Trump Supporters: It's time to pack it in--

To be fair, I am still worried about the Electoral College. Doesn't matter if he lost the election, Trump never plays with a full deck.
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.

That's like seeing two restaurants side-by-side, one run down with only two cars at it and the other always with a PACKED parking lot night after night and asking: "Gee, since when are legions of customers any sure indicator of good food and a booming business?"

Donald Trump did up to FIVE rallies in a single day, with an average of 30,000 people at each! That is 150,000 people in one day. NO PRESIDENT IN HISTORY has ever done that.
It depends on what you are comparing...what is a political rally a sure sign of?

Not necessarily a winner.
LESSEE: McCain was this super-liked senator. Reelected over and over. Even Dems went to his funeral. Obama creamed McCain, Trump blasted Obama out by almost 10 million votes. Not a single vote of Trump's has been found questionable, and now Joe Biden, a guy who fell that his other two tries at president, blew Trump out by another 4-5 million?


Were millions of Canadians voting in this race, too?
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.
Since 2016, liar.

One time.

That sure is a trend :lol:

One time? WTF are you talking about? You brain damaged, a smartass or just a deluded liar? Trump must have held something like around TWO HUNDRED rallies between 2015 to 2020! One time?

He even drew massive crowds thrilled to see him clamoring over each other to see and hear him speak in FOREIGN COUNTRIES!

What was Joe's total draw in 2020, a couple hundred?

Honey, do you have ANY idea how you embarrass yourself?

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Aren’t we talking about large rallies being a song of winning an election?

Here is our exchange:
Me: Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.

You: Since 2016, liar.

That is ONE election.

TWO elections. The maximum sampling possible. Trump was even MORE popular and drew more votes and people now in 2020 than in all of history, and that is EVEN WITH
Trump must have done 200 historic great things here and around the world in his four years and the media NEVER ONCE gave him credit, reported it or put a positive spin to it.

Trump is more president than the last TEN democrats put together.

His only legit criticism is that he is a LARGER THAN LIFE figure, because that is the only kind of person who could step into such a difficult job with so much opposition and STILL GET SO MUCH DONE.

He only won one. Rally sizes don’t necessarily indicate winners.
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.

That's like seeing two restaurants side-by-side, one run down with only two cars at it and the other always with a PACKED parking lot night after night and asking: "Gee, since when are legions of customers any sure indicator of good food and a booming business?"

Donald Trump did up to FIVE rallies in a single day, with an average of 30,000 people at each! That is 150,000 people in one day. NO PRESIDENT IN HISTORY has ever done that.
It depends on what you are comparing...what is a political rally a sure sign of?

Not necessarily a winner.
LESSEE: McCain was this super-liked senator. Reelected over and over. Even Dems went to his funeral. Obama creamed McCain, Trump blasted Obama out by almost 10 million votes. Not a single vote of Trump's has been found questionable, and now Joe Biden, a guy who fell that his other two tries at president, blew Trump out by another 4-5 million?


Were millions of Canadians voting in this race, too?
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.
Since 2016, liar.

One time.

That sure is a trend :lol:

One time? WTF are you talking about? You brain damaged, a smartass or just a deluded liar? Trump must have held something like around TWO HUNDRED rallies between 2015 to 2020! One time?

He even drew massive crowds thrilled to see him clamoring over each other to see and hear him speak in FOREIGN COUNTRIES!

What was Joe's total draw in 2020, a couple hundred?

Honey, do you have ANY idea how you embarrass yourself?

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Aren’t we talking about large rallies being a song of winning an election?

Here is our exchange:
Me: Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.

You: Since 2016, liar.

That is ONE election.

TWO elections. The maximum sampling possible. Trump was even MORE popular and drew more votes and people now in 2020 than in all of history, and that is EVEN WITH
Trump must have done 200 historic great things here and around the world in his four years and the media NEVER ONCE gave him credit, reported it or put a positive spin to it.

Trump is more president than the last TEN democrats put together.

