Trump supporters: There has to be something you aren't crazy about RE Trump... so what is it?

"Jerry Springer says Donald Trump is 'exactly' like the people who appeared on his show, except they had 'enough sense' not to run for president"​

I am disappointed that The Donald lacks a sense of humor (except when attacking other people).

But he cannot tolerate the slightest criticism of himself.

So he was afraid to attend the Washington Correspondents' annual dinner where the President gets roasted.

Come to think of it, I guess that President Biden ain't gonna attend it, either.

Clearly, the cartoon was a single-question IQ test......and you achieved what you achieved on every other such test.

At election time you were given the long-form, and you answered "duh....yup....yup......" to each of these.....

"Here is the list of Biden’s proposals, drawn from the transcript of the president’s press conference:

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."

President Trump’s List of 42 Disastrous Things Joe Biden Would Do as President - Geller Report News

President Trump outlines Joe Biden's agenda that will destroy America. The choice could not be clearer in November. got your wish.......dolt.
Everyone who shops at stores pays for shoplifting crime, EVERYWHERE.
The insurance rates in black high crime neighborhoods may be higher but white neighborhoods STILL subsidize them.

Obviously you never worked for a large company. Each store has a budget they get from corporate. What is in your store is yours and yours alone. It's up to the store to provide X amount of profit using the funds provided.

No, it isn't.
That's a lender requirement, so they don't lose the $$$, they just doled out.

It's still a requirement that has to be met to keep the house. When I had a lax insurance company that didn't send my lenders proof of insurance until the very last day, they wrote threatening letters of foreclosure if they didn't get proof that my places were insured.

Yes, and that law has been broken too, so EVERYONE's rate reflects that.
Even if you're the best of the best of insured.

Depends on the state. Some states will not issue you license plates or tags unless you bring them a copy of your auto policy. The insurance companies are required to report drivers to the state that dropped their insurance after the plates or tags are issued. Yes, it's law to have insurance to drive.

Then, it isn't being subsidized by the taxpayer in that example, either.

Correct, it's being subsidized by paying customers which I told you early on.

No, it isn't.
Don't get sick or injured.

Right, just don't get sick, like it's an option. Do you now see how weak your argument is?
Fine with me as long as Trump isn't in power. Despite some of the issues, I know that the adults are in charge again.

Facts? You don't know what Putin have done so don't pretend you do. You guys have lost touch with reality and you make up anything you can to kiss his ass. And then you wonder why you lost the last election. Has reality set in yet? Maybe you shouldn't have voted for the most narcissistic sociopath huh? You had at least 15 other conservative options to choose from, all of which were at least reasonable adults, and you picked THAT idiot.

Let's see, we have covid much better under control now after the retard you voted for left us in shambles. Unemployment is getting better after the retard you voted for left it messed up. Our handling of Russia has been excellent as far as I'm concerned - standing up to Russia with sanctions along with our allies without getting us sucked into a new war. Got us a new supreme court justice who looks promising. And more importantly, we have a guy in office who isn't trying to have his followers overthrow democracy or get his VP killed. I'd say that's a step back in the right direction. Make politics boring again. We don't need to feel like we're on a broken roller-coaster every day.

Yea Trump was super successful at finishing the wall that he conned you morons into believing he would finish. He was super effective at lying about and politicizing covid and destroying our economy in the process. And he was really successful at making an elaborate conspiracy theory after he lost and convincing you sheep that the election was stolen from him. He was really successful at getting 81 million people to vote his stupid ass out of office. Good job.

You've been here long enough to know that lies never work. You know we're going to call you out on them. The economy tanked because of Joe's buddies in China sending us their flu and it's the only reason. Up until that time we had the best economy in 50 years. There were more deaths under Dementia than Trump with three Trump vaccines where Trump didn't have anything. DumBama used all our PPE and never replaced it. We only had one kind of test kit that the FDA allowed and those were test kits created by the CDC. When we went to use them, they turned out to be defective. Trump had to start from scratch with everything.

The only reason unemployment is getting better is because people had to start going back to work. In effort to create more government dependents, the Communists wrote a bill that Dementia signed (Trump refused to sign the bill) that paid people more money to stay home than work. No new jobs were created; the jobs were there for months. To compete against the government, industry had to keep increasing their offers which costs got passed down to us, thus one of the several reasons for out of control inflation. Again, you can't name one policy that Dementia created where you can credit him for private sector job creation. Jobs were there in spite of Dementia, not because of him.

