Trump supporters: There has to be something you aren't crazy about RE Trump... so what is it?

Sure. I'll let you have the last word now. It means so much to emotional people like you.
Translation: You made baseless claims that you can’t back up, you got called out on it, you’re just now realizing that you lost this argument of yours, and now you want to act nonchalant about it because your delicate ego can’t handle it when you look like a fool.

You’re excused now.
NO, it isn't
  • In 1985, under the wide-ranging powers granted in the 1934 Communications Act, the Federal Communications Commission set up the Lifeline program to subsidize the cost of telephone services for poorer Americans.
No shit.

The FCC established the Lifeline program in 1984 during the Ronald Reagan Administration with the aim of providing low-income households with low-cost landline options. The FCC worked with state governments and local phone companies to come up with this plan. Under the original Lifeline program, those who qualified received a discount on their monthly phone bill.

In 1985, the FCC re-established the Lifeline program to further reduce qualifying households’ phone bills. The FCC adopted another program, known as Link Up America, in 1987. This program was set up in order to help qualifying households afford connection and installation fees for landline phone service.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 led to the creation of the Universal Service Fund (USF), which ALL telecommunications carriers are REQUIRED to CONTRIBUTE TO. The Lifeline program is one of four programs covered by the USF. In 1997, the FCC tasked an independent non-profit organization called the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) with managing the USF and COLLECTING CONTRIBUTIONS FROM telecommunications carriers.

The government didn't add that charge to your bill, carriers did.
With the help of Democrats, of course. But you don't dare hold them responsible.
Of course, the same democrat's, republicans blame for their president invading Iraq, when it went south.
Do you still believe that the surveillance of Trump was based on anything other than political motives?
Trump and his regime were communicating with Russians, overseas, you moron.
They never disclosed they did.
Then lied about it, when confronted.
What a Useful Idiotl.
You're a useless idiot.
So, your answer is yes. It makes you feel generous when the government takes money away from people you believe have too much.
Yes, too much tax-free $$$.
Yeah, he was wrong.

Can you simply not understand that people agree with the things Trump says simply because he says them? Trump supporters are allowed to disagree with him.
Of course, they can, in his regime, they were fired or if they disagreed publicly, they were accused of being RHINO's
Spying had nothing to do with the Patriot Act. Hillary was not part of the government when it took place and even if she was, had no authorization to spy on Trump. That's why Trump is suing her now.
You're FOS...................Again.

The Patriot Act was passed in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. Although many provisions of the Act had been proposed before to substantial criticism, Congress swiftly approved the Act with little debate and no House, Senate, or conference report.

When the legislative proposals were introduced by the Bush administration in the aftermath of September 11th, Attorney General John Ashcroft gave Congress one week in which to pass the bill — without changes.

Attorney General John Ashcroft warned that further terrorist acts were imminent, and that Congress could be to blame for such attacks if it failed to pass the bill immediately.

The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act or Patriot Act). The Act was introduced less than a week after the September 11, 2001 attacks and passed with little debate or opposition. The Patriot Act expanded surveillance for law enforcement by:

  • Expanding domestic and international wiretapping and pen register monitoring;
  • Expanding authority to access electronic communications;
  • Allowing secret “sneak and peak” searches;
  • Removing privacy protections to allow federal agencies to share more information; and
  • Expanding funding to federal law enforcement agencies.
You're FOS...................Again.

The Patriot Act was passed in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. Although many provisions of the Act had been proposed before to substantial criticism, Congress swiftly approved the Act with little debate and no House, Senate, or conference report.

When the legislative proposals were introduced by the Bush administration in the aftermath of September 11th, Attorney General John Ashcroft gave Congress one week in which to pass the bill — without changes.

Attorney General John Ashcroft warned that further terrorist acts were imminent, and that Congress could be to blame for such attacks if it failed to pass the bill immediately.

The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act or Patriot Act). The Act was introduced less than a week after the September 11, 2001 attacks and passed with little debate or opposition. The Patriot Act expanded surveillance for law enforcement by:

  • Expanding domestic and international wiretapping and pen register monitoring;
  • Expanding authority to access electronic communications;
  • Allowing secret “sneak and peak” searches;
  • Removing privacy protections to allow federal agencies to share more information; and
  • Expanding funding to federal law enforcement agencies.

So what does any of that have to do with Hillary and the DNC spying on Trump? What you're talking about are government provisions, not personal or professional ones. Hillary nor the DNC were part of our government, and certainly their spying had zero to do with terrorism. There is nothing in the Patriot Act that permits using government agencies for political purposes.
So what does any of that have to do with Hillary and the DNC spying on Trump? What you're talking about are government provisions, not personal or professional ones. Hillary nor the DNC were part of our government, and certainly their spying had zero to do with terrorism. There is nothing in the Patriot Act that permits using government agencies for political purposes.
They were monitoring their overseas communications on the Trump regime, you idiot.
Just as they do with overseas communications.

The patriot act covers that you moron.

WTF was the regime communicating with Russians overseas?
Why didn't they report those contacts?
They were warned and STILL kept communicating with Russians, overseas.
Then, when confronted about the communications, they lied............of course.
They were monitoring their overseas communications on the Trump regime, you idiot.
Just as they do with overseas communications.

The patriot act covers that you moron.

WTF was the regime communicating with Russians overseas?
Why didn't they report those contacts?
They were warned and STILL kept communicating with Russians, overseas.
Then, when confronted about the communications, they lied............of course.

WTF are you talking about? It's been proven they used false documents promoted by the FBI to spy on Trump. And don't give me this BS it was only people that worked for him. You spy on them, you are spying on Trump when they communicate with him.

The only person to use Russia to rig the election was Hillary, and of course the DNC. They got phony information from Putin washed through a foreign agent and paid cold hard cash for it. That's never been done in the history of our country. And no, the Patriot Act has no provisions that allow a candidate or party to use federal agencies to spy on a political foe.
WTF are you talking about? It's been proven they used false documents promoted by the FBI to spy on Trump.
Proven by who?
Hannity or Carlson?
WHEN are they testifying?
And don't give me this BS it was only people that worked for him. You spy on them, you are spying on Trump when they communicate with him.
So, that's the way the patriot act works, moron.
How do you think they catch terrorism suspects and spies?
The only person to use Russia to rig the election was Hillary, and of course the DNC.
Again..............When are Hannity or Carlson tesifying?
They got phony information from Putin washed through a foreign agent and paid cold hard cash for it.
See above.
That's never been done in the history of our country. And no, the Patriot Act has no provisions that allow a candidate or party to use federal agencies to spy on a political foe.
They do if they are communicating with Russians..................OVERSEAS.
Proven by who?
Hannity or Carlson?
WHEN are they testifying?

So, that's the way the patriot act works, moron.
How do you think they catch terrorism suspects and spies?

Again..............When are Hannity or Carlson tesifying?

See above.

They do if they are communicating with Russians..................OVERSEAS.

Fine. Show me where in the patriot act it states that a candidate for President has the permission of our government to gather information from a foe like Russia to spy on a political opponent.


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