Trump takes back $1Billion from California for High-Speed Rail; Newsom Complains

Klu Klux Klan is a Greek word for the church which it means the circle. A secret society which most of them are the elites. It is kinda funny how dumb southerners knew Greek words. Only Ivy league sororities in those times knew Greek words. These sororities are in cahoot with one another. They are family. The filthy rich supported Newsom. Why would they? They are all connected to one another. But Pres.Trump isn't apart of their Circle.

Fact Check: Is Nancy Pelosi Gavin Newsom’s Aunt?

How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom’s political ascent
How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom's political ascent

Newsome got elected purely on Drug Cartel money.

Trump got elected purely on Russian money!!!

Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy got filthy rich on Russian money. Selling uranium pays well.

Poor pitiful Obama is struggling with his Presidential Library when the judge let the lawsuit go ahead in South Chicago. Obama should build his Library in Kenya but his brother will prevent that. I doubt that Obama will meet resistance in Hawaii.

Do you remember when Obama said that Hawaii was in Asia?

If they build his stupid Library in Hawaii he may not be able to find it because he will be looking for it somewhere in Asia.

Given the sonofabitch's failed administration and Trump destroying his legacy his Presidential Library could be put in a broom closet somewhere.

I was required to go to California in 2003 for a business meeting. I lived in California from 63-64 and in 66 for vacation. Back in the 60's California was the land of milk and honey but in 03 had fallen into great disrepair and no telling what it looks like today.
Newsom is pissed Don Jr Is fucking the crap out of his ex wife!...Go DON Jr.

If you want to go there... Looks like Don Jr. was searching in the secondhand store...
Newsome got elected purely on Drug Cartel money.

Trump got elected purely on Russian money!!!

Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy got filthy rich on Russian money. Selling uranium pays well.

Poor pitiful Obama is struggling with his Presidential Library when the judge let the lawsuit go ahead in South Chicago. Obama should build his Library in Kenya but his brother will prevent that. I doubt that Obama will meet resistance in Hawaii.

Do you remember when Obama said that Hawaii was in Asia?

If they build his stupid Library in Hawaii he may not be able to find it because he will be looking for it somewhere in Asia.

Given the sonofabitch's failed administration and Trump destroying his legacy his Presidential Library could be put in a broom closet somewhere.

I was required to go to California in 2003 for a business meeting. I lived in California from 63-64 and in 66 for vacation. Back in the 60's California was the land of milk and honey but in 03 had fallen into great disrepair and no telling what it looks like today.

California is a beautiful state that the Liberals and Illegals have totally fucked up.

Tremendous White Middle Class flight from the state now. It will only get worse as the state turns more Communist with those filthy ass Democrats running the state.
25% of California's Population is made up of Illegal Aliens. Put them to work building that stupid high speed rail.

Now you are just spouting shit...

" Nearly a quarter of the nation’s undocumented immigrants reside in California, where they constitute more than 6% of the state’s population."

It is 6% you stupid fuck.... How many fucked up idiotic lies do you tell yourself each day.... Do you work at being this stupid or is it all natural.... You make it hard for people to oppose abortion, you are here day after day spinning one lie after another...

It is not just the lies , there seems to be no conspiracy theory you will not believe....
Trump got elected purely on Russian money!!!

Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy got filthy rich on Russian money. Selling uranium pays well.

Poor pitiful Obama is struggling with his Presidential Library when the judge let the lawsuit go ahead in South Chicago. Obama should build his Library in Kenya but his brother will prevent that. I doubt that Obama will meet resistance in Hawaii.

Do you remember when Obama said that Hawaii was in Asia?

If they build his stupid Library in Hawaii he may not be able to find it because he will be looking for it somewhere in Asia.

Given the sonofabitch's failed administration and Trump destroying his legacy his Presidential Library could be put in a broom closet somewhere.

I was required to go to California in 2003 for a business meeting. I lived in California from 63-64 and in 66 for vacation. Back in the 60's California was the land of milk and honey but in 03 had fallen into great disrepair and no telling what it looks like today.

