Trump threatens extortion

Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.
I didn’t say that — you did.
Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.
What investigations did Republicans have while DumBama was in office?
The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama, but all the Democrats have been able talk about is how they are going to use the House to harass the President with investigations that serve no other purpose than the political interests, such as going after his tax returns.
"The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama"

How look ^^^ yet another rightard with failing memory of the Obama years....

And I don't care how brain-dead you cons are, how the fuck do you manage to mentally block out all of the Benghazi investigations?? By the time Republicans were done after 4 years of endless investigations, they held 8 independent investigations into Benghazi -- 6 of which were launched by Republicans in the House....
Benghazi Investigation #1...
Benghazi Investigation #2...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #3...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #4...
Benghazi Investigation #5...
Benghazi Investigation #6...
Benghazi Investigation #7...
Benghazi Investigation #8...
… thanks for proving for the forum that you're nothing but another lying con tool for the conservative agenda.
With every post you make the case that you are just too stupid to understand anything. It is appropriate for Congress to investigation policies and actions of the administration, but the Democrats are boasting they will go after Trump personally, demanding to see his tax returns and such things that have absolutely nothing to do with government policies or actions. Even you can't really be so stupid as to not be able to recognize the difference.
It doesn't really matter. Mueller appears to be heading towards some resolution, and it's going to have something about Trump and Russia finances, and it appears Mueller has some email chain tying Assange-Corsi-StoneANDManafort, and the chain from Assange to the KGB is already done

Ohhhh, so that's how Russia cheated our election.
no it's how Trump conspired with Putin and Assange to obtain information illegally that was used to attempt to influence the election. People will debate whether Trump could have legally one for decades to come. But it's not a legal issue.
No, actually it is just gossip, not only is it not a legal issue but it is not a factual issue.
We shall see, shan't we. lOL
We have already seen that Mueller has nothing on the President and if he were an honorable man, he would admit it and resign.
It isn't that Obama isn't a US's that he lied about NOT being one when he was a student trying to scam the things that foreign students get from American colleges!
lying con tool, everyone knows you have zero proof to back that up.

Do you ever stop lying?


Gee, why do you think Barry's college records are guarded like nuclear launch codes, Faun? They don't want anyone to GET the proof of the scams he was running back then.
gawd almighty, more bull crap propaganda... do you EVER research anything?

nothing special has been done to Obama's school records.... it's simply the LAW, covering every student... schools can't give out any info on you due to privacy laws, without your own personal, in writing, permission. :rolleyes:

The man runs for President with zero Executive legislative success...nothing published as a college lecturer...and nothing exceptional done as a lawyer! His one "accomplishment" as an adult is graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and becoming the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! So why would someone not want to disclose his records from when he was at Harvard? Why wouldn't Barry be TRUMPETING his academic record from the rooftops? Unlike you liberal shills...I'm a common sense kind of guy! When someone doesn't disclose something that they SHOULD be proud of...I wonder why that is! So you tell me, Kiddies...why wouldn't Obama release his college records and put pressure on those he was running against to do the same? Why would he hide behind the privacy laws precluding schools from releasing information about students? I'd love it if you could give me one reason for that that made any sense at all!
"I'm a common sense kind of guy!"


No, you're a lying con tool.

And this is the perfect example. The story of Obama going to college on a foreign exchange student scholarship was thoroughly debunked as an April Fool's joke. The person who did even said it was so stupid and filled with such obviously incorrect details, he never thought anyone would believe it.

Yet here you are, the lying con tool you are, still peddling this nonsense. And even when challenged with the truth behind it, you ignore that and make up bullshit to fill in the gapping head wound that was blown into your idiocy.

Debunked how? Since neither you nor I can view any of Barry's college records...neither you nor I have the faintest idea what his application for financial aid looked like. If you DO have access to that, all means produce your proof that Obama didn't fudge his applications back in the day!
Does this mean that Trump is going to prove, once and for all, that Obama is not a US citizen?

It isn't that Obama isn't a US's that he lied about NOT being one when he was a student trying to scam the things that foreign students get from American colleges!
lying con tool, everyone knows you have zero proof to back that up.

