Trump telling 2nd Amendment groups he will not back fascist Red Flag Laws and UBCs....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is the difference in voting for Trump vs. not voting because you don't like Trump's alleged actions on the 2nd Amendment.....

Trump can be persuaded by actual conservatives that Red Flag laws are stupid and Universal Background checks are stupid....

Democrats will take apart the 2nd amendment piece by piece and will not stop........


Any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.

Not voting for Trump is a vote against protecting the 2nd Amendment.....

Another 3 reasons to vote for Trump on 2nd Amendment grounds?

Ginsburg is ill....

Stephen Breyer is 81.....

If Trump wins, Clarence Thomas may retire to allow Trump to replace him....

Sources: Trump No Longer Backing "Red Flag" Law, Background Check Changes

The Trump White House is quietly reaching out to Second Amendment organizations and high-level supporters to let them know that the president is no longer backing any form of ā€œred flagā€ firearms legislation or changes to the current background check laws, according to sources familiar with the conversations.

According to one individual who spoke to Bearing Arms on the condition of anonymity, the White House is instead looking to focus efforts on mental health, and is ā€œlooking at something along the lines of Cornynā€™s billā€, a reference to Sen. John Cornynā€™s RESPONSE Act unveiled this week. The source was careful to point out, however, that the White House has not endorsed the Cornyn proposal, and may not be on board with all of the provisions.

Gun control was pushed to the sidelines as Democrats kicked off their impeachment campaign, though one industry figure believes it was Beto Oā€™Rourke and his push to ban and confiscate so-called ā€œassault weaponsā€ that scuttled the discussions between the White House and gun control supporters in Congress, not the impeachment proceedings themselves.
And this....

Gun owners are a key constituency in the Trump re-election coalition, so perhaps itā€™s just good politics to stay on the good side of Second Amendment supporters and not endorse any gun control proposals. Still, according to one industry insider, the president wants to do something ā€œthat will save lives,ā€ and has decided that focusing on mental health is the better way to go. Considering the rise in suicide rates, including non-firearm related suicides, thatā€™s a pretty good idea.

According to one source familiar with one conversation between White House officials and a Second Amendment advocate, the officials didnā€™t get into specific mental health proposals, but a key point seems to be improving access to treatment, both in-patient and out-patient care. President Trump has talked about his desire to open new mental health hospitals but hasnā€™t said how many new hospitals heā€™d like to see, or where the money would come from to pay for construction and staffing. Gun control activists, meanwhile, have complained that focusing on mental health instead of gun bans, ā€œred flagā€ laws, and background check bills wonā€™t do anything to address the issue of active assailant attacks and gun-related violence.

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