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Trump, the socialist we don't want back into office.

No, presidential policies affect the amount of oil that flows into the market.

It has nothing to do with Wall Street. Wall street only affects the price of stock, not oil.

BS. The president doesn't turn the spigot up or down. The market does. We the People do. Did you happen to notice that not one time in all of Biden's presidency were there no gas stations out of fuel because they couldn't get any from the refineries? No, you didn't. The oil companies produce just enough to supply our needs. Producing more than we need including our exports, lowers the price of oil because it's an excess amount.
Notice how low the oil prices were months before the election? We had too much. Russia and Saudi was flooding the market with an excess. So DUH, the prices were low. It's that way with every commodity or anything else on the market.
Flood the market with too many DVD players, oranges, computers or anything else, and the price falls.
Provide just enough, and the price rises some. Create a short fall of any of those and prices increase.
Remember the chip shortage last year? New PS5's were like $1,000. Now they're back down to $500.
It's the same shit. Different shovel.

Price of oil is based on the stock price. The excuse used to be supply and demand, until enough people finally found out that was a farce. Now they're using the stock price to value the oil.
The oil is still going to our refineries, it's just that it's getting there by train. And guess who's an investor in those train companies? That's right, George Soros. You know, that best friend of the Democrat party. And yes, the US was going to get some of that oil. If you don't believe me, just ask and I'll post a Factcheck link telling you that.

Take a look at the oil piplines in the USA. Trains and trucks only carry the excess of what the pipelines can't.

Those lanes used to be for truckers and trains. Now they're pipelines. And has the price of gas/diesel, heating oil or natural gas gone down because of those pipelines? Not a damn dime, dude.
You need to learn more about investments if you want to understand or discuss this issue. The stock market and commodity markets are completely different. In the stock market, people invest money into companies that produce a product. If you buy stock in a company, you are actually part owner of that company as small as it may be.

In the commodities market we don't buy into companies, we buy (or sell) the actual product itself. That's why the prices are not controlled by the stock market, they are controlled by the commodities market.

In other words let's say I buy oil. If I don't sell my oil contract come the expiration date, a truck will be pulling up to my house to deliver those barrels of oil. I own those barrels of oil via contract.

Maybe this would make more sense: think of the commodities market like e-bay. You own a product, post it on e-bay, and people bid on that product until whatever expiration date you set. Whoever bids the highest price buys that product from you. That's kind of the way it works.
Stock market and commodity market is still traded the same exact way. You're talking semantics, and you know it. A product vs a commodity. I get it, they're Stock market and commodity market is still traded the same exact way. You're talking semantics, and you know it. They're technically different. But they're still the same in almost every aspect. Futures market is still a market. Stock market is still a market. You're focusing on some semantical error i'm making without even bothering with the entire point.

The president doesn't control the flow of oil. He doesn't control the price. What he does, what Biden has done, was make it seem like he was at war with the oil companies during their bust cycle. Biden has been in politics long enough to see many oil bust cycles. He knows that when the bust cycle starts, the prices are going to go up. He knows production is going to go down, oil field workers are going to be laid off and the futures market is going to do their thing and help raise the price of oil as far as the market can bear.
But here's the thing the lefties don't realize, nor do the Trump suckers.
The oil companies didn't have a legit reason for the price increases. Production went way down, but so did the demand. Which should've been a reason for the prices to fall, drastically. But here comes uncle joe to help his buddy's in the oil business and the stock market, and gave them an excuse to increase prices. Ole Joe took one for the team. He cancelled oil leases that where practically abandoned because of the demand being so low. He cancelled the Keystone, which isn't going to make the US oil companies any serious money, because it's canadian and chinese oil tar sands. Not to mention the fact that none of the oil leases were under 5 years away from production. And only a small fraction of those would ever see a drilling rig. But when they do, it'll be years.
So old Joe and his buddies created this supposed war with big oil, which gave them the excuse to increase oil prices. And everyone except us, was fat and sassy.
And now look at what's going on. The bust cycle is over. No one is complaining about them or Biden. The gas prices are coming down. The left will falsely praise Biden for bringing the oil prices down. The right will forget it even happened in a short time. And all will be forgotten. Just like it was forgotten when oil prices were $3 per gallon under Trump. And $4 per gallon under Obama. But those who made millions and billions in the oil and futures market, will be secretly throwing Biden a huge party to celebrate the biggest oil con since W Bush.
For his followers, I think it's a toxic mix of two things: Traditional hardcore political partisanship and this otherworldly, alternate reality, cult of personality lifestyle. This is about far more than politics for them. They are emotionally tied to this con man, and now it has infected the entire party, all the way up through every political level, through Washington DC. You're either IN or you're OUT.