Do you ever stop lying?


Gee, why do you think Barry's college records are guarded like nuclear launch codes, Faun? They don't want anyone to GET the proof of the scams he was running back then.
gawd almighty, more bull crap propaganda... do you EVER research anything?

nothing special has been done to Obama's school records.... it's simply the LAW, covering every student... schools can't give out any info on you due to privacy laws, without your own personal, in writing, permission. :rolleyes:

The man runs for President with zero Executive legislative success...nothing published as a college lecturer...and nothing exceptional done as a lawyer! His one "accomplishment" as an adult is graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and becoming the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! So why would someone not want to disclose his records from when he was at Harvard? Why wouldn't Barry be TRUMPETING his academic record from the rooftops? Unlike you liberal shills...I'm a common sense kind of guy! When someone doesn't disclose something that they SHOULD be proud of...I wonder why that is! So you tell me, Kiddies...why wouldn't Obama release his college records and put pressure on those he was running against to do the same? Why would he hide behind the privacy laws precluding schools from releasing information about students? I'd love it if you could give me one reason for that that made any sense at all!

Not even worthy of a serious response.
It isn't that Obama isn't a US's that he lied about NOT being one when he was a student trying to scam the things that foreign students get from American colleges!
lying con tool, everyone knows you have zero proof to back that up.

Do you ever stop lying?


Gee, why do you think Barry's college records are guarded like nuclear launch codes, Faun? They don't want anyone to GET the proof of the scams he was running back then.
gawd almighty, more bull crap propaganda... do you EVER research anything?

nothing special has been done to Obama's school records.... it's simply the LAW, covering every student... schools can't give out any info on you due to privacy laws, without your own personal, in writing, permission. :rolleyes:

The man runs for President with zero Executive legislative success...nothing published as a college lecturer...and nothing exceptional done as a lawyer! His one "accomplishment" as an adult is graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and becoming the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! So why would someone not want to disclose his records from when he was at Harvard? Why wouldn't Barry be TRUMPETING his academic record from the rooftops? Unlike you liberal shills...I'm a common sense kind of guy! When someone doesn't disclose something that they SHOULD be proud of...I wonder why that is! So you tell me, Kiddies...why wouldn't Obama release his college records and put pressure on those he was running against to do the same? Why would he hide behind the privacy laws precluding schools from releasing information about students? I'd love it if you could give me one reason for that that made any sense at all!

Not even worthy of a serious response.

Translation...I have no reasonable response to your question...
Again … why would Clinton apologize for something he maintains he never did? Would you apologize for something you never did?

Problem is he did do it. He only met Jones one time, and that was when he had a state trooper usher her into a hotel room. She thought her work as a state employee was recognized by the Governor. Boy was she wrong. So if Bill didn't want her for sexual reasons, WTF would he invite her into a hotel room?
According to you, he did it. She couldn't prove he did it. Her claims in court fell apart under scrutiny.

How about the woman who claims trump raped her when she was 13? Do you believe her too? Or do you need to know the party of the accused to make that determination?

Her claim fell apart because there was no way to prove it. Lord knows how many times he's done that in the past. But that's the same thing he thought about Lewinsky: nobody in the room but him and her. So if he did that with Lewinsky, that gives Jones's claims more merit. And you failed to answer the question: if Clinton didn't summon Jones on behalf of her work, and not sex, what did he want with her?
Wrong, as usual. It wasn't just that there was no way to prove it -- some of her claims were flat out proven false. Like her claims that she was passed over for merit increases for rebuffing Clinton's advances. The advances she couldn't prove since there was no corroborating evidence; but her claims of not getting merit increases, which was what she presented as corroborating evidence, was shown in court to be untrue. Every one of her merit increases was provided to the court to demonstrate she was full of shit.

As far as Lewinsky, there never was any evidence he exposed himself in the fashion Jones claimed. So that blows up her case as well.

"And you failed to answer the question: if Clinton didn't summon Jones on behalf of her work, and not sex, what did he want with her?"