To summarize what you said, the hell with the country, you're going to vote for a complete incompetent so the guy you don't like who ran the country more than successfully doesn't get back in to do the job the right way.
You've been here long enough to know that lies never work. You know we're going to call you out on them. The economy tanked because of Joe's buddies in China sending us their flu and it's the only reason. Up until that time we had the best economy in 50 years. There were more deaths under Dementia than Trump with three Trump vaccines where Trump didn't have anything. DumBama used all our PPE and never replaced it. We only had one kind of test kit that the FDA allowed and those were test kits created by the CDC. When we went to use them, they turned out to be defective. Trump had to start from scratch with everything.

The only reason unemployment is getting better is because people had to start going back to work. In effort to create more government dependents, the Communists wrote a bill that Dementia signed (Trump refused to sign the bill) that paid people more money to stay home than work. No new jobs were created; the jobs were there for months. To compete against the government, industry had to keep increasing their offers which costs got passed down to us, thus one of the several reasons for out of control inflation. Again, you can't name one policy that Dementia created where you can credit him for private sector job creation. Jobs were there in spite of Dementia, not because of him.

To summarize what you said, the hell with the country, you're going to vote for a complete incompetent so the guy you don't like who ran the country more than successfully doesn't get back in to do the job the right way.
Look at you desperately trying to ignore the facts. Then you come up with idiotic conspiracy theories when you don’t like reality. You should know better than that but you guys never seem to learn.

Trump poorly handled covid. Looking at exit polls, this was one of the biggest issues for voters and Trump had a terrible rating of the American people. He was inconsistent in his messaging, he lied about it, and he’s the reason for the large political divide in vaccine rates. To this day, the largest divide in vaccination rates is along party lines. Your fellow Republicans refuse to get vaccinated because they’re uneducated morons, because they don’t listen to the medical experts, because they’re conspiracy theorists, and because of Trump. Trump mishandled this issue and he paid for it.

And you guys want to blame Biden for it? Ridiculous. Biden came into it needing to fix Trump‘s mess. And he did. However there is no getting through to the partisan morons who refuse to get vaccinated because they’re uneducated and stupid. Not much can be done about that.

So let’s say that you have a oil drilling company and the manager of your company allows a pipe to burst, lies about how serious the issue is, and doesn’t listen to what the pipe repairers recommend. Naturally, his stupid ass gets fired and a new manager is put in place to clean the mess. But there’s still more damage happening as the new manager gets it fixed. Who is more at fault? The old stupid manager who got fired or the new one tasked with cleaning the mess???

Good, I’m glad you agree that unemployment is getting better. It was kind of left in shambles by the moron you voted for. Things are starting to get back to normal. Not perfect of course but far better than what we had with that stupid manager who got himself fired.
Look at you desperately trying to ignore the facts. Then you come up with idiotic conspiracy theories when you don’t like reality. You should know better than that but you guys never seem to learn.

Trump poorly handled covid. Looking at exit polls, this was one of the biggest issues for voters and Trump had a terrible rating of the American people. He was inconsistent in his messaging, he lied about it, and he’s the reason for the large political divide in vaccine rates. To this day, the largest divide in vaccination rates is along party lines. Your fellow Republicans refuse to get vaccinated because they’re uneducated morons, because they don’t listen to the medical experts, because they’re conspiracy theorists, and because of Trump. Trump mishandled this issue and he paid for it.

And you guys want to blame Biden for it? Ridiculous. Biden came into it needing to fix Trump‘s mess. And he did. However there is no getting through to the partisan morons who refuse to get vaccinated because they’re uneducated and stupid. Not much can be done about that.

So let’s say that you have a oil drilling company and the manager of your company allows a pipe to burst, lies about how serious the issue is, and doesn’t listen to what the pipe repairers recommend. Naturally, his stupid ass gets fired and a new manager is put in place to clean the mess. But there’s still more damage happening as the new manager gets it fixed. Who is more at fault? The old stupid manager who got fired or the new one tasked with cleaning the mess???

Good, I’m glad you agree that unemployment is getting better. It was kind of left in shambles by the moron you voted for. Things are starting to get back to normal. Not perfect of course but far better than what we had with that stupid manager who got himself fired.

Trump didn't lie about anything. During his press conferences he often had Fauci or some other expert give the press and audience their advice. Now if you're talking about that Woodhead book he was trying to sell, Fauci was asked about that and said everything they discussed about the virus was properly and timely relayed to the public. If you want to see the interview, just ask. I have it right here in my bookmarks.

