Trump supporters: There has to be something you aren't crazy about RE Trump... so what is it?

"Jerry Springer says Donald Trump is 'exactly' like the people who appeared on his show, except they had 'enough sense' not to run for president"​

Yeah - billionaire real estate developer, best-selling author, uber-successful TV producer, and President of the United States. Exactly like the people on the Jerry Springer show.

Moronic of Springer to say it, and retarded to quote it as something valuable to repeat.
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A LOT more truth and thought to that clip, than opinions from a podcaster, a dentist, Facebook, Twitter, and politicians.
Now that's funny.
You wept bitter, bitter tears when Jon Stewart retired, didn't you?
Sure, this genius is doing some deep thinking.

If that was as prevalent as you've been told, you wouldn't have to keep posting the same video.
They were stupid enough to put a narcissistic moron in charge and then corrected their mistake?

We on the right base our voting decisions on what the candidate promises or what their performance record is. Then we have people that think voting for a President is a personality contest. Now which group is the stupid one?
We on the right base our voting decisions on what the candidate promises or what their performance record is. Then we have people that think voting for a President is a personality contest. Now which group is the stupid one?
I see. So your side thought it was smart to elect a narcissistic loud-mouthed moron and you didn’t see how this could possibly maybe hurt his chances of winning re-election.

Then to answer your question, your side is the stupid one. See the 2020 election.
I see. So your side thought it was smart to elect a narcissistic loud-mouthed moron and you didn’t see how this could possibly maybe hurt his chances of winning re-election.

Then to answer your question, your side is the stupid one. See the 2020 election.

I'm glad you brought up 2020. Dementia stood no chance with a normal election. Covid was his greatest asset because local governments were putting ballots on the kitchen table of people who would have otherwise not have voted. If people won't take the time and energy to vote in person, it's more than likely because it doesn't interest them due to being politically ignorant.

But in 2020, they managed to get enough politically ignorant and stupid people to vote. As we all know, the politically ignorant and stupid almost always vote Democrat; that's why their voting bill is requiring everybody to vote from home. That is unless you can explain to me how a guy who spent most of his adult life in federal politics, that never had any major accomplishments, with a son being investigated by the FBI for matters he too was involved with, who didn't campaign and what little campaigning he did, nobody showed up for, got the most votes in history running against a incumbent that gave us the best economy in 50 years, kept gasoline under $3.00 a gallon nationally, with huge success on the border, that was instrumental in providing us with three vaccines in record time.

When you have people voting using the same criteria as they did voting for their favorite American Idol contestant, this is what you end up with: Inflation at a 40 year high, the worst border problem we had in 20 years according to the Border Patrol, double the cost of gasoline and predicted to go higher, on the verge of a nuclear war, and making the Taliban in Afghanistan the most well armed terrorist group in the world with 83 billion dollars of US military gear.

Informed voters, huh?

How does a question about the former president rise to the level of current events? Wrong forum
I'm glad you brought up 2020. Dementia stood no chance with a normal election. Covid was his greatest asset because local governments were putting ballots on the kitchen table of people who would have otherwise not have voted. If people won't take the time and energy to vote in person, it's more than likely because it doesn't interest them due to being politically ignorant.

But in 2020, they managed to get enough politically ignorant and stupid people to vote. As we all know, the politically ignorant and stupid almost always vote Democrat; that's why their voting bill is requiring everybody to vote from home. That is unless you can explain to me how a guy who spent most of his adult life in federal politics, that never had any major accomplishments, with a son being investigated by the FBI for matters he too was involved with, who didn't campaign and what little campaigning he did, nobody showed up for, got the most votes in history running against a incumbent that gave us the best economy in 50 years, kept gasoline under $3.00 a gallon nationally, with huge success on the border, that was instrumental in providing us with three vaccines in record time.

When you have people voting using the same criteria as they did voting for their favorite American Idol contestant, this is what you end up with: Inflation at a 40 year high, the worst border problem we had in 20 years according to the Border Patrol, double the cost of gasoline and predicted to go higher, on the verge of a nuclear war, and making the Taliban in Afghanistan the most well armed terrorist group in the world with 83 billion dollars of US military gear.

Informed voters, huh?

I’d say that the stupid side is the one with all the uneducated people.

How did Biden get so many votes? Because look at who he was running against. Not complicated.

You guys keep asking this question and we keep answering it. Biden is boring, I agree. Trump is what drove people to vote, both for and against him. He’s very polarizing.

Maybe, just maybe, you should consider running someone who isn’t an obnoxious clown and won’t lose you the re-election. Have you learned your lesson yet?
I’d say that the stupid side is the one with all the uneducated people.

How did Biden get so many votes? Because look at who he was running against. Not complicated.