That's odd since you didn't answer my questions either. But in answer to yours, since I wasn't there and never got to ask Clinton why, I can only go by that Jones herself said was the explanation, which was that it was common during such events to meet the governor.

Really? It's common for a sitting governor to have the state patrol usher a young girl into a hotel room? I don't recall any Governor in my state doing that.
That’s what Jones claims she was told. Now how long are you going to avoid my questions...?

How about the woman who claims trump raped her when she was 13? Do you believe her too? Or do you need to know the party of the accused to make that determination?
Problem is he did do it. He only met Jones one time, and that was when he had a state trooper usher her into a hotel room. She thought her work as a state employee was recognized by the Governor. Boy was she wrong. So if Bill didn't want her for sexual reasons, WTF would he invite her into a hotel room?
According to you, he did it. She couldn't prove he did it. Her claims in court fell apart under scrutiny.

How about the woman who claims trump raped her when she was 13? Do you believe her too? Or do you need to know the party of the accused to make that determination?

Her claim fell apart because there was no way to prove it. Lord knows how many times he's done that in the past. But that's the same thing he thought about Lewinsky: nobody in the room but him and her. So if he did that with Lewinsky, that gives Jones's claims more merit. And you failed to answer the question: if Clinton didn't summon Jones on behalf of her work, and not sex, what did he want with her?
Wrong, as usual. It wasn't just that there was no way to prove it -- some of her claims were flat out proven false. Like her claims that she was passed over for merit increases for rebuffing Clinton's advances. The advances she couldn't prove since there was no corroborating evidence; but her claims of not getting merit increases, which was what she presented as corroborating evidence, was shown in court to be untrue. Every one of her merit increases was provided to the court to demonstrate she was full of shit.

As far as Lewinsky, there never was any evidence he exposed himself in the fashion Jones claimed. So that blows up her case as well.

"And you failed to answer the question: if Clinton didn't summon Jones on behalf of her work, and not sex, what did he want with her?"

That's odd since you didn't answer my questions either. But in answer to yours, since I wasn't there and never got to ask Clinton why, I can only go by that Jones herself said was the explanation, which was that it was common during such events to meet the governor.

Really? It's common for a sitting governor to have the state patrol usher a young girl into a hotel room? I don't recall any Governor in my state doing that.
That’s what Jones claims she was told. Now how long are you going to avoid my questions...?

How about the woman who claims trump raped her when she was 13? Do you believe her too? Or do you need to know the party of the accused to make that determination?

Stupid question. Rape leaves clues behind--pulling your pants down in front of a woman in a hotel room does not unless you have a camera setup which wasn't a regular thing back then. And you couldn't answer my question either. There was only one reason he lured Jones into that hotel room.
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.
I didn’t say that — you did.
Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.
What investigations did Republicans have while DumBama was in office?
The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama, but all the Democrats have been able talk about is how they are going to use the House to harass the President with investigations that serve no other purpose than the political interests, such as going after his tax returns.
"The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama"

How look ^^^ yet another rightard with failing memory of the Obama years....

And I don't care how brain-dead you cons are, how the fuck do you manage to mentally block out all of the Benghazi investigations?? By the time Republicans were done after 4 years of endless investigations, they held 8 independent investigations into Benghazi -- 6 of which were launched by Republicans in the House....
Benghazi Investigation #1...
Benghazi Investigation #2...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #3...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #4...
Benghazi Investigation #5...
Benghazi Investigation #6...
Benghazi Investigation #7...
Benghazi Investigation #8...
… thanks for proving for the forum that you're nothing but another lying con tool for the conservative agenda.
With every post you make the case that you are just too stupid to understand anything. It is appropriate for Congress to investigation policies and actions of the administration, but the Democrats are boasting they will go after Trump personally, demanding to see his tax returns and such things that have absolutely nothing to do with government policies or actions. Even you can't really be so stupid as to not be able to recognize the difference.

Now you say such investigations are appropriate.... of course, this is what you say after I showed about 20 such investigations in response to you moronically saying, “the Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama”

Congrats! That’s among the dumbest things I’ve ever seen anyone post on these fora.

lying con tool, everyone knows you have zero proof to back that up.

