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Trump, the socialist we don't want back into office.

And lest we forget, trillions from the Fed, and he BEGGED for MORE:

He and his media held this kind of stuff back from the rubes, who still believe the "greatest economy ever" bullshit. Trump is nothing without his enablers in MAGA media and the craven politicians who keep their mouths shut.

Not only that, but him and Pelosi went under the borrowing radar, when they BOTH eliminated the debt ceiling for 2 years.

How TF Trump still has Republican support is beyond me. The damn democrats should be recruiting him. He's been a pro choice democrat for a lot longer than he's been a republican. Not to mention the fact that he caved to Pelosi every time she wanted to fund some stupid liberal crap.

Trump's a socialist loser. And his worshippers are blind.
I was exposing a disingenuous douchebag and his phony criteria for disqualifying someone's credibility.

Now, how about answering my question posed in #3?

What you are doing is just trying to change the subject to Obama. It's called "whataboutism" and it's used as a liberal debate ploy to take the heat off of Lying Socialist Trump.
Because it's the only two choices you logically have. Vote for one or the other, stay home and don't vote at all, or waste your time voting for a third party which accomplishes nothing.

When you vote for one of the R or D's, all you're doing is selecting who the lobbyist are going to own. You're not really voting for someone who's going to represent you. They represent the lobbyist who buy their committee seat for $500K or more, per year.
So if you vote republican and your candidate wins, all you get out of it is the satisfaction of voting for a winner. But you're not going to get any satisfaction out of his legislative voting record.
You only have two decent republicans in your state. Jim Jordan and Warren Davidson. The rest of them, including the republicans are far left of center. In the entire USA, there are very few congressmen or senators with liberty scores in the 90's. And extremely low amount in the high 90's. And only a handful that scores 100.

One thing is for sure, a LOT of those low scoring republicans are Trump boot lickers. They supported all of Trumps spending. They supported his reauthorization of unconstitutional crap like FISA 702 & the NDAA. And they supported his socialist Platinum Plan.
When you vote for one of the R or D's, all you're doing is selecting who the lobbyist are going to own. You're not really voting for someone who's going to represent you. They represent the lobbyist who buy their committee seat for $500K or more, per year.
So if you vote republican and your candidate wins, all you get out of it is the satisfaction of voting for a winner. But you're not going to get any satisfaction out of his legislative voting record.
You only have two decent republicans in your state. Jim Jordan and Warren Davidson. The rest of them, including the republicans are far left of center. In the entire USA, there are very few congressmen or senators with liberty scores in the 90's. And extremely low amount in the high 90's. And only a handful that scores 100.

One thing is for sure, a LOT of those low scoring republicans are Trump boot lickers. They supported all of Trumps spending. They supported his reauthorization of unconstitutional crap like FISA 702 & the NDAA. And they supported his socialist Platinum Plan.

What is with you people that think a President is the person responsible for spending money? Didn't any of your schools teach you how government actually works?

Lobbyists don't get people elected--voters do. If a representative doesn't do their job (like Lez Cheney) they get voted out and all the lobbyists in the country can't help them. Now, as far as Trump is concerned, who was the last President that governed more conservatively than President Trump? He did wonders on the border problem, fuel was relatively cheap even amid the best economy we had in 50 years. The Border Patrol never endorsed any presidential candidate except Trump because of his tough stance on the border. He lowered taxes for businesses and workers alike. He attacked the main stream media countless times. He supported our police and military, stopped weirdos in dresses from getting into our armed forces, and even appointed SC justices that led to the overturning of Row vs Wade. How much more conservative can you get?

Now, as far as giving blacks money, that's how politics is played. Conservatives have long been accused of doing nothing for the black community. In return, Trump increased his black voter turnout by 50% and even drew in more Hispanic votes than his first run. Sorry, but if you don't do something for minorities, you are going to lose your next election. If you don't give Democrats something they want, you're not going to get anything you want, and that's why our spending is out of control.
As you know, President Trump had nothing to do with the massive inflation we are suffering through today.

As you know too, inflation started the moment he won the election. President Biden had promised to crush our oil, gas, and coal industries along with the promise of spending trillions. How does those promises bring with it rampant inflation?