Those idiotic polls you are referring to that says it's Republicans not getting the vaccine is in response to actual documentation that it was the minorities skeptical of getting the shot. They document race, but I had two shots plus the booster, and no medical personnel ever asked me my political affiliation. And we all know the huge majority of minorities vote Democrat. You people blamed Trump for the amount of covid deaths phony or not, but when your guy did worse, blame the Republicans. It's like I've always said: The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say anything was your fault. If you call more covid deaths fixing a mess, I'd hate to see what you consider failure.

You must have comprehension problems. I told you why unemployment was high, so I'll repeat it again, this time maybe you'll see it: THE COMMUNISTS PAID PEOPLE MORE MONEY TO STAY HOME THAN WORK, THAT'S WHY THEY DIDN'T GO TO WORK. They paid people extra unemployment money on top of their state unemployment from February of 2021 to September 2021.
Trump didn't lie about anything. During his press conferences he often had Fauci or some other expert give the press and audience their advice. Now if you're talking about that Woodhead book he was trying to sell, Fauci was asked about that and said everything they discussed about the virus was properly and timely relayed to the public. If you want to see the interview, just ask. I have it right here in my bookmarks.

Those idiotic polls you are referring to that says it's Republicans not getting the vaccine is in response to actual documentation that it was the minorities skeptical of getting the shot. They document race, but I had two shots plus the booster, and no medical personnel ever asked me my political affiliation. And we all know the huge majority of minorities vote Democrat. You people blamed Trump for the amount of covid deaths phony or not, but when your guy did worse, blame the Republicans. It's like I've always said: The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say anything was your fault. If you call more covid deaths fixing a mess, I'd hate to see what you consider failure.

You must have comprehension problems. I told you why unemployment was high, so I'll repeat it again, this time maybe you'll see it: THE COMMUNISTS PAID PEOPLE MORE MONEY TO STAY HOME THAN WORK, THAT'S WHY THEY DIDN'T GO TO WORK. They paid people extra unemployment money on top of their state unemployment from February of 2021 to September 2021.
Trump didn’t lie about anything? Lmao.

February 7: “It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu... This is deadly stuff” (Private taped interview)

February 26: "You treat this like the flu. We'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner. We view this, the same as the flu. This is a flu. This is like a flu. Like if you have the flu, you recuperate. You get better.

He downplayed the virus in public even though he knew how deadly it was.

Are you seriously questioning which side is getting the vaccine and which isn’t? Wow. Ok, let me spell this out for you with plenty of evidence.

1. You already referenced the polls.

2. Look at the state vaccination rates. States ranked by percentage of population fully vaccinated

Anyone with at least some intelligence (that excludes most conservatives) will notice that the most vaccinated states are blue and the least vaccinated states are red. I suppose you think that’s a magical coincidence?

3. Look at the people on this message board who refuse to get vaccinated. Every single one of them is a conservative. I suppose you think that’s a coincidence too? What a dumb argument. Very typical for uneducated conservatives to make such stupid claims when reality doesn’t agree with them.

Whatever the issues were for unemployment, they got bad during Trump’s presidency and they’re getting better now. The fact is that those conditions are improving. You can come up with all the BDS excuses you like, but your opinions are clouded in orange because you refuse to find any fault in Trump. That’s the difference between liberals and conservatives. You guys are uneducated and you refuse to think for yourselves - you just mindlessly defend everything Trump does.
Not all people.
Don't use the service.

Companies in all aspects of commerce do it.
If you don't support them, don't use the service.
Can you show me on a cell phone bill where the Obamaphone fee is labeled what it is?
Oh really? Have you told anyone else of your miraculous findings?

You mean reality hit when he got there and the suckers who put him there took the bait.

Two unnecessary "actualies" there. Why should he not pass policies that were beneficial to the nation? Isn't that what he was for?

You mean like everything Obama did because he hated his guts after he sent him up at the last ball?

It might have made him feel better but the country is worse for it.

you mean he made sure hevstacked the place with republican judges yet thats what you call original?..youre fucked in the head.

It might have been good for him had he not approached them with the ridiculous claim the election was stolen. Not so good now comrade.

Who got ejected from the country? Youre the stupid dreamer.

He didn't. He completed 400 mile of 4500 mile. Well done Donny. What a failure and you all got sucked in by it you racist pigs.

what made it worse was his inaction in the beginning. I challenge you to show evidence the cdc did what you said. I know you can't. Fauci stood up to the idiot if that's what your sour about.

There is absolutely no evidence of that whatsoever. Pure idiot hate driven propaganda by an idiot like you.