Do you ever stop lying?


Gee, why do you think Barry's college records are guarded like nuclear launch codes, Faun? They don't want anyone to GET the proof of the scams he was running back then.
gawd almighty, more bull crap propaganda... do you EVER research anything?

nothing special has been done to Obama's school records.... it's simply the LAW, covering every student... schools can't give out any info on you due to privacy laws, without your own personal, in writing, permission. :rolleyes:

The man runs for President with zero Executive legislative success...nothing published as a college lecturer...and nothing exceptional done as a lawyer! His one "accomplishment" as an adult is graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and becoming the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! So why would someone not want to disclose his records from when he was at Harvard? Why wouldn't Barry be TRUMPETING his academic record from the rooftops? Unlike you liberal shills...I'm a common sense kind of guy! When someone doesn't disclose something that they SHOULD be proud of...I wonder why that is! So you tell me, Kiddies...why wouldn't Obama release his college records and put pressure on those he was running against to do the same? Why would he hide behind the privacy laws precluding schools from releasing information about students? I'd love it if you could give me one reason for that that made any sense at all!
"I'm a common sense kind of guy!"


No, you're a lying con tool.

And this is the perfect example. The story of Obama going to college on a foreign exchange student scholarship was thoroughly debunked as an April Fool's joke. The person who did even said it was so stupid and filled with such obviously incorrect details, he never thought anyone would believe it.

Yet here you are, the lying con tool you are, still peddling this nonsense. And even when challenged with the truth behind it, you ignore that and make up bullshit to fill in the gapping head wound that was blown into your idiocy.

Debunked how? Since neither you nor I can view any of Barry's college records...neither you nor I have the faintest idea what his application for financial aid looked like. If you DO have access to that, all means produce your proof that Obama didn't fudge his applications back in the day!

You poor, lying con tool. :lmao:

Thoroughly debunked. The guy who did it, did it as an April Fool’s joke. And now, you’re the joke.
According to you, he did it. She couldn't prove he did it. Her claims in court fell apart under scrutiny.

How about the woman who claims trump raped her when she was 13? Do you believe her too? Or do you need to know the party of the accused to make that determination?

Her claim fell apart because there was no way to prove it. Lord knows how many times he's done that in the past. But that's the same thing he thought about Lewinsky: nobody in the room but him and her. So if he did that with Lewinsky, that gives Jones's claims more merit. And you failed to answer the question: if Clinton didn't summon Jones on behalf of her work, and not sex, what did he want with her?
Wrong, as usual. It wasn't just that there was no way to prove it -- some of her claims were flat out proven false. Like her claims that she was passed over for merit increases for rebuffing Clinton's advances. The advances she couldn't prove since there was no corroborating evidence; but her claims of not getting merit increases, which was what she presented as corroborating evidence, was shown in court to be untrue. Every one of her merit increases was provided to the court to demonstrate she was full of shit.

As far as Lewinsky, there never was any evidence he exposed himself in the fashion Jones claimed. So that blows up her case as well.

"And you failed to answer the question: if Clinton didn't summon Jones on behalf of her work, and not sex, what did he want with her?"

That's odd since you didn't answer my questions either. But in answer to yours, since I wasn't there and never got to ask Clinton why, I can only go by that Jones herself said was the explanation, which was that it was common during such events to meet the governor.

Really? It's common for a sitting governor to have the state patrol usher a young girl into a hotel room? I don't recall any Governor in my state doing that.
That’s what Jones claims she was told. Now how long are you going to avoid my questions...?

How about the woman who claims trump raped her when she was 13? Do you believe her too? Or do you need to know the party of the accused to make that determination?