This alternate universe is its own, separate, fully functional informational ecosystem. I often wonder if Limbaugh regretted any of what he essentially created.

Up until Escalator Day, I would talk here about how similar and counterproductive the two parties were in their behaviors. But this? This is different, unique, far more dangerous. The Dems are awful, but this is in a league by itself.

Before Reagan, Republicans were mostly conservatives. (actual conservatives) Then the big spending CINO's took over and we called them neocons. (Reagan, HW and then W). They were awful. Huge spending bills, Wars and all sort of unconstitutional crap like the Patriot act, NDAA and FISA (702). Then they infiltrated and destroyed the 2007 Tea Party.
So when Trump came along, I was excited to see someone taking over the neocons. I thought we was finally going to get some sanity back into the GOP.
But it started morphing into this ridiculous cartoon-like movement with Trump at the helm, repeating one obvious lie after another. (paying off the then $19 trillion debt in 8 years. Balancing the budget in 4, making mexico pay for the wall)
And people were actually buying into this crap. And still are.
So I post things like this thread about his Platinum Plan, how socialist it is with Trump dishing out $500 billion to black communities, just because they're black communities, thinking the whole time, maybe it'll wake these people up. But they ignore it like they ignored Trump saying "Yeah, that whole "lock her up" thing was good for the campaign.

I'm not so sure Trump is "more" dangerous. I think his supporters are. On another thread I post on, I created a poll asking who would support Trump as their chancellor. The majority said they would support a Chancellor Trump.
These are the same people that bitch and moan when the democrats spend too much, do things that are against the constitution and get involved with foreign entanglements like Ukraine. And scream to the heavens that the democrats are destroying our "Republic." So I called them out on it with a few things like "so to hell with the US constitution, let's just override it and create a Trump dictatorship?"
And you probably know what comes next.... "But what about Biden." or "The democrats are trying to make Biden the king," or some other off topic BS to provide cover for Trump.

You only believe Biden when he says thing you want him to say? Here's a help for you. Biden lies. So when he said that crap about ending big oil, he was lying. He doesn't have the power to do that. No more than Trump had the power to fullfil his promise of paying down the then $10 trillion debt, balancing the budget in 4 years or making Mexico pay for the wall.

They're politicians, so they're going to lie just to get elected. Why TF would you believe anything Biden says? Because it gives you a reason to whine and complain about him? FFS, he's just the president. Oil, gas and coal are not, I repeat NOT state owned. We don't have a chancellor.
Of course.

Leftists tell us inflation is not Biden's fault.
Leftist tell us that fuel prices are not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us that the Afghanistan disaster was not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us Ukraine was not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us that 5 trillion dollars in needless spending is not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us the increasing violent crime is not Biden's fault.
Leftists tell us record fentanyl OD deaths in the US are not Biden's fault.

But it's us on the right that live in an alternative reality, partisanship, a cult that is tied to their con man. :eusa_shhh:

You're missing the entire point of Mac1958 statement. He clearly stated the democrats are awful. So your little list is doing two things:
1. Disregarding the fact that he's not a lefty, because he said they were awful
2. Trying to dodge his valid points about how bad Trump and his supporters are.

