Trump supporters should be concerned that 99% of GOP are conducting a cover-up


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
Almost to a man or woman they're trying to bury a real investigation by a non-partisan panel, insisting on burying this sordid affair in Congress, and with that of course burying Flynn's transcripts

This is dangerous ground they're treading, the exact same behavior that forced Nixon to resign in disgrace

But this time the almost the entire GOP will go down with the ship........historic
I hope this isn't about people who use their dessert fork to eat their salad, again.
I note that the idjit OP troll never ever cites any sources -credible or otherwise- to support his drunken delusions.
Almost to a man or woman they're trying to bury a real investigation by a non-partisan panel, insisting on burying this sordid affair in Congress, and with that of course burying Flynn's transcripts

This is dangerous ground they're treading, the exact same behavior that forced Nixon to resign in disgrace

But this time the almost the entire GOP will go down with the ship........historic
Don't worry. Nobody votes Republican anymore anyway.
I note that the idjit OP troll never ever cites any sources -credible or otherwise- to support his drunken delusions.

"drunken delusions"? Pot meet kettle; no evidence that the OP is either delusional or drunk. Seems post #3 is a product of a liar and a hypocrite.
Almost to a man or woman they're trying to bury a real investigation by a non-partisan panel, insisting on burying this sordid affair in Congress, and with that of course burying Flynn's transcripts

This is dangerous ground they're treading, the exact same behavior that forced Nixon to resign in disgrace

But this time the almost the entire GOP will go down with the ship........historic

So called phone call was as a private citizen, before the election. Nothing wrong with that, except that the CIA/FBI was tapping the phone call of an american citizen without a warrant AND leaked the information to the press.

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