Trump the Showboat/Grandstander Just Can't Stop Lying


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
He's bored this Thanksgiving so he's Tweeting and of course, as usual, called out for lying:

"""Time magazine is disputing President Donald Trump’s claim that he rejected the magazine’s request for an interview and "major photo shoot" ahead of its “Person of the Year” issue."""

Donald J. Trump


Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

4:40 PM - Nov 24, 2017

Time later posted a tweet of its own disputing Trump's account.


The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7:27 PM - Nov 24, 2017

crying gif.gif

Starting year two of the tear express.
He's bored this Thanksgiving so he's Tweeting and of course, as usual, called out for lying:

"""Time magazine is disputing President Donald Trump’s claim that he rejected the magazine’s request for an interview and "major photo shoot" ahead of its “Person of the Year” issue."""

Donald J. Trump


Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

4:40 PM - Nov 24, 2017

Time later posted a tweet of its own disputing Trump's account.


The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7:27 PM - Nov 24, 2017


If he keeps this lying up, he just might get close to 0bama’s record. Of course he’ll have to be re-elected to do that though.
He's bored this Thanksgiving so he's Tweeting and of course, as usual, called out for lying:

"""Time magazine is disputing President Donald Trump’s claim that he rejected the magazine’s request for an interview and "major photo shoot" ahead of its “Person of the Year” issue."""

Donald J. Trump


Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

4:40 PM - Nov 24, 2017

Time later posted a tweet of its own disputing Trump's account.


The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7:27 PM - Nov 24, 2017

You can find more liberal lies on this very site in one hour then ten Trump's could tell in one year.
He's bored this Thanksgiving so he's Tweeting and of course, as usual, called out for lying:

"""Time magazine is disputing President Donald Trump’s claim that he rejected the magazine’s request for an interview and "major photo shoot" ahead of its “Person of the Year” issue."""

Donald J. Trump


Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

4:40 PM - Nov 24, 2017

Time later posted a tweet of its own disputing Trump's account.


The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7:27 PM - Nov 24, 2017


If he keeps this lying up, he just might get close to 0bama’s record. Of course he’ll have to be re-elected to do that though.

If you want to play with me, you need to get your shit together better than this.

Fact Checker

President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days
365 days of Trump’s claims
  • “Obamacare is a disaster. It's virtually dead. As far as I'm concerned, it really is dead.”

    REPEATED 60 TIMES:Jan 25Feb 10Feb 16Feb 18Feb 27Mar 11Mar 13Mar 15Mar 17Mar 17Mar 17Mar 21Mar 25Apr 23Apr 24Apr 28Apr 29May 1May 4May 4May 5May 5May 5May 7May 12May 18May 28Jun 7Jun 7Jun 8Jun 13Jun 19Jun 19Jun 21Jun 22Jun 23Jun 23Jun 25Jun 27Jun 28Jul 12Jul 14Jul 18Jul 18Jul 18Jul 19Jul 22Jul 24Jul 25Jul 28Aug 22Sep 21Oct 7Oct 10Oct 16Oct 16Oct 16Oct 16Oct 17Oct 17


NOV 13 2017
“We have the highest stock market we've ever had.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 13 2017
“We have the lowest unemployment in 17 years.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 13 2017
“And companies are moving into the United States. A lot of companies are moving. They're moving back. They want to be there. The enthusiasm levels are the highest ever recorded on the charts.”
Repeated 55 times
Trump keeps taking credit for projects that were long in the works before he became president. For example, he repeatedly claims credit for Ford’s decision to abandon its plans to open a factory in Mexico and instead expand its Michigan plant. But analysts say Ford’s decision has more to do with the company’s long-term goal — particularly, its plans to invest in electric vehicles — than the administration. Foxconn considered investing in U.S.-based facilities since 2014, though its initial plans to invest in Pennsylvania didn't pan out. Trump keeps celebrating the company's decision, but the Wisconsin Legislature had not yet approved the $3 billion incentives package amid concerns from taxpayers.

NOV 13 2017
“We've made some very big steps with respect to trade, far bigger than anything you know, in addition to about $300 billion in sales to various companies, including China -- that was $250 billion and going up very substantially from that.”
Trump as usual oversells the value of the deals that were announced in China. Many of the arrangements are nonbinding memorandums rather than legal contracts. For instance, the largest single project unveiled was China Energy Investment Corp.’s plan to invest $83.7 billion in power generation, chemical manufacturing, and underground storage of natural gas liquids and derivatives in West Virginia. But the two sides signed only a memorandum of understanding, not a formal contract, and the dollar figure covers a 20-year period, the state said.

NOV 13 2017
“We've made a lot of big progress on trade. We have deficits with almost everybody. Those deficits are going to be cut very quickly and very substantially.”
On his Asian trip, Trump had little apparent success in attracting countries to his vision of bilateral trade deals. In fact, the other 11 countries in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) announced they would move forward with the multilateral agreement even though Trump quit the agreement. The odds that trade deficits, years in the making, would be "cut very quaickly and very substantially" are rather low indeed.

NOV 12 2017
“There weren’t 17 as was previously reported; there were actually four. But they were saying there was 17; there were actually four.”
Repeated 1 time
Trump uses a rhetorical trick of trying to undermine the results of the Russia assessment by saying it was just three or four agencies, not all 17 intelligence agencies. The report was jointly issued by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Director of National Intelligence. The DNI is an umbrella organization that oversees all 17 intelligence agencies.

NOV 12 2017
“By the way, Hillary Clinton had the reset button. She wanted to get back together with Russia. She even spelled 'reset' wrong. That's how it started, and then it got worse.”
Trump suggests a translation flub led to a decline in relations with Russia. Much like the Trump administration, the incoming Obama administration wanted to reset relations after the George W. Bush had reacted negatively to Russia's attack on Georgia. The Obama outreach coincided with Vladimir Putin stepping back from the presidency for a term. Relations improved while Dmitry Medvedev was president, but then soured again when Putin reclaimed the presidency.

NOV 12 2017
“I got to tour parts of Vietnam, and it's really looking well. It's looking beautiful. And the people are happy, and the people are waving, and they like the United States; perhaps they like me. But they were really lined up in the streets by the tens of thousands, and we very much appreciate that.”
There were crowds, but not in the tens of thousands, according to videos and reporter accounts.

NOV 11 2017
“We then go to the Philippines, which was a rough trip the last time. That was a rough presidential trip, but this won't be.”
Trump appears to be confusing a presidential visit with President Barack Obama's decision to cancel a meeting with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, after he called Obama the "son of a whore." Obama's two visits to the Philippines, in 2014 and 2015, when Benigno S. Aquino 3rd was president, were unremarkable.

NOV 11 2017
Putin "said he didn't meddle. He said he didn't meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. But I just asked him again, and he said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they're saying he did.”
Trump indicated he had discussed election meddling in a meeting with Putin but Putin's office said the subject did not come up.

NOV 11 2017
“Because of the lack of a relationship that we have with Russia because of this artificial thing that's happening with this Democratic-inspired thing, we could really be helped a lot, tremendously, with Russia having to do with North Korea....this artificial Democratic hit job gets in the way. It gets in the way. And that's a shame because people will die because of it. And it's a pure hit job. And it's artificially induced.”
Repeated 29 times
Trump repeatedly claims the Russia investigation is made up or "Democratic-inspired," but the information on Russian efforts to sway the 2016 election was developed by the intelligence community and published in a declassified report, in which the agencies said they had "high confidence" it was correct. Whether or not there was collusion is still under investigation.

NOV 11 2017
“Then you look, and you look at what's going on with Podesta, and you look at what's going on with the server from the DNC and why didn't the FBI take it, why did they leave it; why did a third party look at the server and not the FBI -- if you look at all of this stuff, and you say, what's going on here?”
Repeated 8 times
The FBI and the Democratic National Committee disagree on whether the FBI requested access to the DNC's servers. FBI Director James Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the bureau made "multiple requests at different levels" to access DNC's servers, but the DNC said the FBI never requested access. The DNC ultimately allowed a private company to review its database and share findings with the FBI.

NOV 11 2017
“I mean, give me a break. They're political hacks. So you look at it -- I mean, you have [John] Brennan, you have [James] Clapper, and you have [James] Comey. Comey is proven now to be a liar and he's proven to be a leaker.”
Brennan, Clapper and Comey spent their professional lives in the intelligence and law enforcement worlds and thus are not political hacks. There is no proof that Comey lied about his interactions with Trump.

NOV 11 2017
“Then you hear it's 17 agencies. Well, it's three.”
Repeated 1 time
Trump uses a rhetorical trick of trying to undermine the results of the Russia assessment by saying it was just three or four agencies, not all 17 intelligence agencies. The report was jointly issued by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Director of National Intelligence. The DNI is an umbrella organization that oversees all 17 intelligence agencies.

NOV 11 2017
“Believe it or not, even when I'm in Washington and New York, I do not watch much television.”
This is not a believable statement. Trump clearly watches a lot of TV, judging from his Twitter feed.

NOV 11 2017
President Xi of China "made a statement that he's committed to stopping the nuclearization of North Korea. That's a big statement.”
Xi and other leaders of China have often said this. There was nothing new or remarkable about Xi's statement.

NOV 11 2017
“Look, we have a $71 billion trade deficit with Mexico.”
Repeated 1 time

Trump often exaggerates Mexico's trade deficit, by only counting goods, not services. It was $56 billion in 2016.

NOV 11 2017
“There are few countries we have a surplus with, and those countries it's like a two-dollar surplus. It's disgraceful.”
Repeated 3 times
The United States has trade surpluses with many countries, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

NOV 11 2017
“Our trade deals are so bad. Last year, we lost $800 billion, right? Yeah. $800 [billion], approximately. Check it. But approximately $800 billion on trade.”
The trade deficit in goods and services in 2016 was $500 billion. Trump often just cites the goods deficit, which was $752 billion, according to the Census Bureau. But trade in services ran a substantial surplus.

NOV 11 2017
“I saw Dianne Feinstein the other day and I respect her. She was on television the other day saying there's no collusion. The Democrats -- the Republicans come out screaming it, but the Democrats come out, and they say, 'No, there's no collusion.' There is no collusion. There's nothing.”
Feinstein (D-Calif.), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, did not flatly say there was no collusion and instead was more nuanced. Asked by CNN's Jake Tapper on Nov. 5 whether she had "seen any evidence that this dirt, these emails, were ever given to the Trump campaign,” she replied: “Not so far." Tapper than asked: “Have you seen any communications that suggested that the Trump campaign wanted them to release them through a different means?” She answered: “I have not."

NOV 11 2017
“We have a $30 billion trade deficit with South Korea.”
Trump, as is his practice, inflates the size of the trade deficit by only counting goods, not good and services. The 2016 trade deficit with South Korea was $17 billion.

NOV 11 2017
“We have a $70 billion trade deficit with Japan.”
Trump, as is his practice, inflates the size of the trade deficit by only counting goods, not good and services. The 2016 trade deficit with Japan was $55 billion.

NOV 10 2017
“Unemployment is at its lowest level in 17 years.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 10 2017
“The stock market is at an all-time high.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 9 2017
“I don’t blame China, I blame the incompetence of past Admins for allowing China to take advantage of the U.S. on trade leading up to a point where the U.S. is losing $100's of billions. How can you blame China for taking advantage of people that had no clue? I would've done same!”
Trump blasts previous administrations for letting trade deficits with China to climb. But the United States is not losing "100s of billions of dollars" on trade deficits. That reflects a fundamental misunderstanding. A trade deficit simply means that people in one country are buying more goods from another country than people in the second country are buying from the first country. Americans want to buy these products from overseas, either because of quality or price. If Trump sparked a trade war and tariffs were increased on Chinese goods, then it would raise the cost of those products to Americans. Perhaps that would reduce the purchases of those goods, and thus reduce the trade deficit, but that would not mean the United States would “gain” money that had been lost.

NOV 8 2017
“Congratulations to all of the 'DEPLORABLES' and the millions of people who gave us a MASSIVE (304-227) Electoral College landslide victory!”
Repeated 7 times
According to a tally by John Pitney of Claremont McKenna College, every Republican president since Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876 won a larger share of the electoral college votes than Trump, with the exception of George W. Bush (twice) and Nixon in 1968.

