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Trump, the socialist we don't want back into office.

EO's are nothing more than a photo op. They can't change laws. We don't live in a dictatorship. The president isn't a chancellor.
IF, President Biden was lying about destroying the fossil fuel industry, why did he then do exactly that?


He destroyed the fossil fuel industry? Really?

According to my calculations, getting record profits isn't destroying anything. There are more wells being drilled now, than at almost any time during the Trump administration. BLM, in Biden's first year, issued more drilling permits than Trumps first two years.
If Biden was trying to destroy the fossil fuel industry, then why were environmental groups constantly suing the Biden administration to get oil leases closed after Biden opened them back up?

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

As in, when you put all the evidence together, you'll come to only one conclusion. But without every bit of evidence, the conclusion is likely to be different.
The evidence:
Trumps deal with Saudi in April of 2020 to decrease oil production. Initiating OPEC's oil bust cycle.
US oil companies initiate their bust cycle and oil field layoffs begin in May of 2020.
Reserves in production & storage tanks and import vessels (from Saudi and Russia) being used up, without being replenished.
Covid is rampant and demand slows to almost a halt.
Biden (while campaigning) makes false statements about going to war with oil companies.
Excess oil reserves (own my oil companies, not the strategic oil reserves own by the government) run out.
The oil futures increase stock prices.
Refineries are shut down (by their owners, not the government) because demand is too low to keep them open.
Biden takes office.
Biden cancels oil leases and shuts down the Keystone.
BLM issues over 1500 drilling permits, which go unused because demand is too low.
Oil prices continue to rise.
Oil leases in the Gulf are reopened.
Environmental groups sue the Biden administration and halts the oil leases again, in court.
Oil companies counter sue the environmental groups to have the leases re-opened
Covid ending, demand goes up.
The Biden administration exposes the oil companies for sitting on all those drilling permits.
Oil companies are slow to start drilling, because oil is at $140 per barrel and they're making record profits.
Biden bans Russian oil imports (retarded)
Biden goes to OPEC and tries to get them to increase oil productions because US oil companies won't. OPEC also refuses. (Because oil prices are $140 ppb and they're also making record profits)
The EV market starts to climb. Record numbers of EV's are being sold. As well as home solar panels and battery sales.
Biden opens up the strategic oil reserves (1 million barrels per day)
Finally, US oil companies and OPEC increase production
Stock prices on oil futures start to fall
And now here we are. The prices are coming down. The left is praising Biden for it, because they're too stupid to realize that without Biden's role in all of this, the prices could've never risen has far as they did.
And by the end of Biden's term, all of this will be 1.5 years behind us, and most will have forgotten about it.

Biden did just as he was supposed to do, per the oil industry. Because without Biden creating this false war with oil companies, being that the demand was sooooo low, the oil companies & the oil futures market wouldn't have had an excuse to increase oil prices. They would NOT have received those record profits. When demand is low, so are prices. (On anything)

"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."

People falsely theorized that Biden was honest in his words to end fossil fuels. They assumed Biden actually had the power to do so. This is what created the oil companies and futures market to justify their price increases. That is the theory. Not the facts.
The facts are that Biden, the oil companies and the futures market know how to play this game. If it wasn't played as it was, the EV market, home solar panels and battery market would've have risen a lot faster than it did. And the oil companies would've been forced to ramp up productions months in advance. Losing out on billions in profits.

If Biden really wanted to hurt the oil companies, he would've went on record, initially, exposing all those drilling permits his BLM issued. He would've never cancelled the oil leases. Which BTW were no less than 5 years from production, even without cancelling them, because demand was too low to even do geologist surveys.
In fact, Biden could've even double the amount of drilling permits (which would've been record breaking) and then advised the American public of his actions. This would've stopped all the excuses the oil companies were making about how it was all Biden's fault. But, Biden had a role to play. And he played it well.
Now his rich friends in the oil business (including oil investors), his friends on Wall st. and the commodities market will secretly praise Biden and thank him for all the extra money they earned.


You're a mental midget, aren't you? Incapable of seeing the forest for the tree's because you've been told the forest is on the other side of the tree's. And you believed it.
You don't want to dig into any of the real details because it's confusing. You have to actually think and deduce the evidence.
I get it, thinking can be hard for mental midgets. But sometimes, you just have to put forth the effort to keep from looking foolish.
Or, in your case, you just post a childish meme & move on. And never have to worry about such tasks as thinking.
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So who sold you this bullshit that economic policies take two years to have an impact? It's what you leftists always tell us until you get one of your presidents in and things start turning around quickly. Newsflash: Price of fuel affects the country immediately. Why would Trump do something to harm the economy with the expectation that he easily would win reelection? That doesn't even make any sense.
It takes UP to two years. It takes months to get a budget proposal to the House floor for debate. Months to pass it in the House. Then months in the Senate, then back to the house, then to the White House. Once the budget is passed and signed, it take more months to initiate everything. The funding to secure. Then more months before the funding to get dispersed. Were talking about government. Even you should know how slow it takes anything to get through government.
All that borrowing and dumping the money into the economy is the same old routine, And it's just now starting to show up. Interest rates are coming down. The pay raises everyone has to have, because inflation was so high (from all of Trump and Biden's borrowing) is starting to equalize. And we're now almost two years since Biden took office.