Are you that monetarily ignorant? Inflation and economic down turns are years in the making.

Biden promised to crush oil, gas & coal and you believed him. He's just the president. He doesn't have the power to do that. Him making that stupid pledge was about as stupid as Trump pledging to make Mexico pay for the wall, or paying down the then $19 TRILLION deficit in only 8 years. Biden can't crush oil because even our own military couldn't do without it. And since oil/gas isn't state owned, the president, any president has extremely limited powers as to what he can do. And even that's only limited to federal lands.
The 800 million acres of new oil leases in the gulf that Biden stopped, had no effect on the amount of oil being produced. There were no drilling rigs on those locations. There wasn't even any geological survey's done on those leases to tell if there even was oil/gas there. Plus, Biden opened up the leases again like 6 months later.

Biden was a moron for creating the drama with big oil. But he in no way, shape or form, slowed the production of oil/gas. Oil companies just weren't interested in drilling. They were even using the drilling permits they had on hand, because the demand was so low. It was so low, that the oil companies shut down a huge amount of refineries, because they just weren't needed.
Are you that monetarily ignorant? Inflation and economic down turns are years in the making.

Biden promised to crush oil, gas & coal and you believed him. He's just the president. He doesn't have the power to do that. Him making that stupid pledge was about as stupid as Trump pledging to make Mexico pay for the wall, or paying down the then $19 TRILLION deficit in only 8 years. Biden can't crush oil because even our own military couldn't do without it. And since oil/gas isn't state owned, the president, any president has extremely limited powers as to what he can do. And even that's only limited to federal lands.
The 800 million acres of new oil leases in the gulf that Biden stopped, had no effect on the amount of oil being produced. There were no drilling rigs on those locations. There wasn't even any geological survey's done on those leases to tell if there even was oil/gas there. Plus, Biden opened up the leases again like 6 months later.

Biden was a moron for creating the drama with big oil. But he in no way, shape or form, slowed the production of oil/gas. Oil companies just weren't interested in drilling. They were even using the drilling permits they had on hand, because the demand was so low. It was so low, that the oil companies shut down a huge amount of refineries, because they just weren't needed.

Apparently you have no idea how the market works. Take it from somebody that traded commodity contracts for a few years, a Presidents policies play a huge role in the price of fuel.

Investors (or speculators as they call us) invest based on the available news. When the news reports trouble with a commodity, we buy long contracts (long meaning the price will go up). If the news is good, we buy short contracts which as you might have guessed, has the opposite effects. It doesn't matter which way you put your money, as long as it goes in the direction you predict. You make the same exact amount of money either way.

When this country replaced a pro-energy President with an anti-energy President, what do you think speculators did?? That's right, they bought long contracts. Oil is a big money game. It's not for the faint hearted. If you own one contract of oil, every time it moves one dollar a barrel, you make or lose $1,000.

So now if your game is fuel, which way would you put your money after Biden was elected? These people don't deal with one contract. They buy 10, 20, 40 or more contracts. Like I said, it's not for amateurs.

Biden didn't just talk the talk, he waled the walk. First on his agenda was to close down the Keystone. When Russians hacked our largest gasoline pipeline, Biden said it's none of governments business, it's a private business matter. When he canceled new oil leases, it went up in price again.

That's how the market works, and it's the market that sets the prices we pay for fuel. The more people buying long contracts, the higher the price goes.
What is with you people that think a President is the person responsible for spending money? Didn't any of your schools teach you how government actually works?

I learned after school that ALL ( as in EVERY PENNY) in new spending has to go into an appropriations bill. And that bill has to either be signed into law by the president. Or it has to be veto overridden. Every dime of spending I accuse Trump of being responsible for, is the NEW spending that he signed into law.
To date, Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill. And that was because it didn't spend enough.

So the question is, where did you go to school? And why didn't they teach you basic government 101.
Lobbyists don't get people elected--voters do.
Wrong again, skippy. Lobbyist throw in money, through back door channels of their choice candidates all the time. You've heard of PAC's? Who TF do you think runs most of them?