California is a beautiful state that the Liberals and Illegals have totally fucked up.

Tremendous White Middle Class flight from the state now. It will only get worse as the state turns more Communist with those filthy ass Democrats running the state.

The first Taco Bell I saw and ate at was in Berkeley where Dad studied at UCB. Mr. Bell made a great contribution to Society. There were Co-Ops in Berkeley which we never went to so I don't rightly know what co-op means. Spenglers Grotto is in Berkeley which is the best fish house in America if not the entire world.
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Great news! Gavin Newsom can complain all he wants. Now Trump has another billion dollars that could go towards building the wall.

Trump Takes Back $1 Billion from California; Gavin Newsom Complains: 'Political Retribution' | Breitbart

The Trump administration announced Tuesday that it was canceling a federal grant to California worth nearly $1 billion after Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the cancelation of the state’s high-speed rail project last week.

That’s a billion that would have been spent on wetbacks...looks like Mexico is kinda paying for the wall huh?
Bigoted fuck.
Meanwhille, instead of working with President Trump for help with highway maintenance of interstate I-95 , the Democrat qu33rs in CT at the Federal and State level are actually going to install highway tolls, increase taxes and do assorted, reckless audits of taxpayers, many years back to try to steal money from US citizens, while they file a lawsuit to block the wall and thus support illegal aliens! Very troubling!
I understand funding government spending is a unknown idea you you Trumpettes.
While I think the world would be a better place if Trump suffered a massive fatal heart attack and fell on Pence, thereby killing him as well ... why spend another dime on the thing everyone should have known way back when was never going to work.
Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy got filthy rich on Russian money. Selling uranium pays well.

Poor pitiful Obama is struggling with his Presidential Library when the judge let the lawsuit go ahead in South Chicago. Obama should build his Library in Kenya but his brother will prevent that. I doubt that Obama will meet resistance in Hawaii.

Do you remember when Obama said that Hawaii was in Asia?

If they build his stupid Library in Hawaii he may not be able to find it because he will be looking for it somewhere in Asia.

Given the sonofabitch's failed administration and Trump destroying his legacy his Presidential Library could be put in a broom closet somewhere.

I was required to go to California in 2003 for a business meeting. I lived in California from 63-64 and in 66 for vacation. Back in the 60's California was the land of milk and honey but in 03 had fallen into great disrepair and no telling what it looks like today.

California is a beautiful state that the Liberals and Illegals have totally fucked up.

Tremendous White Middle Class flight from the state now. It will only get worse as the state turns more Communist with those filthy ass Democrats running the state.

The first Taco Bell I saw and ate at was in Berkeley where Dad studied at UCB. Mr. Bell made a great contribution to Society. There were Co-Ops in Berkeley which we never went to so I don't rightly know what co-op means. Spenglers Grotto is in Berkeley which is the best fish house.

The sad thing is that the filthy ass Moon Bats want to fuck up the entire US like they fucked of California. They want to do it for the greed.
Poor pitiful Obama is struggling with his Presidential Library when the judge let the lawsuit go ahead in South Chicago. Obama should build his Library in Kenya but his brother will prevent that. I doubt that Obama will meet resistance in Hawaii.

Do you remember when Obama said that Hawaii was in Asia?

If they build his stupid Library in Hawaii he may not be able to find it because he will be looking for it somewhere in Asia.

Given the sonofabitch's failed administration and Trump destroying his legacy his Presidential Library could be put in a broom closet somewhere.

I was required to go to California in 2003 for a business meeting. I lived in California from 63-64 and in 66 for vacation. Back in the 60's California was the land of milk and honey but in 03 had fallen into great disrepair and no telling what it looks like today.

California is a beautiful state that the Liberals and Illegals have totally fucked up.

Tremendous White Middle Class flight from the state now. It will only get worse as the state turns more Communist with those filthy ass Democrats running the state.

