Trump threatens extortion

"The Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama"

How look ^^^ yet another rightard with failing memory of the Obama years....

And I don't care how brain-dead you cons are, how the fuck do you manage to mentally block out all of the Benghazi investigations?? By the time Republicans were done after 4 years of endless investigations, they held 8 independent investigations into Benghazi -- 6 of which were launched by Republicans in the House....
Benghazi Investigation #1...
Benghazi Investigation #2...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #3...
  • Senate investigation
Benghazi Investigation #4...
Benghazi Investigation #5...
Benghazi Investigation #6...
Benghazi Investigation #7...
Benghazi Investigation #8...
… thanks for proving for the forum that you're nothing but another lying con tool for the conservative agenda.
With every post you make the case that you are just too stupid to understand anything. It is appropriate for Congress to investigation policies and actions of the administration, but the Democrats are boasting they will go after Trump personally, demanding to see his tax returns and such things that have absolutely nothing to do with government policies or actions. Even you can't really be so stupid as to not be able to recognize the difference.

Now you say such investigations are appropriate.... of course, this is what you say after I showed about 20 such investigations in response to you moronically saying, “the Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama”

Congrats! That’s among the dumbest things I’ve ever seen anyone post on these fora.

The only thing you've demonstrated is that you are merely blindly partisan with no real interest in any of the issues.

Slobbers the imbecile who actually claimed the Republican-led House didn’t launch investigations of Obama.


Wipe your chin and move on.
You began this discussion with a lie about the President threatening national security by releasing to voters some classified documents unfavorable to Democrats, and you are now defending another of your lies that investigations of the Presidents actions and policies in office are the same as digging into his private life and actions before he became President. There is clearly nothing to any of your posts but lies and insults, making my point that you have no interest in any of the issues and are simply a mindless partisan.

You’re fucking deranged, rightie. :cuckoo:

I said releasing classified material for the purpose of getting even with political foes can potentially compromise national security, and it certainly can. So that’s not a lie.

And I never said anything about diving into a president’s personal life; so who knows how mental you are to think I did.

And of course, you’re on record for idiotically claiming the Republican House didn’t launch investigations into Obama .... which is when I bitchslapped you with reality in the form of about 20 such investigations.

Gee, why do you think Barry's college records are guarded like nuclear launch codes, Faun? They don't want anyone to GET the proof of the scams he was running back then.
gawd almighty, more bull crap propaganda... do you EVER research anything?

nothing special has been done to Obama's school records.... it's simply the LAW, covering every student... schools can't give out any info on you due to privacy laws, without your own personal, in writing, permission. :rolleyes:

The man runs for President with zero Executive legislative success...nothing published as a college lecturer...and nothing exceptional done as a lawyer! His one "accomplishment" as an adult is graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and becoming the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! So why would someone not want to disclose his records from when he was at Harvard? Why wouldn't Barry be TRUMPETING his academic record from the rooftops? Unlike you liberal shills...I'm a common sense kind of guy! When someone doesn't disclose something that they SHOULD be proud of...I wonder why that is! So you tell me, Kiddies...why wouldn't Obama release his college records and put pressure on those he was running against to do the same? Why would he hide behind the privacy laws precluding schools from releasing information about students? I'd love it if you could give me one reason for that that made any sense at all!

Not even worthy of a serious response.

Translation...I have no reasonable response to your question...

Ok. Here is s suitable response to your post. Elvis was captured by aliens, and deported to another galaxy, where he was given control over the universe, and had JFK killed because he was jealous about him and Marilyn Monroe.

So Barack Obama scamming the system when he was a young college student by claiming to be a foreign student is akin to Elvis being captured by aliens? Gee...what WOULD be more likely to have occurred? I know that none of you on the left will ever concede that Barry was rather adroit at working the system back in the day...but let's face it...he WAS! He somehow managed to get into Columbia after two years of doing a lot of drugs and getting lousy grades at Occidental College. Then even MORE amazingly...he got accepted at Harvard Law School...something even people with fantastic academic records find hard to do! Barack Obama managed to do so even though his grades at Columbia didn't get him on the honor's list! So how DOES someone get into Harvard Law School with awful grades for their first two years and then pedestrian grades for their last two years? Or is THAT an "Elvis" question as well?
Last edited:
Let the trump pos try something
Jan 23, 2017 - Four questions about the constitutional clause now being used to sue the president.