Stupid question. Rape leaves clues behind--pulling your pants down in front of a woman in a hotel room does not unless you have a camera setup which wasn't a regular thing back then. And you couldn't answer my question either. There was only one reason he lured Jones into that hotel room.
there’s no trace of rape decades later. But that’s ok, you’re refusal to answer the questions actually answers the last one for me.
Her claim fell apart because there was no way to prove it. Lord knows how many times he's done that in the past. But that's the same thing he thought about Lewinsky: nobody in the room but him and her. So if he did that with Lewinsky, that gives Jones's claims more merit. And you failed to answer the question: if Clinton didn't summon Jones on behalf of her work, and not sex, what did he want with her?
Wrong, as usual. It wasn't just that there was no way to prove it -- some of her claims were flat out proven false. Like her claims that she was passed over for merit increases for rebuffing Clinton's advances. The advances she couldn't prove since there was no corroborating evidence; but her claims of not getting merit increases, which was what she presented as corroborating evidence, was shown in court to be untrue. Every one of her merit increases was provided to the court to demonstrate she was full of shit.

As far as Lewinsky, there never was any evidence he exposed himself in the fashion Jones claimed. So that blows up her case as well.

"And you failed to answer the question: if Clinton didn't summon Jones on behalf of her work, and not sex, what did he want with her?"

That's odd since you didn't answer my questions either. But in answer to yours, since I wasn't there and never got to ask Clinton why, I can only go by that Jones herself said was the explanation, which was that it was common during such events to meet the governor.

Really? It's common for a sitting governor to have the state patrol usher a young girl into a hotel room? I don't recall any Governor in my state doing that.
That’s what Jones claims she was told. Now how long are you going to avoid my questions...?

How about the woman who claims trump raped her when she was 13? Do you believe her too? Or do you need to know the party of the accused to make that determination?

Stupid question. Rape leaves clues behind--pulling your pants down in front of a woman in a hotel room does not unless you have a camera setup which wasn't a regular thing back then. And you couldn't answer my question either. There was only one reason he lured Jones into that hotel room.
there’s no trace of rape decades later. But that’s ok, you’re refusal to answer the questions actually answers the last one for me.

There is a trace if it's reported right away. Isn't it funny how all these transgressions committed by Republicans are not known until 30 years or more later?
Wrong, as usual. It wasn't just that there was no way to prove it -- some of her claims were flat out proven false. Like her claims that she was passed over for merit increases for rebuffing Clinton's advances. The advances she couldn't prove since there was no corroborating evidence; but her claims of not getting merit increases, which was what she presented as corroborating evidence, was shown in court to be untrue. Every one of her merit increases was provided to the court to demonstrate she was full of shit.

As far as Lewinsky, there never was any evidence he exposed himself in the fashion Jones claimed. So that blows up her case as well.

"And you failed to answer the question: if Clinton didn't summon Jones on behalf of her work, and not sex, what did he want with her?"

That's odd since you didn't answer my questions either. But in answer to yours, since I wasn't there and never got to ask Clinton why, I can only go by that Jones herself said was the explanation, which was that it was common during such events to meet the governor.

Really? It's common for a sitting governor to have the state patrol usher a young girl into a hotel room? I don't recall any Governor in my state doing that.
That’s what Jones claims she was told. Now how long are you going to avoid my questions...?

How about the woman who claims trump raped her when she was 13? Do you believe her too? Or do you need to know the party of the accused to make that determination?

Stupid question. Rape leaves clues behind--pulling your pants down in front of a woman in a hotel room does not unless you have a camera setup which wasn't a regular thing back then. And you couldn't answer my question either. There was only one reason he lured Jones into that hotel room.
there’s no trace of rape decades later. But that’s ok, you’re refusal to answer the questions actually answers the last one for me.

There is a trace if it's reported right away. Isn't it funny how all these transgressions committed by Republicans are not known until 30 years or more later?
Like Jones’ claim, it wasn’t reported right away. And Jones’s claims extended beyond just that hotel room that day; it also included her career following where she claimed she was passed over for merit increases for rebuffing the governor’s advances. Her entire story crumbled under the scrutiny of the justice system.

Still, you believe her anyway. But as you’ve demonstrated, he reason for that is because the person accused is a Democrat.

Thanks for playin’.
What investigations did Republicans have while DumBama was in office?
The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama, but all the Democrats have been able talk about is how they are going to use the House to harass the President with investigations that serve no other purpose than the political interests, such as going after his tax returns.
"The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama"

How look ^^^ yet another rightard with failing memory of the Obama years....

