Trump supporters: There has to be something you aren't crazy about RE Trump... so what is it?

I told you what he said. We weren't talking about Trump's attention span, we were talking about what Trump said at the start of covid. Again, your comprehension skills suffer greatly.
This was already explained to you. Once again, if he said anything out of line with Trump, then Trump would have fired him which would have made the issue with covid even worse.

What part of that are you still having trouble understanding? Do you need me to explain that to you again? Uneducated conservatives shouldn’t speak about comprehension abilities. We don’t exactly consider truck drivers to be academic scholars now do we? There’s a reason for that.

Here’s a video of Fauci being more open about his time with the Trump administration:

I noticed you dropped your flawed argument about which side is more likely to be vaccinated. Can it be that you actually realized the truth? Nah, you conservatives aren’t smart enough for that. You guys are just stubborn, angry, and uneducated. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks they say. Seems to apply to uneducated conservatives as well.
Fuel companies have very little control over what their products sell for. Whatever the market sells is for is what they sell it for. It works the same way with all commodities like cattle, hogs, wheat, corn, lumber; all controlled by the market
Correct! Aren't you the guy that said a few comments over:

'anyone could have kept gasoline under $3.00 a gallon his entire term?'

That was you, right? You magaturds talk from both sides of your maws and it don't fucking cut it.
This was already explained to you. Once again, if he said anything out of line with Trump, then Trump would have fired him which would have made the issue with covid even worse.

What part of that are you still having trouble understanding? Do you need me to explain that to you again? Uneducated conservatives shouldn’t speak about comprehension abilities. We don’t exactly consider truck drivers to be academic scholars now do we? There’s a reason for that.

Here’s a video of Fauci being more open about his time with the Trump administration:

I noticed you dropped your flawed argument about which side is more likely to be vaccinated. Can it be that you actually realized the truth? Nah, you conservatives aren’t smart enough for that. You guys are just stubborn, angry, and uneducated. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks they say. Seems to apply to uneducated conservatives as well.

All your video shows is that they had disagreements which is not related to your claim Trump lied. Also (since I don't know the date of this video) he talks about the Trump administration as in the past, meaning if he only takes sides with the leadership, he's working under an entirely Democrat government, so I'm turning the tables on your unproven claim.

Speaking of which, all you offer are incidentals. Hey, I'm a righty, my friends are right leaning, my family is right leaning, and every one of us got the vaccine. But that's incidental, just like saying Red states had lower rates of the shot as if no Democrats live in red states. But what I talk about are facts; recorded data of who was lagging in the vaccine area on records. Just like the video I posted where Fauci stated everything he and his administration were discussed with Trump and he relayed that info to the public. That's besides the admission (not that you would need that if you have even the slightest memory) that he and other experts were happily handed the mic during Trump's press conferences. You see, that's not incidental, that's fact.

Trump supporters: There has to be something you aren't crazy about RE Trump... so what is it?​

There are many things I dislike about Trump:
1. He's an egotistical blowhard in many ways.
2. He is too easily triggered into pointless verbal altercations.
3. He didn't try hard enough to reduce the debt.
4. I read a quote of his where he contended that the government could provide fine healthcare to people.

Still, his positives far outweigh those negatives. He puts America first and doesn't cower before the marxist/liberal smear machine.
All your video shows is that they had disagreements which is not related to your claim Trump lied. Also (since I don't know the date of this video) he talks about the Trump administration as in the past, meaning if he only takes sides with the leadership, he's working under an entirely Democrat government, so I'm turning the tables on your unproven claim.

