Trump: Susan B. Anthony to Get Posthumous Pardon

They are not exactly known for making changes. They keep on electing the same disastrous Democrats, election after election.

They keep electing Democrats that promise them the biggest welfare check.

You underestimate the corruption in these big blue run areas.

Actually I like the "Starship Trooper" political model. Service guarantees citizenship. Prove that you are willing to sacrifice for your country and then you can become a voting citizen.
Unfortunately ....

Life is not a movie.

This would only push more Leftist into the Military which would be disastrous.

We all saw what happened to the Military under B. Hussein's reign.

Actually the book was written more than a half century ago and the movie didn't capture the theme of the book, which was duty. Heinlein was exploring better political systems than the stupid one we have. In the book you had to prove that you were willing to be unselfish to get to participate in the political process. I like that idea. It will reduce the number of welfare queens that think they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills simply because they are alive.

An even better Economics lesson by Heinlein was "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". That book is where the famous phrase "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" come from. No person that ever read that book and understood the economic lesson would ever vote for a Democrat.
The best way to stay out of poverty is to not elect confused greedy Liberals that enact failed economic policies.
I liked it when our Founding Fathers had it so that only land owing White men could vote.

People were smarter then :)
I don't like it because only the pretty well off or well off people could vote and make their voices heard. :smoke:

It is even worse to have welfare queens to be able to vote and get the filthy government to steal money from other people on their behalf.

Democracy and representative government only works until the 51% figures out they can use the government to steal from the 49%.
President Trump announced Tuesday morning he will give a posthumous pardon to Susan B. Anthony, one of history's biggest figures in the women's suffrage movement.

The announcement came 100 years to the day after the 1920 ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote.

Anthony, a strong anti-slavery pioneer who died in 1906, had been arrested in 1872 for violating laws that had permitted only men to vote in the Presidential election.

She was then indicted, tried and convicted for voting illegally and sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and court costs.

Another historical act from this historical President.

This will surely upset our Leftist friends.

Is he going to give her family back the $100 she paid with interest?

Yeah, 100 bucks in 1872 is worth $2,123 in 2020. Trump could repay that, oh, a million times over. He would hardly even feel the financial impact.

You wanna be a smart alec some more?
I've already posted twice in this thread what I said was proper restitution.

No, you haven't...

Why SHOULDN'T she be on the $20 bill?

Meaningless. Why should she be?

If anything, I would suggest that Susan B. Anthony would be a far more appropriate choice. After all, the plan was to have the note released on the anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. Anthony was instrumental in that issue. Tubman was not; not even a little bit. But, please, make the argument in favor of putting her on any American currency...

We put Sacagawea on the $1 coin without any negative issues.

Yeah, that turned out to be a really popular thing, huh?

But, despite that, Sacagawea played a pivotal role in the Lewis & Clark expedition and, by extension, in the monumental expansion of our country...
I've already posted twice in this thread what I said was proper restitution.

No, you haven't...

Why SHOULDN'T she be on the $20 bill?

Meaningless. Why should she be?

If anything, I would suggest that Susan B. Anthony would be a far more appropriate choice. After all, the plan was to have the note released on the anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. Anthony was instrumental in that issue. Tubman was not; not even a little bit. But, please, make the argument in favor of putting her on any American currency...

We put Sacagawea on the $1 coin without any negative issues.

Yeah, that turned out to be a really popular thing, huh?

But, despite that, Sacagawea played a pivotal role in the Lewis & Clark expedition and, by extension, in the monumental expansion of our country...

You're right, I've posted it three times in this thread already.

The Sacagawea coin isn't as big of a deal today like it used to be is because people have quit using coins, and just hoard them at home... thus the national coin shortage.
People forget that suffrage was a Conservative issue, the libs hated it.

This move will remind them.

Actually... it was more about the Prohibition movement than a Conservative issue. Women were getting tired of their drunk husbands beating the crap out of them, and they couldn't do anything about it.
Actually... it was more about the Prohibition movement than a Conservative issue. Women were getting tired of their drunk husbands beating the crap out of them, and they couldn't do anything about it.
Right ....

And, it had nothing to do with voting !!!