You guys keep asking this question and we keep answering it. Biden is boring, I agree. Trump is what drove people to vote, both for and against him. He’s very polarizing.

Maybe, just maybe, you should consider running someone who isn’t an obnoxious clown and won’t lose you the re-election. Have you learned your lesson yet?

Of course I did, and that is stupid people vote Democrat when it's convenient enough.

Let's say you and I both opened up widget companies. You hire people based on how nice they are, and I hire people based on their ability to do the job and employment record. I guarantee you that my company will put yours out of business in less than a year.

Your only stance on why Biden won is because you (and others) don't like meanie Tweets.
Of course I did, and that is stupid people vote Democrat when it's convenient enough.

Let's say you and I both opened up widget companies. You hire people based on how nice they are, and I hire people based on their ability to do the job and employment record. I guarantee you that my company will put yours out of business in less than a year.

Your only stance on why Biden won is because you (and others) don't like meanie Tweets.
The stupid people are the uneducated ones who put a tv personality moron in charge of the greatest widget company in the world. At first people figured that this clown couldn’t be as bad as the others. Then people quickly realized that he wasn’t fit for the job and he was an embarrassment to all of us.

Why would you want that idiot in charge of your widget company? Out of all the people you had to select from, you picked the one that should have been the joke candidate. We should have been reading about this story in the Onion, not actual news. You hand-picked THAT idiot and you deserved to lose the last election over that mistake.

Now anyone who doesn’t kiss that idiot’s ass is outcasted by you guys. You don’t pick people based on how effective they are. You pick them based on how good they are at kissing his ass.

I’m perfectly fine with my decision to get that moron out of there. His behavior on and leading up to Jan 6 cements my decision forever.
The stupid people are the uneducated ones who put a tv personality moron in charge of the greatest widget company in the world. At first people figured that this clown couldn’t be as bad as the others. Then people quickly realized that he wasn’t fit for the job and he was an embarrassment to all of us.

Why would you want that idiot in charge of your widget company? Out of all the people you had to select from, you picked the one that should have been the joke candidate. We should have been reading about this story in the Onion, not actual news. You hand-picked THAT idiot and you deserved to lose the last election over that mistake.

Now anyone who doesn’t kiss that idiot’s ass is outcasted by you guys. You don’t pick people based on how effective they are. You pick them based on how good they are at kissing his ass.

I’m perfectly fine with my decision to get that moron out of there. His behavior on and leading up to Jan 6 cements my decision forever.

Good. I hope you're happy with your decision every time you go to get a fill up at your gas station or go grocery shopping. Why would I want an idiot in charge of my widget company? Because he produced results, that's why. Plus if Trump was in charge today, it's likely Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine. He certainly wouldn't be threatening the US either.

Face facts. Dementia is a loser on every level. It's been a year and a half and you can't provide one policy of his that's been a success. With Trump, nearly every one of his policies were successful.
Trump was and is a big-spending liberal.
Oh really? Have you told anyone else of your miraculous findings?
He caved in on every single budget he signed and made zero effort to reduce the size of government as he promised.
You mean reality hit when he got there and the suckers who put him there took the bait.
He also had zero balls when it came to actually stand up to the Democrats with actual policies.
Two unnecessary "actualies" there. Why should he not pass policies that were beneficial to the nation? Isn't that what he was for?
He managed to get a lot of worthless regulations removed from the books.
You mean like everything Obama did because he hated his guts after he sent him up at the last ball?
Good for him.
It might have made him feel better but the country is worse for it.
He managed to keep the SCOTUS someone originalist.
you mean he made sure hevstacked the place with republican judges yet thats what you call original?..youre fucked in the head.
Good for Him.
He managed to get a number of correct-thinking judges on federal benches. Good for him.
It might have been good for him had he not approached them with the ridiculous claim the election was stolen. Not so good now comrade.
He never once carried through with a government shutdown to get the Dreamers ejected from this country.
Who got ejected from the country? Youre the stupid dreamer.
He barely managed to get the border secure.
He didn't. He completed 400 mile of 4500 mile. Well done Donny. What a failure and you all got sucked in by it you racist pigs.
He failed to fire the entire Covid CDC team when it was proven time and again that they were making the pandemic worse
what made it worse was his inaction in the beginning. I challenge you to show evidence the cdc did what you said. I know you can't. Fauci stood up to the idiot if that's what your sour about.
and on top of all that, the big financial wizard Trump failed to realize just how rich Fauci and his team were getting through patents for vaccines.
There is absolutely no evidence of that whatsoever. Pure idiot hate driven propaganda by an idiot like you.
He failed to effectively push back against a lie told about him for four years.
Shock horror. Someone told a lie about him. He is recorded and verified as telling 35000 blatant lies yet you want an inquiry into one about him. Astonishing hypocritical.
No one on the right has anything bad to say about him? Perhaps you should stop talking and start listening more often.
In your case, you should start getting some facts before you open your big mouth and belch bulkshit.
Good. I hope you're happy with your decision every time you go to get a fill up at your gas station or go grocery shopping. Why would I want an idiot in charge of my widget company? Because he produced results, that's why. Plus if Trump was in charge today, it's likely Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine. He certainly wouldn't be threatening the US either.