Reagan left HW a mess. HW left Clinton a mess. Clinton, with the decent budget that he signed into law (thanks to Gingrich) left W in a pretty good spot. But W squandered it and left Obama in a mess. Obama followed in Reagans footsteps, by borrowing too much, too early, was able to make the economy look good, but because of the timeline, it got good, then bad under his administration. But the economy was recovering when Trump took office.
Trump did what W did, and squandered what little corrections were being made (in his last two years) and set Biden up with a mess.

This is all well documented. The time line of our economic ups and downs are available for anyone to see. And a quick glance at the debt timeline is, or should be enough evidence to anyone with two braincells to understand how all of this works.
What's going to happen now, since Trump & Biden borrowed way WAY too much, that instead of the economic down turns coming every 6 to 8 years, they're going to start coming every 4 to 6 years. So Biden is going to leave the next president with an economic downturn.

From the American Petroleum Institute:

Psaki has made the claim about “unused” federal leases before. It has become a line the White House pivots to when pressed to explain why it isn’t doing more to support American oil and gas production – with soaring demand putting upward pressure on prices and with much of Europe at the mercy of its top energy provider, Russia. Key facts about federal leases:

  • The law already requires companies to either produce oil and/or gas on leases or return the leases to the government – the so-called “use it or lose it” provision – generally in the first 10 years.
  • When a company acquires a lease, it makes a significant financial investment at the beginning of the lease in the form of a non-refundable bonus bid and pays additional rent until and unless it begins producing.
  • For federal onshore, the Mineral Leasing Act prevents any one company from locking up unproductive excessive federal acreage.
  • Developing a lease takes years and substantial effort to determine whether the underlying geology holds commercial quantities of oil and/or gas. The lengthy process to develop them from a lease often is extended by administrative and legal challenges at every step along the way.

The argument about “unused” leases is a red herring, a smokescreen for energy policies that have had a hamstringing effect on the world’s leading producer of natural gas and oil. It suggests American producers have been motivated by a desire to manipulate the market during the current crisis in Europe. This is false. American oil and gas producers are able and willing to do their part to support American energy leadership, including providing energy that can help allies abroad.

Until you understand the difference between markets, it's useless having this discussion with you because you simply don't understand it.

All of that is meaningless. It's irrelevant facts that do no pertain to anything we're talking about. The unused oil leases were unused because the oil companies didn't need to explore them because the demand was so low. Couple that with the amount of oil from deposits they were already producing from, and it makes those unused leases even more UNimportant.
FFS, it's like having 10 cars when you can only drive 1 at a time. Not to mention the fact that it cost a lot of money in overhead to get production going. And years.
Demand was slow when those leases were cancelled. What part of that do you not get. This article was posted when the demand was rising again. But even with the demand increasing, oil companies were able to supply our needs and the needs of other countries without those unused oil leases.
It takes UP to two years. It takes months to get a budget proposal to the House floor for debate. Months to pass it in the House. Then months in the Senate, then back to the house, then to the White House. Once the budget is passed and signed, it take more months to initiate everything. The funding to secure. Then more months before the funding to get dispersed. Were talking about government. Even you should know how slow it takes anything to get through government.
All that borrowing and dumping the money into the economy is the same old routine, And it's just now starting to show up. Interest rates are coming down. The pay raises everyone has to have, because inflation was so high (from all of Trump and Biden's borrowing) is starting to equalize. And we're now almost two years since Biden took office.

Reagan left HW a mess. HW left Clinton a mess. Clinton, with the decent budget that he signed into law (thanks to Gingrich) left W in a pretty good spot. But W squandered it and left Obama in a mess. Obama followed in Reagans footsteps, by borrowing too much, too early, was able to make the economy look good, but because of the timeline, it got good, then bad under his administration. But the economy was recovering when Trump took office.
Trump did what W did, and squandered what little corrections were being made (in his last two years) and set Biden up with a mess.

