Trump supporters, please take no offense, but.....

emphasis on 'common'

and do you think that's a good thing?
I find the implied elitism in your post quite illuminating. Did you intend to reveal it quite so much? People are people. Are we supposed to despise some because they believe other than we do?
i don't despise people because they believe differently.

but do you not see a problem when a candidate's major appeal is only to people without an education?
Why is it a "problem"? Should I think it a "problem" if Hillary's major appeal is only to people without a penis? I'm going out on a limb here, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that the only time it becomes a "problem" to you is when the candidate's appeal to a group causes him/her to win more votes than the candidate you're supporting.

Should it make me feel better if a candidate's major appeal is only to those with a large income? How about if it is to those with a certain skin pigmentation?

It SHOULD ultimately come down to whether a candidate is likely to push policies with which I agree or disagree.
do you place any value on education?
Naturally, and you should easily be able to tell by the way I write. I earned an education and it has enriched my life a great deal. What does that have to do with a politician appealing to those who are not highly educated?
so you understand that that education can help you make better decisions, offer insight, and help with understanding.

people with an education are not supporting trump. as an aggregate are we to believe that those without an education are better informed and with greater insight than those with an education?
I find the implied elitism in your post quite illuminating. Did you intend to reveal it quite so much? People are people. Are we supposed to despise some because they believe other than we do?
i don't despise people because they believe differently.

but do you not see a problem when a candidate's major appeal is only to people without an education?
Why is it a "problem"? Should I think it a "problem" if Hillary's major appeal is only to people without a penis? I'm going out on a limb here, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that the only time it becomes a "problem" to you is when the candidate's appeal to a group causes him/her to win more votes than the candidate you're supporting.

Should it make me feel better if a candidate's major appeal is only to those with a large income? How about if it is to those with a certain skin pigmentation?

It SHOULD ultimately come down to whether a candidate is likely to push policies with which I agree or disagree.
do you place any value on education?
Naturally, and you should easily be able to tell by the way I write. I earned an education and it has enriched my life a great deal. What does that have to do with a politician appealing to those who are not highly educated?
so you understand that that education can help you make better decisions, offer insight, and help with understanding.

people with an education are not supporting trump. as an aggregate are we to believe that those without an education are better informed and with greater insight than those with an education?
Who says I have to agree with them, or they with me? They may have a different set of priorities than I, and who is to say that mine is intrinsically superior to theirs? Also, why should they, or I, look for someone else to inform my political opinions?
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???
I'm going with "Trump appeals to the common man".
emphasis on 'common'

and do you think that's a good thing?
I find the implied elitism in your post quite illuminating. Did you intend to reveal it quite so much? People are people. Are we supposed to despise some because they believe other than we do?
i don't despise people because they believe differently.

but do you not see a problem when a candidate's major appeal is only to people without an education?

Didn't Adlai Stevenson have just the opposite problem?
i don't despise people because they believe differently.

but do you not see a problem when a candidate's major appeal is only to people without an education?
Why is it a "problem"? Should I think it a "problem" if Hillary's major appeal is only to people without a penis? I'm going out on a limb here, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that the only time it becomes a "problem" to you is when the candidate's appeal to a group causes him/her to win more votes than the candidate you're supporting.

Should it make me feel better if a candidate's major appeal is only to those with a large income? How about if it is to those with a certain skin pigmentation?

It SHOULD ultimately come down to whether a candidate is likely to push policies with which I agree or disagree.
do you place any value on education?
Naturally, and you should easily be able to tell by the way I write. I earned an education and it has enriched my life a great deal. What does that have to do with a politician appealing to those who are not highly educated?
so you understand that that education can help you make better decisions, offer insight, and help with understanding.

people with an education are not supporting trump. as an aggregate are we to believe that those without an education are better informed and with greater insight than those with an education?
Who says I have to agree with them, or they with me? They may have a different set of priorities than I, and who is to say that mine is intrinsically superior to theirs? Also, why should they, or I, look for someone else to inform my political opinions?
you make a good point for the individual.

but if only the ignorant support a candidate doesn't that tell you that the educated see problems with the candidate?

in general would you expect the uneducated or the educated to make benter more knowledgeable decisions?
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???
Conservatives are, for the most part, ignorant and not very bright, we see evidence of that daily on this very forum, and in this very thread.

