Trump supporters: There has to be something you aren't crazy about RE Trump... so what is it?

Agreed. I could spend several hours listing all the wrongs that Brandon is.

Yes. Between all of the Left hating on Trump and the many anti-Trumpers within the GOP, I say FINE. Trump sucks in so many ways. I've yet to ever find a perfect human being. Now find me someone electable as fiercely pro-American and dedicated to individual autonomy and constitutional liberty who is as good or better.

To date, the GOP have utterly choked, while the Dems ain't even in the same ballpark, much less game.
Yes, he's always been an arrogant asshole, but I'll take a blowhard that at least tries to do what he promises over some slick progressive who lies to our faces about what they really want to do

Some jobs require you to be an asshole.

More than that is you have to be arrogant to try and get the job. Look at what the media does to them and their family! Who would want to put themselves and their family through that unless they had thick skin?

"Obama' phones were actually started in 1996 as an amendment to the Telecommunications Act of 1934.
No taxpayer $$$ is used, it's a charge on every cell phone, paging, payphone, and local telephone company in the US.

She is delusional, not quite as delusional as these nutjobs.

More than that is you have to be arrogant to try and get the job. Look at what the media does to them and their family! Who would want to put themselves and their family through that unless they had thick skin?

Which is why right now I'm on the DeSantis train.

As Lincoln once said of Grant "I can't spare that man, he fights"
my, don't we have an anger problem?

maybe u should take an anger management course?

or how about Civility 101?
Nothing angry about his post.

Trump did a lot of crap on policy that made many on the right shake their heads, but all the left would focus on were the manufactured scandals.

He's right...Maybe you should spend more time listening and less time hater hoax mongering.
Which is why right now I'm on the DeSantis train.

As Lincoln once said of Grant "I can't spare that man, he fights"
Twice the retard Trump is, then again, Floiduh elected Voldemort, not only for guvnah but sent him to DC as a senator.
He did but Trump's motto was that he was going to get along with everybody. Little did he understand that a liberal is like a person you lend money to and he bad mouths you to his buddies at the bar.

Now that he's experienced, he knows leftists can't be dealt with. They're like cockroaches were the only peace you will have is to get rid of as many as possible. Every single one of them are back stabbers no matter how hard you try to get along with them.

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Far too many republicans can't be dealt with either.....One of Trump's biggest blind spots was for the people undermining him in his own party, and especially in his inner circle.
Far too many republicans can't be dealt with either.....One of Trump's biggest blind spots was for the people undermining him in his own party, and especially in his inner circle.
That's because normal people can tell if something is "off".
With the orange retard, even the usual RWNJ's knew something was off with dotard.
I myself always wondered why he mentioned the homeless problem a few times but never really (far as I know) did anything about it...

not sure what he should have done... except thatsomething needs to be done
I think we have enough on the left picking apart, and lying about what faults Trump had/has, for those on the right to do it too...But, If I were forced to find one thing, I would say he needs to let the little things go....Not everything deserves a sledge hammer....
Those 6 Jan pix really make you moonbats jizz yourselves, don't they?

Of course they do...Hell, they never wanted to hear about anything to do with their factions of idiots, and what they were doing in the summer of 2020 out west, but by God, have some people protesting outside the Capitol (Not talking about the handful of idiots that entered) and pics, and they go into orgasmic fits...
Of course they do...Hell, they never wanted to hear about anything to do with their factions of idiots, and what they were doing in the summer of 2020 out west, but by God, have some people protesting outside the Capitol (Not talking about the handful of idiots that entered) and pics, and they go into orgasmic fits...
Sure we did, over 9500 arrest and counting.
Meanwhile teabaggers and Trumptards are praying for the morons that attacked the capitol.
Sure we did, over 9500 arrest and counting.
Meanwhile teabaggers and Trumptards are praying for the morons that attacked the capitol.
Yeah, ok....Sure isn't reported with the type of coverage that the idiots from the right are afforded...In any case, out of those 9,500 that you talk about, what are the charges...?

And the language you use...."Attack the capitol".... "Insurrection" ... etc. What a crock....Were those that were in the Capitol wrong? Yes...Did they deserve a year plus, many in solitary confinement to be brought to trial for what amounts to minor charges for most? No, that was the authoritarian left abusing their power.
Yeah, ok....Sure isn't reported with the type of coverage that the idiots from the right are afforded...In any case, out of those 9,500 that you talk about, what are the charges...?
Doesn't matter, it was local, they were detained, arrested, and charged.
Let alone the ones detained and released.
And the language you use...."Attack the capitol".
That's what it was, an attack.
How would you describe it?
... "Insurrection" ... etc. What a crock....Were those that were in the capitol wrong?
Yes...Did they deserve a year plus, many in solitary confinement to be brought to trial for what amounts to minor charges for most?
Too bad, your opinion isn't the law.
No, that was the authoritarian left abusing their power.

Must be like Ukrainians abusing their "power".

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