SMH !!!

I didn't say it didn't have anything to do with voting. Women used their right to vote to be able to help pass laws, like prohibition, as an important reason to fight for the women's suffrage movement. If you want to know more about how big of a deal it is, you can pick up the book Last Call by Daniel Okret.
View attachment 376489
You fucking nimrod, Susan B. Anthony died before prohibition.
I've already posted twice in this thread what I said was proper restitution.

No, you haven't...

Why SHOULDN'T she be on the $20 bill?

Meaningless. Why should she be?

If anything, I would suggest that Susan B. Anthony would be a far more appropriate choice. After all, the plan was to have the note released on the anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. Anthony was instrumental in that issue. Tubman was not; not even a little bit. But, please, make the argument in favor of putting her on any American currency...

We put Sacagawea on the $1 coin without any negative issues.

Yeah, that turned out to be a really popular thing, huh?

But, despite that, Sacagawea played a pivotal role in the Lewis & Clark expedition and, by extension, in the monumental expansion of our country...

You're right, I've posted it three times in this thread already.

The Sacagawea coin isn't as big of a deal today like it used to be is because people have quit using coins, and just hoard them at home... thus the national coin shortage.

My God, your ignorance shines with the light of a thousand suns.

The Sacagawea dollar was introduced in 2000, and was almost immediately shunned by the public. It was heavier and clumsier than the $1 bill. The same thing happened when the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin was released in 1979 and quickly fell out of favor.

Ask yourself, would you rather carry a wad of one hundred $1 bills or a bag of $1 coins?

I actually still have a Susan B. Anthony dollar coin from 1979, but only because it's got a fucked up mint mark and is worth about $8K in the collector's market.

Now, had we done away with the dollar bill at the same time we introduced either of those dollar coins, as Canada did when they went to a $1 coin, the Sacagawea (and Susan B. Anthony) dollar coin would've been far more accepted, simply because there would've been no $1 option.

But the fact that people not using them has absolutely nothing to do with the current coin shortage. That's just stupid...
Allowing women to vote was one of the worst things our country has ever done. Aristotle predicted what a terrible idea it is to put women in government leadership positions, and what the outcome will be. ... :cool:

" Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny." -Aristotle
We have had tyranny since Rep. Waters told her goons to harass President Trump's staff and Pelosi ordered her goons to impeach President Trump. Goons Nadler and Shiff joined the conspiracy. Obama and Clinton did it to show the poorest spoftsmanship in U. S. History. I think we will suffer a civil war before we get the mass murders off the streets who are poisoning the well against the president.
Many people in poverty are there because of their so called "representatives" ....

Right. It has nothing to do with their own choices in life
If your poor and are forced in public schools with the Worlds stupid That can’t speak English and then when you graduate you got to compete with the worlds stupid And can’t speak English yeah I would say it’s more policy than it is life choices
Is that what happened to you? :p
Many people in poverty are there because of their so called "representatives" ....

Right. It has nothing to do with their own choices in life
If your poor and are forced in public schools with the Worlds stupid That can’t speak English and then when you graduate you got to compete with the worlds stupid And can’t speak English yeah I would say it’s more policy than it is life choices
Is that what happened to you? :p
Look at any neighborhood
That took in lations and hatians from the 1970’s on,, that are all
Shot holes . When they used to be white and black nice American towns
one of his best trolls
The lt gov of NY has announced she has a vagina And Trump should recind the pardon immediately!


Hes gonna pardon wiki
I've already posted twice in this thread what I said was proper restitution.

No, you haven't...

Why SHOULDN'T she be on the $20 bill?

Meaningless. Why should she be?

If anything, I would suggest that Susan B. Anthony would be a far more appropriate choice. After all, the plan was to have the note released on the anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. Anthony was instrumental in that issue. Tubman was not; not even a little bit. But, please, make the argument in favor of putting her on any American currency...

We put Sacagawea on the $1 coin without any negative issues.

Yeah, that turned out to be a really popular thing, huh?

But, despite that, Sacagawea played a pivotal role in the Lewis & Clark expedition and, by extension, in the monumental expansion of our country...

You're right, I've posted it three times in this thread already.