NOV 7 2017
“@EdWGillespie will totally turn around the high crime and poor economic performance of VA. MS-13 and crime will be gone. Vote today, ASAP!”
Virginia has among the lowest crime and unemployment rates in the United States.

NOV 7 2017
“Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!”
Trump, who tweeted repeatedly in favor of Gillespie, ignores a House race in which the Republican lost.

NOV 7 2017
“Stock market hit yet another all-time record high yesterday.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 7 2017
“The deal is so bad for rich people, I had to throw in the estate tax just to give them something.”
No matter how you slice it, the superwealthy do rather well under the House GOP proposal. Not only do they benefit from a reduction in tax rates, but there are numerous other provisions that benefits the wealthy, including repeal of the alternative minimum tax and lower rate for pass-through entities. The top one percent end up with about 47 percent of the tax cuts, according to the Tax Policy Center.

NOV 7 2017
“The U.S., under my administration, is completely rebuilding its military, and they're spending hundreds of billions of dollars to the newest and finest military equipment anywhere in the world, being built right now. I want peace through strength!”
Repeated 14 times
This is false. Trump's proposed ten percent increase is actually relatively modest. In the past 30 years, at least one-third of the time the core defense budget was boosted more than Trump's request--in some cases more than double the percentage requested by Trump.

NOV 7 2017
“The United States is going through something of a miracle itself. Our stock market is at an all-time high.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble." He also inherited a thriving economy, so not much of a miracle.

NOV 7 2017
“Unemployment is at a 17-year low.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 7 2017
“The United States, under my administration, is completely rebuilding its military and is spending hundreds of billions of dollars to the newest and finest military equipment anywhere in the world being built, right now. I want peace through strength.”
Repeated 14 times
This is false. Trump's proposed ten percent increase is actually relatively modest. In the past 30 years, at least one-third of the time the core defense budget was boosted more than Trump's request--in some cases more than double the percentage requested by Trump.

NOV 7 2017
“In 2005, after years of diplomacy, the dictatorship agreed to ultimately abandon its nuclear programs and return to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation. But it never did. And worse, it tested the very weapons it said it was going to give up.”
The agreement reached in the Six-Party talks was more ambiguous than Trump indicates, as it suggested that the parties would provide North Korea with light-water nuclear reactors. (That was certainly Pyongyang's interpretation.) Indeed, the statement said the regime would "abandon" its weapons rather than the American-preferred phrase of "dismantle." In any case, the agreement quickly fell part largely because the U.S. Treasury targeted a bank in Macao that handled cash for the North Korean leadership. The North Korean test convinced the George W. Bush administration to get serious about negotiations -- and to abandon the Treasury action.

NOV 7 2017
“You look at the city with the strongest gun laws in our nation, is Chicago, and Chicago is a disaster. It's a total disaster.”
This claim about the impact of Chicago’s gun laws on gun violence relies on outdated gun laws and shoddy data. The state of Illinois has tough gun laws, but several of the most restrictive laws, such as a ban on handguns and a gun registry, are no longer in use. And while the city may have high instances of gun violence, it does not have the highest rate of gun violence.

NOV 6 2017
“I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing. Some of those they are harshly treating have been “milking” their country for years!”
Trump praises an extrajudicial action in Saudi Arabia, which ordinarily the State Department would say was troubling. The arrests and detentions were down under the guise of thwarting corruption, but that's just a fig leaf that Trump appears to endorse.

NOV 6 2017
“My visit to Japan and friendship with PM Abe will yield many benefits, for our great Country. Massive military & energy orders happening+++!”
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times quoted a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“The state of Virginia economy, under Democrat rule, has been terrible.”
Virginia has among the lowest unemployment rates in the United States -- lower than the rest of the country.

NOV 6 2017
“The Prime Minister is ordering a lot of military equipment, as he should be -- as he should be with what's happening with one of your neighbors. So that is happening.”
Repeated 1 time
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times quoted a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“The United States is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world.”
Repeated 31 times
Trump almost never gets this correct. The Pew Research Center, using 2014 data, found that the tax bill for Americans, under various scenarios, is below average for developed countries. In 2014, according to comparative tables of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), revenue as a percentage of the gross domestic product — the broadest measure of the economy — was 26 percent for the United States. Out of 34 countries, that put the United States in the bottom third — and well below the OECD average of 34.4 percent.

NOV 6 2017
“I've reduced regulations terrifically, frankly, if I do say so myself -- but at a level that nobody else has ever done. I've done more in nine months in terms of the reduction of regulations than any President has done in a full term, and it's not even close. ”
Repeated 10 times
This claim cannot be verified as there is not enough data for a comparison, but it's especially a stretch to say he's done more in nine month than any full term president.

NOV 6 2017
“Our unemployment is at a 17-year low.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 6 2017
“The stock market reached an all-time high on Friday, and that's the 61st, I believe -- something around that number -- 61st time that's happened.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 6 2017
“The Keystone Pipeline was dead. And the Dakota Access Pipeline was in even in worse shape because they built it but they weren't allowed to hook it up. So I consider not starting even better than that. And in my first week, I approved both. It's 42,000 jobs. The Dakota is already open and Keystone is starting; it's actually already started.”
Repeated 19 times
Trump appears to be combining two disputed figures — 28,000 jobs for Keystone XL and 12,000 for the Dakota Access Pipeline-- and then hyping it even more. We have looked closely at the Keystone numbers, and the same methodological issues appear to apply to the Dakota estimates. The actual number of Keystone construction jobs, for instance, is just 3,900 on an annualized basis — and other jobs have already been created (such as for building high-strength line pipe.) In the context of the U.S. economy, which just in October added 261,000 jobs, these are not many jobs. Meanwhile, Keystone still needs state approval for construction to start.

NOV 6 2017
“You saw Broadcom is coming in -- top 100 company -- they announced on Thursday from the Oval Office.”
Repeated 2 times
Broadcom was once on the Fortune 500, but fell off in recent years.

NOV 6 2017
“So one of the things, I think, that's very important is that the Prime Minister of Japan is going to be purchasing massive amounts of military equipment, as he should. And we make the best military equipment, by far. He'll be purchasing it from the United States.”
Repeated 1 time
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times {quoted} a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“I approved a power plant, which has been under consideration for 11 years, and they gave up, and I approved it. And it's a $7 billion plant. And the state wanted it and the local community wanted it, but they had environmental restrictions. And now it's being built.”
Trump appears to be referring to a recent $3.7 billion loan guarantee offered by the Trump administration to save a troubled nuclear power plant in Georgia. (The administration is trying to abolish the loan guarantee program but this loan would be grandfathered.) Costs for the plant have soared over $25 billion not because of environmental restrictions but because of construction delays caused by poor workmanship.

NOV 6 2017
“On regulations, while I've reduced regulations terrifically. It would take, as an example, to build a highway -- it would take 17 to 20 years to get approvals. And at the end of 20th year, in many cases, they voted it down. Do you approve? No. So they wasted tens of millions of dollars. There's a highway in Maryland where it took exactly 17 years. And the original numbers were very little, and it ended up costing hundreds of millions of dollars for a very small, short highway. And we can't have that.”
Trump is referring to the Intercounty Connector, an 18.8-mile six-lane toll highway that cost $2.4 billion and was revived in 2003 and completed in 2014, though sections began opening in 2011. So that's either 8 or 11 years. There had long been controversy over the proposed highway, dating back to 1975, with opposition from local government officials, the Maryland general assembly and environmental groups. Trump is being misleading by attributing the delays to government regulations.

NOV 5 2017
“When you look at that horrible dossier which is a total phony fake deal like so much of the news that I read when you look at that and take a look at what's gone on with that and the kind of money we're talking about it is a disgrace.”
Repeated 3 times
While the dossier commissioned by Fusion GPS for Democrats contained salacious elements, broad portions have proven to be largely correct. Fusion has said the former British spy who wrote it received $168,000. The FBI was sufficiently impressed that it considered pay him for additional research.
He's bored this Thanksgiving so he's Tweeting and of course, as usual, called out for lying:

"""Time magazine is disputing President Donald Trump’s claim that he rejected the magazine’s request for an interview and "major photo shoot" ahead of its “Person of the Year” issue."""

Donald J. Trump


Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

4:40 PM - Nov 24, 2017

Time later posted a tweet of its own disputing Trump's account.


The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7:27 PM - Nov 24, 2017


If he keeps this lying up, he just might get close to 0bama’s record. Of course he’ll have to be re-elected to do that though.

If you want to play with me, you need to get your shit together better than this.

Fact Checker

President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days
365 days of Trump’s claims
  • “Obamacare is a disaster. It's virtually dead. As far as I'm concerned, it really is dead.”

    REPEATED 60 TIMES:Jan 25Feb 10Feb 16Feb 18Feb 27Mar 11Mar 13Mar 15Mar 17Mar 17Mar 17Mar 21Mar 25Apr 23Apr 24Apr 28Apr 29May 1May 4May 4May 5May 5May 5May 7May 12May 18May 28Jun 7Jun 7Jun 8Jun 13Jun 19Jun 19Jun 21Jun 22Jun 23Jun 23Jun 25Jun 27Jun 28Jul 12Jul 14Jul 18Jul 18Jul 18Jul 19Jul 22Jul 24Jul 25Jul 28Aug 22Sep 21Oct 7Oct 10Oct 16Oct 16Oct 16Oct 16Oct 17Oct 17


NOV 13 2017
“We have the highest stock market we've ever had.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 13 2017
“We have the lowest unemployment in 17 years.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 13 2017
“And companies are moving into the United States. A lot of companies are moving. They're moving back. They want to be there. The enthusiasm levels are the highest ever recorded on the charts.”
Repeated 55 times
Trump keeps taking credit for projects that were long in the works before he became president. For example, he repeatedly claims credit for Ford’s decision to abandon its plans to open a factory in Mexico and instead expand its Michigan plant. But analysts say Ford’s decision has more to do with the company’s long-term goal — particularly, its plans to invest in electric vehicles — than the administration. Foxconn considered investing in U.S.-based facilities since 2014, though its initial plans to invest in Pennsylvania didn't pan out. Trump keeps celebrating the company's decision, but the Wisconsin Legislature had not yet approved the $3 billion incentives package amid concerns from taxpayers.

NOV 13 2017
“We've made some very big steps with respect to trade, far bigger than anything you know, in addition to about $300 billion in sales to various companies, including China -- that was $250 billion and going up very substantially from that.”
Trump as usual oversells the value of the deals that were announced in China. Many of the arrangements are nonbinding memorandums rather than legal contracts. For instance, the largest single project unveiled was China Energy Investment Corp.’s plan to invest $83.7 billion in power generation, chemical manufacturing, and underground storage of natural gas liquids and derivatives in West Virginia. But the two sides signed only a memorandum of understanding, not a formal contract, and the dollar figure covers a 20-year period, the state said.

NOV 13 2017
“We've made a lot of big progress on trade. We have deficits with almost everybody. Those deficits are going to be cut very quickly and very substantially.”
On his Asian trip, Trump had little apparent success in attracting countries to his vision of bilateral trade deals. In fact, the other 11 countries in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) announced they would move forward with the multilateral agreement even though Trump quit the agreement. The odds that trade deficits, years in the making, would be "cut very quaickly and very substantially" are rather low indeed.

NOV 12 2017
“There weren’t 17 as was previously reported; there were actually four. But they were saying there was 17; there were actually four.”
Repeated 1 time
Trump uses a rhetorical trick of trying to undermine the results of the Russia assessment by saying it was just three or four agencies, not all 17 intelligence agencies. The report was jointly issued by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Director of National Intelligence. The DNI is an umbrella organization that oversees all 17 intelligence agencies.

NOV 12 2017
“By the way, Hillary Clinton had the reset button. She wanted to get back together with Russia. She even spelled 'reset' wrong. That's how it started, and then it got worse.”
Trump suggests a translation flub led to a decline in relations with Russia. Much like the Trump administration, the incoming Obama administration wanted to reset relations after the George W. Bush had reacted negatively to Russia's attack on Georgia. The Obama outreach coincided with Vladimir Putin stepping back from the presidency for a term. Relations improved while Dmitry Medvedev was president, but then soured again when Putin reclaimed the presidency.

NOV 12 2017
“I got to tour parts of Vietnam, and it's really looking well. It's looking beautiful. And the people are happy, and the people are waving, and they like the United States; perhaps they like me. But they were really lined up in the streets by the tens of thousands, and we very much appreciate that.”
There were crowds, but not in the tens of thousands, according to videos and reporter accounts.

