Trump suspends US foreign aid pending review


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
10 bank accounts of between 2 and 4 billion dollars. Only 2 are identified.

Funding for a Pakistani space initiative and Uzbek education program are two of the projects funded by the 10 accounts.

Critics fear the move could lead to sharp cuts for programs on global health, peacekeeping, narcotics control, and development assistance despite the money having been approved by Congress.

The president if having the White House Office of Management and Budget reviewing any monies not spent.

Congress may appropriate but it’s up to the president to spend it.

@ Trump suspends US foreign aid pending review
The Pakistanis have nuclear weapons. Are we certain we want to be funding their rocket research?
White House readies $4 billion foreign aid cuts package

They don’t like the programs the money is earmarked for and just don’t spend it. It’s the same money State put a hold on.

The White House has proposed to soften the blow by exempting global health programs, including to combat HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases in developing countries. They also want to spare a program championed by President Donald Trump’s daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump that funds women’s economic development programs, as well as funding to protect religious minorities abroad from persecution, a favorite of Vice President Mike Pence.

Nonetheless, proposing some $4 billion in foreign aid programs for cancellation would be a dramatic escalation in the White House’s funding battle with Congress. Tensions were supposed to have eased with enactment of the two-year budget caps deal earlier this month. But Congressional aides have said if the administration moves forward with the State and USAID rescissions, it could lead to a nasty dispute that bodes ill for the fiscal 2020 spending bills.

Yet another campaign promise kept.

More @ White House readies $4 billion foreign aid cuts package
White House scraps plan to seek return of unspent foreign aid

We voted for it. You spend it.”

That’s the message from “key Congressional figures” over the administration’s decision to return almost $4 billion in unspent foreign aid.

A senior administration official, who requested anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, said the White House was persuaded not to move forward after hearing from lawmakers from both parties.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who fought the cuts, sounded an air of caution while traveling in Ottawa on a diplomatic visit that the fight over the rescissions was over.

"With respect to rescission, the president is still contemplating," he told reporters. "What I have consistently said, with respect to every penny, the State Department spends, including our foreign assistance budget, we've got to get it right and make sure we're using it in ways that are effective."

I wonder if Pmpeo’s dislike of the effort will cost him with the president.

@ White House scraps plan to seek return of unspent foreign aid
Hell I'd end all foreign aid. We could us that money here at home.
exactly ---
we give them aid by taking in HUNDREDS of thousands of immigrants/etc every year
we help the world in natural disasters with carriers/choppers/etc = $$$$$$$$$

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