Trump targeting Nancy Antoinette

Ouch. This has to hurt.

Let them eat ice cream.
I don't know that anyone has gone after a speaker.

Typical out of context ad by a typical lying nutbag republican. I remember when the right had integrity. Those days are long gone.

Translation: You remember when the right wouldn't fight back. Well son, bending over and grabbing your ankles for one Donald John Trump to shit-dick you on a daily basis will make a MAN out of you. Someday, you'll thank him for the temporary pain.

There is a difference between fighting for what you believe, and lying about virtually everything. That's where your lack of integrity comes in.

They appear to believe that petulant, pugilistic, shallow, ignorant, grade school, mal-informed, blank arrogance is the one and only way to "fight back" against something.

That's it. Otherwise, they're just "taking it". It's only one or the other. That's what talk radio has drummed into them for decades now.

We'll get past this, in one year or five.
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Ouch. This has to hurt.

Let them eat ice cream.
I don't know that anyone has gone after a speaker.

Typical out of context ad by a typical lying nutbag republican. I remember when the right had integrity. Those days are long gone.

Translation: You remember when the right wouldn't fight back. Well son, bending over and grabbing your ankles for one Donald John Trump to shit-dick you on a daily basis will make a MAN out of you. Someday, you'll thank him for the temporary pain.

There is a difference between fighting for what you believe, and lying about virtually everything. That's where your lack of integrity comes in.

YOU talking about integrity ?

Now that is fucking funny.
Ouch. This has to hurt.

Let them eat ice cream.
I don't know that anyone has gone after a speaker.

that is the mot powerful ad iv'e seen yet that accurately describes the real mind set of liberal elites ! is that a campaign ad created by Trumps team ?if so i hope they run it 10 thousand times between now and Nov !

/----/ And Nancy Piglosi has two Subzeros.
As an 800 pound monument to food preservation, the Sub Zero Pro 48 With Glass Door is priced at $16,950. With over 30 cubic feet of storage, the refrigerator has the capability of holding a variety of foods and keep them fresh at the same time. Thanks to the dual refrigeration feature with three evaporators and two compressors, the Sub Zero Pro 48 With Glass Door provides the right environment for frozen and fresh foods. In addition, it prevents the transfer of odor between

OMG. You're whining because she has a nice refrigerator. That's one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. Has anybody checked to see what kind of refrigerator Jared has?

We are laughing because Madame Bullshit talks about the little guy when she has no fucking clue what the little guy deals with.
Ouch. This has to hurt.

Let them eat ice cream.
I don't know that anyone has gone after a speaker.

that is the mot powerful ad iv'e seen yet that accurately describes the real mind set of liberal elites ! is that a campaign ad created by Trumps team ?if so i hope they run it 10 thousand times between now and Nov !

/----/ And Nancy Piglosi has two Subzeros.
As an 800 pound monument to food preservation, the Sub Zero Pro 48 With Glass Door is priced at $16,950. With over 30 cubic feet of storage, the refrigerator has the capability of holding a variety of foods and keep them fresh at the same time. Thanks to the dual refrigeration feature with three evaporators and two compressors, the Sub Zero Pro 48 With Glass Door provides the right environment for frozen and fresh foods. In addition, it prevents the transfer of odor between

OMG. You're whining because she has a nice refrigerator. That's one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. Has anybody checked to see what kind of refrigerator Jared has?

We are laughing because Madame Bullshit talks about the little guy when she has no fucking clue what the little guy deals with.

You think Trump knows what the little guy deals with?
Clumsy deflection noted.

He's the President of the United States of America. And you admit he's a freaking internet troll.

I'm sure he behaves at your level, but that doesn't make it right.
You're just triggered because he's better at it than the trolls im the MSM/Democrat Party alliance.

Keep throwing your tantrum. Its fun to point at you and laugh.
And another one admits what Trump is.

They're proud of it. Like kids in the playground egging on a friend.

Incredible to watch.

What's incredible, is the incredible doofusness of your being! :290968001256257790-final:
And another grade school response.

You guys really have found your muse in the White House.

Ever since he destroyed Hillary in 2016!

He's the horse America chose to ride. And doing a capable job, under the circumstances!

^^^ dupes got duped bigley...

Ouch. This has to hurt.

Let them eat ice cream.
I don't know that anyone has gone after a speaker.

that is the mot powerful ad iv'e seen yet that accurately describes the real mind set of liberal elites ! is that a campaign ad created by Trumps team ?if so i hope they run it 10 thousand times between now and Nov !

/----/ And Nancy Piglosi has two Subzeros.
As an 800 pound monument to food preservation, the Sub Zero Pro 48 With Glass Door is priced at $16,950. With over 30 cubic feet of storage, the refrigerator has the capability of holding a variety of foods and keep them fresh at the same time. Thanks to the dual refrigeration feature with three evaporators and two compressors, the Sub Zero Pro 48 With Glass Door provides the right environment for frozen and fresh foods. In addition, it prevents the transfer of odor between

OMG. You're whining because she has a nice refrigerator. That's one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. Has anybody checked to see what kind of refrigerator Jared has?

We are laughing because Madame Bullshit talks about the little guy when she has no fucking clue what the little guy deals with.

You think Trump knows what the little guy deals with?

/——/ Trump works to reopen the economy so everyone can get back to work while Piglosi is stocking her Subzero with more gourmet ice cream. Yeah, he knows.
Everybody should put that ad in their sig line just to rub it in nice and good.


Pelosi just isn't that bright. I mean, how stupid can someone be to voluntarily put themself out there like that. She may as well have taped a sign on herself saying, hey, lookit me, look how gleefully out of touch I am with the electorate.
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And the EC just made that up out of thin air, did they?
They certainly didn't vote the way the people of America voted.

Certainly they did. They just didn't do it the way you wanted, in a nationwide numbers count that said, "New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago want this person, fuck the rest of you peons." They had the gall to represent the people in the various regions and behave as though people who live in "flyover country" actually matter. Unless you can show me a state where the electors did not vote in accordance with the election results of that state, I have no interest in hearing your overblown "The only results that matter are the ones that give me what I want" rhetoric.
Heh heh. Nancy Antoinette.

It's so fitting.

I'm actually a fan of bringing back the guillotine. That's another topic, though. I guess...
So am I. I'd like to erect a permanent guillotine in the center of the capital steps and reserve its use to errant run amok politicians like Pelosi, Schiff etc. I want to see their heads bounce down the capital steps and I want the blood leave stains left for the assholes to see and ponder everyday as they go to work. It just may have the effect of curbing some of the nonsense that has recently gotten so out of hand.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,” Thomas Jefferson
That's why we hired Mr. Trump.
The Electoral College did that, not the people of America. Besides, the labourer realistically realises he is not worthy of his hire so he returns it.
The Electoral College IS the people of geographic America. BTW it's spelled LABOR in our country.

Good catch! These foreigners against trump are overrunning they board. Like we don’t have wnough treasonous Democrats domestically.

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