This coming from the king of the drive by post is comical.
Oh goody, another in the millions of threads about "we're smarter than you just because of what we believe."
I find the implied elitism in your post quite illuminating. Did you intend to reveal it quite so much? People are people. Are we supposed to despise some because they believe other than we do?
i don't despise people because they believe differently.

but do you not see a problem when a candidate's major appeal is only to people without an education?
Why is it a "problem"? Should I think it a "problem" if Hillary's major appeal is only to people without a penis? I'm going out on a limb here, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that the only time it becomes a "problem" to you is when the candidate's appeal to a group causes him/her to win more votes than the candidate you're supporting.

Should it make me feel better if a candidate's major appeal is only to those with a large income? How about if it is to those with a certain skin pigmentation?

It SHOULD ultimately come down to whether a candidate is likely to push policies with which I agree or disagree.
do you place any value on education?
Naturally, and you should easily be able to tell by the way I write. I earned an education and it has enriched my life a great deal. What does that have to do with a politician appealing to those who are not highly educated?
so you understand that that education can help you make better decisions, offer insight, and help with understanding.

people with an education are not supporting trump. as an aggregate are we to believe that those without an education are better informed and with greater insight than those with an education?

So, it's the smart ones supporting a complete nutbag who yammers on about "environmental equality" or a pathological liar and a crook? Really?
Oh goody, another in the millions of threads about "we're smarter than you just because of what we believe."
i don't despise people because they believe differently.

but do you not see a problem when a candidate's major appeal is only to people without an education?
Why is it a "problem"? Should I think it a "problem" if Hillary's major appeal is only to people without a penis? I'm going out on a limb here, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that the only time it becomes a "problem" to you is when the candidate's appeal to a group causes him/her to win more votes than the candidate you're supporting.

Should it make me feel better if a candidate's major appeal is only to those with a large income? How about if it is to those with a certain skin pigmentation?

It SHOULD ultimately come down to whether a candidate is likely to push policies with which I agree or disagree.
do you place any value on education?
Naturally, and you should easily be able to tell by the way I write. I earned an education and it has enriched my life a great deal. What does that have to do with a politician appealing to those who are not highly educated?
so you understand that that education can help you make better decisions, offer insight, and help with understanding.

people with an education are not supporting trump. as an aggregate are we to believe that those without an education are better informed and with greater insight than those with an education?

So, it's the smart ones supporting a complete nutbag who yammers on about "environmental equality" or a pathological liar and a crook? Really?
say what you want but educated people are not supporting trump.

are you claiming that educated people are dumber than the uneducated?
Why is it a "problem"? Should I think it a "problem" if Hillary's major appeal is only to people without a penis? I'm going out on a limb here, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that the only time it becomes a "problem" to you is when the candidate's appeal to a group causes him/her to win more votes than the candidate you're supporting.

Should it make me feel better if a candidate's major appeal is only to those with a large income? How about if it is to those with a certain skin pigmentation?

It SHOULD ultimately come down to whether a candidate is likely to push policies with which I agree or disagree.
do you place any value on education?
Naturally, and you should easily be able to tell by the way I write. I earned an education and it has enriched my life a great deal. What does that have to do with a politician appealing to those who are not highly educated?
so you understand that that education can help you make better decisions, offer insight, and help with understanding.

people with an education are not supporting trump. as an aggregate are we to believe that those without an education are better informed and with greater insight than those with an education?
Who says I have to agree with them, or they with me? They may have a different set of priorities than I, and who is to say that mine is intrinsically superior to theirs? Also, why should they, or I, look for someone else to inform my political opinions?
you make a good point for the individual.

but if only the ignorant support a candidate doesn't that tell you that the educated see problems with the candidate?

in general would you expect the uneducated or the educated to make benter more knowledgeable decisions?
At the end of the day, both the educated and the uneducated have priorities that matter to them, and are drawn to candidates based on those priorities. In this case, it is apparent that the uneducated have figured out that electing highly educated a-holes hasn't really worked very well and are rallying behind a non-traditional candidate who at least sounds different. If you want to be worried about which candidate is appealing to which groups, worry about the one that gets the votes of those who don't pay any attention until election day, then pull the lever for "the cute one", or "the one that Beyonce likes".

