Trump Supporters to be Hit Hardest by GOP Healthcare Plan

How was someone who had no health insurance 'hit' when they were covered by expanded Medicaid?


Whose tax dollars? Seriously, did your taxes go up after the ACA?

Better, under this repeal, show me where your taxes will go down.

Unless some of the RW clowns around here are RICH, the last laugh is on them because for all of the tax benefits gained from kicking lower income Americans off Medicaid or off their subsidies,

those RW'ers won't see any of them.

Not a single one of them pays the surtax that will be repealed. Hell, I don't think a single one even understands the surtax. They are all playing their roles as useful idiots.
Unless some of the RW clowns around here are RICH, the last laugh is on them because for all of the tax benefits gained from kicking lower income Americans off Medicaid or off their subsidies,
And who pays for Medicaid - taxpayers. Who pays for every dime the government spend? tax payers. the US government does not MAKE money - it TAKES tax payer money and SPENDS tax payer money.
How was someone who had no health insurance 'hit' when they were covered by expanded Medicaid?


How do you know a majority of Americans opposed it?
It was reported a the time. Go back and look, if you honestly can't remember.

The whole reason the Democrats rammed it into law in the wee hours of the morning was because the week before it was reported the phone lines into Congress were shut down due to the overflow of calls calling for it NOT to be voted on / passed. The Democrats KNEW the majority did not want it. That is why they broke Obama's promise that the American people would have several days to read it before a vote was held. That is why they rammed it into law in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept. that is why Pelosi declared Americans had no right to read it until it had become law.

You can tell when politicians are trying to pull some shady and / or illegal shit - when they do it in secret and refuse to let people know the details before the deed is done:
- ACA Development: Every Meeting NOT on TV as Promised
- ACA: Americans NOT given a Chance to Read it As Promised
- BARRY'S ILLEGAL IRAN TREATY: By-Passed Congress, went straight to the UN once it was done - did not let Congress read it - so it could be Ratified 1st
- IRAN HOSTAGE PAYMENT: Explained as 'money we owed them' yet done in Secrecy, Dead of Night, unmarked foreign currency, etc...
- $500 Million For UN Global Initiative: Obama declared the money was for Zika here at home in the US - several days later it was exposed he gave the money to the UN for their new Global Initiative...
Whose tax dollars? Seriously, did your taxes go up after the ACA?
Where do you think all those subsidies come from? Where do you think the money for that 'hackers-dream' ACA Web Site come / came from? you think Obama, Pelosi, and all the other politicians who rammed the ACA into law just pulled all of that out of their own pockets?

Oh, you poor snowflake...

Are you not paying attention? Your taxes did not go up because of the ACA. Your taxes will not go down because of the repeal. The money for the subsidies and the expansion of Medicaid came from that 4.7% surtax on investment income of taxpayers making more than $250,000.
Tax Payers paid for the Web Site and other parts of the ACA. do you REALLY think the govt has little 'mail slots' where they keep money assigned to go to different projects, neatly separated so there is no confusion where money is taken from the wrong stack? You think our govt is THAT organized? Bwuhahahaha.
How was someone who had no health insurance 'hit' when they were covered by expanded Medicaid?


How do you know a majority of Americans opposed it?
It was reported a the time. Go back and look, if you honestly can't remember.

The whole reason the Democrats rammed it into law in the wee hours of the morning was because the week before it was reported the phone lines into Congress were shut down due to the overflow of calls calling for it NOT to be voted on / passed. The Democrats KNEW the majority did not want it. That is why they broke Obama's promise that the American people would have several days to read it before a vote was held. That is why they rammed it into law in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept. that is why Pelosi declared Americans had no right to read it until it had become law.

