Trump Supporters: Prepare for defeat


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
The President will gladly and quietly exit the WH in early 2025 after his second term you socialist hopefuls.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

Yeah, like Jeb or Kasich or George Conway, right?
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

Yeah, like Jeb or Kasich or George Conway, right?
Fat Boy Conway is still mad the President rejected him
I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country
You are a big time Romney Bush guy aren't you? those endless wars do ya? thanks...Trump loses so does the GOP...
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

Gee you seem to know a lot about what people think and who they will vote for. You must have one hell uva crystal ball.

I'm an Independent and so is everyone in my family and we are ALL voting for Trump. Who wants Biden who will raise taxes and institute green bullshit that will bankrupt the country.

No miracle involved at all. Everyone knows what this country had going for it before Covid. UE the lowest its been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and an great economy. All with Golden boy at the helm. If we want that back Trump needs to be at the helm again. We sure won't get that with Green Biden.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

Keep hoping for unity with people who wish you eradicated, if not physically, at least politically.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
With all the exposed election crimes / fraud going on already it is clear the Democrats will stop at nothing after election day to come up with as many Mail-In ballots as necessary to take the election, so I agree with you that it will damn-near take a miracle to stop that from happening.

I have a question, though - cheating in primaries did not work.....rigging the election did not work....never-ending failed coup attempts did not work...rigging their primary this time again alone will not what will Democrats do if forcing the use of the most corrupt election process (Mail-In ballots) - that almost every other western / just nation has abandoned because they all KNOW it is the most corrupt system - fails this time as well, what will the Democrats do then?

Civil war?
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
Just beat Covid so Biden is easy
He just proved what a joke hoax Covid is
74 year old man exposed to tons of people and an exhausting schedule and after 4 days he is rid of it
He had a mild to moderate case which is what 95% of those who get it do have.
Truth is about 2,000 otherwise fully healthy people under the age of 65 have died from this, everyone else 65+ AND with 2-3 other serious to critical preexisting conditions
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

if we lose, we will be unhappy, but we will not cry like little bitches or scream at the sky like crazy people.

That is the point, you moron.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

Any thoughts on the current state of the demoquack party? You know...the "uniters" lol
Just beat Covid so Biden is easy
He just proved what a joke hoax Covid is
74 year old man exposed to tons of people and an exhausting schedule and after 4 days he is rid of it
He had a mild to moderate case which is what 95% of those who get it do have.
Truth is about 2,000 otherwise fully healthy people under the age of 65 have died from this, everyone else 65+ AND with 2-3 other serious to critical preexisting conditions

Its very survivable. Loads of people have it and never know it cause they don't show any symptoms.

Hell one of the clerks here at the Court House tested positive. I asked her how she felt and she told me she felt fine. Not sick at all. If she hadn't tested positive she never would have known she had it.

The elderly and infirm are the ones who will die. Kids don't get it and are pretty safe.

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