They are a cult. FFS, Trump introduces a racist socialist plan like the Platinum Plan, something that the left would have orgasms over. But from Trump supporters, it's either crickets, or "But what about Biden. or What about Obama."
Trump funded Planned Parenthood that paid for abortions. And the Trumpbots were silent.
He signed a spending bill that funded gender studies in the middle east. Trumpbots were silent.
He banned bump stocks. Not a huge issue, but still a notch on our 2nd amendment. Trumpbots were silent.
He strikes a deal with the Saudi's to decrease oil production, when our gas prices were awesome, and the Trumpbots were silent.

WTF is wrong with you people? If Biden or any democrat were to do ANY of those things, Trumbots would be screaming bloody murder. But when Trump does it, it's crickets again.
Really? Well give me a fact of Trump supporters supporting him when he was wrong or something was directly his fault.

Reauthorizing FISA 702. Warrantless spying on Americans.
The Platinum Plan
Funding Planned Parenthood and middle eastern gender studies (in an appropriations bill that he signed into law)
Banning bump stocks
The NDAA and the patriot act reauthorization
All that damn spending. $6.7 trillion.
The covid checks that went to corporations that were wealthy enough to sustain themselves for years. (US oil companies airlines, the unemployed who chose to be unemployed because the unemployment checks paid way more than their regular paychecks.

I could go on and on and on.

Fact: Trump is a north eastern liberal who's suckered his supporters into supporting liberal, progressive and socialist crap, and yall don't even realize it. Y'all are so far left, you're actually calling those of who are still right of center, liberals.

It's like you're too brainwashed to realize that the things we complain about Trump doing, are the same things we complain about Biden doing. But for some reason, y'all think that because we complain about Trump, then we must be lefties. FFS bro, look where your standing. You're standing next to a guy who's been a lefty his entire life. And still support leftist socialist crap like the Platinum Plan.

This is the sole reason for me posting this thread. To show you people just how far left Trump has brought you.
BS. The president doesn't turn the spigot up or down. The market does. We the People do. Did you happen to notice that not one time in all of Biden's presidency were there no gas stations out of fuel because they couldn't get any from the refineries? No, you didn't. The oil companies produce just enough to supply our needs. Producing more than we need including our exports, lowers the price of oil because it's an excess amount.
Notice how low the oil prices were months before the election? We had too much. Russia and Saudi was flooding the market with an excess. So DUH, the prices were low. It's that way with every commodity or anything else on the market.
Flood the market with too many DVD players, oranges, computers or anything else, and the price falls.
Provide just enough, and the price rises some. Create a short fall of any of those and prices increase.
Remember the chip shortage last year? New PS5's were like $1,000. Now they're back down to $500.
It's the same shit. Different shovel.

Price of oil is based on the stock price. The excuse used to be supply and demand, until enough people finally found out that was a farce. Now they're using the stock price to value the oil.

Take a look at the oil piplines in the USA. Trains and trucks only carry the excess of what the pipelines can't.
View attachment 733981

Those lanes used to be for truckers and trains. Now they're pipelines. And has the price of gas/diesel, heating oil or natural gas gone down because of those pipelines? Not a damn dime, dude.

Stock market and commodity market is still traded the same exact way. You're talking semantics, and you know it. A product vs a commodity. I get it, they're Stock market and commodity market is still traded the same exact way. You're talking semantics, and you know it. They're technically different. But they're still the same in almost every aspect. Futures market is still a market. Stock market is still a market. You're focusing on some semantical error i'm making without even bothering with the entire point.