NOV 11 2017
“We then go to the Philippines, which was a rough trip the last time. That was a rough presidential trip, but this won't be.”
Trump appears to be confusing a presidential visit with President Barack Obama's decision to cancel a meeting with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, after he called Obama the "son of a whore." Obama's two visits to the Philippines, in 2014 and 2015, when Benigno S. Aquino 3rd was president, were unremarkable.

NOV 11 2017
Putin "said he didn't meddle. He said he didn't meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. But I just asked him again, and he said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they're saying he did.”
Trump indicated he had discussed election meddling in a meeting with Putin but Putin's office said the subject did not come up.

NOV 11 2017
“Because of the lack of a relationship that we have with Russia because of this artificial thing that's happening with this Democratic-inspired thing, we could really be helped a lot, tremendously, with Russia having to do with North Korea....this artificial Democratic hit job gets in the way. It gets in the way. And that's a shame because people will die because of it. And it's a pure hit job. And it's artificially induced.”
Repeated 29 times
Trump repeatedly claims the Russia investigation is made up or "Democratic-inspired," but the information on Russian efforts to sway the 2016 election was developed by the intelligence community and published in a declassified report, in which the agencies said they had "high confidence" it was correct. Whether or not there was collusion is still under investigation.

NOV 11 2017
“Then you look, and you look at what's going on with Podesta, and you look at what's going on with the server from the DNC and why didn't the FBI take it, why did they leave it; why did a third party look at the server and not the FBI -- if you look at all of this stuff, and you say, what's going on here?”
Repeated 8 times
The FBI and the Democratic National Committee disagree on whether the FBI requested access to the DNC's servers. FBI Director James Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the bureau made "multiple requests at different levels" to access DNC's servers, but the DNC said the FBI never requested access. The DNC ultimately allowed a private company to review its database and share findings with the FBI.

NOV 11 2017
“I mean, give me a break. They're political hacks. So you look at it -- I mean, you have [John] Brennan, you have [James] Clapper, and you have [James] Comey. Comey is proven now to be a liar and he's proven to be a leaker.”
Brennan, Clapper and Comey spent their professional lives in the intelligence and law enforcement worlds and thus are not political hacks. There is no proof that Comey lied about his interactions with Trump.

NOV 11 2017
“Then you hear it's 17 agencies. Well, it's three.”
Repeated 1 time
Trump uses a rhetorical trick of trying to undermine the results of the Russia assessment by saying it was just three or four agencies, not all 17 intelligence agencies. The report was jointly issued by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Director of National Intelligence. The DNI is an umbrella organization that oversees all 17 intelligence agencies.

NOV 11 2017
“Believe it or not, even when I'm in Washington and New York, I do not watch much television.”
This is not a believable statement. Trump clearly watches a lot of TV, judging from his Twitter feed.

NOV 11 2017
President Xi of China "made a statement that he's committed to stopping the nuclearization of North Korea. That's a big statement.”
Xi and other leaders of China have often said this. There was nothing new or remarkable about Xi's statement.

NOV 11 2017
“Look, we have a $71 billion trade deficit with Mexico.”
Repeated 1 time

Trump often exaggerates Mexico's trade deficit, by only counting goods, not services. It was $56 billion in 2016.

NOV 11 2017
“There are few countries we have a surplus with, and those countries it's like a two-dollar surplus. It's disgraceful.”
Repeated 3 times
The United States has trade surpluses with many countries, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

NOV 11 2017
“Our trade deals are so bad. Last year, we lost $800 billion, right? Yeah. $800 [billion], approximately. Check it. But approximately $800 billion on trade.”
The trade deficit in goods and services in 2016 was $500 billion. Trump often just cites the goods deficit, which was $752 billion, according to the Census Bureau. But trade in services ran a substantial surplus.

NOV 11 2017
“I saw Dianne Feinstein the other day and I respect her. She was on television the other day saying there's no collusion. The Democrats -- the Republicans come out screaming it, but the Democrats come out, and they say, 'No, there's no collusion.' There is no collusion. There's nothing.”
Feinstein (D-Calif.), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, did not flatly say there was no collusion and instead was more nuanced. Asked by CNN's Jake Tapper on Nov. 5 whether she had "seen any evidence that this dirt, these emails, were ever given to the Trump campaign,” she replied: “Not so far." Tapper than asked: “Have you seen any communications that suggested that the Trump campaign wanted them to release them through a different means?” She answered: “I have not."

NOV 11 2017
“We have a $30 billion trade deficit with South Korea.”
Trump, as is his practice, inflates the size of the trade deficit by only counting goods, not good and services. The 2016 trade deficit with South Korea was $17 billion.

NOV 11 2017
“We have a $70 billion trade deficit with Japan.”
Trump, as is his practice, inflates the size of the trade deficit by only counting goods, not good and services. The 2016 trade deficit with Japan was $55 billion.

NOV 10 2017
“Unemployment is at its lowest level in 17 years.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 10 2017
“The stock market is at an all-time high.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 9 2017
“I don’t blame China, I blame the incompetence of past Admins for allowing China to take advantage of the U.S. on trade leading up to a point where the U.S. is losing $100's of billions. How can you blame China for taking advantage of people that had no clue? I would've done same!”
Trump blasts previous administrations for letting trade deficits with China to climb. But the United States is not losing "100s of billions of dollars" on trade deficits. That reflects a fundamental misunderstanding. A trade deficit simply means that people in one country are buying more goods from another country than people in the second country are buying from the first country. Americans want to buy these products from overseas, either because of quality or price. If Trump sparked a trade war and tariffs were increased on Chinese goods, then it would raise the cost of those products to Americans. Perhaps that would reduce the purchases of those goods, and thus reduce the trade deficit, but that would not mean the United States would “gain” money that had been lost.

NOV 8 2017
“Congratulations to all of the 'DEPLORABLES' and the millions of people who gave us a MASSIVE (304-227) Electoral College landslide victory!”
Repeated 7 times
According to a tally by John Pitney of Claremont McKenna College, every Republican president since Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876 won a larger share of the electoral college votes than Trump, with the exception of George W. Bush (twice) and Nixon in 1968.

NOV 7 2017
“@EdWGillespie will totally turn around the high crime and poor economic performance of VA. MS-13 and crime will be gone. Vote today, ASAP!”
Virginia has among the lowest crime and unemployment rates in the United States.

NOV 7 2017
“Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!”
Trump, who tweeted repeatedly in favor of Gillespie, ignores a House race in which the Republican lost.

NOV 7 2017
“Stock market hit yet another all-time record high yesterday.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 7 2017
“The deal is so bad for rich people, I had to throw in the estate tax just to give them something.”
No matter how you slice it, the superwealthy do rather well under the House GOP proposal. Not only do they benefit from a reduction in tax rates, but there are numerous other provisions that benefits the wealthy, including repeal of the alternative minimum tax and lower rate for pass-through entities. The top one percent end up with about 47 percent of the tax cuts, according to the Tax Policy Center.

NOV 7 2017
“The U.S., under my administration, is completely rebuilding its military, and they're spending hundreds of billions of dollars to the newest and finest military equipment anywhere in the world, being built right now. I want peace through strength!”
Repeated 14 times
This is false. Trump's proposed ten percent increase is actually relatively modest. In the past 30 years, at least one-third of the time the core defense budget was boosted more than Trump's request--in some cases more than double the percentage requested by Trump.

NOV 7 2017
“The United States is going through something of a miracle itself. Our stock market is at an all-time high.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble." He also inherited a thriving economy, so not much of a miracle.

NOV 7 2017
“Unemployment is at a 17-year low.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 7 2017
“The United States, under my administration, is completely rebuilding its military and is spending hundreds of billions of dollars to the newest and finest military equipment anywhere in the world being built, right now. I want peace through strength.”
Repeated 14 times
This is false. Trump's proposed ten percent increase is actually relatively modest. In the past 30 years, at least one-third of the time the core defense budget was boosted more than Trump's request--in some cases more than double the percentage requested by Trump.

NOV 7 2017
“In 2005, after years of diplomacy, the dictatorship agreed to ultimately abandon its nuclear programs and return to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation. But it never did. And worse, it tested the very weapons it said it was going to give up.”
The agreement reached in the Six-Party talks was more ambiguous than Trump indicates, as it suggested that the parties would provide North Korea with light-water nuclear reactors. (That was certainly Pyongyang's interpretation.) Indeed, the statement said the regime would "abandon" its weapons rather than the American-preferred phrase of "dismantle." In any case, the agreement quickly fell part largely because the U.S. Treasury targeted a bank in Macao that handled cash for the North Korean leadership. The North Korean test convinced the George W. Bush administration to get serious about negotiations -- and to abandon the Treasury action.

NOV 7 2017
“You look at the city with the strongest gun laws in our nation, is Chicago, and Chicago is a disaster. It's a total disaster.”
This claim about the impact of Chicago’s gun laws on gun violence relies on outdated gun laws and shoddy data. The state of Illinois has tough gun laws, but several of the most restrictive laws, such as a ban on handguns and a gun registry, are no longer in use. And while the city may have high instances of gun violence, it does not have the highest rate of gun violence.

NOV 6 2017
“I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing. Some of those they are harshly treating have been “milking” their country for years!”
Trump praises an extrajudicial action in Saudi Arabia, which ordinarily the State Department would say was troubling. The arrests and detentions were down under the guise of thwarting corruption, but that's just a fig leaf that Trump appears to endorse.

NOV 6 2017
“My visit to Japan and friendship with PM Abe will yield many benefits, for our great Country. Massive military & energy orders happening+++!”
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times quoted a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“The state of Virginia economy, under Democrat rule, has been terrible.”
Virginia has among the lowest unemployment rates in the United States -- lower than the rest of the country.

NOV 6 2017
“The Prime Minister is ordering a lot of military equipment, as he should be -- as he should be with what's happening with one of your neighbors. So that is happening.”
Repeated 1 time
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times quoted a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“The United States is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world.”
Repeated 31 times
Trump almost never gets this correct. The Pew Research Center, using 2014 data, found that the tax bill for Americans, under various scenarios, is below average for developed countries. In 2014, according to comparative tables of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), revenue as a percentage of the gross domestic product — the broadest measure of the economy — was 26 percent for the United States. Out of 34 countries, that put the United States in the bottom third — and well below the OECD average of 34.4 percent.

NOV 6 2017
“I've reduced regulations terrifically, frankly, if I do say so myself -- but at a level that nobody else has ever done. I've done more in nine months in terms of the reduction of regulations than any President has done in a full term, and it's not even close. ”
Repeated 10 times
This claim cannot be verified as there is not enough data for a comparison, but it's especially a stretch to say he's done more in nine month than any full term president.

NOV 6 2017
“Our unemployment is at a 17-year low.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 6 2017
“The stock market reached an all-time high on Friday, and that's the 61st, I believe -- something around that number -- 61st time that's happened.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 6 2017
“The Keystone Pipeline was dead. And the Dakota Access Pipeline was in even in worse shape because they built it but they weren't allowed to hook it up. So I consider not starting even better than that. And in my first week, I approved both. It's 42,000 jobs. The Dakota is already open and Keystone is starting; it's actually already started.”
Repeated 19 times
Trump appears to be combining two disputed figures — 28,000 jobs for Keystone XL and 12,000 for the Dakota Access Pipeline-- and then hyping it even more. We have looked closely at the Keystone numbers, and the same methodological issues appear to apply to the Dakota estimates. The actual number of Keystone construction jobs, for instance, is just 3,900 on an annualized basis — and other jobs have already been created (such as for building high-strength line pipe.) In the context of the U.S. economy, which just in October added 261,000 jobs, these are not many jobs. Meanwhile, Keystone still needs state approval for construction to start.

NOV 6 2017
“You saw Broadcom is coming in -- top 100 company -- they announced on Thursday from the Oval Office.”
Repeated 2 times
Broadcom was once on the Fortune 500, but fell off in recent years.

