Trump supporters: There has to be something you aren't crazy about RE Trump... so what is it?

Pick literally anyone.

Anyone could have presided over the best economy in 50 years? In spite of that, anyone could have kept gasoline under $3.00 a gallon his entire term? Anyone could have stopper Un from shooting off his test rockets? Anyone could have had a 90% border reduction in 2019 in spite of the Communists doing everything the could to stop him? Anyone could have hit a new high in median household income? Anyone could have had the lowest unemployment for women and all minority groups since records were kept?

Kind of a shame Dementia isn't anyone.
Blue states are more vaccinated than red states. Why is that? You haven’t answered that. You just came up with some stupid claim that people get vaccines, not states. Did anyone say otherwise? Or are you just stating the obvious to try to squirm out of addressing what was ACTUALLY said. Your uneducated conservative tactic isn’t going to work on me. Why are blue states more vaccinated than red states? Is it a magical coincidence? Why are all the unvaccinated people here on this message board right-leaning? Is that another magical coincidence?

Unbelievable. There‘s taped evidence of Trump lying about how serious covid is and you’re still denying that Trump lied and you’re trying to blame Fauci for it lmao. What a pathetic argument. Very typical of conservatives here when they need to invent stories to avoid reality.

Regarding the video, they quoted Fauci saying that Trump‘s attention span is a negative number. Fauci didn’t outright deny this claim or confirm it, so it looks to me like he was trying to be civil on his interview with Fox News. At that moment, Fauci knows that if he says one bad thing about Trump then he’s going to get fired. And he also knows that this wouldn’t help the country deal with this issue.

Aa far as I’m concerned, the DNC despite all their faults have been in lock-step with our medical experts. As the situation got more serious, we listened to the professionals‘ guidance. Not difficult.

Yes, they closed down everything and then you want to lay the jobless blame on Trump, even though the US had the lowest GDP damage of all G7 countries, except for China who had weeks or months head start on us and IF you can trust their reporting.

Now when you can prove to me that every single citizens in blue states are Democrats and every single citizen in red states are Republican, perhaps you'll have a point. Until that time we need to go with actual recorded reliable data that was taken during vaccinations, and quit listening to the party of excuses. My state is considered by many to be a red state. It's true we have a good majority in our state houses, and a Republican (RINO) governor last three terms, our state still votes for Democrat Presidents from time to time. However all our populated cities are majority Democrat. Cleveland and Akron huge majorities, Youngstown, Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo all Democrat.

Who said I blamed Fauci for anything? He was afraid of getting fired? At his age and being a multi-millionaire? I don't think so. Did you listen to the interview? He said what they discussed was nothing different than what Trump told the country. He admitted that Trump gave him the mic at many a press conference. I don't now how much evidence you need that Trump kept nothing from us. Trump even gave the mic to a big shot at the institution I'm being treated at since I was a child, and that is the world renown Cleveland Clinic. Did he try to keep the public cool and calm? You bet he did. That's what a good leader is supposed to do.
Anyone could have presided over the best economy in 50 years?
Sure. Because are we talking facts, here? No. Are we talking your politically biased opinion, because you think Mr. Trump is so swell? Most fucking certainly. It was a decent economy, then Covid-19 hit, then it fell off a cliff. Literally anyone could have presided over that. There are real numbers out there, don't make me go get them. Certainly nowhere 'BeSt EvAr in HiStoRee' nonsense magaturds try to project here. Pull the other leg. No one's buying it.
In spite of that, anyone could have kept gasoline under $3.00 a gallon his entire term?
Really? Anyone? Are you one of those mouth breathers that believes the global price of oil is controlled by the president of America? C'mon man.
I refuse to believe even you are that fucking stupid.
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I loathe Trumps crudity and vulgarity and his woman chasing. Plus him allowing the runaway federal spending though not increasing defense spending nearly enough.
Sure. Because are we talking facts, here? No. Are we talking your politically biased opinion, because you think Mr. Trump is so swell? Most fucking certainly. It was a decent economy, then Covid-19 hit, then it fell off a cliff. Literally anyone could have presided over that. There are real numbers out there, don't make me go get them. Certainly nowhere 'BeSt EvAr in HiStoRee' nonsense magaturds try to project here. Pull the other leg. No one's buying it.