If a representative doesn't do their job (like Lez Cheney) they get voted out

Then explain McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden (until he was the VP), and the 100 others who've been up there, doing a lousy job for the last 20 years?

and all the lobbyists in the country can't help them.

Lobbyist do help them. They help them a lot. Maybe you should do some research into how destructive lobbyist are to our elected officials and our republic. I sense a severe lack of knowledge from you on this issue.

Now, as far as Trump is concerned, who was the last President that governed more conservatively than President Trump?

Does that even matter? Whataboutism isn't a debate tactic anymore. It's an obvious sign of trying to change the subject. So don't even try that with me, skippy.

He did wonders on the border problem,

He slowed the amount of illegals coming here. That's a fact. But he didn't address the real solution to solving the immigration problem. That deals with monetary policy, in which I've explained in length on this forum.

fuel was relatively cheap

It was cheap because Russia and Saudi Arabia were in an oil price war. But it wasn't going to stay cheap for very long, because in April, 9 months before Trump left the white house, he traveled to Saudi and struck a deal with them to slow oil production. This initiated the oil bust cycle. By June of that say year, just 2 months later, US oil companies started their oil bust cycle too. By the end of June, record number of lay offs were occurring the US oil fields. Drillers, derrick hands, pipeliners, Xray techs, geologist were all on the chopping blocks, per US oil execs.
And because the economy was coming to a crawl, due to covid, it took a few months to use up the excess oil they had in reserves. Not to mention they still had oil coming from Russia and Saudi Arabia that they had to refine and put into the market. By the time Biden took office, that excess oil was used up and the oil futures market ramped up their part and started pricing oil higher and higher on the stock market.
And since the US oil companies were already in a bust cycle, there was not going to be any excess oil. Only just enough to supply the countries needs. This is how the futures market gets away with pricing oil at $140ppb.

even amid the best economy we had in 50 years.

It wasn't the best economy in 50 years. Not even close. Hell, only 40 years ago, the USD would buy 4 times what it buys today. It only looked like it because the economy was in recovery stages. All the money that Obama borrowed and pumped into the economy, only made it look good. Trump got into office during an economic recovery stage.
Fact: With every new president, the economy is still going under the previous presidents policies. It's takes almost 2 years for a new presidents policies to start showing up.
January of 2017 2.5% Trump took office.
January of 2021 1.4% Trump left office.
July of 2021, only 6 months into Bidens presidency, it was 5.365%
And steadily rising. Biden hadn't even had any economic policies enacted at that point.
He lowered taxes for businesses and workers alike.

His tax plan eliminated so many tax deductions that it was revenue neutral to the government. I was a small business at the time, and one of my biggest deductions was eliminated. I ended up paying $600 more. BTW, my tax lady was a die hard Trump fan. She ran the numbers in so many different ways and the only way I could come out owing something about $100, was to fudge the numbers so much that it would have been flagged by IRS computers.

He attacked the main stream media countless times.

Whoop ti do. So did we.

He supported our police and military,

He did that. And I support him for that.

stopped weirdos in dresses from getting into our armed forces,

Something else I supported about Trump.

and even appointed SC justices that led to the overturning of Row vs Wade.

He did his job. That's what he was supposed to do. Praising him for it, is like giving a kid a participation trophy.

How much more conservative can you get?

Well let's see. Where do I start?
1. You veto spending bills that include abortions, gender studies and hydro dams in Afghanistan.
2. You don't notch the 2A with a bump stock ban.
3. You don't give money to countries like Ukraine or Israel.
4. When you promise to take soldiers out of Syria and Afghanistan, you follow through by taking all the soldiers out.
5. When it comes to border security, you solve the problem by addressing the monetary reasons they come here. Not lie about Mexico paying for the wall. You do things that are going to allow the American middle class wage to be somewhere around $10hr, instead of the $45 per hour it is now. Mexicans make as much in one day here than they make in almost 2 weeks in Mexico.
By equalizing our currencies, 90% of the mexicans (and other countries) have no monetary reason to come here. Not to mention the benefits of having American manufacturing jobs flooding back to the USA because they can actually afford the labor costs and still be able to compete on the global market.