NOV 6 2017
“So one of the things, I think, that's very important is that the Prime Minister of Japan is going to be purchasing massive amounts of military equipment, as he should. And we make the best military equipment, by far. He'll be purchasing it from the United States.”
Repeated 1 time
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times {quoted} a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“I approved a power plant, which has been under consideration for 11 years, and they gave up, and I approved it. And it's a $7 billion plant. And the state wanted it and the local community wanted it, but they had environmental restrictions. And now it's being built.”
Trump appears to be referring to a recent $3.7 billion loan guarantee offered by the Trump administration to save a troubled nuclear power plant in Georgia. (The administration is trying to abolish the loan guarantee program but this loan would be grandfathered.) Costs for the plant have soared over $25 billion not because of environmental restrictions but because of construction delays caused by poor workmanship.

NOV 6 2017
“On regulations, while I've reduced regulations terrifically. It would take, as an example, to build a highway -- it would take 17 to 20 years to get approvals. And at the end of 20th year, in many cases, they voted it down. Do you approve? No. So they wasted tens of millions of dollars. There's a highway in Maryland where it took exactly 17 years. And the original numbers were very little, and it ended up costing hundreds of millions of dollars for a very small, short highway. And we can't have that.”
Trump is referring to the Intercounty Connector, an 18.8-mile six-lane toll highway that cost $2.4 billion and was revived in 2003 and completed in 2014, though sections began opening in 2011. So that's either 8 or 11 years. There had long been controversy over the proposed highway, dating back to 1975, with opposition from local government officials, the Maryland general assembly and environmental groups. Trump is being misleading by attributing the delays to government regulations.

NOV 5 2017
“When you look at that horrible dossier which is a total phony fake deal like so much of the news that I read when you look at that and take a look at what's gone on with that and the kind of money we're talking about it is a disgrace.”
Repeated 3 times
While the dossier commissioned by Fusion GPS for Democrats contained salacious elements, broad portions have proven to be largely correct. Fusion has said the former British spy who wrote it received $168,000. The FBI was sufficiently impressed that it considered pay him for additional research.
/----/ OK Porky, let's start with your first distortion:
NOV 13 2017
“We have the highest stock market we've ever had.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

What he also said was: By September 2016, Trump was arguing that the Federal Reserve was propping up a "false economy" that is actually weak. " Well they were. We had zero or near zero interest rates for nearly 8 years while Obozo was in office to prop up the market. How is that a lie?

We do have the highest stock market in history. Because he said it was artificial or a bubble before he was elected doesn't make his statement a lie.
He's bored this Thanksgiving so he's Tweeting and of course, as usual, called out for lying:

"""Time magazine is disputing President Donald Trump’s claim that he rejected the magazine’s request for an interview and "major photo shoot" ahead of its “Person of the Year” issue."""

Donald J. Trump


Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

4:40 PM - Nov 24, 2017

Time later posted a tweet of its own disputing Trump's account.


The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7:27 PM - Nov 24, 2017


If he keeps this lying up, he just might get close to 0bama’s record. Of course he’ll have to be re-elected to do that though.

If you want to play with me, you need to get your shit together better than this.

Fact Checker

President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days
365 days of Trump’s claims
  • “Obamacare is a disaster. It's virtually dead. As far as I'm concerned, it really is dead.”

    REPEATED 60 TIMES:Jan 25Feb 10Feb 16Feb 18Feb 27Mar 11Mar 13Mar 15Mar 17Mar 17Mar 17Mar 21Mar 25Apr 23Apr 24Apr 28Apr 29May 1May 4May 4May 5May 5May 5May 7May 12May 18May 28Jun 7Jun 7Jun 8Jun 13Jun 19Jun 19Jun 21Jun 22Jun 23Jun 23Jun 25Jun 27Jun 28Jul 12Jul 14Jul 18Jul 18Jul 18Jul 19Jul 22Jul 24Jul 25Jul 28Aug 22Sep 21Oct 7Oct 10Oct 16Oct 16Oct 16Oct 16Oct 17Oct 17


NOV 13 2017
“We have the highest stock market we've ever had.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 13 2017
“We have the lowest unemployment in 17 years.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 13 2017
“And companies are moving into the United States. A lot of companies are moving. They're moving back. They want to be there. The enthusiasm levels are the highest ever recorded on the charts.”
Repeated 55 times
Trump keeps taking credit for projects that were long in the works before he became president. For example, he repeatedly claims credit for Ford’s decision to abandon its plans to open a factory in Mexico and instead expand its Michigan plant. But analysts say Ford’s decision has more to do with the company’s long-term goal — particularly, its plans to invest in electric vehicles — than the administration. Foxconn considered investing in U.S.-based facilities since 2014, though its initial plans to invest in Pennsylvania didn't pan out. Trump keeps celebrating the company's decision, but the Wisconsin Legislature had not yet approved the $3 billion incentives package amid concerns from taxpayers.

NOV 13 2017
“We've made some very big steps with respect to trade, far bigger than anything you know, in addition to about $300 billion in sales to various companies, including China -- that was $250 billion and going up very substantially from that.”
Trump as usual oversells the value of the deals that were announced in China. Many of the arrangements are nonbinding memorandums rather than legal contracts. For instance, the largest single project unveiled was China Energy Investment Corp.’s plan to invest $83.7 billion in power generation, chemical manufacturing, and underground storage of natural gas liquids and derivatives in West Virginia. But the two sides signed only a memorandum of understanding, not a formal contract, and the dollar figure covers a 20-year period, the state said.

NOV 13 2017
“We've made a lot of big progress on trade. We have deficits with almost everybody. Those deficits are going to be cut very quickly and very substantially.”
On his Asian trip, Trump had little apparent success in attracting countries to his vision of bilateral trade deals. In fact, the other 11 countries in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) announced they would move forward with the multilateral agreement even though Trump quit the agreement. The odds that trade deficits, years in the making, would be "cut very quaickly and very substantially" are rather low indeed.

NOV 12 2017
“There weren’t 17 as was previously reported; there were actually four. But they were saying there was 17; there were actually four.”
Repeated 1 time
Trump uses a rhetorical trick of trying to undermine the results of the Russia assessment by saying it was just three or four agencies, not all 17 intelligence agencies. The report was jointly issued by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Director of National Intelligence. The DNI is an umbrella organization that oversees all 17 intelligence agencies.

NOV 12 2017
“By the way, Hillary Clinton had the reset button. She wanted to get back together with Russia. She even spelled 'reset' wrong. That's how it started, and then it got worse.”
Trump suggests a translation flub led to a decline in relations with Russia. Much like the Trump administration, the incoming Obama administration wanted to reset relations after the George W. Bush had reacted negatively to Russia's attack on Georgia. The Obama outreach coincided with Vladimir Putin stepping back from the presidency for a term. Relations improved while Dmitry Medvedev was president, but then soured again when Putin reclaimed the presidency.

NOV 12 2017
“I got to tour parts of Vietnam, and it's really looking well. It's looking beautiful. And the people are happy, and the people are waving, and they like the United States; perhaps they like me. But they were really lined up in the streets by the tens of thousands, and we very much appreciate that.”
There were crowds, but not in the tens of thousands, according to videos and reporter accounts.

NOV 11 2017
“We then go to the Philippines, which was a rough trip the last time. That was a rough presidential trip, but this won't be.”
Trump appears to be confusing a presidential visit with President Barack Obama's decision to cancel a meeting with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, after he called Obama the "son of a whore." Obama's two visits to the Philippines, in 2014 and 2015, when Benigno S. Aquino 3rd was president, were unremarkable.

NOV 11 2017
Putin "said he didn't meddle. He said he didn't meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. But I just asked him again, and he said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they're saying he did.”
Trump indicated he had discussed election meddling in a meeting with Putin but Putin's office said the subject did not come up.

NOV 11 2017
“Because of the lack of a relationship that we have with Russia because of this artificial thing that's happening with this Democratic-inspired thing, we could really be helped a lot, tremendously, with Russia having to do with North Korea....this artificial Democratic hit job gets in the way. It gets in the way. And that's a shame because people will die because of it. And it's a pure hit job. And it's artificially induced.”
Repeated 29 times
Trump repeatedly claims the Russia investigation is made up or "Democratic-inspired," but the information on Russian efforts to sway the 2016 election was developed by the intelligence community and published in a declassified report, in which the agencies said they had "high confidence" it was correct. Whether or not there was collusion is still under investigation.

NOV 11 2017
“Then you look, and you look at what's going on with Podesta, and you look at what's going on with the server from the DNC and why didn't the FBI take it, why did they leave it; why did a third party look at the server and not the FBI -- if you look at all of this stuff, and you say, what's going on here?”
Repeated 8 times
The FBI and the Democratic National Committee disagree on whether the FBI requested access to the DNC's servers. FBI Director James Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the bureau made "multiple requests at different levels" to access DNC's servers, but the DNC said the FBI never requested access. The DNC ultimately allowed a private company to review its database and share findings with the FBI.

NOV 11 2017
“I mean, give me a break. They're political hacks. So you look at it -- I mean, you have [John] Brennan, you have [James] Clapper, and you have [James] Comey. Comey is proven now to be a liar and he's proven to be a leaker.”
Brennan, Clapper and Comey spent their professional lives in the intelligence and law enforcement worlds and thus are not political hacks. There is no proof that Comey lied about his interactions with Trump.

NOV 11 2017
“Then you hear it's 17 agencies. Well, it's three.”
Repeated 1 time
Trump uses a rhetorical trick of trying to undermine the results of the Russia assessment by saying it was just three or four agencies, not all 17 intelligence agencies. The report was jointly issued by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Director of National Intelligence. The DNI is an umbrella organization that oversees all 17 intelligence agencies.

NOV 11 2017
“Believe it or not, even when I'm in Washington and New York, I do not watch much television.”
This is not a believable statement. Trump clearly watches a lot of TV, judging from his Twitter feed.

NOV 11 2017
President Xi of China "made a statement that he's committed to stopping the nuclearization of North Korea. That's a big statement.”
Xi and other leaders of China have often said this. There was nothing new or remarkable about Xi's statement.

NOV 11 2017
“Look, we have a $71 billion trade deficit with Mexico.”
Repeated 1 time

Trump often exaggerates Mexico's trade deficit, by only counting goods, not services. It was $56 billion in 2016.

NOV 11 2017
“There are few countries we have a surplus with, and those countries it's like a two-dollar surplus. It's disgraceful.”
Repeated 3 times
The United States has trade surpluses with many countries, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

NOV 11 2017
“Our trade deals are so bad. Last year, we lost $800 billion, right? Yeah. $800 [billion], approximately. Check it. But approximately $800 billion on trade.”
The trade deficit in goods and services in 2016 was $500 billion. Trump often just cites the goods deficit, which was $752 billion, according to the Census Bureau. But trade in services ran a substantial surplus.

NOV 11 2017
“I saw Dianne Feinstein the other day and I respect her. She was on television the other day saying there's no collusion. The Democrats -- the Republicans come out screaming it, but the Democrats come out, and they say, 'No, there's no collusion.' There is no collusion. There's nothing.”
Feinstein (D-Calif.), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, did not flatly say there was no collusion and instead was more nuanced. Asked by CNN's Jake Tapper on Nov. 5 whether she had "seen any evidence that this dirt, these emails, were ever given to the Trump campaign,” she replied: “Not so far." Tapper than asked: “Have you seen any communications that suggested that the Trump campaign wanted them to release them through a different means?” She answered: “I have not."

NOV 11 2017
“We have a $30 billion trade deficit with South Korea.”
Trump, as is his practice, inflates the size of the trade deficit by only counting goods, not good and services. The 2016 trade deficit with South Korea was $17 billion.

NOV 11 2017
“We have a $70 billion trade deficit with Japan.”
Trump, as is his practice, inflates the size of the trade deficit by only counting goods, not good and services. The 2016 trade deficit with Japan was $55 billion.

NOV 10 2017
“Unemployment is at its lowest level in 17 years.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 10 2017
“The stock market is at an all-time high.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 9 2017
“I don’t blame China, I blame the incompetence of past Admins for allowing China to take advantage of the U.S. on trade leading up to a point where the U.S. is losing $100's of billions. How can you blame China for taking advantage of people that had no clue? I would've done same!”
Trump blasts previous administrations for letting trade deficits with China to climb. But the United States is not losing "100s of billions of dollars" on trade deficits. That reflects a fundamental misunderstanding. A trade deficit simply means that people in one country are buying more goods from another country than people in the second country are buying from the first country. Americans want to buy these products from overseas, either because of quality or price. If Trump sparked a trade war and tariffs were increased on Chinese goods, then it would raise the cost of those products to Americans. Perhaps that would reduce the purchases of those goods, and thus reduce the trade deficit, but that would not mean the United States would “gain” money that had been lost.

