Trump Supporters: It's time to pack it in--

"The only way I lose this election is if they cheated". They'll never let go of this, for the rest of their lives. This is a long-term con.
Does the con live longer (and stronger) if the Biden Justice Department puts Trump in prison?
Sure. Then he's the betrayed hero, the martyr for The Truth, done in by The Evil Deep State. That's the nature of a group pathology.
Donald J. Trump

Look at this in Wisconsin! A day AFTER the election, Biden receives a dump of 143,379 votes at 3:42AM, when they learned he was losing badly. This is unbelievable!
Do you really not know after all this time how Biden's numbers began shooting up once mail-in votes began getting counted? No wonder so many Americans are fed up with lame dippy dopey Trumpoholics. They show everyone how truly delusional they are every day.

mail in votes have to be finished counting on election night afaik.
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

time to start burning and killing in self defense
The courts are all packed with librul globalist anti-Americans who hate our Messiah President Trump. They need to be executed after the upcoming Civil War derp derp derp derp
You might be the first person in years to be on ignore. Whatever you paid for this account was money out the window
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

Um, no. How about that? Y'all tried to steal this election, and despite your bully tactics you won't get away with it.
It appears Trump got more votes then Obama (gods chosen one) how does that happen?

LESSEE: McCain was this super-liked senator. Reelected over and over. Even Dems went to his funeral. Obama creamed McCain, Trump blasted Obama out by almost 10 million votes. Not a single vote of Trump's has been found questionable, and now Joe Biden, a guy who fell flat on his face in his other two tries at president, blew Trump out by another 4-5 million?


Were millions of Canadians voting in this race, too?

Easy. Election fraud.

Hell there are hundred of signed affidavits out there signed by those watching the counters. Some of them are Dems. Hell one of them said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Then you have Dominion taking 6,000 Trump votes and given them to Biden. Dominion which Texas, after researching them, refused to use them. They caught 6,000 how many didn't they catch.

Oh and lets not forget. If Biden were Trump you lefty loons would be screaming election fraud long and loud. You know and so does everyone else.

Honest election my ass.
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

For the good of the nation you're right.

But from a personal standpoint, I've rather enjoyed watching people who clearly know better go full retard in parroting the most brazenly stupid conspiracy theories.
For four years and longer, that's exactly what you filthy lying scum have done...
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

For the good of the nation you're right.

But from a personal standpoint, I've rather enjoyed watching people who clearly know better go full retard in parroting the most brazenly stupid conspiracy theories.
For four years and longer, that's exactly what you filthy lying scum have done...
What have they done? Forced you into becoming a whacky conspiracy theorist?
mail in votes have to be finished counting on election night afaik.
You "know" wrong

In fact Republicans set it up so that in PA for example...mail in ballots CAN'T be counted UNTIL election NIGHT
Rudy's current tactic is not to prove anything since he has no evidence of any wrong doing

The tactic is to stall and obfuscate and try to get Republican legislatures to send electors to the EC who will not vote as their state voted and then throw it to the SCOTUS where he thinks the GOP packed court will support Trump. This of course would completely negate our elective process.

And you can BET that Trumpers would be fine with that
Donald J. Trump

Look at this in Wisconsin! A day AFTER the election, Biden receives a dump of 143,379 votes at 3:42AM, when they learned he was losing badly. This is unbelievable!
Do you really not know after all this time how Biden's numbers began shooting up once mail-in votes began getting counted? No wonder so many Americans are fed up with lame dippy dopey Trumpoholics. They show everyone how truly delusional they are every day.

mail in votes have to be finished counting on election night afaik.
No, they don't and weren't, in fact, Wisconsin election officials announced on 31 Oct that their counting would be delayed due to volume. Your kind of misinformation and misdirection is why dozens of Trump lawsuits and legal challenges have been dismissed
Rudy's current tactic is not to prove anything since he has no evidence of any wrong doing

The tactic is to stall and obfuscate and try to get Republican legislatures to send electors to the EC who will not vote as their state voted and then throw it to the SCOTUS where he thinks the GOP packed court will support Trump. This of course would completely negate our elective process.

And you can BET that Trumpers would be fine with that
Is it not written this way for a reason ?
If the laws and rules are followed as written, then how is it negated ?
Please explain, because Ive heard a week or so ago, that the method youve described has been the ultimate plan from the beginning.
Is it not written this way for a reason ?
If the laws and rules are followed as written, then how is it negated ?
Please explain, because Ive heard a week or so ago, that the method youve described has been the ultimate plan from the beginning.
A. Is what written? Sending the wrong slate of electors would in most cases violate state law

B. See above. Sending a slate of electors to vote the OPPOSITE of what the majority of voters want absolutely negates that election

C. I knew that Trumpers would have no problem with this but if you pull that crap throw democracy in the trash
Is it not written this way for a reason ?
If the laws and rules are followed as written, then how is it negated ?
Please explain, because Ive heard a week or so ago, that the method youve described has been the ultimate plan from the beginning.
A. Is what written? Sending the wrong slate of electors would in most cases violate state law

B. See above. Sending a slate of electors to vote the OPPOSITE of what the majority of voters want absolutely negates that election

C. I knew that Trumpers would have no problem with this but if you pull that crap throw democracy in the trash
Im no expert, but based on your reply, you appear to be.
Now Trumps team is guilty of making the electors violate the state law ??? Most cases ???
Isnt one of the reasons this procedure was written, is if there is fraud found that the SCOTUS rules as such ?
Let me guess, in the future, Trump won because he packed the SC.
Trump backers are okay, bitching and moaning simply comes with politics. As for Trump himself, I find the false hope he is feeding his supporters rather shameful but not all that dissimilar than what the Democrats were pulling 4 years ago when advocating Trump's electoral college members to be unfaithful. Both Hillary and Trump should have shown the class this guy did in brushing himself off and then taking up painting:
There will be no more 'class' in politics, Democrats made sure of that from 2016 to 2020.

I've noticed it has been on a downward trend ever since talk radio followed by late night comedians turned politics into some sort of us vs them sporting event.
Sure. Then he's the betrayed hero, the martyr for The Truth, done in by The Evil Deep State. That's the nature of a group pathology
That makes sense.
If Trump dies in prison, his base will demand Mt Rushmore renovations; at least the corrupt oligarch will not be available for 2024?

4 more years: Trump freezes 2024 presidential field
Is it not written this way for a reason ?
If the laws and rules are followed as written, then how is it negated ?
Please explain, because Ive heard a week or so ago, that the method youve described has been the ultimate plan from the beginning.
A. Is what written? Sending the wrong slate of electors would in most cases violate state law

B. See above. Sending a slate of electors to vote the OPPOSITE of what the majority of voters want absolutely negates that election

C. I knew that Trumpers would have no problem with this but if you pull that crap throw democracy in the trash
Im no expert, but based on your reply, you appear to be.
Now Trumps team is guilty of making the electors violate the state law ??? Most cases ???
Isnt one of the reasons this procedure was written, is if there is fraud found that the SCOTUS rules as such ?
Let me guess, in the future, Trump won because he packed the SC.
"Now Trumps team is guilty of making the electors violate the state law ??? Most cases ???"
Yes. Keep up
"Isnt one of the reasons this procedure was written, is if there is fraud found that the SCOTUS rules as such ?"

What in God's name are you talking about? What "procedure"?

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