Trump the habitual covid liar!

Sounds like you were giving FINAL numbers to me.
That why I called you a LIAR !!!!
"Sounds like"! I'm not responsible for your over-subjective jumping to wrong conclusions. Not my problem. Stop being so excessively assuming.

You edited out your actual post, so people could judge for themselvrees.

He has been a smashing SUCCESS, with Covid deaths dropping from
4/18/2020 16,943
down to :
7/18/2020 336
No it’s China’s. But if you want an American to blame its Andrew the Murdering Asshole Cuomo. HE allowed this to spread by not restricting travel or locking down NYC as he was asked to. Now this moron says HE doesn’t have to quarantine despite traveling to a state on HIS list of places you MUST quarantine upon traveling from. Next lie.
She doesn't want an American to blame it on. Just wants to blame it on Trump, like all Democrats who are hanging on to this last hope, when all their other scams have failed. Most haven't looked at the CDC mortality rate timeline, from April until now. Many are deliberately avoiding looking at it. :biggrin:
how was I to now that the CDC changes their current week numbers. You think I'm one of their employees ? You think I follow them ?
Your own words prove you're stacking lie upon lie.

They were not wrong, and you are wrong to say that they were wrong. The current week number CHANGES every day, until the new week starts on Saturday. The explanation is Posted in Post # 90. Can you read ?

The 336 number is from yesterday, The day before that I posted it also, It was 190 then. Get it ?

You have to be a special kind or stupid to not notice your numbers changed from day to day, and then deny they changed.
You edited out your actual post, so people could judge for themselvrees.

He has been a smashing SUCCESS, with Covid deaths dropping from
4/18/2020 16,943
down to :
7/18/2020 336
I think you lost me on this one. What is it now you're saying I edited ? Post # please.
And don't cry that I took out my name, becasue the post wouldnt post with it still in there, Everything was going in the quote box.
You have to be a special kind or stupid to not notice your numbers changed from day to day, and then deny they changed.
I didn't deny they changed. In fact I've repeatedly posted that they changed, as they were supposed to. Look at how many times I've posted the word"changed" Go ahead, Look it up.

And I also posted why they were changing, after I figured it out. You're welcome. :biggrin:
You edited out your actual post, so people could judge for themselvrees.
He has been a smashing SUCCESS, with Covid deaths dropping from
4/18/2020 16,943
down to :
7/18/2020 336
I think you lost me on this one. What is it now you're saying I edited ? Post # please.
And don't cry that I took out my name, becasue the post wouldnt post with it still in there, Everything was going in the quote box.
Can't make head or tail out of that last post. Only reason I changed numbers of the current week (July 18) was to UPDATE to the CDC changed number of the current day. That was hard, huh ? :rolleyes:
He has been a smashing SUCCESS, with Covid deaths dropping from
4/18/2020 16,943
down to :
7/18/2020 336

When you claimed Trumps success by posting a 98% drop on coonavirus deaths between 4/18 and 7/18, I called you on it.

You've been running in circles ever since.

New deaths yesterday - 1,119
New deaths today - 1,221

I still don't understand this.

What do you expect Trump to do?

If that idiot Biden was in office, what magic do you think he would wave over the world, that would make Corona go away?

This is retarded. State Governors have control over this, far more than the Federal Government does.

And people are not going to stop doing what they are doing, because there is a different president in the white house.

Clearly the BLM protests, spread the virus. Not even debatable.

Was Trump the cause of BLM protests? Of course not. Unless you also think Obama was the cause as well.

Trump did not want protests, and that didn't stop them.

So what is Biden going to do? Nothing. And you know it. So what difference is he going to make with Corona? Nothing, and you know it.

So why are you guys pretending somehow Trump caused a virus from China? Ridiculous. Only the dumbest of idiots follows that kind of logic.

New deaths yesterday - 1,119
New deaths today - 1,221
Your 690 post is wrong. For the week of July 18, the death count is 1,021. So you lied, did you ? You said 690. Wrong! We can't trust you. You say one thing, and then the CDC says something else. Pants on Fire! Pants on Fire! Now go stand in the corner, and face the wall.

And you must write on the board 1,000 times >> "I will not tell lies." And then report to the woodshed.

I still don't understand this.

What do you expect Trump to do?

If that idiot Biden was in office, what magic do you think he would wave over the world, that would make Corona go away?

This is retarded. State Governors have control over this, far more than the Federal Government does.

And people are not going to stop doing what they are doing, because there is a different president in the white house.

Clearly the BLM protests, spread the virus. Not even debatable.

Was Trump the cause of BLM protests? Of course not. Unless you also think Obama was the cause as well.

Trump did not want protests, and that didn't stop them.

So what is Biden going to do? Nothing. And you know it. So what difference is he going to make with Corona? Nothing, and you know it.

So why are you guys pretending somehow Trump caused a virus from China? Ridiculous. Only the dumbest of idiots follows that kind of logic.
If anybody from the US caused the virus to be here, it would be the Democrats. The disruption of the economy works in their favor. Also their leftist philosophy is in harmony with the leftist Marxist philosophy of China. Sure looks like there was a collusion between the Democrats and China.

As for Trump, he has done a lot of things to stop the deaths of Covid here. And he has done just that, with US deaths dropping continuously, ever since mid -April. Democrats just lost their last hope issue, they thought they could use against Trump. Instead, it has turned into a big victory for him, which undoubtedly, Americans will reward him for in November. :biggrin:
When you claimed Trumps success by posting a 98% drop on coonavirus deaths between 4/18 and 7/18, I called you on it.

You've been running in circles ever since.
What you called, is what I called. A huge drop in US Covid deaths since mid April. Thank you , President Trump. American HERO. :biggrin:

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