Example: Stihl chainsaws are extremely expensive. I just bought one yesterday. It was $500. The chainsaws that are made here, are sold here. The ones they make in Germany, are sold to Europe. The ones they make in China and the Philippines, are sold to their market. The Asians can't afford to buy American made Stihls because the labor costs are so high. If our wages and cost of living were reduced to something close to Mexico, Stihl could have several manufacturing plants here in the USA and export to all those other counties. But things being the way they are, they only have one plant in the USA now a days. They've been force to outsource those jobs.

Now, as far as giving blacks money, that's how politics is played. Conservatives have long been accused of doing nothing for the black community. In return, Trump increased his black voter turnout by 50% and even drew in more Hispanic votes than his first run. Sorry, but if you don't do something for minorities, you are going to lose your next election. If you don't give Democrats something they want, you're not going to get anything you want, and that's why our spending is out of control.

It's buying votes with your tax dollars. It's also racist, because there's a LOT of white and Hispanic neighborhoods that could use some federal money. But when you get right down to it, it's socialism. The same socialism that pays for their section 8 housing. Food stamps for lazy welfare sponges. Free college. Free phones.
Trump proves he's still a left wing socialist. And he's pulling you people to the left with him.
FFS, he's got you making excuses for spending $500 BILLION on black communities, just because they're black. They get enough welfare. And as we can see, throwing money at a problem never works. Not to mention the fact that it's historically been the left who thinks throwing money at a problem is a solution.
BTW< this Platinum Plan, did it work? Did they clean up the black communities? Did they rid those communities of crime and drugs? No. As all socialist programs go, it was a huge waste of tax payers money. And you're making excuses for Trump for doing it..
Apparently you have no idea how the market works. Take it from somebody that traded commodity contracts for a few years, a Presidents policies play a huge role in the price of fuel.

The presidents energy policies are just excuses for stock brokers to rip people some folks off and make a lot of money for themselves and their friends.

Investors (or speculators as they call us) invest based on the available news. When the news reports trouble with a commodity, we buy long contracts (long meaning the price will go up). If the news is good, we buy short contracts which as you might have guessed, has the opposite effects. It doesn't matter which way you put your money, as long as it goes in the direction you predict. You make the same exact amount of money either way.

It's a shell game. That's it. Because the oil is still the same. It comes out of the ground exactly the same. It's transported, refined, transported to the stations and sold, all exactly the same. THE only difference is what the scumbags on Wall street claim and bet on. Every damn time the oil companies go into a bust cycle, the outcome is even the same. It's all rigged. It's a ponzi scheme because they know the outcome. They also know when the US oil companies ramp up production, their game as ended until the next bust cycle. Which occurs with every single solitary two term president.
When this country replaced a pro-energy President with an anti-energy President, what do you think speculators did?? That's right, they bought long contracts. Oil is a big money game. It's not for the faint hearted. If you own one contract of oil, every time it moves one dollar a barrel, you make or lose $1,000.

And they cause the price of oil to hurt the US economy even more. Stock brokers are scumbags sons O biches for how much damage they do to our economy.
So now if your game is fuel, which way would you put your money after Biden was elected? These people don't deal with one contract. They buy 10, 20, 40 or more contracts. Like I said, it's not for amateurs.

Stock broker don't give a F who the president is. All they want to know is when the next bust cycle is going to come around. Because they make a killing with every president.
I'm sure they LOVE Biden. And so do the US oil companies. Record profits in both sectors.
Biden is like gold to these people.

Biden didn't just talk the talk, he waled the walk. First on his agenda was to close down the Keystone.

Whoop ti do. It wasn't our oil that's going to be coming down that pipeline. It's Canadian and Chinese. The pipeline jobs were only temporary. And it didn't put any pipeliner out of work. They just moved on to another pipeline somewhere. Not to mention the fact that it was years from completion. And wouldn't make a pennies worth of difference at OUR fuel pumps.
And for the record, pipelines kill thousands upon thousands of jobs. So F those pipelines. They're just a way for the oil companies to kill off thousands of jobs and still stick it to us at the pump. When they lay off 100 tanker yankers, does it drop the price at the pump? F no it doesn't. They just stick an extra $million in their pockets. It pays for their bonuses. All the while those tanker yankers have to go back OTR, away from their families to weeks or months at a time because driving a truck is all they know and can do to support their families.
Key energy, Palestine Texas had 50 drivers just 10 years go. Now they have none. Why? Pipelines.

