TRUMP...The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Of course, I'm a progressive democrat.....but some of my own assessments of Trump are not necessarily biased but factual:

The Good.......

Trump is for Single-Payer HC insurance
Trump is for a woman's right to choose (pro-choice)
Trump is anti unfettered 2nd amendment rights
Trump is for the possibility of higher taxes from billionaires like himself
Trump's wealth makes it difficult for other billionaires to easily bribe
Finally, Trump is breaking the strangle-hold that FOX has among conservatives.

The Bad.....

Trump is an arrogant, self-aggrandizing clown
Trump's misogyny is not easily glossed over
Trump is (or at least was) a leader in the moronic "birther" movement
Trump demagoguery often pleases the hate-filled, racists among us
Trump thinks that international diplomacy can be "trumped" ((pardon the pun) by boardroom-like arm-twisting.

The Ugly......

Trump's disgusting assessment of the brown people who illegally cross our border as mostly rapists, drug dealers and all-out criminals.
Yawn....yet another Trump thread.

I guess you'd better go start another thread about gay sex.

I guess you'd better go start another thread about gay sex.

Sassy is much like those bothersome, fear-filled poodles that follow you around yapping incessantly and trying....but failing.... to bite your ankles. A bit annoying, but harmless.
I guess you'd better go start another thread about gay sex.

Sassy is much like those bothersome, fear-filled poodles that follow you around yapping incessantly and trying....but failing.... to bite your ankles. A bit annoying, but harmless.

Yeah....fake professor. LOL One of the true classics in the annuals of forums. :)
So he only shows up once a year? Maybe he should think of being a perennial....
So he only shows up once a year? Maybe he should think of being a perennial....

Good catch, Moonglow.......To dingbats ;like Sassy, "annual", "annals", and most of all.... "anal"...are all the same...LOL

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