Face facts. Dementia is a loser on every level. It's been a year and a half and you can't provide one policy of his that's been a success. With Trump, nearly every one of his policies were successful.
Fine with me as long as Trump isn't in power. Despite some of the issues, I know that the adults are in charge again.

Facts? You don't know what Putin have done so don't pretend you do. You guys have lost touch with reality and you make up anything you can to kiss his ass. And then you wonder why you lost the last election. Has reality set in yet? Maybe you shouldn't have voted for the most narcissistic sociopath huh? You had at least 15 other conservative options to choose from, all of which were at least reasonable adults, and you picked THAT idiot.

Let's see, we have covid much better under control now after the retard you voted for left us in shambles. Unemployment is getting better after the retard you voted for left it messed up. Our handling of Russia has been excellent as far as I'm concerned - standing up to Russia with sanctions along with our allies without getting us sucked into a new war. Got us a new supreme court justice who looks promising. And more importantly, we have a guy in office who isn't trying to have his followers overthrow democracy or get his VP killed. I'd say that's a step back in the right direction. Make politics boring again. We don't need to feel like we're on a broken roller-coaster every day.

Yea Trump was super successful at finishing the wall that he conned you morons into believing he would finish. He was super effective at lying about and politicizing covid and destroying our economy in the process. And he was really successful at making an elaborate conspiracy theory after he lost and convincing you sheep that the election was stolen from him. He was really successful at getting 81 million people to vote his stupid ass out of office. Good job.
No they don't. Here, I have expert testimony on that:

The taxpayer STILL doesn't pay for her phone, moron.
You leftists with your apples to oranges comparisons.
Not apples to oranges, if people don't want to be charged extra for a service, simple.........don't use the service.
If people don't mind getting charged extra, they use phones, pagers, etc.
Shop lifting is not sponsored by the government like phones are.
Maybe sponsored, but not paid for.

Since 2009, there has been an urban myth that Obama created a program to provide free phones to low-income Americans at taxpayer expense. There is, in fact, a government program that will provide low-income people with a free or low cost cell phone. It was started in 2008 under George W. Bush.

Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.

The president has no direct impact on the program. This specific program, SafeLink, started under President George Bush, with grants from an independent company created under President Bill Clinton, which was a legacy of an act passed under President Franklin Roosevelt, which was influenced by an agreement reached between telecommunications companies and the administration of President Woodrow Wilson.

The best way to avoid price increases because of shop lifting is shop in a white area which not everybody can do. Trust me, I wish we could.
Everyone who shops at stores pays for shoplifting crime, EVERYWHERE.
The insurance rates in black high crime neighborhoods may be higher but white neighborhoods STILL subsidize them.
It's law that you must have insurance. If you own a house, you can't get a loan or maintain it without insurance.
No, it isn't.
That's a lender requirement, so they don't lose the $$$, they just doled out.

If you pay the lender off or buy the house outright, you don't have to have insurance.
The government isn't going to charge more for your property taxes or kick you out for not having insurance.
If you drive, it's law you must have insurance.
Yes, and that law has been broken too, so EVERYONE's rate reflects that.
Even if you're the best of the best of insured.
It's not an option. However a phone is about 50 bucks a month if that. You could work at McDonald's one day a month to cover that cost.
Then, it isn't being subsidized by the taxpayer in that example, either.
Medical care too is a necessity. It's not in option.
No, it isn't.
Don't get sick or injured.
In fact most people avoid getting it unless they absolutely have to in order to escape pain, not allow a medical condition to worsen, or save your life.
See above.
Yeah. It's till people paying for a service they get no benefit from; it's hidden as a fee.
Not all people.
Don't use the service.
But you're okay with companies taking money away from people if it's for a cause you've been told to support.
Companies in all aspects of commerce do it.
If you don't support them, don't use the service.
You wept bitter, bitter tears when Jon Stewart retired, didn't you?
NO, but I bet Stewart did, Trump is comedy platinum.
A missed opportunity to send his ratings and salary into the stratosphere.
If that was as prevalent as you've been told, you wouldn't have to keep posting the same video.
Yes, it is.
They're dumber than a box of hammers.


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