Other than nature, I don't know why you leftists need to lie so much. I said the best economy in 50 years, not the best economy ever. Trump was the best President since Reagan. I would say Clinton, but he perjured himself in front of a grand jury, and even lost his license to practice law over it. He was impeached for a legitimate reason according to the Constitution.

You can't name me anything this clown has done in his past year and a half that's been good for the country. Everything has been horrible: Afghanistan, Ukraine, fuel prices, food prices, inflation the highest it's been in over 40 years, the Taliban is now the worlds most well armed terrorist groups with 83 billion dollars of US military gear, more Covid deaths, labor shortages leading to supply chain shortages, I mean everything the guy touches. Now he's proposing a 5 trillion dollar budget to Congress. If passed, inflation will be up in the Jimmy Carter category.

Pre-covid Trump vs Biden is like a kid on a skate board trying to keep up with an Indy 500 race car.
I loathe Trumps crudity and vulgarity and his woman chasing. Plus him allowing the runaway federal spending though not increasing defense spending nearly enough.
The "plus" part is the only thing policy related.

His signing off on the spending of everything was ridiculous....The Pentagon spending could have been frozen, then had all the waste wrung out of it, and there would have been more than enough money for them.
Anyone could have stopper Un from shooting off his test rockets?
Trump didn't do anything about North Korea but prop it up! He was a complete idiot to give that nothing country any legitimacy whatsoever. Why? They are a barking Chihuahua on the world's stage when it comes to military strength. A true sign of dimbulb leadership.
Really? Anyone? Are you one of those mouth breathers that believes the global price of oil is controlled by the president of America? C'mon man.
I refuse to believe even you are that fucking stupid.

You're talking about somebody that spent a couple of years in the commodities market. I know how that animal works. When Dementia immediately closed down the Keystone, investors knew he wasn't bullshitting during his campaigns stating he was anti-fossil fuels. Then after the attack on our largest gasoline pipeline by the Russians, he said it's none of the federal governments business; it's a private matter. Then he stopped new exploration and drilling on public land including ANWR.

In the commodities market, if you have one contract of oil, every time it moves only one dollar a barrel, you make or lose $1,000. Now if you had ten contracts to buy, which way would you bet the price is going to go? The commodities market works a little like e-bay. The more people bidding on your item, the higher the price goes.
Trump didn't do anything about North Korea but prop it up! He was a complete idiot to give that nothing country any legitimacy whatsoever. Why? They are a barking Chihuahua on the world's stage when it comes to military strength. A true sign of dimbulb leadership.
The "plus" part is the only thing policy related.

His signing off on the spending of everything was ridiculous....The Pentagon spending could have been frozen, then had all the waste wrung out of it, and there would have been more than enough money for them.
U.S. defense spending needs to be radically increased to prepare the U.S. for the next major war.
You're talking about somebody that spent a couple of years in the commodities market. I know how that animal works.
Aren't you an ex-truck driver?
When Dementia immediately closed down the Keystone, investors knew he wasn't bullshitting during his campaigns stating he was anti-fossil fuels.
Then after the attack on our largest gasoline pipeline by the Russians, he said it's none of the federal governments business; it's a private matter.
More bullshit.
Then he stopped new exploration and drilling on public land including ANWR.
You're pissed about a current president shutting down a former president's agenda. Wow, so edgy. I'm sure that's totally unprecedented!
In the commodities market, if you have one contract of oil, every time it moves only one dollar a barrel, you make or lose $1,000. Now if you had ten contracts to buy, which way would you bet the price is going to go? The commodities market works a little like e-bay. The more people bidding on your item, the higher the price goes.
Why did you feel the need to include this? It adds nothing to the conversation. Are you pissed at the current administration because oil investors aren't making enough money? Dude. I give zero fucks.
Yes, they closed down everything and then you want to lay the jobless blame on Trump, even though the US had the lowest GDP damage of all G7 countries, except for China who had weeks or months head start on us and IF you can trust their reporting.