NOV 8 2017
“Congratulations to all of the 'DEPLORABLES' and the millions of people who gave us a MASSIVE (304-227) Electoral College landslide victory!”
Repeated 7 times
According to a tally by John Pitney of Claremont McKenna College, every Republican president since Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876 won a larger share of the electoral college votes than Trump, with the exception of George W. Bush (twice) and Nixon in 1968.

NOV 7 2017
“@EdWGillespie will totally turn around the high crime and poor economic performance of VA. MS-13 and crime will be gone. Vote today, ASAP!”
Virginia has among the lowest crime and unemployment rates in the United States.

NOV 7 2017
“Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!”
Trump, who tweeted repeatedly in favor of Gillespie, ignores a House race in which the Republican lost.

NOV 7 2017
“Stock market hit yet another all-time record high yesterday.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 7 2017
“The deal is so bad for rich people, I had to throw in the estate tax just to give them something.”
No matter how you slice it, the superwealthy do rather well under the House GOP proposal. Not only do they benefit from a reduction in tax rates, but there are numerous other provisions that benefits the wealthy, including repeal of the alternative minimum tax and lower rate for pass-through entities. The top one percent end up with about 47 percent of the tax cuts, according to the Tax Policy Center.

NOV 7 2017
“The U.S., under my administration, is completely rebuilding its military, and they're spending hundreds of billions of dollars to the newest and finest military equipment anywhere in the world, being built right now. I want peace through strength!”
Repeated 14 times
This is false. Trump's proposed ten percent increase is actually relatively modest. In the past 30 years, at least one-third of the time the core defense budget was boosted more than Trump's request--in some cases more than double the percentage requested by Trump.

NOV 7 2017
“The United States is going through something of a miracle itself. Our stock market is at an all-time high.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble." He also inherited a thriving economy, so not much of a miracle.

NOV 7 2017
“Unemployment is at a 17-year low.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 7 2017
“The United States, under my administration, is completely rebuilding its military and is spending hundreds of billions of dollars to the newest and finest military equipment anywhere in the world being built, right now. I want peace through strength.”
Repeated 14 times
This is false. Trump's proposed ten percent increase is actually relatively modest. In the past 30 years, at least one-third of the time the core defense budget was boosted more than Trump's request--in some cases more than double the percentage requested by Trump.

NOV 7 2017
“In 2005, after years of diplomacy, the dictatorship agreed to ultimately abandon its nuclear programs and return to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation. But it never did. And worse, it tested the very weapons it said it was going to give up.”
The agreement reached in the Six-Party talks was more ambiguous than Trump indicates, as it suggested that the parties would provide North Korea with light-water nuclear reactors. (That was certainly Pyongyang's interpretation.) Indeed, the statement said the regime would "abandon" its weapons rather than the American-preferred phrase of "dismantle." In any case, the agreement quickly fell part largely because the U.S. Treasury targeted a bank in Macao that handled cash for the North Korean leadership. The North Korean test convinced the George W. Bush administration to get serious about negotiations -- and to abandon the Treasury action.

NOV 7 2017
“You look at the city with the strongest gun laws in our nation, is Chicago, and Chicago is a disaster. It's a total disaster.”
This claim about the impact of Chicago’s gun laws on gun violence relies on outdated gun laws and shoddy data. The state of Illinois has tough gun laws, but several of the most restrictive laws, such as a ban on handguns and a gun registry, are no longer in use. And while the city may have high instances of gun violence, it does not have the highest rate of gun violence.

NOV 6 2017
“I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing. Some of those they are harshly treating have been “milking” their country for years!”
Trump praises an extrajudicial action in Saudi Arabia, which ordinarily the State Department would say was troubling. The arrests and detentions were down under the guise of thwarting corruption, but that's just a fig leaf that Trump appears to endorse.

NOV 6 2017
“My visit to Japan and friendship with PM Abe will yield many benefits, for our great Country. Massive military & energy orders happening+++!”
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times quoted a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“The state of Virginia economy, under Democrat rule, has been terrible.”
Virginia has among the lowest unemployment rates in the United States -- lower than the rest of the country.

NOV 6 2017
“The Prime Minister is ordering a lot of military equipment, as he should be -- as he should be with what's happening with one of your neighbors. So that is happening.”
Repeated 1 time
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times quoted a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“The United States is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world.”
Repeated 31 times
Trump almost never gets this correct. The Pew Research Center, using 2014 data, found that the tax bill for Americans, under various scenarios, is below average for developed countries. In 2014, according to comparative tables of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), revenue as a percentage of the gross domestic product — the broadest measure of the economy — was 26 percent for the United States. Out of 34 countries, that put the United States in the bottom third — and well below the OECD average of 34.4 percent.

NOV 6 2017
“I've reduced regulations terrifically, frankly, if I do say so myself -- but at a level that nobody else has ever done. I've done more in nine months in terms of the reduction of regulations than any President has done in a full term, and it's not even close. ”
Repeated 10 times
This claim cannot be verified as there is not enough data for a comparison, but it's especially a stretch to say he's done more in nine month than any full term president.

NOV 6 2017
“Our unemployment is at a 17-year low.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 6 2017
“The stock market reached an all-time high on Friday, and that's the 61st, I believe -- something around that number -- 61st time that's happened.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 6 2017
“The Keystone Pipeline was dead. And the Dakota Access Pipeline was in even in worse shape because they built it but they weren't allowed to hook it up. So I consider not starting even better than that. And in my first week, I approved both. It's 42,000 jobs. The Dakota is already open and Keystone is starting; it's actually already started.”
Repeated 19 times
Trump appears to be combining two disputed figures — 28,000 jobs for Keystone XL and 12,000 for the Dakota Access Pipeline-- and then hyping it even more. We have looked closely at the Keystone numbers, and the same methodological issues appear to apply to the Dakota estimates. The actual number of Keystone construction jobs, for instance, is just 3,900 on an annualized basis — and other jobs have already been created (such as for building high-strength line pipe.) In the context of the U.S. economy, which just in October added 261,000 jobs, these are not many jobs. Meanwhile, Keystone still needs state approval for construction to start.

NOV 6 2017
“You saw Broadcom is coming in -- top 100 company -- they announced on Thursday from the Oval Office.”
Repeated 2 times
Broadcom was once on the Fortune 500, but fell off in recent years.

NOV 6 2017
“So one of the things, I think, that's very important is that the Prime Minister of Japan is going to be purchasing massive amounts of military equipment, as he should. And we make the best military equipment, by far. He'll be purchasing it from the United States.”
Repeated 1 time
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times {quoted} a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“I approved a power plant, which has been under consideration for 11 years, and they gave up, and I approved it. And it's a $7 billion plant. And the state wanted it and the local community wanted it, but they had environmental restrictions. And now it's being built.”
Trump appears to be referring to a recent $3.7 billion loan guarantee offered by the Trump administration to save a troubled nuclear power plant in Georgia. (The administration is trying to abolish the loan guarantee program but this loan would be grandfathered.) Costs for the plant have soared over $25 billion not because of environmental restrictions but because of construction delays caused by poor workmanship.

NOV 6 2017
“On regulations, while I've reduced regulations terrifically. It would take, as an example, to build a highway -- it would take 17 to 20 years to get approvals. And at the end of 20th year, in many cases, they voted it down. Do you approve? No. So they wasted tens of millions of dollars. There's a highway in Maryland where it took exactly 17 years. And the original numbers were very little, and it ended up costing hundreds of millions of dollars for a very small, short highway. And we can't have that.”
Trump is referring to the Intercounty Connector, an 18.8-mile six-lane toll highway that cost $2.4 billion and was revived in 2003 and completed in 2014, though sections began opening in 2011. So that's either 8 or 11 years. There had long been controversy over the proposed highway, dating back to 1975, with opposition from local government officials, the Maryland general assembly and environmental groups. Trump is being misleading by attributing the delays to government regulations.

NOV 5 2017
“When you look at that horrible dossier which is a total phony fake deal like so much of the news that I read when you look at that and take a look at what's gone on with that and the kind of money we're talking about it is a disgrace.”
Repeated 3 times
While the dossier commissioned by Fusion GPS for Democrats contained salacious elements, broad portions have proven to be largely correct. Fusion has said the former British spy who wrote it received $168,000. The FBI was sufficiently impressed that it considered pay him for additional research.
/----/ OK Porky, let's start with your first distortion:
NOV 13 2017
“We have the highest stock market we've ever had.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

What he also said was: By September 2016, Trump was arguing that the Federal Reserve was propping up a "false economy" that is actually weak. " Well they were. We had zero or near zero interest rates for nearly 8 years while Obozo was in office to prop up the market. How is that a lie?

We do have the highest stock market in history. Because he said it was artificial or a bubble before he was elected doesn't make his statement a lie.

For once one of you clowns made it past the headline but failed to comprehend the headline:
"President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days"

Follow the link. It goes through the whole 298 days. I just published Trump's bullshit from November far.
He's bored this Thanksgiving so he's Tweeting and of course, as usual, called out for lying:

"""Time magazine is disputing President Donald Trump’s claim that he rejected the magazine’s request for an interview and "major photo shoot" ahead of its “Person of the Year” issue."""

Donald J. Trump


Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

4:40 PM - Nov 24, 2017

Time later posted a tweet of its own disputing Trump's account.


The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7:27 PM - Nov 24, 2017

/----/ View attachment 162553

Save that jar for Trump, he's going to need it after his son-in-law is indicted.
He's bored this Thanksgiving so he's Tweeting and of course, as usual, called out for lying:

"""Time magazine is disputing President Donald Trump’s claim that he rejected the magazine’s request for an interview and "major photo shoot" ahead of its “Person of the Year” issue."""

Donald J. Trump


Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

4:40 PM - Nov 24, 2017

Time later posted a tweet of its own disputing Trump's account.


The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7:27 PM - Nov 24, 2017

/----/ View attachment 162553

Save that jar for Trump, he's going to need it after his son-in-law is indicted.
When he is not indicted will you go back to the loony Russia claims, or just make up something else?
He's bored this Thanksgiving so he's Tweeting and of course, as usual, called out for lying:

"""Time magazine is disputing President Donald Trump’s claim that he rejected the magazine’s request for an interview and "major photo shoot" ahead of its “Person of the Year” issue."""

Donald J. Trump


Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

4:40 PM - Nov 24, 2017

Time later posted a tweet of its own disputing Trump's account.


The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7:27 PM - Nov 24, 2017


If he keeps this lying up, he just might get close to 0bama’s record. Of course he’ll have to be re-elected to do that though.

If you want to play with me, you need to get your shit together better than this.

Fact Checker

President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days
365 days of Trump’s claims
  • “Obamacare is a disaster. It's virtually dead. As far as I'm concerned, it really is dead.”

    REPEATED 60 TIMES:Jan 25Feb 10Feb 16Feb 18Feb 27Mar 11Mar 13Mar 15Mar 17Mar 17Mar 17Mar 21Mar 25Apr 23Apr 24Apr 28Apr 29May 1May 4May 4May 5May 5May 5May 7May 12May 18May 28Jun 7Jun 7Jun 8Jun 13Jun 19Jun 19Jun 21Jun 22Jun 23Jun 23Jun 25Jun 27Jun 28Jul 12Jul 14Jul 18Jul 18Jul 18Jul 19Jul 22Jul 24Jul 25Jul 28Aug 22Sep 21Oct 7Oct 10Oct 16Oct 16Oct 16Oct 16Oct 17Oct 17


NOV 13 2017
“We have the highest stock market we've ever had.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 13 2017
“We have the lowest unemployment in 17 years.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 13 2017
“And companies are moving into the United States. A lot of companies are moving. They're moving back. They want to be there. The enthusiasm levels are the highest ever recorded on the charts.”
Repeated 55 times
Trump keeps taking credit for projects that were long in the works before he became president. For example, he repeatedly claims credit for Ford’s decision to abandon its plans to open a factory in Mexico and instead expand its Michigan plant. But analysts say Ford’s decision has more to do with the company’s long-term goal — particularly, its plans to invest in electric vehicles — than the administration. Foxconn considered investing in U.S.-based facilities since 2014, though its initial plans to invest in Pennsylvania didn't pan out. Trump keeps celebrating the company's decision, but the Wisconsin Legislature had not yet approved the $3 billion incentives package amid concerns from taxpayers.