You can tell when politicians are trying to pull some shady and / or illegal shit - when they do it in secret and refuse to let people know the details before the deed is done:
- ACA Development: Every Meeting NOT on TV as Promised
- ACA: Americans NOT given a Chance to Read it As Promised
- BARRY'S ILLEGAL IRAN TREATY: By-Passed Congress, went straight to the UN once it was done - did not let Congress read it - so it could be Ratified 1st
- IRAN HOSTAGE PAYMENT: Explained as 'money we owed them' yet done in Secrecy, Dead of Night, unmarked foreign currency, etc...
- $500 Million For UN Global Initiative: Obama declared the money was for Zika here at home in the US - several days later it was exposed he gave the money to the UN for their new Global Initiative...

Nothing was rammed down anyone's throats, there were several hearing's the pugs were invited to and also it was put up for public comments that no one complained about.
'Trump Supporters to be Hit Hardest by GOP Healthcare Plan'

ALL Americans hit under Obamacare...

How was someone who had no health insurance 'hit' when they were covered by expanded Medicaid?

How was someone 'hit' by Obamacare when the subsidy made their insurance much more affordable?
I thingk the point is that the demographic that voted for Trump in the rustbelt was not covered under expanded Medcaid, but under less than useful Obamacare high deduct policies, yet they are the very ones who will see reduced coverage early on under the gop program, because the gop tax credits seem to be worth even less than the obamacare subisidies. So Drumpf fucks them once again. Wow, like I never saw that coming.

But it's true Obama took care of those not working before he looked to those who are, or want to be, working.
Nothing was rammed down anyone's throats, there were several hearing's the pugs were invited to and also it was put up for public comments that no one complained about.
The week after Americans shutdown the DC phone lines to congress demanding they NOT pass this POS, the Democrats rammed this thing down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it.

They were promised they would get to read the bill before it was passed.
- They were DENIED that ability. Hell ,most of the SOBs who voted for it have still never read it.

Nancy Pelosi declared Americans did not have the right to know what was in it before it was passed.

You're so full of BS it ain't funny!
It took 8-months for the ACA to finally pass. The new healthcare Bill development is only in the 1st inning.
Every American forced to buy the ACA got screwed because it is collapsing. they lost their health care they had for NOTHING, except to advance the DNC's agenda of converting to govt-controlled Single Payer where govt has more power and Americans have less. If the ACA is allowed to collapse under its own weight, which it will do if nothing is done, every American who was forced onto the ACA loses.
I know the gut reaction is to say they deserve what they get...

Saying that means that 80 year old woman whose life savings gets wiped out in a con "deserves it".

Nobody deserves to be grifted.

Did your health care premiums go down $2500 under maobamacare?

I have employee provided healthcare... plus I'm a military retiree.

Having a lower premium and a shit plan that doesn't cover anything, isn't a step forward.

Having an expensive plan with an unfordable deductible, that is mandated, isn't either.

I don't disagree. The Affordable Care Act needs fixes, its creators will tell you that. It needs a public option, but insurance companies were afraid of competition and the legislators they bought and paid for helped them kill the Public Option.

By public option I assume you mean single payer which is failing everywhere it's been tried. Before the ACA there were many fewer uninsured that actually wanted it and 99% of those could have been covered much cheaper without all the ridiculous taxes and BS. The ACA was designed to fail with the intent of pushing a single payer system. But at this point it's all moot, the ACA is going away, we'll just have to see what takes its place, personally I hope they repeal it and do nothing.
Every American forced to buy the ACA got screwed because it is collapsing. they lost their health care they had for NOTHING, except to advance the DNC's agenda of converting to govt-controlled Single Payer where govt has more power and Americans have less. If the ACA is allowed to collapse under its own weight, which it will do if nothing is done, every American who was forced onto the ACA loses.

It's ignorance like this, that is displayed in this post are the reason people laugh at our country.
I know the gut reaction is to say they deserve what they get...

Saying that means that 80 year old woman whose life savings gets wiped out in a con "deserves it".

Nobody deserves to be grifted.

Did your health care premiums go down $2500 under maobamacare?

I have employee provided healthcare... plus I'm a military retiree.

Having a lower premium and a shit plan that doesn't cover anything, isn't a step forward.

Having an expensive plan with an unfordable deductible, that is mandated, isn't either.