Remember, you're talking about modern American politics, in which the candidates are focus grouped, groomed, and taught to appeal to whichever group from which they wish to gain support. That is why, for instance, Hillary channels a southern black dialect when speaking in front of certain crowds, apparently unaware of just how foolish that makes her sound. I am fully capable of looking at a candidate's positions on the issues that concern me and deciding if I want to support that candidate or not based on what I think, not what some other group of people think.
Do we really want to go there...
Check out some Obama/Hillary supporters on maybe Water's World for starters.
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???

...morons have IQ of 51–70 mostly uneducated democrats vote Obama and democrat, which were 95% blacks, along with a majority of 100 million uneducated welfare voters, and uneducated illegals, baby mamas, ghettos, thugs and Hispanic

Oh goody, another in the millions of threads about "we're smarter than you just because of what we believe."
i don't despise people because they believe differently.

but do you not see a problem when a candidate's major appeal is only to people without an education?
Why is it a "problem"? Should I think it a "problem" if Hillary's major appeal is only to people without a penis? I'm going out on a limb here, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that the only time it becomes a "problem" to you is when the candidate's appeal to a group causes him/her to win more votes than the candidate you're supporting.

Should it make me feel better if a candidate's major appeal is only to those with a large income? How about if it is to those with a certain skin pigmentation?

It SHOULD ultimately come down to whether a candidate is likely to push policies with which I agree or disagree.
do you place any value on education?
Naturally, and you should easily be able to tell by the way I write. I earned an education and it has enriched my life a great deal. What does that have to do with a politician appealing to those who are not highly educated?
so you understand that that education can help you make better decisions, offer insight, and help with understanding.

people with an education are not supporting trump. as an aggregate are we to believe that those without an education are better informed and with greater insight than those with an education?

So, it's the smart ones supporting a complete nutbag who yammers on about "environmental equality" or a pathological liar and a crook? Really?

Anyone that is supporting Hitlery is void of any intellectual curiosity nor have they don't any vetting of her.
In general, Democrats have lower IQ's than Republicans. Do the math.
Absolutely not true. And if you actually believe it to be true, then provide valid evidence.

If you think this is valid evidence, then you are obviously one of the 60% in the poll the OP refers to. One anecdotal example is not valid evidence to support a statement such as "In general, Democrats have lower IQ's than Republicans" Your lack of intelligence and reasoning is showing big time.
Oh goody, another in the millions of threads about "we're smarter than you just because of what we believe."
Why is it a "problem"? Should I think it a "problem" if Hillary's major appeal is only to people without a penis? I'm going out on a limb here, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that the only time it becomes a "problem" to you is when the candidate's appeal to a group causes him/her to win more votes than the candidate you're supporting.

Should it make me feel better if a candidate's major appeal is only to those with a large income? How about if it is to those with a certain skin pigmentation?

It SHOULD ultimately come down to whether a candidate is likely to push policies with which I agree or disagree.
do you place any value on education?
Naturally, and you should easily be able to tell by the way I write. I earned an education and it has enriched my life a great deal. What does that have to do with a politician appealing to those who are not highly educated?
so you understand that that education can help you make better decisions, offer insight, and help with understanding.

people with an education are not supporting trump. as an aggregate are we to believe that those without an education are better informed and with greater insight than those with an education?

So, it's the smart ones supporting a complete nutbag who yammers on about "environmental equality" or a pathological liar and a crook? Really?
say what you want but educated people are not supporting trump.

are you claiming that educated people are dumber than the uneducated?

""Senator, you have the vote of every thinking person!"

That's not enough, madam, we need a majority!"
Recently, I reviewed a poll that showed that almost 60% of Trump supporters are white, men, with NO college education and 20% of those had also not finished high school.

Is there an implied message there.....somewhere???
Yup, the point is your Liberal arts degree rotted your brain.
In general, Democrats have lower IQ's than Republicans. Do the math.
Absolutely not true. And if you actually believe it to be true, then provide valid evidence.

If you think this is valid evidence, then you are obviously one of the 60% in the poll the OP refers to. One anecdotal example is not valid evidence to support a statement such as "In general, Democrats have lower IQ's than Republicans" Your lack of intelligence and reasoning is showing big time.

Lack of intelligence, huh? You asked for evidence, then when it is provided you spin it and spike it with personal attacks. Very typical of your kind when desperate. Don't lose too much blood, you may faint. Assbleeding can be hazardous, you know....
Lighten up, laugh... life is too short be a bitter bitch all the time....

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