NOV 13 2017
“We've made some very big steps with respect to trade, far bigger than anything you know, in addition to about $300 billion in sales to various companies, including China -- that was $250 billion and going up very substantially from that.”
Trump as usual oversells the value of the deals that were announced in China. Many of the arrangements are nonbinding memorandums rather than legal contracts. For instance, the largest single project unveiled was China Energy Investment Corp.’s plan to invest $83.7 billion in power generation, chemical manufacturing, and underground storage of natural gas liquids and derivatives in West Virginia. But the two sides signed only a memorandum of understanding, not a formal contract, and the dollar figure covers a 20-year period, the state said.

NOV 13 2017
“We've made a lot of big progress on trade. We have deficits with almost everybody. Those deficits are going to be cut very quickly and very substantially.”
On his Asian trip, Trump had little apparent success in attracting countries to his vision of bilateral trade deals. In fact, the other 11 countries in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) announced they would move forward with the multilateral agreement even though Trump quit the agreement. The odds that trade deficits, years in the making, would be "cut very quaickly and very substantially" are rather low indeed.

NOV 12 2017
“There weren’t 17 as was previously reported; there were actually four. But they were saying there was 17; there were actually four.”
Repeated 1 time
Trump uses a rhetorical trick of trying to undermine the results of the Russia assessment by saying it was just three or four agencies, not all 17 intelligence agencies. The report was jointly issued by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Director of National Intelligence. The DNI is an umbrella organization that oversees all 17 intelligence agencies.

NOV 12 2017
“By the way, Hillary Clinton had the reset button. She wanted to get back together with Russia. She even spelled 'reset' wrong. That's how it started, and then it got worse.”
Trump suggests a translation flub led to a decline in relations with Russia. Much like the Trump administration, the incoming Obama administration wanted to reset relations after the George W. Bush had reacted negatively to Russia's attack on Georgia. The Obama outreach coincided with Vladimir Putin stepping back from the presidency for a term. Relations improved while Dmitry Medvedev was president, but then soured again when Putin reclaimed the presidency.

NOV 12 2017
“I got to tour parts of Vietnam, and it's really looking well. It's looking beautiful. And the people are happy, and the people are waving, and they like the United States; perhaps they like me. But they were really lined up in the streets by the tens of thousands, and we very much appreciate that.”
There were crowds, but not in the tens of thousands, according to videos and reporter accounts.

NOV 11 2017
“We then go to the Philippines, which was a rough trip the last time. That was a rough presidential trip, but this won't be.”
Trump appears to be confusing a presidential visit with President Barack Obama's decision to cancel a meeting with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, after he called Obama the "son of a whore." Obama's two visits to the Philippines, in 2014 and 2015, when Benigno S. Aquino 3rd was president, were unremarkable.

NOV 11 2017
Putin "said he didn't meddle. He said he didn't meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. But I just asked him again, and he said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they're saying he did.”
Trump indicated he had discussed election meddling in a meeting with Putin but Putin's office said the subject did not come up.

NOV 11 2017
“Because of the lack of a relationship that we have with Russia because of this artificial thing that's happening with this Democratic-inspired thing, we could really be helped a lot, tremendously, with Russia having to do with North Korea....this artificial Democratic hit job gets in the way. It gets in the way. And that's a shame because people will die because of it. And it's a pure hit job. And it's artificially induced.”
Repeated 29 times
Trump repeatedly claims the Russia investigation is made up or "Democratic-inspired," but the information on Russian efforts to sway the 2016 election was developed by the intelligence community and published in a declassified report, in which the agencies said they had "high confidence" it was correct. Whether or not there was collusion is still under investigation.

NOV 11 2017
“Then you look, and you look at what's going on with Podesta, and you look at what's going on with the server from the DNC and why didn't the FBI take it, why did they leave it; why did a third party look at the server and not the FBI -- if you look at all of this stuff, and you say, what's going on here?”
Repeated 8 times
The FBI and the Democratic National Committee disagree on whether the FBI requested access to the DNC's servers. FBI Director James Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the bureau made "multiple requests at different levels" to access DNC's servers, but the DNC said the FBI never requested access. The DNC ultimately allowed a private company to review its database and share findings with the FBI.

NOV 11 2017
“I mean, give me a break. They're political hacks. So you look at it -- I mean, you have [John] Brennan, you have [James] Clapper, and you have [James] Comey. Comey is proven now to be a liar and he's proven to be a leaker.”
Brennan, Clapper and Comey spent their professional lives in the intelligence and law enforcement worlds and thus are not political hacks. There is no proof that Comey lied about his interactions with Trump.

NOV 11 2017
“Then you hear it's 17 agencies. Well, it's three.”
Repeated 1 time
Trump uses a rhetorical trick of trying to undermine the results of the Russia assessment by saying it was just three or four agencies, not all 17 intelligence agencies. The report was jointly issued by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Director of National Intelligence. The DNI is an umbrella organization that oversees all 17 intelligence agencies.

NOV 11 2017
“Believe it or not, even when I'm in Washington and New York, I do not watch much television.”
This is not a believable statement. Trump clearly watches a lot of TV, judging from his Twitter feed.

NOV 11 2017
President Xi of China "made a statement that he's committed to stopping the nuclearization of North Korea. That's a big statement.”
Xi and other leaders of China have often said this. There was nothing new or remarkable about Xi's statement.

NOV 11 2017
“Look, we have a $71 billion trade deficit with Mexico.”
Repeated 1 time

Trump often exaggerates Mexico's trade deficit, by only counting goods, not services. It was $56 billion in 2016.

NOV 11 2017
“There are few countries we have a surplus with, and those countries it's like a two-dollar surplus. It's disgraceful.”
Repeated 3 times
The United States has trade surpluses with many countries, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

NOV 11 2017
“Our trade deals are so bad. Last year, we lost $800 billion, right? Yeah. $800 [billion], approximately. Check it. But approximately $800 billion on trade.”
The trade deficit in goods and services in 2016 was $500 billion. Trump often just cites the goods deficit, which was $752 billion, according to the Census Bureau. But trade in services ran a substantial surplus.

NOV 11 2017
“I saw Dianne Feinstein the other day and I respect her. She was on television the other day saying there's no collusion. The Democrats -- the Republicans come out screaming it, but the Democrats come out, and they say, 'No, there's no collusion.' There is no collusion. There's nothing.”
Feinstein (D-Calif.), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, did not flatly say there was no collusion and instead was more nuanced. Asked by CNN's Jake Tapper on Nov. 5 whether she had "seen any evidence that this dirt, these emails, were ever given to the Trump campaign,” she replied: “Not so far." Tapper than asked: “Have you seen any communications that suggested that the Trump campaign wanted them to release them through a different means?” She answered: “I have not."

NOV 11 2017
“We have a $30 billion trade deficit with South Korea.”
Trump, as is his practice, inflates the size of the trade deficit by only counting goods, not good and services. The 2016 trade deficit with South Korea was $17 billion.

NOV 11 2017
“We have a $70 billion trade deficit with Japan.”
Trump, as is his practice, inflates the size of the trade deficit by only counting goods, not good and services. The 2016 trade deficit with Japan was $55 billion.

NOV 10 2017
“Unemployment is at its lowest level in 17 years.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 10 2017
“The stock market is at an all-time high.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 9 2017
“I don’t blame China, I blame the incompetence of past Admins for allowing China to take advantage of the U.S. on trade leading up to a point where the U.S. is losing $100's of billions. How can you blame China for taking advantage of people that had no clue? I would've done same!”
Trump blasts previous administrations for letting trade deficits with China to climb. But the United States is not losing "100s of billions of dollars" on trade deficits. That reflects a fundamental misunderstanding. A trade deficit simply means that people in one country are buying more goods from another country than people in the second country are buying from the first country. Americans want to buy these products from overseas, either because of quality or price. If Trump sparked a trade war and tariffs were increased on Chinese goods, then it would raise the cost of those products to Americans. Perhaps that would reduce the purchases of those goods, and thus reduce the trade deficit, but that would not mean the United States would “gain” money that had been lost.

NOV 8 2017
“Congratulations to all of the 'DEPLORABLES' and the millions of people who gave us a MASSIVE (304-227) Electoral College landslide victory!”
Repeated 7 times
According to a tally by John Pitney of Claremont McKenna College, every Republican president since Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876 won a larger share of the electoral college votes than Trump, with the exception of George W. Bush (twice) and Nixon in 1968.

NOV 7 2017
“@EdWGillespie will totally turn around the high crime and poor economic performance of VA. MS-13 and crime will be gone. Vote today, ASAP!”
Virginia has among the lowest crime and unemployment rates in the United States.

NOV 7 2017
“Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!”
Trump, who tweeted repeatedly in favor of Gillespie, ignores a House race in which the Republican lost.

NOV 7 2017
“Stock market hit yet another all-time record high yesterday.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 7 2017
“The deal is so bad for rich people, I had to throw in the estate tax just to give them something.”
No matter how you slice it, the superwealthy do rather well under the House GOP proposal. Not only do they benefit from a reduction in tax rates, but there are numerous other provisions that benefits the wealthy, including repeal of the alternative minimum tax and lower rate for pass-through entities. The top one percent end up with about 47 percent of the tax cuts, according to the Tax Policy Center.

NOV 7 2017
“The U.S., under my administration, is completely rebuilding its military, and they're spending hundreds of billions of dollars to the newest and finest military equipment anywhere in the world, being built right now. I want peace through strength!”
Repeated 14 times
This is false. Trump's proposed ten percent increase is actually relatively modest. In the past 30 years, at least one-third of the time the core defense budget was boosted more than Trump's request--in some cases more than double the percentage requested by Trump.

NOV 7 2017
“The United States is going through something of a miracle itself. Our stock market is at an all-time high.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble." He also inherited a thriving economy, so not much of a miracle.

NOV 7 2017
“Unemployment is at a 17-year low.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 7 2017
“The United States, under my administration, is completely rebuilding its military and is spending hundreds of billions of dollars to the newest and finest military equipment anywhere in the world being built, right now. I want peace through strength.”
Repeated 14 times
This is false. Trump's proposed ten percent increase is actually relatively modest. In the past 30 years, at least one-third of the time the core defense budget was boosted more than Trump's request--in some cases more than double the percentage requested by Trump.

NOV 7 2017
“In 2005, after years of diplomacy, the dictatorship agreed to ultimately abandon its nuclear programs and return to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation. But it never did. And worse, it tested the very weapons it said it was going to give up.”
The agreement reached in the Six-Party talks was more ambiguous than Trump indicates, as it suggested that the parties would provide North Korea with light-water nuclear reactors. (That was certainly Pyongyang's interpretation.) Indeed, the statement said the regime would "abandon" its weapons rather than the American-preferred phrase of "dismantle." In any case, the agreement quickly fell part largely because the U.S. Treasury targeted a bank in Macao that handled cash for the North Korean leadership. The North Korean test convinced the George W. Bush administration to get serious about negotiations -- and to abandon the Treasury action.

NOV 7 2017
“You look at the city with the strongest gun laws in our nation, is Chicago, and Chicago is a disaster. It's a total disaster.”
This claim about the impact of Chicago’s gun laws on gun violence relies on outdated gun laws and shoddy data. The state of Illinois has tough gun laws, but several of the most restrictive laws, such as a ban on handguns and a gun registry, are no longer in use. And while the city may have high instances of gun violence, it does not have the highest rate of gun violence.

NOV 6 2017
“I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing. Some of those they are harshly treating have been “milking” their country for years!”
Trump praises an extrajudicial action in Saudi Arabia, which ordinarily the State Department would say was troubling. The arrests and detentions were down under the guise of thwarting corruption, but that's just a fig leaf that Trump appears to endorse.

NOV 6 2017
“My visit to Japan and friendship with PM Abe will yield many benefits, for our great Country. Massive military & energy orders happening+++!”
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times quoted a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“The state of Virginia economy, under Democrat rule, has been terrible.”
Virginia has among the lowest unemployment rates in the United States -- lower than the rest of the country.