This is all well documented. The time line of our economic ups and downs are available for anyone to see. And a quick glance at the debt timeline is, or should be enough evidence to anyone with two braincells to understand how all of this works.
What's going to happen now, since Trump & Biden borrowed way WAY too much, that instead of the economic down turns coming every 6 to 8 years, they're going to start coming every 4 to 6 years. So Biden is going to leave the next president with an economic downturn.

All of that is meaningless. It's irrelevant facts that do no pertain to anything we're talking about. The unused oil leases were unused because the oil companies didn't need to explore them because the demand was so low. Couple that with the amount of oil from deposits they were already producing from, and it makes those unused leases even more UNimportant.
FFS, it's like having 10 cars when you can only drive 1 at a time. Not to mention the fact that it cost a lot of money in overhead to get production going. And years.
Demand was slow when those leases were cancelled. What part of that do you not get. This article was posted when the demand was rising again. But even with the demand increasing, oil companies were able to supply our needs and the needs of other countries without those unused oil leases.

The point is no company will spend the money to do all the work it takes to assure any land is profitable if the government is likely to stop them anyway. That's why they don't use those leases. Under Trump they were more assured their investment would pay off. This turkey here you don't know what he's going to do next. In fact he recently said he would end oil drilling.

Everybody wants to make money. That's why there is an immediate reaction to policies that involve economics. When we print too much money, the value goes down immediately because it devalued the dollar. Same holds true for fuel. It doesn't take six months for people to figure out they can make a killing on oil, gasoline or heating oil. Time is money. The sooner you get in on the deal the more money you're going to make.
You're a mental midget, aren't you? Incapable of seeing the forest for the tree's because you've been told the forest is on the other side of the tree's. And you believed it.
You don't want to dig into any of the real details because it's confusing. You have to actually think and deduce the evidence.
I get it, thinking can be hard for mental midgets. But sometimes, you just have to put forth the effort to keep from looking foolish.
Or, in your case, you just post a childish meme & move on. And never have to worry about such tasks as thinking.
To intelligently discuss the issues, you would be forced to agree with Republicans. You would rather take a sharp stick in the eye.

Once again, I'll type slowly for you.

Biden Trump debate gas prices

Biden 25 policies that caused gas prices to skyrocket.

25 Biden policies raising gas prices and other energy costs - Americans for Prosperity
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Trump wants to terminate the rules, even the Constitution. He should be Baker Acted.

Your desperation is not surprising. To admit that President Trump was and is right about so many things would require you and your comrades to admit you were and are wrong about so many things.

You'd rather take a sharp stick in the eye than admit you were wrong, wouldn't you?
The point is no company will spend the money to do all the work it takes to assure any land is profitable if the government is likely to stop them anyway. That's why they don't use those leases. Under Trump they were more assured their investment would pay off. This turkey here you don't know what he's going to do next. In fact he recently said he would end oil drilling.

Everybody wants to make money. That's why there is an immediate reaction to policies that involve economics. When we print too much money, the value goes down immediately because it devalued the dollar. Same holds true for fuel. It doesn't take six months for people to figure out they can make a killing on oil, gasoline or heating oil. Time is money. The sooner you get in on the deal the more money you're going to make.

BLM, after Biden took office was dishing out more drilling permits than Trump. How TF is that "likely to stop them anyways?" If Biden wanted to stop big oil, he would've stopped BLM from handing out drilling permits.

I want oil companies to make money. But hundreds of billions because they're charging $4 per gallon when the country is also going through something close to a recession. And especially after all the billions they got in government subsidies. Those huge subsidies were to keep OPEC from harming our economy when they went into a bust cycle. Now the US oil companies are doing it.
Just about every president of the modern era is a narcissistic demagogue.

Hell, Barack Obama could barely fit his swelled head through doorways.

So, no, that's not enough. One has to look at their deeds. And Trump's deeds are more than enough to retroactively disqualify him from getting anywhere near the Oval Office.
What deeds of Biden makes him a better choice than Trump?
BLM, after Biden took office was dishing out more drilling permits than Trump.
What a huge fucking lie.

How TF is that "likely to stop them anyways?" If Biden wanted to stop big oil, he would've stopped BLM from handing out drilling permits.
He has vastly cut back on them, moron.

I want oil companies to make money. But hundreds of billions because they're charging $4 per gallon when the country is also going through something close to a recession. And especially after all the billions they got in government subsidies. Those huge subsidies were to keep OPEC from harming our economy when they went into a bust cycle. Now the US oil companies are doing it.

What subsidies are you talking about?
BLM, after Biden took office was dishing out more drilling permits than Trump. How TF is that "likely to stop them anyways?" If Biden wanted to stop big oil, he would've stopped BLM from handing out drilling permits.