Now when you can prove to me that every single citizens in blue states are Democrats and every single citizen in red states are Republican, perhaps you'll have a point. Until that time we need to go with actual recorded reliable data that was taken during vaccinations, and quit listening to the party of excuses. My state is considered by many to be a red state. It's true we have a good majority in our state houses, and a Republican (RINO) governor last three terms, our state still votes for Democrat Presidents from time to time. However all our populated cities are majority Democrat. Cleveland and Akron huge majorities, Youngstown, Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo all Democrat.

Who said I blamed Fauci for anything? He was afraid of getting fired? At his age and being a multi-millionaire? I don't think so. Did you listen to the interview? He said what they discussed was nothing different than what Trump told the country. He admitted that Trump gave him the mic at many a press conference. I don't now how much evidence you need that Trump kept nothing from us. Trump even gave the mic to a big shot at the institution I'm being treated at since I was a child, and that is the world renown Cleveland Clinic. Did he try to keep the public cool and calm? You bet he did. That's what a good leader is supposed to do.
I realize that statistics is too complicated for you since you’re an uneducated conservative, but once again, the higher vaccinated states are blue and the less vaccinated states are red. I could do some statistical inference and generate the p-values for you but let’s be honest - your dumb ass wouldn’t understand any of it. So I guess we can conclude that you’re a moron and you think this is just a magical coincidence. That’s the problem with conservatives - they lack education and then pretend to know things that they don’t.

I did listen to the interview. Did you? They quoted him saying that Trump had a negative attention span and he didn’t outright deny or confirm it. Why would that be? Clearly he didn’t want to cause waves. Conservatives aren’t very good at reasoning.

Trump tried to keep the world calm by lying about the seriousness of the virus. He ended up politicizing the whole thing which is why we see such a large vaccine gap along party lines. You don’t want to admit that because you want to create a make-believe fantasy but it’s clear to anyone who isn’t an uneducated moron.
I realize that statistics is too complicated for you since you’re an uneducated conservative, but once again, the higher vaccinated states are blue and the less vaccinated states are red. I could do some statistical inference and generate the p-values for you but let’s be honest - your dumb ass wouldn’t understand any of it. So I guess we can conclude that you’re a moron and you think this is just a magical coincidence. That’s the problem with conservatives - they lack education and then pretend to know things that they don’t.

I did listen to the interview. Did you? They quoted him saying that Trump had a negative attention span and he didn’t outright deny or confirm it. Why would that be? Clearly he didn’t want to cause waves. Conservatives aren’t very good at reasoning.

Trump tried to keep the world calm by lying about the seriousness of the virus. He ended up politicizing the whole thing which is why we see such a large vaccine gap along party lines. You don’t want to admit that because you want to create a make-believe fantasy but it’s clear to anyone who isn’t an uneducated moron.

I told you what he said. We weren't talking about Trump's attention span, we were talking about what Trump said at the start of covid. Again, your comprehension skills suffer greatly.
Aren't you an ex-truck driver?

People with full time jobs can't make investments? No wonder you have the ghetto vote. I was a truck driver, I was a commodities investor, I was and still am a landlord. I did all of it at the same time, even tried some luck with the stock market.

You're pissed about a current president shutting down a former president's agenda. Wow, so edgy. I'm sure that's totally unprecedented!

Yes because the former presidents agenda was successful. Did you ever hear of the old saying if it's not broke--don't fix it? But that was the Communists plan since Dementia won the election: do everything opposite Trump no matter how much harm it does to the country.

Why did you feel the need to include this? It adds nothing to the conversation. Are you pissed at the current administration because oil investors aren't making enough money? Dude. I give zero fucks.

It adds everything because it's the market that controls the prices good or bad. What did you think all this time, that the oil and gasoline companies conspire to raise prices? Fuel companies have very little control over what their products sell for. Whatever the market sells is for is what they sell it for. It works the same way with all commodities like cattle, hogs, wheat, corn, lumber; all controlled by the market.
The fact that hyperbole is his native language. Trump and America would have been better off if someone had broken his thumbs so he couldn’t tweet.

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