Shock horror. Someone told a lie about him. He is recorded and verified as telling 35000 blatant lies yet you want an inquiry into one about him. Astonishing hypocritical.

In your case, you should start getting some facts before you open your big mouth and belch bulkshit.
How many ways can you be wrong in one single reply? I'd count it, but after I got past two, you'd be lost.
Trump didn’t lie about anything? Lmao.

February 7: “It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu... This is deadly stuff” (Private taped interview)

February 26: "You treat this like the flu. We'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner. We view this, the same as the flu. This is a flu. This is like a flu. Like if you have the flu, you recuperate. You get better.

He downplayed the virus in public even though he knew how deadly it was.

Are you seriously questioning which side is getting the vaccine and which isn’t? Wow. Ok, let me spell this out for you with plenty of evidence.

1. You already referenced the polls.

2. Look at the state vaccination rates. States ranked by percentage of population fully vaccinated

Anyone with at least some intelligence (that excludes most conservatives) will notice that the most vaccinated states are blue and the least vaccinated states are red. I suppose you think that’s a magical coincidence?

3. Look at the people on this message board who refuse to get vaccinated. Every single one of them is a conservative. I suppose you think that’s a coincidence too? What a dumb argument. Very typical for uneducated conservatives to make such stupid claims when reality doesn’t agree with them.

Whatever the issues were for unemployment, they got bad during Trump’s presidency and they’re getting better now. The fact is that those conditions are improving. You can come up with all the BDS excuses you like, but your opinions are clouded in orange because you refuse to find any fault in Trump. That’s the difference between liberals and conservatives. You guys are uneducated and you refuse to think for yourselves - you just mindlessly defend everything Trump does.

States don't get vaccinations, people do. Plus the fact a vaccination can only protect the individual (95% according to Pfizer) not the spread. You can get covid from an unvaccinated person or a vaccinated person. It doesn't make a difference.

I read your link, and what you're talking about what he said to Woodhead for his book, I told you, Fauci commented on that when the book came out. It's bullshit. I know a commie leader would be screaming WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! But that's not what a real leader does. A real leader tries to keep the public reassured and calm. That's what Trump did. It's the same thing GW did when he was reading a book to the children when he found out the WTC was under attack.

You want to know what the commies said during February? You know, go to Chinatown and shop. Take the NYC subway. If covid comes here, we're plenty prepared. And what was Fauci saying in February?

And as I told you in my last post about the Woodhead book, here is what Dr. Fauci said about that. Try to overcome your seemingly severe comprehension problems:

States don't get vaccinations, people do. Plus the fact a vaccination can only protect the individual (95% according to Pfizer) not the spread. You can get covid from an unvaccinated person or a vaccinated person. It doesn't make a difference.

I read your link, and what you're talking about what he said to Woodhead for his book, I told you, Fauci commented on that when the book came out. It's bullshit. I know a commie leader would be screaming WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! But that's not what a real leader does. A real leader tries to keep the public reassured and calm. That's what Trump did. It's the same thing GW did when he was reading a book to the children when he found out the WTC was under attack.

You want to know what the commies said during February? You know, go to Chinatown and shop. Take the NYC subway. If covid comes here, we're plenty prepared. And what was Fauci saying in February?

And as I told you in my last post about the Woodhead book, here is what Dr. Fauci said about that. Try to overcome your seemingly severe comprehension problems:

Blue states are more vaccinated than red states. Why is that? You haven’t answered that. You just came up with some stupid claim that people get vaccines, not states. Did anyone say otherwise? Or are you just stating the obvious to try to squirm out of addressing what was ACTUALLY said. Your uneducated conservative tactic isn’t going to work on me. Why are blue states more vaccinated than red states? Is it a magical coincidence? Why are all the unvaccinated people here on this message board right-leaning? Is that another magical coincidence?

Unbelievable. There‘s taped evidence of Trump lying about how serious covid is and you’re still denying that Trump lied and you’re trying to blame Fauci for it lmao. What a pathetic argument. Very typical of conservatives here when they need to invent stories to avoid reality.

Regarding the video, they quoted Fauci saying that Trump‘s attention span is a negative number. Fauci didn’t outright deny this claim or confirm it, so it looks to me like he was trying to be civil on his interview with Fox News. At that moment, Fauci knows that if he says one bad thing about Trump then he’s going to get fired. And he also knows that this wouldn’t help the country deal with this issue.

Aa far as I’m concerned, the DNC despite all their faults have been in lock-step with our medical experts. As the situation got more serious, we listened to the professionals‘ guidance. Not difficult.

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