Trump, the "Draft Dodger"

Pardon me for asking an inconvenient question, but if Trump really had bone spurs, why was he playing baseball for a NY Yankees AA team, after passing their physical exam, and being cleared to play at the same time he claimed to the draft board to have bone spurs? :oops:
Bone spurs are common in high intensity multi-sport athletes like Trump was. They are caused by overtraining. They often don't even know they have them until they have an exacerbation.

It's one thing to have to leave a baseball game because of an exacerbation, it's a totally different problem when you are on a forced march several miles into enemy held territory and suddenly become a liability and have to be evacuated to receive treatment for a pre-existing condition.

I'm amazed at how many TDS afflicted morons cannot comprehend that the military did not want recruits with bone spurs in their feet for a damn good reason.
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Trump was not a draft dodger, he was rejected due to a physical condition. That is not that same thing, jackass.
You are such a bellend.

The Lefties claim and mouth froth Trump being a draft dodger. When I list others, they fall over themselves to stick up for Muhammad Ali, Einstein, Clinton Biden etc.. for dodging the draft.

It just clearly shows their Trump Derangement Syndrome and agenda.
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You are such a bellend.

The Lefties claim and mouth froth Trump being a draft dodger. When I list others, they fall over themselves to stick up for Muhammad Ali, Einstein, Clinton Biden etc.. for dodging the draft.

It just clearly shows their Trump Derangement Syndrome and agenda.
Personally I don't blame anyone for dodging the draft. Conscription is clearly a violation of the 13th amendment.

And I don't believe we had any good reason to be involved in the Vietnam war and Nixon is a hero for getting us out of that war and emancipating the slaves.
Oh, I'm sure a great many would and that does not surprise me at all. Height-weight standards, criminal background, drug use, lack of education, failure to pass the ASVAB, I'm sure that is the case of a great many. Hell, I had to lie like hell to get back in in 2007 because of chronic knee pain and tinnitus.

But how many that claim to have asthma?
Off the top of my head, MLB pitcher Matt Clement.

Jay Cutler is diabetic. Notably, so was Catfish Hunter, Jackie Robinson, and Ron Santo.
Off the top of my head, MLB pitcher Matt Clement.

Pitchers are a bit different from all other players, in that they are largely stationary during play. And most of the things like running that other players do is largely not expected of them.

Hell, one of my favorite pitchers in MLB is actually Jim Abbott. And there is no question that he could never have served in the military.

And he also shares something in common with my favorite pitcher, Nolan Ryan. He pitched for the California Angels, and they thought he had already peaked so traded him away to another team. Where he turned right around and threw a no-hitter. But all but one year of his ten year career was in the American league, which had a designated hitter rule.

Now only having one hand would prevent the career of any baseball player out there, unless they were a pitcher. But being largely stationary on the mound (and in the AL not needing to bat) that is a non-issue for a pitcher. And even in the National League, pitchers who can actually bat and run the bases decently are rather rare.
You are such a bellend.

The Lefties claim and mouth froth Trump being a draft dodger. When I list others, they fall over themselves to stick up for Muhammad Ali, Einstein, Clinton Biden etc.. for dodging the draft.

It just clearly shows their Trump Derangement Syndrome and agenda.
Ali didn't dodge the draft. He went to prison for refusing to serve based upon his beliefs. I respect him, I don't respect draft dodgers or those who fled to Canada, or, in the case of Bill Clinton the UK to avoid service.
Ali didn't dodge the draft. He went to prison for refusing to serve based upon his beliefs. I respect him, I don't respect draft dodgers or those who fled to Canada, or, in the case of Bill Clinton the UK to avoid service.
See, stupids protecting draft dodgers. Will you stop acting stoopid and just get on with your life. Ali dodged the draft, so did Clinton, Biden, Einstein etc.. It doesn't pay your mortgage, so move on.
Ali did not dodge the draft he refused and went to jail he served his time in jail rather than the army.
Omg, retards everywhere.


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