When Russians hacked our largest gasoline pipeline, Biden said it's none of governments business, it's a private business matter. When he canceled new oil leases, it went up in price again.

The prices were going up anyways. That's why happens during an oil bust cycle. Which started in May of 2020 when Trump struck a deal with Saudi to lower oil production.
That's how the market works, and it's the market that sets the prices we pay for fuel. The more people buying long contracts, the higher the price goes.

Stock brokers are scum sucking ball washing basstards for what they do to our economy.
Not only that, but him and Pelosi went under the borrowing radar, when they BOTH eliminated the debt ceiling for 2 years.

How TF Trump still has Republican support is beyond me. The damn democrats should be recruiting him. He's been a pro choice democrat for a lot longer than he's been a republican. Not to mention the fact that he caved to Pelosi every time she wanted to fund some stupid liberal crap.

Trump's a socialist loser. And his worshippers are blind.
For his followers, I think it's a toxic mix of two things: Traditional hardcore political partisanship and this otherworldly, alternate reality, cult of personality lifestyle. This is about far more than politics for them. They are emotionally tied to this con man, and now it has infected the entire party, all the way up through every political level, through Washington DC. You're either IN or you're OUT.

This alternate universe is its own, separate, fully functional informational ecosystem. I often wonder if Limbaugh regretted any of what he essentially created.

Up until Escalator Day, I would talk here about how similar and counterproductive the two parties were in their behaviors. But this? This is different, unique, far more dangerous. The Dems are awful, but this is in a league by itself.
Are you that monetarily ignorant? Inflation and economic down turns are years in the making.

Biden promised to crush oil, gas & coal and you believed him. He's just the president. He doesn't have the power to do that. Him making that stupid pledge was about as stupid as Trump pledging to make Mexico pay for the wall, or paying down the then $19 TRILLION deficit in only 8 years. Biden can't crush oil because even our own military couldn't do without it. And since oil/gas isn't state owned, the president, any president has extremely limited powers as to what he can do. And even that's only limited to federal lands.
The 800 million acres of new oil leases in the gulf that Biden stopped, had no effect on the amount of oil being produced. There were no drilling rigs on those locations. There wasn't even any geological survey's done on those leases to tell if there even was oil/gas there. Plus, Biden opened up the leases again like 6 months later.

Biden was a moron for creating the drama with big oil. But he in no way, shape or form, slowed the production of oil/gas. Oil companies just weren't interested in drilling. They were even using the drilling permits they had on hand, because the demand was so low. It was so low, that the oil companies shut down a huge amount of refineries, because they just weren't needed.

Last edited:
For his followers, I think it's a toxic mix of two things: Traditional hardcore political partisanship and this otherworldly, alternate reality, cult of personality lifestyle. This is about far more than politics for them. They are emotionally tied to this con man, and now it has infected the entire party, all the way up through every political level, through Washington DC. You're either IN or you're OUT.

This alternate universe is its own, separate, fully functional informational ecosystem. I often wonder if Limbaugh regretted any of what he essentially created.

Up until Escalator Day, I would talk here about how similar and counterproductive the two parties were in their behaviors. But this? This is different, unique, far more dangerous. The Dems are awful, but this is in a league by itself.

Of course.

Leftists tell us inflation is not Biden's fault.
Leftist tell us that fuel prices are not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us that the Afghanistan disaster was not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us Ukraine was not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us that 5 trillion dollars in needless spending is not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us the increasing violent crime is not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us record fentanyl OD deaths in the US are not Biden's fault.

But it's us on the right that live in an alternative reality, partisanship, a cult that is tied to their con man. :eusa_shhh:
Of course.

Leftists tell us inflation is not Biden's fault.
Leftist tell us that fuel prices are not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us that the Afghanistan disaster was not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us Ukraine was not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us that 5 trillion dollars in needless spending is not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us the increasing violent crime is not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us record fentanyl OD deaths in the US are not Biden's fault.