The Sacagawea coin isn't as big of a deal today like it used to be is because people have quit using coins, and just hoard them at home... thus the national coin shortage.

My God, your ignorance shines with the light of a thousand suns.

The Sacagawea dollar was introduced in 2000, and was almost immediately shunned by the public. It was heavier and clumsier than the $1 bill. The same thing happened when the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin was released in 1979 and quickly fell out of favor.

Ask yourself, would you rather carry a wad of one hundred $1 bills or a bag of $1 coins?

I actually still have a Susan B. Anthony dollar coin from 1979, but only because it's got a fucked up mint mark and is worth about $8K in the collector's market.

Now, had we done away with the dollar bill at the same time we introduced either of those dollar coins, as Canada did when they went to a $1 coin, the Sacagawea (and Susan B. Anthony) dollar coin would've been far more accepted, simply because there would've been no $1 option.

But the fact that people not using them has absolutely nothing to do with the current coin shortage. That's just stupid...

You nimrod, NO ONE expected anyone to walk around with a pocket full of 100 $1 coins. How many people besides strippers or waiters walk around with 100 $1 bills? What a stupid argument to make.
People forget that suffrage was a Conservative issue, the libs hated it.

This move will remind them.

Actually... it was more about the Prohibition movement than a Conservative issue. Women were getting tired of their drunk husbands beating the crap out of them, and they couldn't do anything about it.
Actually... it was more about the Prohibition movement than a Conservative issue. Women were getting tired of their drunk husbands beating the crap out of them, and they couldn't do anything about it.
Right ....

And, it had nothing to do with voting !!!

SMH !!!

I didn't say it didn't have anything to do with voting. Women used their right to vote to be able to help pass laws, like prohibition, as an important reason to fight for the women's suffrage movement. If you want to know more about how big of a deal it is, you can pick up the book Last Call by Daniel Okret.
View attachment 376489
You fucking nimrod, Susan B. Anthony died before prohibition.

And? She started the movement, and what got it over the finish line was the Prohibition movement. There is a reason why Prohibition is the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, and Women's suffrage is the 19th. Women were protesting BOTH and those in power knew they HAD to pass Prohibition or they would be voted out of office as soon as women got the right to vote. I already shared the perfect book to read about it. Of course not a single person reads books these days that might teach them something about a subject that is against their beliefs.
People forget that suffrage was a Conservative issue, the libs hated it.

This move will remind them.

Actually... it was more about the Prohibition movement than a Conservative issue. Women were getting tired of their drunk husbands beating the crap out of them, and they couldn't do anything about it.
Actually... it was more about the Prohibition movement than a Conservative issue. Women were getting tired of their drunk husbands beating the crap out of them, and they couldn't do anything about it.
Right ....

And, it had nothing to do with voting !!!

SMH !!!

I didn't say it didn't have anything to do with voting. Women used their right to vote to be able to help pass laws, like prohibition, as an important reason to fight for the women's suffrage movement. If you want to know more about how big of a deal it is, you can pick up the book Last Call by Daniel Okret.
View attachment 376489
You fucking nimrod, Susan B. Anthony died before prohibition.

And? She started the movement, and what got it over the finish line was the Prohibition movement. There is a reason why Prohibition is the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, and Women's suffrage is the 19th. Women were protesting BOTH and those in power knew they HAD to pass Prohibition or they would be voted out of office as soon as women got the right to vote. I already shared the perfect book to read about it. Of course not a single person reads books these days that might teach them something about a subject that is against their beliefs.
STFU, leftist dumbass. And she was dead before anyone even thought about prohibition. Fucktard.
Actually the book was written more than a half century ago and the movie didn't capture the theme of the book, which was duty. Heinlein was exploring better political systems than the stupid one we have. In the book you had to prove that you were willing to be unselfish to get to participate in the political process. I like that idea. It will reduce the number of welfare queens that think they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills simply because they are alive.

An even better Economics lesson by Heinlein was "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". That book is where the famous phrase "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" come from. No person that ever read that book and understood the economic lesson would ever vote for a Democrat.
I have read Heinlein and I too am a fan of the model.

I just question it's practicality in reality.

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