I want oil companies to make money. But hundreds of billions because they're charging $4 per gallon when the country is also going through something close to a recession. And especially after all the billions they got in government subsidies. Those huge subsidies were to keep OPEC from harming our economy when they went into a bust cycle. Now the US oil companies are doing it.

I don't know how to explain it any better than I have, but one more time: Oil and gasoline companies NO NOT set their own prices, the market does. Biden stopped new permits, not issue new ones. But even if he did, that doesn't mean they will be profitable in the end.
It doesn't matter if anyone here thinks Trump was a god or a dud. What matters is this perception by the electorate. And Trump is a hugely toxic candidate. The folks that won't vote for Trump, under any circumstance, are close to half.

That's a profoundly tough election path. Especially after January 6th. Especially after the 2022 midterms. As Trump is establishing a pattern of losing. His entire brand is about winning.
And especially after Trump’s call to destroy the Constitution.
I don't know how to explain it any better than I have, but one more time: Oil and gasoline companies NO NOT set their own prices, the market does. Biden stopped new permits, not issue new ones. But even if he did, that doesn't mean they will be profitable in the end.

The market pricing is just an excuse. It's a way to get more money from the same product. They own the oil in the ground. They own the pipelines and transpiration to the refineries. They own the gas stations. They could sell it for what ever price they wanted to. They only CHOOSE the futures pricing because it's more profitable.
The market pricing is just an excuse. It's a way to get more money from the same product. They own the oil in the ground. They own the pipelines and transpiration to the refineries. They own the gas stations. They could sell it for what ever price they wanted to. They only CHOOSE the futures pricing because it's more profitable.

No, it's because they are obligated. The commodities market is rife with regulations and rules. You can't decide you'll be in the market one week and not the next. It doesn't work that way. Fuel providers ALWAYS sell at the going market price. Some times they make very little money and sometimes a lot, but it all works out in the end. That's why they are in the market.
What a huge fucking lie.

A lie? EAT THIS, you stupid Trumpbot.


He has vastly cut back on them, moron.

And eat this one too, Trumpbot
Last reported data was for October.
209 drilling permits process.
195 APPROVED!!!!!

You're so damn brainwashed, there's nothing to compare you to. You're just eat up with the dumbass Trump rhetoric, you don't even realize how STUPID Trump is making you. He's making a damn fool out of you, and you don't even realize it.
You're like those retarded Reagan and Obama supporters. Just completely overlook facts, and just go with the lies, because the lies sound better.

What subsidies are you talking about?

Oh good lord. You have the internet. Google is your friend. Hundreds of billions in government subsidies over the past decade. All of these HUGE subsidies started to help US oil companies find and produce more oil/gas, so we wouldn't be dependent on OPEC and Canada. We paid them to not go into bust cycles. Because OPEC and Canadian oil/gas bust cycles hurt our economy. But even with all those subsidies, US oil companies go into the same damn bust cycle at the same damn time OPEC does.

Subsidies that kept fossil fuel prices artificially low more than tripled to $531bn in 2021, compared with 2020. Subsidies for oil and gas production reached a record level of $64bn.

Here's the link. FFS if this doesn't prove that Biden was lying about being against big oil, I don't know what else to tell you. Except you're an even bigger brainwashed moron than I'd thought.

Don't like that source, here's another. And another. <<< That last one is a doozey. It shows oil subsidies grew 28% under Trump.
direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry totaled $20 billion per year, with 80% going toward oil and gas. In addition, from 2019 to 2023, tax subsidies are expected to reduce federal revenue by around $11.5 billion. Considering that production subsidies grew 28% between 2017 and 2019,

BTW, if you think democrats are anti big oil, here's a bill that was introduced by an Oregon democrat, this year. As you know, the democrats have the majority (until next month) Guess where this bill is, and where it's going to die?
In committee. Why? Because democrats aren't really anti big oil. That's just a stupid voting issue they use to get votes.
They're liars. Convincing leftist voters that they're going to end fossil fuels. Most of the top ranking democrats are on the oil lobbyist dole. So they're not going to do anything to actually hurt big oil.

H.R.2184 - End Oil and Gas Tax Subsidies Act of 2021

No, it's because they are obligated. The commodities market is rife with regulations and rules. You can't decide you'll be in the market one week and not the next. It doesn't work that way. Fuel providers ALWAYS sell at the going market price. Some times they make very little money and sometimes a lot, but it all works out in the end. That's why they are in the market.

It could work that way. The oil companies could just decide to stop selling oil at the commodities market price. But they're not going to do that, because they make record profits from it.
Why TF would they shoot themselves in the foot. They're not patriots. They don't give a rats arse about the economy or how $4 per gallon gas hurts us. They can afford it.

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