But it's us on the right that live in an alternative reality, partisanship, a cult that is tied to their con man. :eusa_shhh:
Yes, that is reality from the hardcore right wing perspective.

I have no use for the perspective of either end.
The presidents energy policies are just excuses for stock brokers to rip people some folks off and make a lot of money for themselves and their friends.

No, presidential policies affect the amount of oil that flows into the market.

It's a shell game. That's it. Because the oil is still the same. It comes out of the ground exactly the same. It's transported, refined, transported to the stations and sold, all exactly the same. THE only difference is what the scumbags on Wall street claim and bet on. Every damn time the oil companies go into a bust cycle, the outcome is even the same. It's all rigged. It's a ponzi scheme because they know the outcome. They also know when the US oil companies ramp up production, their game as ended until the next bust cycle. Which occurs with every single solitary two term president.

It has nothing to do with Wall Street. Wall street only affects the price of stock, not oil.

Whoop ti do. It wasn't our oil that's going to be coming down that pipeline. It's Canadian and Chinese. The pipeline jobs were only temporary. And it didn't put any pipeliner out of work. They just moved on to another pipeline somewhere. Not to mention the fact that it was years from completion. And wouldn't make a pennies worth of difference at OUR fuel pumps.
And for the record, pipelines kill thousands upon thousands of jobs. So F those pipelines. They're just a way for the oil companies to kill off thousands of jobs and still stick it to us at the pump. When they lay off 100 tanker yankers, does it drop the price at the pump? F no it doesn't. They just stick an extra $million in their pockets. It pays for their bonuses. All the while those tanker yankers have to go back OTR, away from their families to weeks or months at a time because driving a truck is all they know and can do to support their families.
Key energy, Palestine Texas had 50 drivers just 10 years go. Now they have none. Why? Pipelines.

The oil is still going to our refineries, it's just that it's getting there by train. And guess who's an investor in those train companies? That's right, George Soros. You know, that best friend of the Democrat party. And yes, the US was going to get some of that oil. If you don't believe me, just ask and I'll post a Factcheck link telling you that.

Stock brokers are scum sucking ball washing basstards for what they do to our economy.

You need to learn more about investments if you want to understand or discuss this issue. The stock market and commodity markets are completely different. In the stock market, people invest money into companies that produce a product. If you buy stock in a company, you are actually part owner of that company as small as it may be.

In the commodities market we don't buy into companies, we buy (or sell) the actual product itself. That's why the prices are not controlled by the stock market, they are controlled by the commodities market.

In other words let's say I buy oil. If I don't sell my oil contract come the expiration date, a truck will be pulling up to my house to deliver those barrels of oil. I own those barrels of oil via contract.

Maybe this would make more sense: think of the commodities market like e-bay. You own a product, post it on e-bay, and people bid on that product until whatever expiration date you set. Whoever bids the highest price buys that product from you. That's kind of the way it works.
Yes, that is reality from the hardcore right wing perspective.

I have no use for the perspective of either end.

It's not a perspective, it's a fact. Just check out any topic of Biden's F-ups on USMB. The leftists are always making excuses for the guy. If you don't want to do that, check out what Jean Pierre carpet muncher has to say about Dementia's F-ups. She blames everybody except him.
Desantis is the controlled opposition,,,,,Trumps original sin is when he DENOUNCED GLOBALISM in favor of NATIONALISM ( thats when they attacked him 24/7). The Cabal is only going to let a president do so many things before they reign him in with threats. Trump slowed Agenda 2030 down, they are not going to let that happen again.
It's not a perspective, it's a fact. Just check out any topic of Biden's F-ups on USMB. The leftists are always making excuses for the guy. If you don't want to do that, check out what Jean Pierre carpet muncher has to say about Dementia's F-ups. She blames everybody except him.
Just like the Trumpsters and Trump. The two ends can be very similar in their behaviors.

That's a fact.
I will not return to the Republican party until every last spineless lickspittle Trump enabler is gone.

I will probably be writing in Snoopy or Pat Paulsen or some Libertarian until the day I die.
That day can't come soon enough.

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