Trump supporters, please take no offense, but.....

Leftards Say????? "If you want to prove just how smart you are, you better vote for that carpetbagging crook we affectionately call "Hitlery"....then you can say you are of us smart people!!!! Go team demcrat!!!"

Maybe the message is that these people who by and large used to occupy manufacturing jobs or other blue collar type professions are pissed off that they've been ass-banged by 'free trade' of the sort Bill Clinton signed and Obama is advocating with TPP- the bill that Hillary touted as the gold standard before flip flopping on it.

It's the economy stupid and these people are smart enough to know that their jobs have flown the coop and they're screwed as a result. Trump is advocating against that, while Hillary says she is, but anyone with half a brain knows she's full of shit and only reversed herself on it because the polls told her to.

Just assuming that these people are stupid, uneducated fools, as is seemingly implied by the OP, is myopic as hell. They know enough to know what's going on in their own lives and it's not good.
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???

The most common sensed people on the planet.
again, emphasis on 'common'

a lack of education is not a badge of honor and certainly doesn't indicate better judgment or greater insight.

Coming from an idiot such as yourself that doesn't even understand that your beloved "gubermint" is actually a massive corporate entity? You claiming to have greater or better insight of anything is a fucking joke in search of a punchline.
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???
There certainly is. And it is no surprise.
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???

The most common sensed people on the planet.
again, emphasis on 'common'

a lack of education is not a badge of honor and certainly doesn't indicate better judgment or greater insight.

Coming from an idiot such as yourself that doesn't even understand that your beloved "gubermint" is actually a massive corporate entity? You claiming to have greater or better insight of anything is a fucking joke in search of a punchline.
lol. how much of the government do the aliens control? does it really matter who we elect since the u.n. will invade next year anyhow?

until you can operate without a tinfoil hat you should probably stay out of adult conversations
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???
I'm going with "Trump appeals to the common man".
emphasis on 'common'

and do you think that's a good thing?
I find the implied elitism in your post quite illuminating. Did you intend to reveal it quite so much? People are people. Are we supposed to despise some because they believe other than we do?
i don't despise people because they believe differently.

but do you not see a problem when a candidate's major appeal is only to people without an education?
Why is it a "problem"? Should I think it a "problem" if Hillary's major appeal is only to people without a penis? I'm going out on a limb here, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that the only time it becomes a "problem" to you is when the candidate's appeal to a group causes him/her to win more votes than the candidate you're supporting.

Should it make me feel better if a candidate's major appeal is only to those with a large income? How about if it is to those with a certain skin pigmentation?

It SHOULD ultimately come down to whether a candidate is likely to push policies with which I agree or disagree.
What poll? Ever watch Watter's World on O'Reilly? His personal brand of in the street, in your face polling indicates that liberal college kids are dumb as hammers and like most of the low information democrat base they actually rely on the Comedy Channel for news analysis.
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???
I'm going with "Trump appeals to the common man".
emphasis on 'common'

and do you think that's a good thing?
I find the implied elitism in your post quite illuminating. Did you intend to reveal it quite so much? People are people. Are we supposed to despise some because they believe other than we do?
i don't despise people because they believe differently.

but do you not see a problem when a candidate's major appeal is only to people without an education?
Why is it a "problem"? Should I think it a "problem" if Hillary's major appeal is only to people without a penis? I'm going out on a limb here, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that the only time it becomes a "problem" to you is when the candidate's appeal to a group causes him/her to win more votes than the candidate you're supporting.

Should it make me feel better if a candidate's major appeal is only to those with a large income? How about if it is to those with a certain skin pigmentation?

It SHOULD ultimately come down to whether a candidate is likely to push policies with which I agree or disagree.
do you place any value on education?


nuff said
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???
Conservatives are, for the most part, ignorant and not very bright, we see evidence of that daily on this very forum, and in this very thread.
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???
Yes, apparently those folks were not brainwashed and lied to by the so called educators.

It is suggested that the more intelligent a person is, the more susceptible they are to subliminal messages and brainwashing.

In other words, a person with average(100) IQ can see bullshit much easier than a person with a 120 IQ.

Yes, every thing has a drawback....
This is so not true. People of lower intelligence and education are more susceptible to being manipulated and influenced by propagranda, simplistic ideology, etc. Racismm for example: studies have shown that racists are of lower intelligence and education. You suggest that simple minded people can see BS better, but the opposite is the truth.
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Trump loves the poorly educated.
Of course he does. He truly does. They feed his slot machines, after all. He wouldn't be where he is today if he didn't have armies of middle class and poor people losing their asses in his casinos. Trump has been soaking them for all they are worth for decades.
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???
Yes, don't trust polls.
I'm going with "Trump appeals to the common man".
emphasis on 'common'

and do you think that's a good thing?
I find the implied elitism in your post quite illuminating. Did you intend to reveal it quite so much? People are people. Are we supposed to despise some because they believe other than we do?
i don't despise people because they believe differently.

but do you not see a problem when a candidate's major appeal is only to people without an education?
Why is it a "problem"? Should I think it a "problem" if Hillary's major appeal is only to people without a penis? I'm going out on a limb here, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that the only time it becomes a "problem" to you is when the candidate's appeal to a group causes him/her to win more votes than the candidate you're supporting.

Should it make me feel better if a candidate's major appeal is only to those with a large income? How about if it is to those with a certain skin pigmentation?

It SHOULD ultimately come down to whether a candidate is likely to push policies with which I agree or disagree.
do you place any value on education?
Of course. I earned an education and it has enriched my life a great deal, but there are many who have other life experience. What does that have to do with a politician appealing to those who are not highly educated?
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???
Yes, apparently those folks were not brainwashed and lied to by the so called educators.
Anti-intellectualism is not a sign or indication of high intelligence.
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???

The most common sensed people on the planet.
again, emphasis on 'common'

a lack of education is not a badge of honor and certainly doesn't indicate better judgment or greater insight.

Coming from an idiot such as yourself that doesn't even understand that your beloved "gubermint" is actually a massive corporate entity? You claiming to have greater or better insight of anything is a fucking joke in search of a punchline.
lol. how much of the government do the aliens control? does it really matter who we elect since the u.n. will invade next year anyhow?

Your federal "gubermint" went bankrupt and was surrendered to a foreign creditor in 1933 and ceased all operations. Your federal government now acts ONLY as agents of their foreign owners....did you know that? It was bankrupted yet again in 1950 and the IMF took it into receivership. So STFU about being intellectually superior to anyone because it's blatantly false, dumb ass.
Ever notice that the left loves to label people by race? That's how the democrat party keeps it's hate filled racially biased low information base energized.

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