Speaking of which, all you offer are incidentals. Hey, I'm a righty, my friends are right leaning, my family is right leaning, and every one of us got the vaccine. But that's incidental, just like saying Red states had lower rates of the shot as if no Democrats live in red states. But what I talk about are facts; recorded data of who was lagging in the vaccine area on records. Just like the video I posted where Fauci stated everything he and his administration were discussed with Trump and he relayed that info to the public. That's besides the admission (not that you would need that if you have even the slightest memory) that he and other experts were happily handed the mic during Trump's press conferences. You see, that's not incidental, that's fact.
Once again, the claim that Trump lied is on the video tape. The video I posted of Fauci is from Jan 2021, and you will notice that he’s speaking much more critically of how the Trump administration handled covid. You will also note that Trump was no longer Fauci’s boss at the time of this video. And you were saying something about me having reading comprehension problems? The fact that I’ve spelled this out for you multiple times and you still can’t figure it out shows that you’re just a helpless uneducated conservative. As we all know, you lack the ability to think. If you guys could think then you wouldn’t be conservatives.

You, your friends, and your family getting vaccinated does absolutely nothing to disprove the obvious claim that Democrats are more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans. An overall trend isn’t disproven by a few individuals. See, this is why you’re just an uneducated truck driver and not a statistician. Leave the number crunching to the people who know how to think.

And I didn’t say that no Democrats live in red states. That’s obvious. What I am saying is that it can be proven with statistical inference that there is a statistical difference in vaccine rates among red and blue states. What you’re claiming can be proven to be statistically rejected. And you wouldn’t understand the first thing about it because, once again, you‘re just an uneducated truck driver. See, this is the problem with conservatives. They‘re uneducated and know very little and yet they stubbornly hang on to what they want to believe because they don’t know any better.

The fact remains that:
1. Polls show that Democrats are more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans.

2. Blue states are more vaccinated than red states.

3. All the unvaccinated people on this website are conservatives.

These aren’t a coincidence. These are facts. They’re showing a very clear trend that most rational people would easily grasp, but not you because logic clearly isn’t your strength.
Obviously you never worked for a large company. Each store has a budget they get from corporate.
What happens when they get broken into, robbed, or are a victim of repeated retail theft?
It raises their insurance, just like having an unsafe store, slip and fall accidents, or merchandise accidents.
If it happens too often, they won't have to worry about a "budget" from corporate anymore.
What is in your store is yours and yours alone. It's up to the store to provide X amount of profit using the funds provided.
You obviously never worked for a large company.
The products in the store aren't the sole owner of the store, it's corporate property.

It's still a requirement that has to be met to keep the house.
NO, it isn't.
When I had a lax insurance company that didn't send my lenders proof of insurance until the very last day, they wrote threatening letters of foreclosure if they didn't get proof that my places were insured.
No, shit.
'When I had a lax insurance company that didn't send my LENDERS proof of insurance".

SO, you have a mortgage, THEY being your LENDERS were going to foreclose, not any government agency or anyone else.

Depends on the state. Some states will not issue you license plates or tags unless you bring them a copy of your auto policy. The insurance companies are required to report drivers to the state that dropped their insurance after the plates or tags are issued. Yes, it's law to have insurance to drive.
That's already been established.

"Yes, and that law has been broken too, so EVERYONE's rate reflects that".
Correct, it's being subsidized by paying customers which I told you early on.
NOT by the taxpayer, correct, so you have a choice like I stated earlier.
Right, just don't get sick, like it's an option. Do you now see how weak your argument is?
Pretty fuckin' simple.
BTW, don't get in any accidents either.
Can you show me on a cell phone bill where the Obamaphone fee is labeled what it is?

It's number one.
What happens when they get broken into, robbed, or are a victim of repeated retail theft?
It raises their insurance, just like having an unsafe store, slip and fall accidents, or merchandise accidents.
If it happens too often, they won't have to worry about a "budget" from corporate anymore.

You obviously never worked for a large company.
The products in the store aren't the sole owner of the store, it's corporate property.

NO, it isn't.

No, shit.
'When I had a lax insurance company that didn't send my LENDERS proof of insurance".

SO, you have a mortgage, THEY being your LENDERS were going to foreclose, not any government agency or anyone else.

That's already been established.

"Yes, and that law has been broken too, so EVERYONE's rate reflects that".

NOT by the taxpayer, correct, so you have a choice like I stated earlier.