The president doesn't control the flow of oil. He doesn't control the price. What he does, what Biden has done, was make it seem like he was at war with the oil companies during their bust cycle. Biden has been in politics long enough to see many oil bust cycles. He knows that when the bust cycle starts, the prices are going to go up. He knows production is going to go down, oil field workers are going to be laid off and the futures market is going to do their thing and help raise the price of oil as far as the market can bear.
But here's the thing the lefties don't realize, nor do the Trump suckers.
The oil companies didn't have a legit reason for the price increases. Production went way down, but so did the demand. Which should've been a reason for the prices to fall, drastically. But here comes uncle joe to help his buddy's in the oil business and the stock market, and gave them an excuse to increase prices. Ole Joe took one for the team. He cancelled oil leases that where practically abandoned because of the demand being so low. He cancelled the Keystone, which isn't going to make the US oil companies any serious money, because it's canadian and chinese oil tar sands. Not to mention the fact that none of the oil leases were under 5 years away from production. And only a small fraction of those would ever see a drilling rig. But when they do, it'll be years.
So old Joe and his buddies created this supposed war with big oil, which gave them the excuse to increase oil prices. And everyone except us, was fat and sassy.
And now look at what's going on. The bust cycle is over. No one is complaining about them or Biden. The gas prices are coming down. The left will falsely praise Biden for bringing the oil prices down. The right will forget it even happened in a short time. And all will be forgotten. Just like it was forgotten when oil prices were $3 per gallon under Trump. And $4 per gallon under Obama. But those who made millions and billions in the oil and futures market, will be secretly throwing Biden a huge party to celebrate the biggest oil con since W Bush.

I think I see what the problem here is: you have severe comprehension problems. As I explained, oil companies do not set their price. If they did, we would have been paying $10.00 a gallon for the last 20 years. Prices are set in the commodities market period. As a rule of thumb, when commodity prices rise, stocks fall. When stocks rise, commodity prices fall.

The market was so flooded with oil that it was heading towards collapse. That's why Trump was working on a deal to reduce production. It was under $2.00 a gallon during covid. No, the President does not have a switch to increase of decrease prices, but when an administration is working on the reduction of supply, the market responds by increasing those prices via long contracts. The Presidents policies have an indirect effect on the price.

There is a difference between exploration leases and drilling leases. Just because you have exploration leases doesn't mean you will get the green light on drilling. Oil companies invest millions of dollars to find out if there are enough resources at a location to make it worth their investment in drilling. When you have an anti-energy administration, chances are after all that investment, you will still not be able to drill on that land. So oil companies have to decide whether its worth the risk to proceed with exploration or not. That's why oil companies are sitting on exploration leases and not moving forward with them.

Prices of gasoline dropped when the prediction of a recession was announced by economists. China started to lock down their businesses and citizens with a new wave of covid. Biden was draining our federal reserves. The price dropped and will likely continue to drop with the expectation of less consumption. Major companies are announcing massive layoffs across the country. Depending on how bad it gets, we may even find ourselves close to the $2.00 a gallon range nationally.
I think I see what the problem here is: you have severe comprehension problems. As I explained, oil companies do not set their price. If they did, we would have been paying $10.00 a gallon for the last 20 years. Prices are set in the commodities market period. As a rule of thumb, when commodity prices rise, stocks fall. When stocks rise, commodity prices fall.

Still the same thing as I said. You're just wording it different. The commodities market is just another way to charge more. They used to use the supply and demand excuse. But after all the hundreds of billions in subsidies, they had to find another excuse. And they found it.
The market was so flooded with oil that it was heading towards collapse. That's why Trump was working on a deal to reduce production. It was under $2.00 a gallon during covid. No, the President does not have a switch to increase of decrease prices, but when an administration is working on the reduction of supply, the market responds by increasing those prices via long contracts. The Presidents policies have an indirect effect on the price.

Oh nooo, we had cheap gas. Can't have that, right? Why did we have cheap gas, because imported oil from Saudi and Russia is cheaper. Plus it's cheaper to refine than anything in the US, including WTSC.
US oil companies weren't going anywhere. They weren't about to collapse. Even if they completely stopped all US oil drilling, they'd still be making money from their refined imported oil. BILLIONS they'd still be making.
The ONLY reason we gave the oil companies so much in subsidies was so US citizens wouldn't be forced to pay the higher oil prices when OPEC went into their bust cycle. We paid them to explore, extract and refine oil for us to keep from OPEC hurting our economy so much.
And how do they repay us for the hundreds of billions? They go into a bust cycle at the same exact time as OPEC. Why? Because of your precious commodity market price excuse.
There is a difference between exploration leases and drilling leases. Just because you have exploration leases doesn't mean you will get the green light on drilling. Oil companies invest millions of dollars to find out if there are enough resources at a location to make it worth their investment in drilling. When you have an anti-energy administration, chances are after all that investment, you will still not be able to drill on that land. So oil companies have to decide whether its worth the risk to proceed with exploration or not. That's why oil companies are sitting on exploration leases and not moving forward with them.