What Is the Emoluments Clause? |

The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives.
Let the trump pos try something
Jan 23, 2017 - Four questions about the constitutional clause now being used to sue the president.

What Is the Emoluments Clause? |

What Is the Emoluments Clause?
The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives.

So how did the Clinton Foundation become the exception of this?
gawd almighty, more bull crap propaganda... do you EVER research anything?

nothing special has been done to Obama's school records.... it's simply the LAW, covering every student... schools can't give out any info on you due to privacy laws, without your own personal, in writing, permission. :rolleyes:

The man runs for President with zero Executive legislative success...nothing published as a college lecturer...and nothing exceptional done as a lawyer! His one "accomplishment" as an adult is graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and becoming the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! So why would someone not want to disclose his records from when he was at Harvard? Why wouldn't Barry be TRUMPETING his academic record from the rooftops? Unlike you liberal shills...I'm a common sense kind of guy! When someone doesn't disclose something that they SHOULD be proud of...I wonder why that is! So you tell me, Kiddies...why wouldn't Obama release his college records and put pressure on those he was running against to do the same? Why would he hide behind the privacy laws precluding schools from releasing information about students? I'd love it if you could give me one reason for that that made any sense at all!

Not even worthy of a serious response.

Translation...I have no reasonable response to your question...

Ok. Here is s suitable response to your post. Elvis was captured by aliens, and deported to another galaxy, where he was given control over the universe, and had JFK killed because he was jealous about him and Marilyn Monroe.

So Barack Obama scamming the system when he was a young college student by claiming to be a foreign student is akin to Elvis being captured by aliens? Gee...what WOULD be more likely to have occurred? I know that none of you on the left will ever concede that Barry was rather adroit at working the system back in the day...but let's face it...he WAS! He somehow managed to get into Columbia after two years of doing a lot of drugs and getting lousy grades at Occidental College. Then even MORE amazingly...he got accepted at Harvard Law School...something even people with fantastic academic records find hard to do! Barack Obama managed to do so even though his grades at Columbia didn't get him on the honor's list! So how DOES someone get into Harvard Law School with awful grades for their first two years and then pedestrian grades for their last two years? Or is THAT an "Elvis" question as well?

Well, by god, you have convinced me! I will never vote for Obama again! Especially since the RW nuts told us that he is going to proclaim marshal law, cancel the elections, and declare himself dictator for life!
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Trump is so fucking stupid. There is a process to declassification (not him,) The department, like the State Department, CIA or whatever agency that had a document classified is the authority on declassifying same document. IOW they have to approve of declassification first, for obvious reasons.


I am certain this comment was made for the half brain Trump tards that are still paying attention.

Last edited:
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Trump is so fucking stupid. There is a process to declassification (not him,) The department, like the State Department, CIA or whatever agency that had a document classified is the authority on declassifying same document. IOW they have to approve of declassification first, for obvious reasons.


I am certain this comment was made for the half brain Trump tards that are still paying attention.


Our ruling
Risch said, "The minute the president speaks about it to someone, he has the ability to declassify anything at any time without any process."

We found broad agreement that a president, using powers granted by the Constitution, is able to declassify essentially anything. However, experts added that Risch’s comment was not entirely on point for the particular situation involving Trump.

In this case, it appears Trump didn’t actually use his declassification power before talking to the Russian officials, and just because Trump’s actions were legal doesn’t necessarily mean they were wise. These caveats add nuance to analyses of what Trump did.

The statement is accurate but needs clarification and additional information, so we rate it Mostly True.

