Trump Supporters: It's time to pack it in--

Trump backers are okay, bitching and moaning simply comes with politics. As for Trump himself, I find the false hope he is feeding his supporters rather shameful but not all that dissimilar than what the Democrats were pulling 4 years ago when advocating Trump's electoral college members to be unfaithful. Both Hillary and Trump should have shown the class this guy did in brushing himself off and then taking up painting:
There will be no more 'class' in politics, Democrats made sure of that from 2016 to 2020.
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

Your evil kind dished out hatred and violence for four years towards those that supported the republican side. Your most prominent politicians on the left set the tone for their base voters on how to behave (Clinton: They are deplorables, Pelosi: No civility until we're in power, Waters: Harass them if you see them in public), just because the right chose someone who wanted to have strong borders, a strong military, lower taxes, an improved economy, fair trade deals and foreign partners paying their fair share, Well, you didn't "suck it up" when Trump won, you acted like your criminal types do, evilly. So, pardon us if we don't "suck it up" for the next four years. Pardon us if we get in your faces, scream obscenities (although screaming Nazis and Fascists in this case would actually be accurate, since the tactics used against pro-republicans were the tactics the Nazis and Fascists did use in their campaigns. So, shut up, sit back and tolerate the hatred for the next four years.
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

Your evil kind dished out hatred and violence for four years towards those that supported the republican side. Your most prominent politicians on the left set the tone for their base voters on how to behave (Clinton: They are deplorables, Pelosi: No civility until we're in power, Waters: Harass them if you see them in public), just because the right chose someone who wanted to have strong borders, a strong military, lower taxes, an improved economy, fair trade deals and foreign partners paying their fair share, Well, you didn't "suck it up" when Trump won, you acted like your criminal types do, evilly. So, pardon us if we don't "suck it up" for the next four years. Pardon us if we get in your faces, scream obscenities (although screaming Nazis and Fascists in this case would actually be accurate, since the tactics used against pro-republicans were the tactics the Nazis and Fascists did use in their campaigns. So, shut up, sit back and tolerate the hatred for the next four years.
Yes the violence is sad,
and this reminds me, has Biden or Harris ever denounced Antifa or BLM ?
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

You have to remember we still have southerners fighting the civil war and there will always be Trump cultist who believe their savior was robbed of the the presidency despite all the evidence that the American people overwhelmingly through him to the curb.
Did your Chinese Election Stealing Algorithm tell you to say that?
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

Your evil kind dished out hatred and violence for four years towards those that supported the republican side. Your most prominent politicians on the left set the tone for their base voters on how to behave (Clinton: They are deplorables, Pelosi: No civility until we're in power, Waters: Harass them if you see them in public), just because the right chose someone who wanted to have strong borders, a strong military, lower taxes, an improved economy, fair trade deals and foreign partners paying their fair share, Well, you didn't "suck it up" when Trump won, you acted like your criminal types do, evilly. So, pardon us if we don't "suck it up" for the next four years. Pardon us if we get in your faces, scream obscenities (although screaming Nazis and Fascists in this case would actually be accurate, since the tactics used against pro-republicans were the tactics the Nazis and Fascists did use in their campaigns. So, shut up, sit back and tolerate the hatred for the next four years.
God laughs at these Evil doers. They think they are winning when they are just sealing their fate in Hell!
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

Your evil kind dished out hatred and violence for four years towards those that supported the republican side. Your most prominent politicians on the left set the tone for their base voters on how to behave (Clinton: They are deplorables, Pelosi: No civility until we're in power, Waters: Harass them if you see them in public), just because the right chose someone who wanted to have strong borders, a strong military, lower taxes, an improved economy, fair trade deals and foreign partners paying their fair share, Well, you didn't "suck it up" when Trump won, you acted like your criminal types do, evilly. So, pardon us if we don't "suck it up" for the next four years. Pardon us if we get in your faces, scream obscenities (although screaming Nazis and Fascists in this case would actually be accurate, since the tactics used against pro-republicans were the tactics the Nazis and Fascists did use in their campaigns. So, shut up, sit back and tolerate the hatred for the next four years.
Cry me a river.

After four years of talking about how much you fuckers love "liberal tears" one cares about your whining
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:
No its not...we are now making headway in exposing the be patient...whats your hurry?.....

Dunno about him, but i'm a winner. I'm into getting shit done. You are obviously the 'other' guy that sits on his keister and waits for people to tell you what to do.

Well done, BTW. You're likely an OT infinity in the Church of Orange.
Cry me a river.

After four years of talking about how much you fuckers love "liberal tears" one cares about your whining
I'm not crying, but Democrats will be crying very soon when they completely lose most or all of their political power. Trump was just the beginning.
I'm not crying, but Democrats will be crying very soon when they completely lose most or all of their political power. Trump was just the beginning.
Oh please explain...

This should be stupid...
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:
No its not...we are now making headway in exposing the be patient...whats your hurry?.....
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Looks like a demscum.
Dunno about him, but i'm a winner. I'm into getting shit done. You are obviously the 'other' guy that sits on his keister and waits for people to tell you what to do.
Oh please explain...

This should be stupid...
"House Democrats, preparing for what may be the slimmest majority in two decades, re-elected Speaker Nancy Pelosi as their leader on Wednesday by voice vote, formally nominating the California Democrat for another term as speaker, which she later suggested could be her last."
The Democrat party represents a bunch of political dinosaurs. They are due for political extinction.
Dunno about him, but i'm a winner. I'm into getting shit done. You are obviously the 'other' guy that sits on his keister and waits for people to tell you what to do.
Oh please explain...

