidi are a big inside the beltway power couple.

That's the biggest lie in the R campaign.

Doesn't answer the question. And I'm not even sure what you mean. He's certainly not gone along with the establishment

Certainly he's played the part of an outsider but it's for show. They both worked for President Bush. Heidi longer than Ted. She was under Condi Rice as a director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council.

Before that she was an economic policy advisor to Robert Zoellick the US Trade Rep. Oh they are fully connected to GW's administration.

Cruz was crucial to the Bush win vs Gore. Not sure if you knew that.

Goldman Sachs was her next big deal. Wall Street and Washington elite inside the beltway all the way.

Think about it. All the RINO's are endorsing him.

Don't need to think about that. It's Cruz, Trump or a Democrat. It's hardly a free endorsement.

I'd never support Trump as I said in the thread I started because he's not a free market capitalist and he says so. Granted I could find reasons to not support most Republicans if I dig into their policies on that, but he says so, I would never vote for that

You don't support Trump because he doesn't stand for capitalism?

Honestly speaking for a moment, you are delusional. The whole reason for Trump's popularity are the SJWs and the Rhinos - republicans who talk the talk but don't want to walk the walk. Trump is the most positive free market candidate in years. Bush on the other hand expanded government and free markets got the blame for the consequences. Yeah, how did that work out? The only thing liberals got right is that indeed that guy was an embarrassment.

Grow up. Trump is all about giving the looters the middle finger, if you just see through all the showmanship. He is a self made billionaire of all things, with no sponsors to speak of. Never in the past have the chances for true free market thought have been this good. And that is probably the reason for the vile hatred by the parasites.
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Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?


In an op attacking Trump for exaggerating, the lib in question uses Trump's exaggeration as a "reason" to conclude that Trump is a megalomaniac.

Was this supposed to be ironic?

Or is this standard complete LACK of lib self awareness?

I'm a lib again, LOL. You haven't noticed his tendency to say he's the "most" everything? It doesn't seem like a bit of creepy to you?

And again, does it not bother you when he is blasting Bush for lying over and over, then he denies saying that? If he's this straight forward guy, why lie about speeches he's making all over the country right now? How stupid does he think you are?

His use of exaggeration and hyperbole is part of his public persona. It is not important to me.

Creepy? No.
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Seriously, when Trump keeps saying he's the "most pro-Israel candidate" and he "respects women more than any other candidate," doesn't that bother you? Like he's a megalomaniac?

Then there's the overt lies, like saying he didn't say Bush lied, he said Bush might have lied. He lies about what he said all the time as if we're stupid.

He sounds like he has a mental disease. Like he actually believes his ridiculous claims and shallow lies. Does that actually turn you on? Why does he say things like that? They don't seem like they help him at all. It's like the compulsive liar Kerry who lied about stupid things like that he ran the Boston Marathon. Like he actually believes it.

That he lies when it doesn't benefit him is actually the scary thing, like that he's not processing reality. That has to bother you,doesn't it?

He's rich and the right color. If Obama had said "I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words...but there is no better word than stupid. Right?"

They'd have shit their bowels clean at the stupidity and arrogance. But Trump? You get cow eyed nods and slack jaws.


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