Trump targets “FDA Food Police,” calls for elimination of food-safety regulations in new tax plan

See? and who mocked me for saying that conservatives want to take us back to 1900, when among other things,

there were little if any food safety regulations?
We would like to have the laws we had in 1900. That doesn't imply we want to do without electricity, antibiotics, television, computers or any of the other countless benefits of science and technology. Liberalism didn't create electricity or refrigeration.
Maybe what Trump has in mind is to drop the food regulations, let scores of people die and then they will see the need for the regs and appreciate them? Of course, some already see the need.
The fda and the government is the goddamn reason why we have clean food and water you sick bastards.

Tell that to Flint you fucking asshole. Those wankers hid the bad reports of the water for months on end.
Trump targets “FDA Food Police,” calls for elimination of food-safety regulations in new tax plan

Source: Salon
In a speech to the Economic Club of New York in Manhattan, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump provided the latest iteration of his tax plan. And according to an accompanying fact sheet released by the Trump campaign, the businessman turned White House aspirant plans to dramatically scale back government regulations, including food safety and environmental measures, in order to save almost $1 trillion over the next decade.
Besides increasing each of his three tax brackets from their proposed 2015 levels, Trump said in order to pay for his $4.4 trillion in tax cuts he would eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, the Waters of the United States rule aimed at protecting America’s waterways and existing limits on carbon pollution from power plants.
“The FDA Food Police, which dictate how the federal government expects farmers to produce fruits and vegetables and even dictates the nutritional content of dog food,” the Trump campaign fact sheet complained.

“The rules govern the soil farmers use, farm and food production hygiene, food packaging, food temperatures and even what animals may roam which fields and when,” the fact sheet continued. “It also greatly increased inspections of food ‘facilities,’ and levies new taxes to pay for this inspection overkill.”

Read more:

Yep, old food, a sicker population choking bad shit and more sick people in our hospitals. Mexico here we come!!! Lets drink dirty water, eat shitty food, allow our food handlers whip their ass on your meal!!!!

Fuck you Trump.
Should try that in Red states. I'm sure it's ok.
In fact...let's run an experiment...get rid of all safety regulations in Red states. All of them. All regulations. I'm sure they will be very happy.
In fact...let's run an experiment...get rid of all safety regulations in Red states. All of them. All regulations. I'm sure they will be very happy.

Except for lower prices for everything, no one would notice they were gone. Perhaps I could buy a gas can that actually pours gas.
Sounds like Trump is in bed with Monsanto. Just like Hillary. Super duper! The longer I get to know these two, the harder it is to tell them apart really..
See? and who mocked me for saying that conservatives want to take us back to 1900, when among other things,

there were little if any food safety regulations?
We would like to have the laws we had in 1900. That doesn't imply we want to do without electricity, antibiotics, television, computers or any of the other countless benefits of science and technology. Liberalism didn't create electricity or refrigeration.
Of course you'd like to have the laws you had in 1900......I wish we could make that Red States....then you could all live in the past like you want to.
SOmehow becoming a third world shit hole that doesn't give a damn about how dirty our water is or our food is somehow going to make this country great? Lol!

Sorry, but corporations and businesses never put safety above profit and this is proven by history and fact. Godbless our regulations and government that makes sure our standards of living much higher.
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Look at the rivers of pollution in China and India...Both countries allow their corporations to do this. Look at history books of the US or europe before these regulations.

Trump should go live in Somalia or some other shit hole. Fuck him.
The fda and the government is the goddamn reason why we have clean food and water you sick bastards.

Tell that to Flint you fucking asshole. Those wankers hid the bad reports of the water for months on end.

The scariest thing you'll ever hear is "we're from the government and we're here to protect you."

Absolutely. No one from the FDA got fired or punished for hiding the results of water tests. Pisses me clean off. The bitch that headed up the Michigan Department got to "retire".
Oh then you have bloody idiots who believe their government agencies could never be corrupted. Fools the lot of them.

The Amazing Revolving Door -
Monsanto, FDA & EPA

From Rich Murray
[email protected]

Welcome To The Revolving Door

The "revolving door" - the interplay of personnel that assists the industrial alignment of public service and regulatory authorities - has led to key figures at both the US's FDA and EPA having held important positions at Monsanto, or else doing so shortly after their biotech related regulatory work for the government agency.
The Amazing Revolving Door - Monsanto, FDA And EPA
See? and who mocked me for saying that conservatives want to take us back to 1900, when among other things,

there were little if any food safety regulations?
We would like to have the laws we had in 1900. That doesn't imply we want to do without electricity, antibiotics, television, computers or any of the other countless benefits of science and technology. Liberalism didn't create electricity or refrigeration.
Of course you'd like to have the laws you had in 1900......I wish we could make that Red States....then you could all live in the past like you want to.
I wouldn't have a problem with that. The first thing you would see is corporations and their jobs all relocating to red states.
Look at the rivers of pollution in China and India...Both countries allow their corporations to do this. Look at history books of the US or europe before these regulations.

Trump should go live in Somalia or some other shit hole. Fuck him.

Rivers are public property. What a surprise that people feel free to dump their waste in them.
Trump targets “FDA Food Police,” calls for elimination of food-safety regulations in new tax plan

Source: Salon
In a speech to the Economic Club of New York in Manhattan, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump provided the latest iteration of his tax plan. And according to an accompanying fact sheet released by the Trump campaign, the businessman turned White House aspirant plans to dramatically scale back government regulations, including food safety and environmental measures, in order to save almost $1 trillion over the next decade.
Besides increasing each of his three tax brackets from their proposed 2015 levels, Trump said in order to pay for his $4.4 trillion in tax cuts he would eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, the Waters of the United States rule aimed at protecting America’s waterways and existing limits on carbon pollution from power plants.
“The FDA Food Police, which dictate how the federal government expects farmers to produce fruits and vegetables and even dictates the nutritional content of dog food,” the Trump campaign fact sheet complained.