This should be stupid...
"House Democrats, preparing for what may be the slimmest majority in two decades, re-elected Speaker Nancy Pelosi as their leader on Wednesday by voice vote, formally nominating the California Democrat for another term as speaker, which she later suggested could be her last."
The Democrat party represents a bunch of political dinosaurs. They are due for political extinction.
Chuck Grassley-87
Don Young-87
Lindsey old is that queen?

What are you talking about?
LESSEE: McCain was this super-liked senator. Reelected over and over. Even Dems went to his funeral. Obama creamed McCain, Trump blasted Obama out by almost 10 million votes. Not a single vote of Trump's has been found questionable, and now Joe Biden, a guy who fell that his other two tries at president, blew Trump out by another 4-5 million?


Were millions of Canadians voting in this race, too?
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.
Since 2016, liar.

One time.

That sure is a trend :lol:

One time? WTF are you talking about? You brain damaged, a smartass or just a deluded liar? Trump must have held something like around TWO HUNDRED rallies between 2015 to 2020! One time?

He even drew massive crowds thrilled to see him clamoring over each other to see and hear him speak in FOREIGN COUNTRIES!

What was Joe's total draw in 2020, a couple hundred?

Honey, do you have ANY idea how you embarrass yourself?

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Hillary didn't pack 'em in like trump did but she won the popular vote by almost three million. Two distinctly different types of people. Democrat crowds go to concert and plays, and your crowd goes to rallies, tractor pulls, farting competitions etc.
Hillary 65,853,516 vs trump 62,984,516 million.
Dunno about him, but i'm a winner. I'm into getting shit done. You are obviously the 'other' guy that sits on his keister and waits for people to tell you what to do.
Oh please explain...

This should be stupid...
"House Democrats, preparing for what may be the slimmest majority in two decades, re-elected Speaker Nancy Pelosi as their leader on Wednesday by voice vote, formally nominating the California Democrat for another term as speaker, which she later suggested could be her last."
The Democrat party represents a bunch of political dinosaurs. They are due for political extinction.

Yeah, well, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Now bark like a dog. Your Orange fuhrur demands it. Don't be a socialist.
LESSEE: McCain was this super-liked senator. Reelected over and over. Even Dems went to his funeral. Obama creamed McCain, Trump blasted Obama out by almost 10 million votes. Not a single vote of Trump's has been found questionable, and now Joe Biden, a guy who fell that his other two tries at president, blew Trump out by another 4-5 million?


Were millions of Canadians voting in this race, too?
Yeah, I'd also like to know how a guy that couldn't get 100 or 200 folks to show up to his rallies somehow suddenly get 4-5 million votes. Nice magic trick.
Since when are massive rallies a sure indicator of a politician’s win? It just means he’s a good showman.
Since 2016, liar.

One time.

That sure is a trend :lol:

One time? WTF are you talking about? You brain damaged, a smartass or just a deluded liar? Trump must have held something like around TWO HUNDRED rallies between 2015 to 2020! One time?

He even drew massive crowds thrilled to see him clamoring over each other to see and hear him speak in FOREIGN COUNTRIES!

What was Joe's total draw in 2020, a couple hundred?

Honey, do you have ANY idea how you embarrass yourself?

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Hillary didn't pack 'em in like trump did but she won the popular vote by almost three million. Two distinctly different types of people. Democrat crowds go to concert and plays, and your crowd goes to rallies, tractor pulls, farting competitions etc.
Hillary 65,853,516 vs trump 62,984,516 million.

Of the meager twenty states that the hildebeast won, 14 of them had no voter ID laws. "Vote early and often" is the leftard way. The democrat commie party can't win elections any other way.

BTW, I guess you forgot about al, of the obamamonkey rallies were voters were fainting at the mere sight of him and how throngs of his devoted fans filled each an every venue...dumb ass.
Dear Trump Supporters,

It's easy and fun to lie to the American people, but in America's courts of law they must consider an inconvenient little item called evidence, and after a dozen lawsuits even the most Conservative judges are telling Trump's lawyers their (so called) evidence of voter fraud isn't worth the paper it's printed on. So continue your fist shaking, allegations, foul language, lawsuits, and proud boy marches if it makes you feel good, meanwhile, back in the real world, the same electoral process that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. will remove him in 2021.

It's time to pack it in - - :bye1:

For the good of the nation you're right.

But from a personal standpoint, I've rather enjoyed watching people who clearly know better go full retard in parroting the most brazenly stupid conspiracy theories.
Dunno about him, but i'm a winner. I'm into getting shit done. You are obviously the 'other' guy that sits on his keister and waits for people to tell you what to do.
Oh please explain...

This should be stupid...
"House Democrats, preparing for what may be the slimmest majority in two decades, re-elected Speaker Nancy Pelosi as their leader on Wednesday by voice vote, formally nominating the California Democrat for another term as speaker, which she later suggested could be her last."
The Democrat party represents a bunch of political dinosaurs. They are due for political extinction.

Yeah, well, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Now bark like a dog. Your Orange fuhrur demands it. Don't be a socialist.

Tumbles, the illiterate leftard, what the fuck is a "fuhrur'????

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