And I don't care how brain-dead you cons are, how the fuck do you manage to mentally block out all of the Benghazi investigations?? By the time Republicans were done after 4 years of endless investigations, they held 8 independent investigations into Benghazi -- 6 of which were launched by Republicans in the House....
Benghazi Investigation #1...
Benghazi Investigation #2...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #3...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #4...
Benghazi Investigation #5...
Benghazi Investigation #6...
Benghazi Investigation #7...
Benghazi Investigation #8...
… thanks for proving for the forum that you're nothing but another lying con tool for the conservative agenda.
With every post you make the case that you are just too stupid to understand anything. It is appropriate for Congress to investigation policies and actions of the administration, but the Democrats are boasting they will go after Trump personally, demanding to see his tax returns and such things that have absolutely nothing to do with government policies or actions. Even you can't really be so stupid as to not be able to recognize the difference.

Now you say such investigations are appropriate.... of course, this is what you say after I showed about 20 such investigations in response to you moronically saying, “the Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama”

Congrats! That’s among the dumbest things I’ve ever seen anyone post on these fora.

The only thing you've demonstrated is that you are merely blindly partisan with no real interest in any of the issues.
Really? It's common for a sitting governor to have the state patrol usher a young girl into a hotel room? I don't recall any Governor in my state doing that.
That’s what Jones claims she was told. Now how long are you going to avoid my questions...?

How about the woman who claims trump raped her when she was 13? Do you believe her too? Or do you need to know the party of the accused to make that determination?

Stupid question. Rape leaves clues behind--pulling your pants down in front of a woman in a hotel room does not unless you have a camera setup which wasn't a regular thing back then. And you couldn't answer my question either. There was only one reason he lured Jones into that hotel room.
there’s no trace of rape decades later. But that’s ok, you’re refusal to answer the questions actually answers the last one for me.

There is a trace if it's reported right away. Isn't it funny how all these transgressions committed by Republicans are not known until 30 years or more later?
Like Jones’ claim, it wasn’t reported right away. And Jones’s claims extended beyond just that hotel room that day; it also included her career following where she claimed she was passed over for merit increases for rebuffing the governor’s advances. Her entire story crumbled under the scrutiny of the justice system.

Still, you believe her anyway. But as you’ve demonstrated, he reason for that is because the person accused is a Democrat.

Thanks for playin’.

Jones never reported it as a crime nor had any intention thereof. The only reason she told the story was because of a reporter who knew of Bill's legacy and interviewed Jones in effort find women who were subjected to his advances. So she told her story and then it became nationwide prompting a reaction from Clinton and his sidekicks.

After publicly humiliating her, she demanded an apology which she never got. That's what got the ball rolling.
The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama, but all the Democrats have been able talk about is how they are going to use the House to harass the President with investigations that serve no other purpose than the political interests, such as going after his tax returns.
"The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama"

How look ^^^ yet another rightard with failing memory of the Obama years....

And I don't care how brain-dead you cons are, how the fuck do you manage to mentally block out all of the Benghazi investigations?? By the time Republicans were done after 4 years of endless investigations, they held 8 independent investigations into Benghazi -- 6 of which were launched by Republicans in the House....
Benghazi Investigation #1...
Benghazi Investigation #2...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #3...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #4...
Benghazi Investigation #5...
Benghazi Investigation #6...
Benghazi Investigation #7...
Benghazi Investigation #8...
… thanks for proving for the forum that you're nothing but another lying con tool for the conservative agenda.
With every post you make the case that you are just too stupid to understand anything. It is appropriate for Congress to investigation policies and actions of the administration, but the Democrats are boasting they will go after Trump personally, demanding to see his tax returns and such things that have absolutely nothing to do with government policies or actions. Even you can't really be so stupid as to not be able to recognize the difference.

Now you say such investigations are appropriate.... of course, this is what you say after I showed about 20 such investigations in response to you moronically saying, “the Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama”

Congrats! That’s among the dumbest things I’ve ever seen anyone post on these fora.