I don't disagree. The Affordable Care Act needs fixes, its creators will tell you that. It needs a public option, but insurance companies were afraid of competition and the legislators they bought and paid for helped them kill the Public Option.

By public option I assume you mean single payer which is failing everywhere it's been tried. Before the ACA there were many fewer uninsured that actually wanted it and 99% of those could have been covered much cheaper without all the ridiculous taxes and BS. The ACA was designed to fail with the intent of pushing a single payer system. But at this point it's all moot, the ACA is going away, we'll just have to see what takes its place, personally I hope they repeal it and do nothing.

Ask me how I know you have no clue what's going on in the world.
It's ignorance like this, that is displayed in this post are the reason people laugh at our country.
People laugh at our country (or did) because Snowflakes are stupid enough to buy the record-setting bullshit spewed by a scam artist like Barak Obama.

'It won't cost a dime - it will pay for itself.'

IF that had been the case, Barak Obama would have created the 1st govt benefits program IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD to do so...yet snowflakes were stupid enough to not only buy it but also defend it.

Gruber was exposed several times as having explained not only are DNC supporters 'stupid' but that Democratic Party politicians COUNT on their stupidity so they can get away with as much as they did / do.

The ACA is just not a failed Democratic Party health care program - it is probably the largest SCAM ever perpetrated against the American people by it's politicians in this nation's history.

Almost everything it promised - from 'every meeting will be held on TV' to 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan' - was a LIE.

Not long after it passed Harry Reid admitted publicly that it was DESIGNED to fail, just not this fast, so the govt could transition to even more power-seizing Single Payer. EVEN THEN snowflakes still defended Obama and the Democrats who rammed this thing into law.

The people laughing at this country are not even laughing at Obama and politicians - they are laughing at Americans - like snowflakes - stupid enough to fall for such monumental BULLSHIT / LIES.

'Hey everyone - I have a great idea for a program that will result in every American getting a new car....AND IT WON'T COST A DIME - IT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF'.

Oh YEAH! I'm all for it!


Looky - We caught another Snowflake... :p
It's ignorance like this, that is displayed in this post are the reason people laugh at our country.
People laugh at our country (or did) because Snowflakes are stupid enough to buy the record-setting bullshit spewed by a scam artist like Barak Obama.

'It won't cost a dime - it will pay for itself.'

IF that had been the case, Barak Obama would have created the 1st govt benefits program IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD to do so...yet snowflakes were stupid enough to not only buy it but also defend it.

Gruber was exposed several times as having explained not only are DNC supporters 'stupid' but that Democratic Party politicians COUNT on their stupidity so they can get away with as much as they did / do.

The ACA is just not a failed Democratic Party health care program - it is probably the largest SCAM ever perpetrated against the American people by it's politicians in this nation's history.

Almost everything it promised - from 'every meeting will be held on TV' to 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan' - was a LIE.

Not long after it passed Harry Reid admitted publicly that it was DESIGNED to fail, just not this fast, so the govt could transition to even more power-seizing Single Payer. EVEN THEN snowflakes still defended Obama and the Democrats who rammed this thing into law.

The people laughing at this country are not even laughing at Obama and politicians - they are laughing at Americans - like snowflakes - stupid enough to fall for such monumental BULLSHIT / LIES.

'Hey everyone - I have a great idea for a program that will result in every American getting a new car....AND IT WON'T COST A DIME - IT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF'.

Oh YEAH! I'm all for it!


Looky - We caught another Snowflake... :p

Oh look. Another person who is clueless about what is happening around the world. At least you're not limiting your ignorance to just our own country.
Oh look. Another person who is clueless about what is happening around the world. At least you're not limiting your ignorance to just our own country.
What is funny is that you don't think anyone was laughing at Obama (and his stupid supporters who bought his BS) when Obama was exposed as the BIGGEST LIAR OF THE YEAR for scamming the American people by telling the largest whoppers nearly ever told in the history of mankind.

