Trump Supporters: It's time to pack it in--

LESSEE: McCain was this super-liked senator. Reelected over and over. Even Dems went to his funeral. Obama creamed McCain, Trump blasted Obama out by almost 10 million votes. Not a single vote of Trump's has been found questionable, and now Joe Biden, a guy who fell that his other two tries at president, blew Trump out by another 4-5 million?


Were millions of Canadians voting in this race, too?
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.
Since 2016, liar.

One time.

That sure is a trend :lol:

One time? WTF are you talking about? You brain damaged, a smartass or just a deluded liar? Trump must have held something like around TWO HUNDRED rallies between 2015 to 2020! One time?

He even drew massive crowds thrilled to see him clamoring over each other to see and hear him speak in FOREIGN COUNTRIES!

What was Joe's total draw in 2020, a couple hundred?

Honey, do you have ANY idea how you embarrass yourself?

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Hillary didn't pack 'em in like trump did but she won the popular vote by almost three million. Two distinctly different types of people. Democrat crowds go to concert and plays, and your crowd goes to rallies, tractor pulls, farting competitions etc.
Hillary 65,853,516 vs trump 62,984,516 million.

Of the meager twenty states that the hildebeast won, 14 of them had no voter ID laws. "Vote early and often" is the leftard way. The democrat commie party can't win elections any other way.

BTW, I guess you forgot about al, of the obamamonkey rallies were voters were fainting at the mere sight of him and how throngs of his devoted fans filled each an every venue...dumb ass.
No voter i.d. laws is no proof that there was hanky panky with the elections. There was some weird stuff going on between trump and dejoy destroying hundreds of post office sorting machines. Hopefully a Biden administration will pursue this but maybe not. Democrats tend to forgive and forget which is one of their main weaknesses.
Youre the one who made the suggestion, not I.
Procedures - you know, rules and laws as written.

The tactic is to stall and obfuscate and try to get Republican legislatures to send electors to the EC who will not vote as their state voted and then throw it to the SCOTUS where he thinks the GOP packed court will support Trump. This of course would completely negate our elective process.
But according to you, Trump's team is breaking the law and the SC will simply overlook this.
I dont completely understand how the laws and rules are written, but thanks for your insight as to how all this is going to play out.
I hope everything works out for you.
And remind me again about Trump's packed court, I like that one.
He only won one. Rally sizes don’t necessarily indicate winners.
Not sure how much the rallies covert people people, but they make those who are already fans act more cultish.

So then Obama created a cult with HIS rallies?

Obama is the only president to ever not leave DC after office and apparently is still running his cult there and thinking he is still relevant in politics!
pussygrabber and bernie drew big crowds of cult followers everywhere, and look at what happened to them, bernie was out early in the game and pussygrabber was beaten like a dog, by President Biden....

  • Like cheating on the debate questions, Hillary and the DNC stole the election from Bernie. He was too popular, he still has rabid fans today, something Hillary NEVER accomplished, and she only managed to even make it into the race at all because first, the DNC rigged the super-delegates so that SHE COULDN'T LOSE (sort of like what the Left is bitching about/fearing now that the GOP will pick only Trump electors), then the intelligence agencies buried her felony criminal investigation and destroyed the evidence to KEEP her in the 2016 race.

  • The DNC knew all along its intention and ability to flip Trump votes to Joe, that's why Biden never even bothered to run a campaign, why they carried him like a child helping him win Candyland, why they pulled every possible string for four years trying to hurt Trump and why now they are still fighting recounts as they try to fast-track Joe into office ASAP before anyone looks too deeply. His victory is a statistical and mathematical impossibility, but if they finally DO manage to elect him into office, it will be just by barely enough, far fewer than Trump won by in just three states, engineered to come out with the EXACT number of EC votes for Joe just for spite, will leave the nation reeling with all confidence in our election system lost, will serve to further divide our nation as the Left wreaks a new level of hate and animosity on the country, for a guy no one wanted who will be lucky to serve a year in office as incalculable damage is done in a race where the democrats fell vastly short of their expectations while the GOP won every race but one they were in.
Hillary didn't pack 'em in like trump did but she won the popular vote by almost three million.
For like the 900th time, butthead: the "popular vote" is nothing but a meaningless stat, particularly when we don't even qualify legal votes with identification! Your 3 million votes amounts to a few square miles in LA County, a flyspeck in the total size of the country.

Democrat crowds go to concert and plays, and your crowd goes to rallies, tractor pulls, farting competitions etc.
The only fart here is coming out of your ignorant, repugnant, uneducated, dimwitted mouth. There are no tractor pulls within hundreds of miles of me, and I've been to more plays and concerts than you ever will is your life, asshole. In fact, I might have engineered some of the ones you went to.

Thank you for helping to pay my enormous salary.
Of the meager twenty states that the hildebeast won, 14 of them had no voter ID laws. "Vote early and often" is the leftard way. The democrat commie party can't win elections any other way.
BTW, I guess you forgot about al, of the obamamonkey rallies were voters were fainting at the mere sight of him and how throngs of his devoted fans filled each an every venue...dumb ass.

Jasonfree forgets all that because he hasn't been a cheap but a free useful idiot all his life. He gives away his life and time for free to be a shill to help advance all that is bad in this world because he knows no one would actually PAY him for his time to do anything useful and good.
BTW, I guess you forgot about al, of the obamamonkey rallies were voters were fainting at the mere sight of him and how throngs of his devoted fans filled each an every venue...dumb ass.
No voter i.d. laws is no proof that there was hanky panky with the elections.
Right, idiot. Making voter integrity untraceable is no proof of anything because you DESTROY the proof!

Democrats tend to forgive and forget which is one of their main weaknesses.
Coming from a bunch of people who spent FOUR YEARS telling us how they would stop at nothing
to get even for winning an election!
Jesus ,Mary, and Joseph, your whining is getting old.
Grow up.

QUOTE="Toro, post: 25955418, member: 2926"]
The courts are all packed with librul globalist anti-Americans who hate our Messiah President Trump. They need to be executed after the upcoming Civil War derp derp derp derp
I've noticed it has been on a downward trend ever since talk radio followed by late night comedians turned politics into some sort of us vs them sporting event.
That has been happening since the 80's. Heck even Johnny Carson used politics in his monologues and talk radio was just coming on the scene but, that is nothing like the Democrat party and their elected representatives lying and cheating trying to pull a coup for 4 years as they tried to unseat a duly elected President.
I've noticed it has been on a downward trend ever since talk radio followed by late night comedians turned politics into some sort of us vs them sporting event.
That has been happening since the 80's. Heck even Johnny Carson used politics in his monologues and talk radio was just coming on the scene but, that is nothing like the Democrat party and their elected representatives lying and cheating trying to pull a coup for 4 years as they tried to unseat a duly elected President.

I recall Carson's jokes about Wilbur Mills and his escapades in the Tidal Basin but Carson knocked it off once it came out that Mills was dealing with alcoholism. I don't recall him getting involved with issues themselves. Then when Rush became popular the Democrats couldn't stand such an alternative point of view being voiced on a widespread basis. As far as lying and this election goes I figure Trump is just using his con man skills with intent on getting even with the Democrat's lack of respect for his own presidency and turnabout is fair play. I expected more out of presidential candidates until Hillary and Trump came down the pike. It has become rather sad.

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