The only thing you've demonstrated is that you are merely blindly partisan with no real interest in any of the issues.

Slobbers the imbecile who actually claimed the Republican-led House didn’t launch investigations of Obama.


Wipe your chin and move on.
That’s what Jones claims she was told. Now how long are you going to avoid my questions...?

How about the woman who claims trump raped her when she was 13? Do you believe her too? Or do you need to know the party of the accused to make that determination?

Stupid question. Rape leaves clues behind--pulling your pants down in front of a woman in a hotel room does not unless you have a camera setup which wasn't a regular thing back then. And you couldn't answer my question either. There was only one reason he lured Jones into that hotel room.
there’s no trace of rape decades later. But that’s ok, you’re refusal to answer the questions actually answers the last one for me.

There is a trace if it's reported right away. Isn't it funny how all these transgressions committed by Republicans are not known until 30 years or more later?
Like Jones’ claim, it wasn’t reported right away. And Jones’s claims extended beyond just that hotel room that day; it also included her career following where she claimed she was passed over for merit increases for rebuffing the governor’s advances. Her entire story crumbled under the scrutiny of the justice system.

Still, you believe her anyway. But as you’ve demonstrated, he reason for that is because the person accused is a Democrat.

Thanks for playin’.

Jones never reported it as a crime nor had any intention thereof. The only reason she told the story was because of a reporter who knew of Bill's legacy and interviewed Jones in effort find women who were subjected to his advances. So she told her story and then it became nationwide prompting a reaction from Clinton and his sidekicks.

After publicly humiliating her, she demanded an apology which she never got. That's what got the ball rolling.
She was suing for damages she failed to prove in court. But she got a nice nose job out of it. Even Tonya Harding couldn’t touch it. :badgrin:
The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama, but all the Democrats have been able talk about is how they are going to use the House to harass the President with investigations that serve no other purpose than the political interests, such as going after his tax returns.
"The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama"

How look ^^^ yet another rightard with failing memory of the Obama years....

And I don't care how brain-dead you cons are, how the fuck do you manage to mentally block out all of the Benghazi investigations?? By the time Republicans were done after 4 years of endless investigations, they held 8 independent investigations into Benghazi -- 6 of which were launched by Republicans in the House....
Benghazi Investigation #1...
Benghazi Investigation #2...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #3...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #4...
Benghazi Investigation #5...
Benghazi Investigation #6...
Benghazi Investigation #7...
Benghazi Investigation #8...
… thanks for proving for the forum that you're nothing but another lying con tool for the conservative agenda.
With every post you make the case that you are just too stupid to understand anything. It is appropriate for Congress to investigation policies and actions of the administration, but the Democrats are boasting they will go after Trump personally, demanding to see his tax returns and such things that have absolutely nothing to do with government policies or actions. Even you can't really be so stupid as to not be able to recognize the difference.

Now you say such investigations are appropriate.... of course, this is what you say after I showed about 20 such investigations in response to you moronically saying, “the Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama”

Congrats! That’s among the dumbest things I’ve ever seen anyone post on these fora.

The only thing you've demonstrated is that you are merely blindly partisan with no real interest in any of the issues.

Slobbers the imbecile who actually claimed the Republican-led House didn’t launch investigations of Obama.


Wipe your chin and move on.
They sure as hell didn't launch any against trump and his gang They just sat on them Times will be a changing in Jan
Stupid question. Rape leaves clues behind--pulling your pants down in front of a woman in a hotel room does not unless you have a camera setup which wasn't a regular thing back then. And you couldn't answer my question either. There was only one reason he lured Jones into that hotel room.
there’s no trace of rape decades later. But that’s ok, you’re refusal to answer the questions actually answers the last one for me.

There is a trace if it's reported right away. Isn't it funny how all these transgressions committed by Republicans are not known until 30 years or more later?
Like Jones’ claim, it wasn’t reported right away. And Jones’s claims extended beyond just that hotel room that day; it also included her career following where she claimed she was passed over for merit increases for rebuffing the governor’s advances. Her entire story crumbled under the scrutiny of the justice system.