The first Taco Bell I saw and ate at was in Berkeley where Dad studied at UCB. Mr. Bell made a great contribution to Society. There were Co-Ops in Berkeley which we never went to so I don't rightly know what co-op means. Spenglers Grotto is in Berkeley which is the best fish house.

Clinton really fucked it up by getting that balanced budget. Whew, we were certainly lucky Bush came along with his worst recession in 80 years.

The sad thing is that the filthy ass Moon Bats want to fuck up the entire US like they fucked of California. They want to do it for the greed.
Great news! Gavin Newsom can complain all he wants. Now Trump has another billion dollars that could go towards building the wall.

Trump Takes Back $1 Billion from California; Gavin Newsom Complains: 'Political Retribution' | Breitbart

The Trump administration announced Tuesday that it was canceling a federal grant to California worth nearly $1 billion after Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the cancelation of the state’s high-speed rail project last week.

Really I don't know if its right or wong. That high speed train is an adventurous investment at best. Its deficit spending though and we've (Republicans and I) agrees these last two years that deficit spending a great way to improve immediate standards of living.

Another liberal victory for the liberal Trump on an issue I'm pretty neutral about.

Heck, California has too many ppl in it anyway. Time to move some back to the rust belt.
Great news! Gavin Newsom can complain all he wants. Now Trump has another billion dollars that could go towards building the wall.

Trump Takes Back $1 Billion from California; Gavin Newsom Complains: 'Political Retribution' | Breitbart

The Trump administration announced Tuesday that it was canceling a federal grant to California worth nearly $1 billion after Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the cancelation of the state’s high-speed rail project last week.

Really I don't know if its right or wong. That high speed train is an adventurous investment at best. Its deficit spending though and we've (Republicans and I) agrees these last two years that deficit spending a great way to improve immediate standards of living.

Another liberal victory for the liberal Trump on an issue I'm pretty neutral about.

Heck, California has too many ppl in it anyway. Time to move some back to the rust belt.
25% OF California's Population is made up of Illegal Aliens.
Klu Klux Klan is a Greek word for the church which it means the circle. A secret society which most of them are the elites. It is kinda funny how dumb southerners knew Greek words. Only Ivy league sororities in those times knew Greek words. These sororities are in cahoot with one another. They are family. The filthy rich supported Newsom. Why would they? They are all connected to one another. But Pres.Trump isn't apart of their Circle.

Fact Check: Is Nancy Pelosi Gavin Newsom’s Aunt?

How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom’s political ascent
How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom's political ascent

Newsome got elected purely on Drug Cartel money.

Trump got elected purely on Russian money!!!

Yea you can say that. All of that money that Hillary has gotten from Russia for the uranium one deal. I'm surely convince that she spent some of it here in this country. And so we have Russian's uranium one money spread around in this country.

Hillary received NO money from Uranium One. The money donated by Russians and paid for the Clinton speech, were all paid directly to the Clinton Foundation and used to buy AIDS drugs in Third World countries, and other third world development work.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Russian bank that financed the filthy deal are the ones that paid Slick Willy $600K for a stupid speech. The Russian government gave millions to the Clinton Money Laundering Foundation.

The Clintons had a great scam going with that money laundering foundation. They sold government influence and became mega millionaires because of it.

The sad thing is there are imbeciles that voted for that Crooked Hillary piece of shit to be President.

And yet there is absolutely no evidence that anything you say is true, and a whole shit tonne of evidence that you're lying.

The crimes of Donald J. Trump: A short list

  • 3000+ law suits
  • 2 criminal racial discrimination charges - settled
  • 7 corporate bankruptcies - a record for any American business man
  • Charitable Foundation issued a "cease and desist" Order by the State of New York, for illegal fundraising
  • Charitiable Foundation under investigation for misuse of donated funds - all directors barred from serving on the Board of any other charity - for life
  • Trump named as "Person 1" - an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the Michael Cohen guilty plea
  • The Trump Foundation was cited for illegal campaign contributions and fined a total of $10,000 for "donations" to State AG campaigns of Republican candidates
  • The President's Inauguration fund is under investigation. Nobody knows where the $100 million went. It was the smallest inauguration in recent memory, but it cost double what Obama raised, and it was the biggest.
  • There are currently 17 investigations under way against Trump for "pay for play", fraud, taking bribes from the Saudis, Conspiring with your enemies, using the Presidency to enrich himself, obstruction of justice, witness tampering, and being an agent of a foreign power
Trump is Da Man! Fuck Commie Kalifornia and all it queers, Moon Bats and Illegals.