NOV 6 2017
“The Prime Minister is ordering a lot of military equipment, as he should be -- as he should be with what's happening with one of your neighbors. So that is happening.”
Repeated 1 time
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times quoted a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“The United States is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world.”
Repeated 31 times
Trump almost never gets this correct. The Pew Research Center, using 2014 data, found that the tax bill for Americans, under various scenarios, is below average for developed countries. In 2014, according to comparative tables of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), revenue as a percentage of the gross domestic product — the broadest measure of the economy — was 26 percent for the United States. Out of 34 countries, that put the United States in the bottom third — and well below the OECD average of 34.4 percent.

NOV 6 2017
“I've reduced regulations terrifically, frankly, if I do say so myself -- but at a level that nobody else has ever done. I've done more in nine months in terms of the reduction of regulations than any President has done in a full term, and it's not even close. ”
Repeated 10 times
This claim cannot be verified as there is not enough data for a comparison, but it's especially a stretch to say he's done more in nine month than any full term president.

NOV 6 2017
“Our unemployment is at a 17-year low.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 6 2017
“The stock market reached an all-time high on Friday, and that's the 61st, I believe -- something around that number -- 61st time that's happened.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 6 2017
“The Keystone Pipeline was dead. And the Dakota Access Pipeline was in even in worse shape because they built it but they weren't allowed to hook it up. So I consider not starting even better than that. And in my first week, I approved both. It's 42,000 jobs. The Dakota is already open and Keystone is starting; it's actually already started.”
Repeated 19 times
Trump appears to be combining two disputed figures — 28,000 jobs for Keystone XL and 12,000 for the Dakota Access Pipeline-- and then hyping it even more. We have looked closely at the Keystone numbers, and the same methodological issues appear to apply to the Dakota estimates. The actual number of Keystone construction jobs, for instance, is just 3,900 on an annualized basis — and other jobs have already been created (such as for building high-strength line pipe.) In the context of the U.S. economy, which just in October added 261,000 jobs, these are not many jobs. Meanwhile, Keystone still needs state approval for construction to start.

NOV 6 2017
“You saw Broadcom is coming in -- top 100 company -- they announced on Thursday from the Oval Office.”
Repeated 2 times
Broadcom was once on the Fortune 500, but fell off in recent years.

NOV 6 2017
“So one of the things, I think, that's very important is that the Prime Minister of Japan is going to be purchasing massive amounts of military equipment, as he should. And we make the best military equipment, by far. He'll be purchasing it from the United States.”
Repeated 1 time
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times {quoted} a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“I approved a power plant, which has been under consideration for 11 years, and they gave up, and I approved it. And it's a $7 billion plant. And the state wanted it and the local community wanted it, but they had environmental restrictions. And now it's being built.”
Trump appears to be referring to a recent $3.7 billion loan guarantee offered by the Trump administration to save a troubled nuclear power plant in Georgia. (The administration is trying to abolish the loan guarantee program but this loan would be grandfathered.) Costs for the plant have soared over $25 billion not because of environmental restrictions but because of construction delays caused by poor workmanship.

NOV 6 2017
“On regulations, while I've reduced regulations terrifically. It would take, as an example, to build a highway -- it would take 17 to 20 years to get approvals. And at the end of 20th year, in many cases, they voted it down. Do you approve? No. So they wasted tens of millions of dollars. There's a highway in Maryland where it took exactly 17 years. And the original numbers were very little, and it ended up costing hundreds of millions of dollars for a very small, short highway. And we can't have that.”
Trump is referring to the Intercounty Connector, an 18.8-mile six-lane toll highway that cost $2.4 billion and was revived in 2003 and completed in 2014, though sections began opening in 2011. So that's either 8 or 11 years. There had long been controversy over the proposed highway, dating back to 1975, with opposition from local government officials, the Maryland general assembly and environmental groups. Trump is being misleading by attributing the delays to government regulations.

NOV 5 2017
“When you look at that horrible dossier which is a total phony fake deal like so much of the news that I read when you look at that and take a look at what's gone on with that and the kind of money we're talking about it is a disgrace.”
Repeated 3 times
While the dossier commissioned by Fusion GPS for Democrats contained salacious elements, broad portions have proven to be largely correct. Fusion has said the former British spy who wrote it received $168,000. The FBI was sufficiently impressed that it considered pay him for additional research.
/----/ OK Porky, let's start with your first distortion:
NOV 13 2017
“We have the highest stock market we've ever had.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

What he also said was: By September 2016, Trump was arguing that the Federal Reserve was propping up a "false economy" that is actually weak. " Well they were. We had zero or near zero interest rates for nearly 8 years while Obozo was in office to prop up the market. How is that a lie?

We do have the highest stock market in history. Because he said it was artificial or a bubble before he was elected doesn't make his statement a lie.

For once one of you clowns made it past the headline but failed to comprehend the headline:
"President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days"

Follow the link. It goes through the whole 298 days. I just published Trump's bullshit from November far.
/----/ His comments were neither false or misleading. “We have the highest stock market we've ever had.” is a true statement.
He's bored this Thanksgiving so he's Tweeting and of course, as usual, called out for lying:

"""Time magazine is disputing President Donald Trump’s claim that he rejected the magazine’s request for an interview and "major photo shoot" ahead of its “Person of the Year” issue."""

Donald J. Trump


Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

4:40 PM - Nov 24, 2017

Time later posted a tweet of its own disputing Trump's account.


The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7:27 PM - Nov 24, 2017


If he keeps this lying up, he just might get close to 0bama’s record. Of course he’ll have to be re-elected to do that though.

If you want to play with me, you need to get your shit together better than this.

Fact Checker

President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days
365 days of Trump’s claims
  • “Obamacare is a disaster. It's virtually dead. As far as I'm concerned, it really is dead.”

    REPEATED 60 TIMES:Jan 25Feb 10Feb 16Feb 18Feb 27Mar 11Mar 13Mar 15Mar 17Mar 17Mar 17Mar 21Mar 25Apr 23Apr 24Apr 28Apr 29May 1May 4May 4May 5May 5May 5May 7May 12May 18May 28Jun 7Jun 7Jun 8Jun 13Jun 19Jun 19Jun 21Jun 22Jun 23Jun 23Jun 25Jun 27Jun 28Jul 12Jul 14Jul 18Jul 18Jul 18Jul 19Jul 22Jul 24Jul 25Jul 28Aug 22Sep 21Oct 7Oct 10Oct 16Oct 16Oct 16Oct 16Oct 17Oct 17


NOV 13 2017
“We have the highest stock market we've ever had.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 13 2017
“We have the lowest unemployment in 17 years.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 13 2017
“And companies are moving into the United States. A lot of companies are moving. They're moving back. They want to be there. The enthusiasm levels are the highest ever recorded on the charts.”
Repeated 55 times
Trump keeps taking credit for projects that were long in the works before he became president. For example, he repeatedly claims credit for Ford’s decision to abandon its plans to open a factory in Mexico and instead expand its Michigan plant. But analysts say Ford’s decision has more to do with the company’s long-term goal — particularly, its plans to invest in electric vehicles — than the administration. Foxconn considered investing in U.S.-based facilities since 2014, though its initial plans to invest in Pennsylvania didn't pan out. Trump keeps celebrating the company's decision, but the Wisconsin Legislature had not yet approved the $3 billion incentives package amid concerns from taxpayers.

NOV 13 2017
“We've made some very big steps with respect to trade, far bigger than anything you know, in addition to about $300 billion in sales to various companies, including China -- that was $250 billion and going up very substantially from that.”
Trump as usual oversells the value of the deals that were announced in China. Many of the arrangements are nonbinding memorandums rather than legal contracts. For instance, the largest single project unveiled was China Energy Investment Corp.’s plan to invest $83.7 billion in power generation, chemical manufacturing, and underground storage of natural gas liquids and derivatives in West Virginia. But the two sides signed only a memorandum of understanding, not a formal contract, and the dollar figure covers a 20-year period, the state said.

NOV 13 2017
“We've made a lot of big progress on trade. We have deficits with almost everybody. Those deficits are going to be cut very quickly and very substantially.”
On his Asian trip, Trump had little apparent success in attracting countries to his vision of bilateral trade deals. In fact, the other 11 countries in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) announced they would move forward with the multilateral agreement even though Trump quit the agreement. The odds that trade deficits, years in the making, would be "cut very quaickly and very substantially" are rather low indeed.

NOV 12 2017
“There weren’t 17 as was previously reported; there were actually four. But they were saying there was 17; there were actually four.”
Repeated 1 time
Trump uses a rhetorical trick of trying to undermine the results of the Russia assessment by saying it was just three or four agencies, not all 17 intelligence agencies. The report was jointly issued by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Director of National Intelligence. The DNI is an umbrella organization that oversees all 17 intelligence agencies.

NOV 12 2017
“By the way, Hillary Clinton had the reset button. She wanted to get back together with Russia. She even spelled 'reset' wrong. That's how it started, and then it got worse.”
Trump suggests a translation flub led to a decline in relations with Russia. Much like the Trump administration, the incoming Obama administration wanted to reset relations after the George W. Bush had reacted negatively to Russia's attack on Georgia. The Obama outreach coincided with Vladimir Putin stepping back from the presidency for a term. Relations improved while Dmitry Medvedev was president, but then soured again when Putin reclaimed the presidency.

NOV 12 2017
“I got to tour parts of Vietnam, and it's really looking well. It's looking beautiful. And the people are happy, and the people are waving, and they like the United States; perhaps they like me. But they were really lined up in the streets by the tens of thousands, and we very much appreciate that.”
There were crowds, but not in the tens of thousands, according to videos and reporter accounts.

NOV 11 2017
“We then go to the Philippines, which was a rough trip the last time. That was a rough presidential trip, but this won't be.”
Trump appears to be confusing a presidential visit with President Barack Obama's decision to cancel a meeting with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, after he called Obama the "son of a whore." Obama's two visits to the Philippines, in 2014 and 2015, when Benigno S. Aquino 3rd was president, were unremarkable.

NOV 11 2017
Putin "said he didn't meddle. He said he didn't meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. But I just asked him again, and he said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they're saying he did.”
Trump indicated he had discussed election meddling in a meeting with Putin but Putin's office said the subject did not come up.

NOV 11 2017
“Because of the lack of a relationship that we have with Russia because of this artificial thing that's happening with this Democratic-inspired thing, we could really be helped a lot, tremendously, with Russia having to do with North Korea....this artificial Democratic hit job gets in the way. It gets in the way. And that's a shame because people will die because of it. And it's a pure hit job. And it's artificially induced.”
Repeated 29 times
Trump repeatedly claims the Russia investigation is made up or "Democratic-inspired," but the information on Russian efforts to sway the 2016 election was developed by the intelligence community and published in a declassified report, in which the agencies said they had "high confidence" it was correct. Whether or not there was collusion is still under investigation.

NOV 11 2017
“Then you look, and you look at what's going on with Podesta, and you look at what's going on with the server from the DNC and why didn't the FBI take it, why did they leave it; why did a third party look at the server and not the FBI -- if you look at all of this stuff, and you say, what's going on here?”
Repeated 8 times
The FBI and the Democratic National Committee disagree on whether the FBI requested access to the DNC's servers. FBI Director James Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the bureau made "multiple requests at different levels" to access DNC's servers, but the DNC said the FBI never requested access. The DNC ultimately allowed a private company to review its database and share findings with the FBI.

NOV 11 2017
“I mean, give me a break. They're political hacks. So you look at it -- I mean, you have [John] Brennan, you have [James] Clapper, and you have [James] Comey. Comey is proven now to be a liar and he's proven to be a leaker.”
Brennan, Clapper and Comey spent their professional lives in the intelligence and law enforcement worlds and thus are not political hacks. There is no proof that Comey lied about his interactions with Trump.

NOV 11 2017
“Then you hear it's 17 agencies. Well, it's three.”
Repeated 1 time
Trump uses a rhetorical trick of trying to undermine the results of the Russia assessment by saying it was just three or four agencies, not all 17 intelligence agencies. The report was jointly issued by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Director of National Intelligence. The DNI is an umbrella organization that oversees all 17 intelligence agencies.

NOV 11 2017
“Believe it or not, even when I'm in Washington and New York, I do not watch much television.”
This is not a believable statement. Trump clearly watches a lot of TV, judging from his Twitter feed.