“The rules govern the soil farmers use, farm and food production hygiene, food packaging, food temperatures and even what animals may roam which fields and when,” the fact sheet continued. “It also greatly increased inspections of food ‘facilities,’ and levies new taxes to pay for this inspection overkill.”

Read more:

Yep, old food, a sicker population choking bad shit and more sick people in our hospitals. Mexico here we come!!! Lets drink dirty water, eat shitty food, allow our food handlers whip their ass on your meal!!!!

Fuck you Trump.
We should two areas in the grocery store. One for Republicans and one for everyone else. Under the area for Republicans would be a sign that said "Standard, Regulation and Inspection Free".
And the cost of the food should be marked appropriately.

And you can take the food from the other part of the store and as soon as it expires, move it over to the GOP section after lowering the price.

You got a win-win situation.
Trump targets “FDA Food Police,” calls for elimination of food-safety regulations in new tax plan

Source: Salon
In a speech to the Economic Club of New York in Manhattan, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump provided the latest iteration of his tax plan. And according to an accompanying fact sheet released by the Trump campaign, the businessman turned White House aspirant plans to dramatically scale back government regulations, including food safety and environmental measures, in order to save almost $1 trillion over the next decade.
Besides increasing each of his three tax brackets from their proposed 2015 levels, Trump said in order to pay for his $4.4 trillion in tax cuts he would eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, the Waters of the United States rule aimed at protecting America’s waterways and existing limits on carbon pollution from power plants.
“The FDA Food Police, which dictate how the federal government expects farmers to produce fruits and vegetables and even dictates the nutritional content of dog food,” the Trump campaign fact sheet complained.

“The rules govern the soil farmers use, farm and food production hygiene, food packaging, food temperatures and even what animals may roam which fields and when,” the fact sheet continued. “It also greatly increased inspections of food ‘facilities,’ and levies new taxes to pay for this inspection overkill.”

Read more:

Yep, old food, a sicker population choking bad shit and more sick people in our hospitals. Mexico here we come!!! Lets drink dirty water, eat shitty food, allow our food handlers whip their ass on your meal!!!!

Fuck you Trump.
We should two areas in the grocery store. One for Republicans and one for everyone else. Under the area for Republicans would be a sign that said "Standard, Regulation and Inspection Free".
And the cost of the food should be marked appropriately.

And you can take the food from the other part of the store and as soon as it expires, move it over to the GOP section after lowering the price.

You got a win-win situation.

That sounds like a plan an FDA bureaucrat would come up with.
See? and who mocked me for saying that conservatives want to take us back to 1900, when among other things,

there were little if any food safety regulations?
We would like to have the laws we had in 1900. That doesn't imply we want to do without electricity, antibiotics, television, computers or any of the other countless benefits of science and technology. Liberalism didn't create electricity or refrigeration.
Of course you'd like to have the laws you had in 1900......I wish we could make that Red States....then you could all live in the past like you want to.
I wouldn't have a problem with that. The first thing you would see is corporations and their jobs all relocating to red states.
Yes they would....that's 3 eyed kids? As long as it's Red Texas or Mississippi, or Alabama, or South Carolina.
Trump targets “FDA Food Police,” calls for elimination of food-safety regulations in new tax plan

Source: Salon
In a speech to the Economic Club of New York in Manhattan, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump provided the latest iteration of his tax plan. And according to an accompanying fact sheet released by the Trump campaign, the businessman turned White House aspirant plans to dramatically scale back government regulations, including food safety and environmental measures, in order to save almost $1 trillion over the next decade.
Besides increasing each of his three tax brackets from their proposed 2015 levels, Trump said in order to pay for his $4.4 trillion in tax cuts he would eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, the Waters of the United States rule aimed at protecting America’s waterways and existing limits on carbon pollution from power plants.
“The FDA Food Police, which dictate how the federal government expects farmers to produce fruits and vegetables and even dictates the nutritional content of dog food,” the Trump campaign fact sheet complained.

“The rules govern the soil farmers use, farm and food production hygiene, food packaging, food temperatures and even what animals may roam which fields and when,” the fact sheet continued. “It also greatly increased inspections of food ‘facilities,’ and levies new taxes to pay for this inspection overkill.”

Read more:

Yep, old food, a sicker population choking bad shit and more sick people in our hospitals. Mexico here we come!!! Lets drink dirty water, eat shitty food, allow our food handlers whip their ass on your meal!!!!

Fuck you Trump.
We should two areas in the grocery store. One for Republicans and one for everyone else. Under the area for Republicans would be a sign that said "Standard, Regulation and Inspection Free".
And the cost of the food should be marked appropriately.

And you can take the food from the other part of the store and as soon as it expires, move it over to the GOP section after lowering the price.

You got a win-win situation.

Sounds like a good plan. The party of the third world can eat shitty food and shitty water as long as I don't have too. I'll be voting straight ticket democrat!
The fda and the government is the goddamn reason why we have clean food and water you sick bastards.

Yeah, right, because people were dropping dead from eating bad food all the time before the FDA was created.

Dude . It's aint 1960 . How many drugs did we have in 1960 ? There was pretty much Penacillian and that's it . And that thalidomide. And we all know how that drug turned out!

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