Trump supporters: There has to be something you aren't crazy about RE Trump... so what is it?

I myself always wondered why he mentioned the homeless problem a few times but never really (far as I know) did anything about it...

not sure what he should have done... except thatsomething needs to be done

Still the best president we've had since Clinton.
He spent to much time responding to every attack on him by some far left loon. When it's something really over the line by them like the Kathy Griffin bloody head pic respond but other wise let your press secretary deal with them.
if he gets back in

he should fire just about everyone... start all over again...

unless the person can prove he or she has b een... you know... sane and etc... for years
Trump isn't very good at hiring. He gushes about his choices, then he turns around and trashed them.
If you go to the restaurant, order and eat a steak, where do you think that money comes from?

it comes from the person eating the steak so it's an apple and oranges comparison. People who get free phones are provided from various carriers. To recoup that money, they have higher rates on us paying customers so we are paying for those free phones.
Americans underestimated the deep delusions of Trump and his cult.

Trump is their FUCK YOU to the rest of the world, their living, breathing expression of the rage & paranoia that has been building on the Right since the day Limbaugh went national.

No one knew how intense this was.
it comes from the person eating the steak so it's an apple and oranges comparison. People who get free phones are provided from various carriers.
No, it isn't.
The people using phones pay for it, not the taxpayer, as RWNJ's have claimed for years.
To recoup that money, they have higher rates on us paying customers so we are paying for those free phones.
Yes, they do, just like insurance and hospitals companies do, rates go up for covering people who don't have insurance.
Just like stores raise their prices to offset theft and damaged items.

People have choices to avoid these costs, don't use the phone, hospitals, stores, or purchase insurance.

Oh' wait, republicans subsidize some stores via tax breaks and incentives with tax cuts, that every tax paying American, pays for.
You said, re: Obamaphones:

"No taxpayer $$$ is used, it's a charge on every cell phone, paging, payphone, and local telephone company in the US."

Companies are charged. Where do the companies get the money to pay that charge?
See above.
Uh huh. The funny part is you're allowing a mediocre late-night comedian to do your thinking for you.
A LOT more truth and thought to that clip, than opinions from a podcaster, a dentist, Facebook, Twitter, and politicians.
Now that's funny.
No actual thinking gets done that way.
Sure, this genius is doing some deep thinking.

No, it isn't.
The people using phones pay for it, not the taxpayer, as RWNJ's have claimed for years.

No they don't. Here, I have expert testimony on that:

Yes, they do, just like insurance and hospitals companies do, rates go up for covering people who don't have insurance.
Just like stores raise their prices to offset theft and damaged items.

People have choices to avoid these costs, don't use the phone, hospitals, stores, or purchase insurance.

Oh' wait, republicans subsidize some stores via tax breaks and incentives with tax cuts, that every tax paying American, pays for.

You leftists with your apples to oranges comparisons. Shop lifting is not sponsored by the government like phones are. The best way to avoid price increases because of shop lifting is shop in a white area which not everybody can do. Trust me, I wish we could. It's law that you must have insurance. If you own a house, you can't get a loan or maintain it without insurance. If you drive, it's law you must have insurance. It's not an option. However a phone is about 50 bucks a month if that. You could work at McDonald's one day a month to cover that cost.

Medical care too is a necessity. It's not in option. In fact most people avoid getting it unless they absolutely have to in order to escape pain, not allow a medical condition to worsen, or save your life.

"Jerry Springer says Donald Trump is 'exactly' like the people who appeared on his show, except they had 'enough sense' not to run for president"​


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