His only legit criticism is that he is a LARGER THAN LIFE figure, because that is the only kind of person who could step into such a difficult job with so much opposition and STILL GET SO MUCH DONE.

He only won one. Rally sizes don’t necessarily indicate winners.
Keep spewing, it's all your kind does.
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

Or we'll just continue filing suits and fighting asshole cheating Dems. Yeah that's a better idea.
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.

That's like seeing two restaurants side-by-side, one run down with only two cars at it and the other always with a PACKED parking lot night after night and asking: "Gee, since when are legions of customers any sure indicator of good food and a booming business?"

Donald Trump did up to FIVE rallies in a single day, with an average of 30,000 people at each! That is 150,000 people in one day. NO PRESIDENT IN HISTORY has ever done that.
It depends on what you are comparing...what is a political rally a sure sign of?

Not necessarily a winner.
LESSEE: McCain was this super-liked senator. Reelected over and over. Even Dems went to his funeral. Obama creamed McCain, Trump blasted Obama out by almost 10 million votes. Not a single vote of Trump's has been found questionable, and now Joe Biden, a guy who fell that his other two tries at president, blew Trump out by another 4-5 million?


Were millions of Canadians voting in this race, too?
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.
Since 2016, liar.

One time.

That sure is a trend :lol:

One time? WTF are you talking about? You brain damaged, a smartass or just a deluded liar? Trump must have held something like around TWO HUNDRED rallies between 2015 to 2020! One time?

He even drew massive crowds thrilled to see him clamoring over each other to see and hear him speak in FOREIGN COUNTRIES!

What was Joe's total draw in 2020, a couple hundred?

Honey, do you have ANY idea how you embarrass yourself?

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Aren’t we talking about large rallies being a song of winning an election?

Here is our exchange:
Me: Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.

You: Since 2016, liar.

That is ONE election.

TWO elections. The maximum sampling possible. Trump was even MORE popular and drew more votes and people now in 2020 than in all of history, and that is EVEN WITH
Trump must have done 200 historic great things here and around the world in his four years and the media NEVER ONCE gave him credit, reported it or put a positive spin to it.

Trump is more president than the last TEN democrats put together.

His only legit criticism is that he is a LARGER THAN LIFE figure, because that is the only kind of person who could step into such a difficult job with so much opposition and STILL GET SO MUCH DONE.

He only won one. Rally sizes don’t necessarily indicate winners.

No, but its a direct indication of popularity, and popularity wins elections.
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:
No its not...we are now making headway in exposing the be patient...whats your hurry?.....
You can't expose what doesn't exist.
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

Or we'll just continue filing suits and fighting asshole cheating Dems. Yeah that's a better idea.
Anything that damages the country, right tRumpling?
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.

That's like seeing two restaurants side-by-side, one run down with only two cars at it and the other always with a PACKED parking lot night after night and asking: "Gee, since when are legions of customers any sure indicator of good food and a booming business?"

Donald Trump did up to FIVE rallies in a single day, with an average of 30,000 people at each! That is 150,000 people in one day. NO PRESIDENT IN HISTORY has ever done that.
It depends on what you are comparing...what is a political rally a sure sign of?

Not necessarily a winner.
LESSEE: McCain was this super-liked senator. Reelected over and over. Even Dems went to his funeral. Obama creamed McCain, Trump blasted Obama out by almost 10 million votes. Not a single vote of Trump's has been found questionable, and now Joe Biden, a guy who fell that his other two tries at president, blew Trump out by another 4-5 million?


Were millions of Canadians voting in this race, too?
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.
Since 2016, liar.

One time.

That sure is a trend :lol:

One time? WTF are you talking about? You brain damaged, a smartass or just a deluded liar? Trump must have held something like around TWO HUNDRED rallies between 2015 to 2020! One time?

He even drew massive crowds thrilled to see him clamoring over each other to see and hear him speak in FOREIGN COUNTRIES!

What was Joe's total draw in 2020, a couple hundred?

Honey, do you have ANY idea how you embarrass yourself?