Still, you believe her anyway. But as you’ve demonstrated, he reason for that is because the person accused is a Democrat.

Thanks for playin’.

Jones never reported it as a crime nor had any intention thereof. The only reason she told the story was because of a reporter who knew of Bill's legacy and interviewed Jones in effort find women who were subjected to his advances. So she told her story and then it became nationwide prompting a reaction from Clinton and his sidekicks.

After publicly humiliating her, she demanded an apology which she never got. That's what got the ball rolling.
She was suing for damages she failed to prove in court. But she got a nice nose job out of it. Even Tonya Harding couldn’t touch it. :badgrin:

Sure she did, but that came later. Originally she just told her story not expecting such a hostile reaction.
lying con tool, everyone knows you have zero proof to back that up.

Do you ever stop lying?


Gee, why do you think Barry's college records are guarded like nuclear launch codes, Faun? They don't want anyone to GET the proof of the scams he was running back then.
gawd almighty, more bull crap propaganda... do you EVER research anything?

nothing special has been done to Obama's school records.... it's simply the LAW, covering every student... schools can't give out any info on you due to privacy laws, without your own personal, in writing, permission. :rolleyes:

The man runs for President with zero Executive legislative success...nothing published as a college lecturer...and nothing exceptional done as a lawyer! His one "accomplishment" as an adult is graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and becoming the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! So why would someone not want to disclose his records from when he was at Harvard? Why wouldn't Barry be TRUMPETING his academic record from the rooftops? Unlike you liberal shills...I'm a common sense kind of guy! When someone doesn't disclose something that they SHOULD be proud of...I wonder why that is! So you tell me, Kiddies...why wouldn't Obama release his college records and put pressure on those he was running against to do the same? Why would he hide behind the privacy laws precluding schools from releasing information about students? I'd love it if you could give me one reason for that that made any sense at all!

Not even worthy of a serious response.

Translation...I have no reasonable response to your question...

Ok. Here is s suitable response to your post. Elvis was captured by aliens, and deported to another galaxy, where he was given control over the universe, and had JFK killed because he was jealous about him and Marilyn Monroe.
The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama, but all the Democrats have been able talk about is how they are going to use the House to harass the President with investigations that serve no other purpose than the political interests, such as going after his tax returns.
"The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama"

How look ^^^ yet another rightard with failing memory of the Obama years....

And I don't care how brain-dead you cons are, how the fuck do you manage to mentally block out all of the Benghazi investigations?? By the time Republicans were done after 4 years of endless investigations, they held 8 independent investigations into Benghazi -- 6 of which were launched by Republicans in the House....
Benghazi Investigation #1...
Benghazi Investigation #2...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #3...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #4...
Benghazi Investigation #5...
Benghazi Investigation #6...
Benghazi Investigation #7...
Benghazi Investigation #8...
… thanks for proving for the forum that you're nothing but another lying con tool for the conservative agenda.
With every post you make the case that you are just too stupid to understand anything. It is appropriate for Congress to investigation policies and actions of the administration, but the Democrats are boasting they will go after Trump personally, demanding to see his tax returns and such things that have absolutely nothing to do with government policies or actions. Even you can't really be so stupid as to not be able to recognize the difference.

Now you say such investigations are appropriate.... of course, this is what you say after I showed about 20 such investigations in response to you moronically saying, “the Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama”

Congrats! That’s among the dumbest things I’ve ever seen anyone post on these fora.

The only thing you've demonstrated is that you are merely blindly partisan with no real interest in any of the issues.

Slobbers the imbecile who actually claimed the Republican-led House didn’t launch investigations of Obama.


Wipe your chin and move on.
You began this discussion with a lie about the President threatening national security by releasing to voters some classified documents unfavorable to Democrats, and you are now defending another of your lies that investigations of the Presidents actions and policies in office are the same as digging into his private life and actions before he became President. There is clearly nothing to any of your posts but lies and insults, making my point that you have no interest in any of the issues and are simply a mindless partisan.

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