When you get a drilling permit from BLM, that's your greenlight. And US oil companies had more drilling permits than they wanted to use. There was no need to use them because the demand (when Biden took office) was extremely low. So they sat on them. When the demand went up, they started using more. But they never fell short of supplying the US.

It doesn't cost them more than a few thousand dollars to do geological surveys and testing to find oil. The equipment they have is already paid for.
They don't drill dry holes anymore. It's not a matter of risk now a days. It's a matter of finding the right spot that's going to get the most oil.
In fact, where I used to live, I looked into buying the mineral rights to my land. I found a geological survey that was over 10 years old. It showed how deep it was to the oil, how much oil was surrounding it. Apparently there wasn't enough for them to even worry about.
But they still wouldn't sell me the mineral rights. (bastards)
Prices of gasoline dropped when the prediction of a recession was announced by economists. China started to lock down their businesses and citizens with a new wave of covid. Biden was draining our federal reserves. The price dropped and will likely continue to drop with the expectation of less consumption. Major companies are announcing massive layoffs across the country. Depending on how bad it gets, we may even find ourselves close to the $2.00 a gallon range nationally.

Massive layoffs are just a sign that the economy is about to start getting better. It's a measure they take to stay in business. To weather the storm. It's an economic down turn that also ALWAYS happens with every single solitary two term presidency. Reagan came in when we were right in the middle of one. It happened under Clinton, W Bush, Obama and it would've happened under Trump, but he came in when the economic down turn was in it's final stages.

FACT: Every new president that takes office, is still running on the previous presidents economic policies. And it takes up to 2 years for the new presidents policies to start making an impact on the economy.
When Trump left office, the inflation rate was about 1.2 to 1.3. Less than 6 months after he left, the inflation rate was up to about 5%. All of this, the country was still running under Trumps policies. It would be another year before Biden's policies were implemented and started showing up in our economy.

For the record: Biden's economic policies are stupid. Same as Trumps. Borrow trillions from the fed and dump it into the economy. This only makes things look good for a while. But all that new money devalues the existing currency, and within a year or so, you money is now worth less, because there's more of it.
Remember what I said about the PS5? They can build as many as they want now, so they're cheaper. It's the same exact concept.
Biden borrowing all this money and dumping it into the economy, is going to have the same exact affect on our economy as Trumps borrowing did. Another economic downturn for who ever replaces Biden.
Before Reagan, Republicans were mostly conservatives. (actual conservatives) Then the big spending CINO's took over and we called them neocons. (Reagan, HW and then W). They were awful. Huge spending bills, Wars and all sort of unconstitutional crap like the Patriot act, NDAA and FISA (702). Then they infiltrated and destroyed the 2007 Tea Party.
So when Trump came along, I was excited to see someone taking over the neocons. I thought we was finally going to get some sanity back into the GOP.
But it started morphing into this ridiculous cartoon-like movement with Trump at the helm, repeating one obvious lie after another. (paying off the then $19 trillion debt in 8 years. Balancing the budget in 4, making mexico pay for the wall)
And people were actually buying into this crap. And still are.
So I post things like this thread about his Platinum Plan, how socialist it is with Trump dishing out $500 billion to black communities, just because they're black communities, thinking the whole time, maybe it'll wake these people up. But they ignore it like they ignored Trump saying "Yeah, that whole "lock her up" thing was good for the campaign.