Do presidents have 'the ability to declassify anything'?
gawd almighty, more bull crap propaganda... do you EVER research anything?

nothing special has been done to Obama's school records.... it's simply the LAW, covering every student... schools can't give out any info on you due to privacy laws, without your own personal, in writing, permission. :rolleyes:

The man runs for President with zero Executive legislative success...nothing published as a college lecturer...and nothing exceptional done as a lawyer! His one "accomplishment" as an adult is graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and becoming the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! So why would someone not want to disclose his records from when he was at Harvard? Why wouldn't Barry be TRUMPETING his academic record from the rooftops? Unlike you liberal shills...I'm a common sense kind of guy! When someone doesn't disclose something that they SHOULD be proud of...I wonder why that is! So you tell me, Kiddies...why wouldn't Obama release his college records and put pressure on those he was running against to do the same? Why would he hide behind the privacy laws precluding schools from releasing information about students? I'd love it if you could give me one reason for that that made any sense at all!

Not even worthy of a serious response.

Translation...I have no reasonable response to your question...

Ok. Here is s suitable response to your post. Elvis was captured by aliens, and deported to another galaxy, where he was given control over the universe, and had JFK killed because he was jealous about him and Marilyn Monroe.

So Barack Obama scamming the system when he was a young college student by claiming to be a foreign student is akin to Elvis being captured by aliens? Gee...what WOULD be more likely to have occurred? I know that none of you on the left will ever concede that Barry was rather adroit at working the system back in the day...but let's face it...he WAS! He somehow managed to get into Columbia after two years of doing a lot of drugs and getting lousy grades at Occidental College. Then even MORE amazingly...he got accepted at Harvard Law School...something even people with fantastic academic records find hard to do! Barack Obama managed to do so even though his grades at Columbia didn't get him on the honor's list! So how DOES someone get into Harvard Law School with awful grades for their first two years and then pedestrian grades for their last two years? Or is THAT an "Elvis" question as well?
”So Barack Obama scamming the system when he was a young college student by claiming to be a foreign student is akin to Elvis being captured by aliens?”

Of course it is, ya lying con tool. There is no evidence of either those.

Although, according to your [il]logic, Crazy Donald is a tax cheat, which is why he won’t release his taxes.
Let the trump pos try something
Jan 23, 2017 - Four questions about the constitutional clause now being used to sue the president.

What Is the Emoluments Clause? |

What Is the Emoluments Clause?

The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives.

So how did the Clinton Foundation become the exception of this?
Always a whatabout, huh?

Rather than spout nonsense, let’s see your proof that Hillary ever drew a salary from the Clinton Foundation...?
Let the trump pos try something
Jan 23, 2017 - Four questions about the constitutional clause now being used to sue the president.

What Is the Emoluments Clause? |

What Is the Emoluments Clause?

The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives.

So how did the Clinton Foundation become the exception of this?
Always a whatabout, huh?

Rather than spout nonsense, let’s see your proof that Hillary ever drew a salary from the Clinton Foundation...?

They don't need a salary for that. The CF is their own little travel agency. And yes, they've taken donations from all around the world. Problem now is that since the Clinton's are yesterdays' news, the donations are drying up because they can't repay favors.
Let the trump pos try something
Jan 23, 2017 - Four questions about the constitutional clause now being used to sue the president.

What Is the Emoluments Clause? |

What Is the Emoluments Clause?

The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives.

So how did the Clinton Foundation become the exception of this?
Always a whatabout, huh?

Rather than spout nonsense, let’s see your proof that Hillary ever drew a salary from the Clinton Foundation...?

They don't need a salary for that. The CF is their own little travel agency. And yes, they've taken donations from all around the world. Problem now is that since the Clinton's are yesterdays' news, the donations are drying up because they can't repay favors.
It’s not “they” we’re talking about, it’s Hillary. Bill was no longer in government and bound by the emoluments clause. That you can’t show she was personally paid from the Clinton Foundation shows you’re full of shit.

Let's just hope House Democrats are not foolish enough to waste time and money holding pointless hearings on bogus issues like Kavanaugh's alleged "perjury" and Trump's mythical "Russian collusion." If anyone should be investigated for perjury, it's Christine Blasey-Ford and the other lying accusers.
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."
Obama handed down his pen and phone.
Let the trump pos try something
Jan 23, 2017 - Four questions about the constitutional clause now being used to sue the president.