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Aren’t we talking about large rallies being a song of winning an election?

Here is our exchange:
Me: Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.

You: Since 2016, liar.

That is ONE election.

TWO elections. The maximum sampling possible. Trump was even MORE popular and drew more votes and people now in 2020 than in all of history, and that is EVEN WITH
Trump must have done 200 historic great things here and around the world in his four years and the media NEVER ONCE gave him credit, reported it or put a positive spin to it.

Trump is more president than the last TEN democrats put together.

His only legit criticism is that he is a LARGER THAN LIFE figure, because that is the only kind of person who could step into such a difficult job with so much opposition and STILL GET SO MUCH DONE.

He only won one. Rally sizes don’t necessarily indicate winners.
Trump also frequently lies about the size of his rallies.

Not sure how much the rallies covert people people, but they make those who are already fans act more cultish.
Trump also frequently lies about the size of his rallies.

Not sure how much the rallies covert people people, but they make those who are already fans act more cultish.
I watched his rallies and there were people as far as you could see. Expand your information outlets beyond those who agree with your hate Trump cult.
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

Or we'll just continue filing suits and fighting asshole cheating Dems. Yeah that's a better idea.
Anything that damages the country, right tRumpling?

It's you people on the left who are damaging the country. A rep from Orange County, CA just said you people have destroyed over 20% of the small businesses.
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

Not till the fat lady sings...

stacy abrams.jpg

When Trump exhausts his investigations and or runs out of lies...then it is time.
Trump also frequently lies about the size of his rallies.

Not sure how much the rallies covert people people, but they make those who are already fans act more cultish.
I watched his rallies and there were people as far as you could see. Expand your information outlets beyond those who agree with your hate Trump cult.
The camera can show lots of people. There are thousands for sure, but that doesn't make 5000 into 50000.

I once went to a demonstration that supposedly had 15,000, or so I was told later. I was resting because I was tired, and I watched masses of people walk by and it seemed to never end. I could have sworn it was 150,000 people, but it really wasn't.
It appears Trump got more votes then Obama (gods chosen one) how does that happen?
Who cares?

Biden got more than Trump...and more electoral votes by a long shot

You still calling yourself a business owner? If you are they are stealing toilet paper right now.

Lesh sells ass wipes? I think I saw him up on the main boulevard selling packs of rolls out of the back of his van.

Nah, Lesh was probably just one of those people who freaked out earlier in the year when he couldn't find toilet paper at Target.
When he found out Walmart had plenty, he bought enough to supply a family of four for six years, and is just trying to unload it now.

Trump backers are okay, bitching and moaning simply comes with politics. As for Trump himself, I find the false hope he is feeding his supporters rather shameful but not all that dissimilar than what the Democrats were pulling 4 years ago when advocating Trump's electoral college members to be unfaithful. Both Hillary and Trump should have shown the class this guy did in brushing himself off and then taking up painting:

LESSEE: McCain was this super-liked senator. Reelected over and over. Even Dems went to his funeral. Obama creamed McCain, Trump blasted Obama out by almost 10 million votes. Not a single vote of Trump's has been found questionable, and now Joe Biden, a guy who fell that his other two tries at president, blew Trump out by another 4-5 million?


Were millions of Canadians voting in this race, too?
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.
Since 2016, liar.

One time.

That sure is a trend :lol:

One time? WTF are you talking about? You brain damaged, a smartass or just a deluded liar? Trump must have held something like around TWO HUNDRED rallies between 2015 to 2020! One time?

He even drew massive crowds thrilled to see him clamoring over each other to see and hear him speak in FOREIGN COUNTRIES!

What was Joe's total draw in 2020, a couple hundred?

Honey, do you have ANY idea how you embarrass yourself?

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pussygrabber and bernie drew big crowds of cult followers everywhere, and look at what happened to them, bernie was out early in the game and pussygrabber was beaten like a dog, by President Biden.... :p :p :p
I could save The Orange Dipshit $20,000 a day in legal fees. Not that he pays those mind ya ;)

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