I'm not so sure Trump is "more" dangerous. I think his supporters are. On another thread I post on, I created a poll asking who would support Trump as their chancellor. The majority said they would support a Chancellor Trump.
These are the same people that bitch and moan when the democrats spend too much, do things that are against the constitution and get involved with foreign entanglements like Ukraine. And scream to the heavens that the democrats are destroying our "Republic." So I called them out on it with a few things like "so to hell with the US constitution, let's just override it and create a Trump dictatorship?"
And you probably know what comes next.... "But what about Biden." or "The democrats are trying to make Biden the king," or some other off topic BS to provide cover for Trump.
Well, Trump is not the problem. He never has been. He was merely the guy who was shameless and needy enough to tap into this massive reservoir of mal-informed, paranoid rage that talk radio had been feeding into for decades.

They didn't care that he spent like Reagan. They didn't care that he BEGGED the Fed for MORE quantitative easing. They didn't care that he BEGGED the Fed for lower interest rates in a period of growth. He tapped into their impotent rage, and that's all that matters.

They sold their soul to a blatant con man, and that forced the rest of the GQP -- these weak, craven politicians -- to do the same. And now, if he runs this party off the cliff, we'll be in danger of the Dems knee-jerking us too far back in the OTHER direction.
These people want to play the same game, over and over and over.

Ask for proof, ask for examples, and when they're provided, they dismiss all of them. So, to hell with it. I no longer play the game.


That's because you're the pawn in the game, Mac.

Your Dems legit being the fascist you slobber all over these forums about, and nothing from you. First thing from you this morning is....SHOCK...."TRUMP!!!"
That's because you're the pawn in the game, Mac.

Your Dems legit being the fascist you slobber all over these forums about, and nothing from you. First thing from you this morning is....SHOCK...."TRUMP!!!"
That jackass isn't even dust on the board.

He's more like the piece that cat knocked off the board, lost under the couch and got replaced by one from an old set. You can tell that by the way no one is looking for him.

Still the same thing as I said. You're just wording it different. The commodities market is just another way to charge more. They used to use the supply and demand excuse. But after all the hundreds of billions in subsidies, they had to find another excuse. And they found it.

Oh nooo, we had cheap gas. Can't have that, right? Why did we have cheap gas, because imported oil from Saudi and Russia is cheaper. Plus it's cheaper to refine than anything in the US, including WTSC.
US oil companies weren't going anywhere. They weren't about to collapse. Even if they completely stopped all US oil drilling, they'd still be making money from their refined imported oil. BILLIONS they'd still be making.
The ONLY reason we gave the oil companies so much in subsidies was so US citizens wouldn't be forced to pay the higher oil prices when OPEC went into their bust cycle. We paid them to explore, extract and refine oil for us to keep from OPEC hurting our economy so much.
And how do they repay us for the hundreds of billions? They go into a bust cycle at the same exact time as OPEC. Why? Because of your precious commodity market price excuse.

When you get a drilling permit from BLM, that's your greenlight. And US oil companies had more drilling permits than they wanted to use. There was no need to use them because the demand (when Biden took office) was extremely low. So they sat on them. When the demand went up, they started using more. But they never fell short of supplying the US.

It doesn't cost them more than a few thousand dollars to do geological surveys and testing to find oil. The equipment they have is already paid for.
They don't drill dry holes anymore. It's not a matter of risk now a days. It's a matter of finding the right spot that's going to get the most oil.
In fact, where I used to live, I looked into buying the mineral rights to my land. I found a geological survey that was over 10 years old. It showed how deep it was to the oil, how much oil was surrounding it. Apparently there wasn't enough for them to even worry about.
But they still wouldn't sell me the mineral rights. (bastards)

Massive layoffs are just a sign that the economy is about to start getting better. It's a measure they take to stay in business. To weather the storm. It's an economic down turn that also ALWAYS happens with every single solitary two term presidency. Reagan came in when we were right in the middle of one. It happened under Clinton, W Bush, Obama and it would've happened under Trump, but he came in when the economic down turn was in it's final stages.