NOV 11 2017
President Xi of China "made a statement that he's committed to stopping the nuclearization of North Korea. That's a big statement.”
Xi and other leaders of China have often said this. There was nothing new or remarkable about Xi's statement.

NOV 11 2017
“Look, we have a $71 billion trade deficit with Mexico.”
Repeated 1 time

Trump often exaggerates Mexico's trade deficit, by only counting goods, not services. It was $56 billion in 2016.

NOV 11 2017
“There are few countries we have a surplus with, and those countries it's like a two-dollar surplus. It's disgraceful.”
Repeated 3 times
The United States has trade surpluses with many countries, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

NOV 11 2017
“Our trade deals are so bad. Last year, we lost $800 billion, right? Yeah. $800 [billion], approximately. Check it. But approximately $800 billion on trade.”
The trade deficit in goods and services in 2016 was $500 billion. Trump often just cites the goods deficit, which was $752 billion, according to the Census Bureau. But trade in services ran a substantial surplus.

NOV 11 2017
“I saw Dianne Feinstein the other day and I respect her. She was on television the other day saying there's no collusion. The Democrats -- the Republicans come out screaming it, but the Democrats come out, and they say, 'No, there's no collusion.' There is no collusion. There's nothing.”
Feinstein (D-Calif.), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, did not flatly say there was no collusion and instead was more nuanced. Asked by CNN's Jake Tapper on Nov. 5 whether she had "seen any evidence that this dirt, these emails, were ever given to the Trump campaign,” she replied: “Not so far." Tapper than asked: “Have you seen any communications that suggested that the Trump campaign wanted them to release them through a different means?” She answered: “I have not."

NOV 11 2017
“We have a $30 billion trade deficit with South Korea.”
Trump, as is his practice, inflates the size of the trade deficit by only counting goods, not good and services. The 2016 trade deficit with South Korea was $17 billion.

NOV 11 2017
“We have a $70 billion trade deficit with Japan.”
Trump, as is his practice, inflates the size of the trade deficit by only counting goods, not good and services. The 2016 trade deficit with Japan was $55 billion.

NOV 10 2017
“Unemployment is at its lowest level in 17 years.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 10 2017
“The stock market is at an all-time high.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 9 2017
“I don’t blame China, I blame the incompetence of past Admins for allowing China to take advantage of the U.S. on trade leading up to a point where the U.S. is losing $100's of billions. How can you blame China for taking advantage of people that had no clue? I would've done same!”
Trump blasts previous administrations for letting trade deficits with China to climb. But the United States is not losing "100s of billions of dollars" on trade deficits. That reflects a fundamental misunderstanding. A trade deficit simply means that people in one country are buying more goods from another country than people in the second country are buying from the first country. Americans want to buy these products from overseas, either because of quality or price. If Trump sparked a trade war and tariffs were increased on Chinese goods, then it would raise the cost of those products to Americans. Perhaps that would reduce the purchases of those goods, and thus reduce the trade deficit, but that would not mean the United States would “gain” money that had been lost.

NOV 8 2017
“Congratulations to all of the 'DEPLORABLES' and the millions of people who gave us a MASSIVE (304-227) Electoral College landslide victory!”
Repeated 7 times
According to a tally by John Pitney of Claremont McKenna College, every Republican president since Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876 won a larger share of the electoral college votes than Trump, with the exception of George W. Bush (twice) and Nixon in 1968.

NOV 7 2017
“@EdWGillespie will totally turn around the high crime and poor economic performance of VA. MS-13 and crime will be gone. Vote today, ASAP!”
Virginia has among the lowest crime and unemployment rates in the United States.

NOV 7 2017
“Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!”
Trump, who tweeted repeatedly in favor of Gillespie, ignores a House race in which the Republican lost.

NOV 7 2017
“Stock market hit yet another all-time record high yesterday.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 7 2017
“The deal is so bad for rich people, I had to throw in the estate tax just to give them something.”
No matter how you slice it, the superwealthy do rather well under the House GOP proposal. Not only do they benefit from a reduction in tax rates, but there are numerous other provisions that benefits the wealthy, including repeal of the alternative minimum tax and lower rate for pass-through entities. The top one percent end up with about 47 percent of the tax cuts, according to the Tax Policy Center.

NOV 7 2017
“The U.S., under my administration, is completely rebuilding its military, and they're spending hundreds of billions of dollars to the newest and finest military equipment anywhere in the world, being built right now. I want peace through strength!”
Repeated 14 times
This is false. Trump's proposed ten percent increase is actually relatively modest. In the past 30 years, at least one-third of the time the core defense budget was boosted more than Trump's request--in some cases more than double the percentage requested by Trump.

NOV 7 2017
“The United States is going through something of a miracle itself. Our stock market is at an all-time high.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble." He also inherited a thriving economy, so not much of a miracle.

NOV 7 2017
“Unemployment is at a 17-year low.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 7 2017
“The United States, under my administration, is completely rebuilding its military and is spending hundreds of billions of dollars to the newest and finest military equipment anywhere in the world being built, right now. I want peace through strength.”
Repeated 14 times
This is false. Trump's proposed ten percent increase is actually relatively modest. In the past 30 years, at least one-third of the time the core defense budget was boosted more than Trump's request--in some cases more than double the percentage requested by Trump.

NOV 7 2017
“In 2005, after years of diplomacy, the dictatorship agreed to ultimately abandon its nuclear programs and return to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation. But it never did. And worse, it tested the very weapons it said it was going to give up.”
The agreement reached in the Six-Party talks was more ambiguous than Trump indicates, as it suggested that the parties would provide North Korea with light-water nuclear reactors. (That was certainly Pyongyang's interpretation.) Indeed, the statement said the regime would "abandon" its weapons rather than the American-preferred phrase of "dismantle." In any case, the agreement quickly fell part largely because the U.S. Treasury targeted a bank in Macao that handled cash for the North Korean leadership. The North Korean test convinced the George W. Bush administration to get serious about negotiations -- and to abandon the Treasury action.

NOV 7 2017
“You look at the city with the strongest gun laws in our nation, is Chicago, and Chicago is a disaster. It's a total disaster.”
This claim about the impact of Chicago’s gun laws on gun violence relies on outdated gun laws and shoddy data. The state of Illinois has tough gun laws, but several of the most restrictive laws, such as a ban on handguns and a gun registry, are no longer in use. And while the city may have high instances of gun violence, it does not have the highest rate of gun violence.

NOV 6 2017
“I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing. Some of those they are harshly treating have been “milking” their country for years!”
Trump praises an extrajudicial action in Saudi Arabia, which ordinarily the State Department would say was troubling. The arrests and detentions were down under the guise of thwarting corruption, but that's just a fig leaf that Trump appears to endorse.

NOV 6 2017
“My visit to Japan and friendship with PM Abe will yield many benefits, for our great Country. Massive military & energy orders happening+++!”
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times quoted a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“The state of Virginia economy, under Democrat rule, has been terrible.”
Virginia has among the lowest unemployment rates in the United States -- lower than the rest of the country.

NOV 6 2017
“The Prime Minister is ordering a lot of military equipment, as he should be -- as he should be with what's happening with one of your neighbors. So that is happening.”
Repeated 1 time
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times quoted a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“The United States is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world.”
Repeated 31 times
Trump almost never gets this correct. The Pew Research Center, using 2014 data, found that the tax bill for Americans, under various scenarios, is below average for developed countries. In 2014, according to comparative tables of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), revenue as a percentage of the gross domestic product — the broadest measure of the economy — was 26 percent for the United States. Out of 34 countries, that put the United States in the bottom third — and well below the OECD average of 34.4 percent.

NOV 6 2017
“I've reduced regulations terrifically, frankly, if I do say so myself -- but at a level that nobody else has ever done. I've done more in nine months in terms of the reduction of regulations than any President has done in a full term, and it's not even close. ”
Repeated 10 times
This claim cannot be verified as there is not enough data for a comparison, but it's especially a stretch to say he's done more in nine month than any full term president.

NOV 6 2017
“Our unemployment is at a 17-year low.”
Repeated 33 times
Trump now uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate to say this, which is a flip-flop from his previous claims dismissing the BLS unemployment rate as "nonsense."

NOV 6 2017
“The stock market reached an all-time high on Friday, and that's the 61st, I believe -- something around that number -- 61st time that's happened.”
Repeated 57 times
This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble."

NOV 6 2017
“The Keystone Pipeline was dead. And the Dakota Access Pipeline was in even in worse shape because they built it but they weren't allowed to hook it up. So I consider not starting even better than that. And in my first week, I approved both. It's 42,000 jobs. The Dakota is already open and Keystone is starting; it's actually already started.”
Repeated 19 times
Trump appears to be combining two disputed figures — 28,000 jobs for Keystone XL and 12,000 for the Dakota Access Pipeline-- and then hyping it even more. We have looked closely at the Keystone numbers, and the same methodological issues appear to apply to the Dakota estimates. The actual number of Keystone construction jobs, for instance, is just 3,900 on an annualized basis — and other jobs have already been created (such as for building high-strength line pipe.) In the context of the U.S. economy, which just in October added 261,000 jobs, these are not many jobs. Meanwhile, Keystone still needs state approval for construction to start.

NOV 6 2017
“You saw Broadcom is coming in -- top 100 company -- they announced on Thursday from the Oval Office.”
Repeated 2 times
Broadcom was once on the Fortune 500, but fell off in recent years.

NOV 6 2017
“So one of the things, I think, that's very important is that the Prime Minister of Japan is going to be purchasing massive amounts of military equipment, as he should. And we make the best military equipment, by far. He'll be purchasing it from the United States.”
Repeated 1 time
The Japanese government immediately disputed this statement. The Japan Times {quoted} a defense official as saying: “We’ll proceed with the existing plan, without worrying about the president’s remarks.”

NOV 6 2017
“I approved a power plant, which has been under consideration for 11 years, and they gave up, and I approved it. And it's a $7 billion plant. And the state wanted it and the local community wanted it, but they had environmental restrictions. And now it's being built.”
Trump appears to be referring to a recent $3.7 billion loan guarantee offered by the Trump administration to save a troubled nuclear power plant in Georgia. (The administration is trying to abolish the loan guarantee program but this loan would be grandfathered.) Costs for the plant have soared over $25 billion not because of environmental restrictions but because of construction delays caused by poor workmanship.

NOV 6 2017
“On regulations, while I've reduced regulations terrifically. It would take, as an example, to build a highway -- it would take 17 to 20 years to get approvals. And at the end of 20th year, in many cases, they voted it down. Do you approve? No. So they wasted tens of millions of dollars. There's a highway in Maryland where it took exactly 17 years. And the original numbers were very little, and it ended up costing hundreds of millions of dollars for a very small, short highway. And we can't have that.”
Trump is referring to the Intercounty Connector, an 18.8-mile six-lane toll highway that cost $2.4 billion and was revived in 2003 and completed in 2014, though sections began opening in 2011. So that's either 8 or 11 years. There had long been controversy over the proposed highway, dating back to 1975, with opposition from local government officials, the Maryland general assembly and environmental groups. Trump is being misleading by attributing the delays to government regulations.

NOV 5 2017
“When you look at that horrible dossier which is a total phony fake deal like so much of the news that I read when you look at that and take a look at what's gone on with that and the kind of money we're talking about it is a disgrace.”
Repeated 3 times
While the dossier commissioned by Fusion GPS for Democrats contained salacious elements, broad portions have proven to be largely correct. Fusion has said the former British spy who wrote it received $168,000. The FBI was sufficiently impressed that it considered pay him for additional research.

Hmm..he better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch up to 0bama.
He's bored this Thanksgiving so he's Tweeting and of course, as usual, called out for lying:

"""Time magazine is disputing President Donald Trump’s claim that he rejected the magazine’s request for an interview and "major photo shoot" ahead of its “Person of the Year” issue."""

Donald J. Trump


Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

4:40 PM - Nov 24, 2017

Time later posted a tweet of its own disputing Trump's account.


The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7:27 PM - Nov 24, 2017

/----/ View attachment 162553

Save that jar for Trump, he's going to need it after his son-in-law is indicted.
When he is not indicted will you go back to the loony Russia claims, or just make up something else?

You're a fucking idiot if you think there's nothing going on with the Russians and Trumps.
And Michael Flynn is going to prove just how much an idiot you are. He's going to flip for the FBI to save his son.
SIt back and watch.

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