What I would like to know is why in the hell did that shitass Obama give the assholes in California the $3.5 billion in the first place, especially considering the Federal government was $20 trillion in debt?
Klu Klux Klan is a Greek word for the church which it means the circle. A secret society which most of them are the elites. It is kinda funny how dumb southerners knew Greek words. Only Ivy league sororities in those times knew Greek words. These sororities are in cahoot with one another. They are family. The filthy rich supported Newsom. Why would they? They are all connected to one another. But Pres.Trump isn't apart of their Circle.

Fact Check: Is Nancy Pelosi Gavin Newsom’s Aunt?

How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom’s political ascent
How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom's political ascent

Newsome got elected purely on Drug Cartel money.

Trump got elected purely on Russian money!!!

Yea you can say that. All of that money that Hillary has gotten from Russia for the uranium one deal. I'm surely convince that she spent some of it here in this country. And so we have Russian's uranium one money spread around in this country.

Hillary received NO money from Uranium One. The money donated by Russians and paid for the Clinton speech, were all paid directly to the Clinton Foundation and used to buy AIDS drugs in Third World countries, and other third world development work.

Great news! Gavin Newsom can complain all he wants. Now Trump has another billion dollars that could go towards building the wall.

Trump Takes Back $1 Billion from California; Gavin Newsom Complains: 'Political Retribution' | Breitbart

The Trump administration announced Tuesday that it was canceling a federal grant to California worth nearly $1 billion after Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the cancelation of the state’s high-speed rail project last week.

Really I don't know if its right or wong. That high speed train is an adventurous investment at best. Its deficit spending though and we've (Republicans and I) agrees these last two years that deficit spending a great way to improve immediate standards of living.

Another liberal victory for the liberal Trump on an issue I'm pretty neutral about.

Heck, California has too many ppl in it anyway. Time to move some back to the rust belt.
25% OF California's Population is made up of Illegal Aliens.
We have no immigration clause. We do have a Commerce Clause and our welfare clause is General.
Meanwhille, instead of working with President Trump for help with highway maintenance of interstate I-95 , the Democrat qu33rs in CT at the Federal and State level are actually going to install highway tolls, increase taxes and do assorted, reckless audits of taxpayers, many years back to try to steal money from US citizens, while they file a lawsuit to block the wall and thus support illegal aliens! Very troubling!
How do you have a federal toll road in a state?
Been asking that for years. How the hell can Kansas turn a section of I-70 into a toll road? We paid to build that damn thing already.

Newsom should declare a State Emergency and take Rail money to fund water system improvements.

You know what Fat Ass Donnie did.
One billion should get us a requirements analysis and an apha version of our Simsoftware for more optimum high speed rail infrastructure.
Great news! Gavin Newsom can complain all he wants. Now Trump has another billion dollars that could go towards building the wall.

Trump Takes Back $1 Billion from California; Gavin Newsom Complains: 'Political Retribution' | Breitbart

The Trump administration announced Tuesday that it was canceling a federal grant to California worth nearly $1 billion after Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the cancelation of the state’s high-speed rail project last week.

Really I don't know if its right or wong. That high speed train is an adventurous investment at best. Its deficit spending though and we've (Republicans and I) agrees these last two years that deficit spending a great way to improve immediate standards of living.

Another liberal victory for the liberal Trump on an issue I'm pretty neutral about.

Heck, California has too many ppl in it anyway. Time to move some back to the rust belt.
25% OF California's Population is made up of Illegal Aliens.

More than 50% of Mexifornia’s total population is illegal and or here by way of illegal means.

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