FACT: Every new president that takes office, is still running on the previous presidents economic policies. And it takes up to 2 years for the new presidents policies to start making an impact on the economy.
When Trump left office, the inflation rate was about 1.2 to 1.3. Less than 6 months after he left, the inflation rate was up to about 5%. All of this, the country was still running under Trumps policies. It would be another year before Biden's policies were implemented and started showing up in our economy.

For the record: Biden's economic policies are stupid. Same as Trumps. Borrow trillions from the fed and dump it into the economy. This only makes things look good for a while. But all that new money devalues the existing currency, and within a year or so, you money is now worth less, because there's more of it.
Remember what I said about the PS5? They can build as many as they want now, so they're cheaper. It's the same exact concept.
Biden borrowing all this money and dumping it into the economy, is going to have the same exact affect on our economy as Trumps borrowing did. Another economic downturn for who ever replaces Biden.

So who sold you this bullshit that economic policies take two years to have an impact? It's what you leftists always tell us until you get one of your presidents in and things start turning around quickly. Newsflash: Price of fuel affects the country immediately. Why would Trump do something to harm the economy with the expectation that he easily would win reelection? That doesn't even make any sense.

From the American Petroleum Institute:

Psaki has made the claim about “unused” federal leases before. It has become a line the White House pivots to when pressed to explain why it isn’t doing more to support American oil and gas production – with soaring demand putting upward pressure on prices and with much of Europe at the mercy of its top energy provider, Russia. Key facts about federal leases:

  • The law already requires companies to either produce oil and/or gas on leases or return the leases to the government – the so-called “use it or lose it” provision – generally in the first 10 years.
  • When a company acquires a lease, it makes a significant financial investment at the beginning of the lease in the form of a non-refundable bonus bid and pays additional rent until and unless it begins producing.
  • For federal onshore, the Mineral Leasing Act prevents any one company from locking up unproductive excessive federal acreage.
  • Developing a lease takes years and substantial effort to determine whether the underlying geology holds commercial quantities of oil and/or gas. The lengthy process to develop them from a lease often is extended by administrative and legal challenges at every step along the way.

The argument about “unused” leases is a red herring, a smokescreen for energy policies that have had a hamstringing effect on the world’s leading producer of natural gas and oil. It suggests American producers have been motivated by a desire to manipulate the market during the current crisis in Europe. This is false. American oil and gas producers are able and willing to do their part to support American energy leadership, including providing energy that can help allies abroad.

Until you understand the difference between markets, it's useless having this discussion with you because you simply don't understand it.
You only believe Biden when he says thing you want him to say? Here's a help for you. Biden lies. So when he said that crap about ending big oil, he was lying. He doesn't have the power to do that. No more than Trump had the power to fullfil his promise of paying down the then $10 trillion debt, balancing the budget in 4 years or making Mexico pay for the wall.

They're politicians, so they're going to lie just to get elected. Why TF would you believe anything Biden says? Because it gives you a reason to whine and complain about him? FFS, he's just the president. Oil, gas and coal are not, I repeat NOT state owned. We don't have a chancellor.
IF, President Biden was lying about destroying the fossil fuel industry, why did he then do exactly that?

BS. The president doesn't turn the spigot up or down. The market does. We the People do. Did you happen to notice that not one time in all of Biden's presidency were there no gas stations out of fuel because they couldn't get any from the refineries? No, you didn't. The oil companies produce just enough to supply our needs. Producing more than we need including our exports, lowers the price of oil because it's an excess amount.

Are really that gullible or simply that desperate? President Biden's first week in office, did he NOT sign executive orders reversing virtually everything President had done to make us energy independent?

Careful now, we wouldn't want your nose to grow any longer now, would we?
Are really that gullible or simply that desperate? President Biden's first week in office, did he NOT sign executive orders reversing virtually everything President had done to make us energy independent?

Careful now, we wouldn't want your nose to grow any longer now, would we?

EO's are nothing more than a photo op. They can't change laws. We don't live in a dictatorship. The president isn't a chancellor.

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