Pretty fuckin' simple.
BTW, don't get in any accidents either.

Insurance companies only cover so much and that's it. Just like any other insurance. When you exceed maximum benefits, you take the loss from that point on. The store has to close, not the entire chain of stores owned by the company because they don't share the loss of the high theft store, only the store does.

No bank in the country will give you or maintain a loan if the structures are not covered by insurance. You HAVE TO HAVE insurance or you don't get the loan or lose the house if you already have a loan. Just like you have to have insurance to drive a car. If you don't have insurance and get into an accident, you can be sued perhaps for the rest of your life depending on the extent of damage and injury. You still broke the law by not having insurance and in many states will have your license removed so you can't legally drive any longer.
Insurance companies only cover so much and that's it. Just like any other insurance. When you exceed maximum benefits, you take the loss from that point on. The store has to close, not the entire chain of stores owned by the company because they don't share the loss of the high theft store, only the store does.
No, shit.
What happens when an insurance company has too many excessive limit payouts?

They raise their rates.
No bank in the country will give you or maintain a loan if the structures are not covered by insurance. You HAVE TO HAVE insurance or you don't get the loan or lose the house if you already have a loan.
Again.............NO SHIT.

The LENDER requires you to have insurance.
No one else does.
Just like you have to have insurance to drive a car. If you don't have insurance and get into an accident, you can be sued perhaps for the rest of your life depending on the extent of damage and injury. You still broke the law by not having insurance and in many states will have your license removed so you can't legally drive any longer.
Triple.........NO SHIT.
Car insurance is mandatory for drivers of every registered vehicle.

The people that drive without insurance, getting in accidents raises rates for everyone else.
No, shit.
What happens when an insurance company has too many excessive limit payouts?

They raise their rates.

Again.............NO SHIT.

The LENDER requires you to have insurance.
No one else does.

Triple.........NO SHIT.
Car insurance is mandatory for drivers of every registered vehicle.

The people that drive without insurance, getting in accidents raises rates for everyone else.

How do they raise rates for everybody else when they aren't insured? If they don't have insurance and don't get into accidents it doesn't raise anybody's anything. If they get into an accident the insurance company will go after them and recoup their losses through litigation
Sure. Because are we talking facts, here? No. Are we talking your politically biased opinion, because you think Mr. Trump is so swell? Most fucking certainly. It was a decent economy, then Covid-19 hit, then it fell off a cliff. Literally anyone could have presided over that. There are real numbers out there, don't make me go get them. Certainly nowhere 'BeSt EvAr in HiStoRee' nonsense magaturds try to project here. Pull the other leg. No one's buying it.
No one's buying it...because Biden's inflation is the worst in US history.
Not sure why you believe subservience is a positive trait, but okay, bootlicker.
What you call “subservience“ is what I would call “listening to medical advice from medical experts”.

Your dumb label aside, my point was simply that Democrats are more likely to get vaccinated. Thanks for helping out.
What you call “subservience“ is what I would call “listening to medical advice from medical experts”.

Your dumb label aside, my point was simply that Democrats are more likely to get vaccinated. Thanks for helping out.
Yes, we've established that Democrats are unable to make their own choices and want the government to powder their bottoms and hold their hands all their lives.
Yes, we've established that Democrats are unable to make their own choices and want the government to powder their bottoms and hold their hands all their lives.
That’s not a very nice thing to say about Ray From Cleveland for getting vaccinated.

But I’m glad we agree that Democrats are more likely to get vaccinated.

Do you have any more snarky ways of saying the same thing that you would like to share?
That’s not a very nice thing to say about Ray From Cleveland for getting vaccinated.

But I’m glad we agree that Democrats are more likely to get vaccinated.

Do you have any more snarky ways of saying the same thing that you would like to share?
Did Ray get vaccinated because they government told him to? No? Then it's not the same thing, is it?

You, however -- you got vaccinated because Big Daddy Government told you to, and you're very obedient.

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