Oh look. Another person who is clueless about what is happening around the world. At least you're not limiting your ignorance to just our own country.
What is funny is that you don't think anyone was laughing at Obama (and his stupid supporters who bought his BS) when Obama was exposed as the BIGGEST LIAR OF THE YEAR for scamming the American people by telling the largest whoppers nearly ever told in the history of mankind.

View attachment 116887

Thanks for the laughs turnip.
No surprise there. That's a lie.

The House Republican effort to overhaul the Affordable Care Act could hit many rural areas particularly hard The thread title is also a lie. There's a big difference between liberal desire that it could and your liberal desire it would. You can't help it, you're an emotional wreck.

according to a new analysis by liberal interests.

sharply increasing the cost for some residents buying their own insurance. My ass it would. You're projecting. It's Obamacare that has cost society so much.
Do have even the slightest clue what you are talking about? The only "unearned" income is stolen, like taxes.

Look, if you don't understand the difference between earned and unearned income you are wasting my time. Your spouting of nonsense memes like collecting taxes is equal to stealing only confirms your ignorance.

This "bill" is about 4.7%. A 4.7% that probably nobody on this board has any experience with. A 4.7% that you will not hear talked about on the news. It is like it is a big secret.

Hell, FOX News, today--880 billion dollars in tax cuts, they claim it is a taxcut for the middle class and "working" Americans. What a damn lie. No one making a quarter million dollars a year is in the "middle class". Especially not with a significant amount of "unearned income".

And almost every dollar of the cost comes from Medicaid. The rest is just a bunch of shuffling around costs, from the weak to the powerful. The cost all come out of Medicaid and the savings all go in to the pockets of those making more than a quarter million dollars a year. Morally, it is nothing short of reprehensible. And yeah, Karma really is a bitch. Congress passes this there will be consequences, big consequences.

Simple. Give me an example of unearned income.

Unearned Income

Unearned is it? I'm taking money that I earned and I'm gambling it on a stock. I investigated that company thoroughly and put my earned income at risk. I earned it. Try again.

LOL, nice try but "unearned income" has a very specific definition and I provided it to you. But damn, listen to yourself. You used the word "gamble". Just how fubared is our tax system.

Take a surgeon. Let's say he is world class. He makes a good three hundred thousand a year doing surgery. Maybe he makes another hundred thousand teaching his skill. Our tax system taxes that income, his "earned income" at 39.6%.

Now, doctors in general and surgeons in particular, are often quite illiterate when it comes to finance. But if this surgeon "gambles" in the stock market and makes money he is currently taxed at 24.7%. If this repeal passes, it will be 20.0%.

How screwed up is that? Our tax system is telling this surgeon, and telling every other professional, to stop doing what they do best and start GAMBLING in the stock market. It has been telling them that since Ronald Reagan. It is STUPID. It is beyond STUPID. It makes no sense except for one, just one, area of the economy. The finance industry. And it is exactly that particular industry that has made out like a bandit over the last thirty years.

I didn't say gamble with taxes you illiterate fuck.

20% isn't screwed up at all.

How stupid are you? You actually think that people ONLY win at the stock market so that it would be financially better to quit being a surgeon and just play the market. That's likely why you say the stupid things you do.
Did your health care premiums go down $2500 under maobamacare?

I have employee provided healthcare... plus I'm a military retiree.

Having a lower premium and a shit plan that doesn't cover anything, isn't a step forward.

Having an expensive plan with an unfordable deductible, that is mandated, isn't either.

I don't disagree. The Affordable Care Act needs fixes, its creators will tell you that. It needs a public option, but insurance companies were afraid of competition and the legislators they bought and paid for helped them kill the Public Option.

By public option I assume you mean single payer which is failing everywhere it's been tried. Before the ACA there were many fewer uninsured that actually wanted it and 99% of those could have been covered much cheaper without all the ridiculous taxes and BS. The ACA was designed to fail with the intent of pushing a single payer system. But at this point it's all moot, the ACA is going away, we'll just have to see what takes its place, personally I hope they repeal it and do nothing.

Ask me how I know you have no clue what's going on in the world.


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