What Is the Emoluments Clause? |

What Is the Emoluments Clause?

The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives.

So how did the Clinton Foundation become the exception of this?
Always a whatabout, huh?

Rather than spout nonsense, let’s see your proof that Hillary ever drew a salary from the Clinton Foundation...?

They don't need a salary for that. The CF is their own little travel agency. And yes, they've taken donations from all around the world. Problem now is that since the Clinton's are yesterdays' news, the donations are drying up because they can't repay favors.
It’s not “they” we’re talking about, it’s Hillary. Bill was no longer in government and bound by the emoluments clause. That you can’t show she was personally paid from the Clinton Foundation shows you’re full of shit.


When did I say she was paid by the CF? You don't follow along very good, do you?

Bill and Hillary are a team; always have been, always will be. One doesn't do a thing without the other.
With every post you make the case that you are just too stupid to understand anything. It is appropriate for Congress to investigation policies and actions of the administration, but the Democrats are boasting they will go after Trump personally, demanding to see his tax returns and such things that have absolutely nothing to do with government policies or actions. Even you can't really be so stupid as to not be able to recognize the difference.

Now you say such investigations are appropriate.... of course, this is what you say after I showed about 20 such investigations in response to you moronically saying, “the Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama”

Congrats! That’s among the dumbest things I’ve ever seen anyone post on these fora.

The only thing you've demonstrated is that you are merely blindly partisan with no real interest in any of the issues.

Slobbers the imbecile who actually claimed the Republican-led House didn’t launch investigations of Obama.


Wipe your chin and move on.
You began this discussion with a lie about the President threatening national security by releasing to voters some classified documents unfavorable to Democrats, and you are now defending another of your lies that investigations of the Presidents actions and policies in office are the same as digging into his private life and actions before he became President. There is clearly nothing to any of your posts but lies and insults, making my point that you have no interest in any of the issues and are simply a mindless partisan.

You’re fucking deranged, rightie. :cuckoo:

I said releasing classified material for the purpose of getting even with political foes can potentially compromise national security, and it certainly can. So that’s not a lie.

And I never said anything about diving into a president’s personal life; so who knows how mental you are to think I did.

And of course, you’re on record for idiotically claiming the Republican House didn’t launch investigations into Obama .... which is when I bitchslapped you with reality in the form of about 20 such investigations.

Clearly, you can't put up a post without telling another lie. You were explicit in saying the President would be endangering national security if he released the classified documents he was threatening to release despite the fact you had no idea what those documents were. This is just another example of the brainless partisan nonsense which is a fair characterization of all your posts.
Let the trump pos try something
Jan 23, 2017 - Four questions about the constitutional clause now being used to sue the president.

What Is the Emoluments Clause? |

What Is the Emoluments Clause?

The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives.

So how did the Clinton Foundation become the exception of this?
Always a whatabout, huh?

Rather than spout nonsense, let’s see your proof that Hillary ever drew a salary from the Clinton Foundation...?

They don't need a salary for that. The CF is their own little travel agency. And yes, they've taken donations from all around the world. Problem now is that since the Clinton's are yesterdays' news, the donations are drying up because they can't repay favors.
It’s not “they” we’re talking about, it’s Hillary. Bill was no longer in government and bound by the emoluments clause. That you can’t show she was personally paid from the Clinton Foundation shows you’re full of shit.


When did I say she was paid by the CF? You don't follow along very good, do you?

Bill and Hillary are a team; always have been, always will be. One doesn't do a thing without the other.

Speaking of not being able to follow along...

Dumbfuck.... I didn't say you said she was paid by the Clinton Foundation. I said You can't show she was paid by the Clinton Foundation which means you can't prove she was in violation of the emoluments clause.


Now you say such investigations are appropriate.... of course, this is what you say after I showed about 20 such investigations in response to you moronically saying, “the Republicans in the House did not launch investigations of Obama”

Congrats! That’s among the dumbest things I’ve ever seen anyone post on these fora.

The only thing you've demonstrated is that you are merely blindly partisan with no real interest in any of the issues.

Slobbers the imbecile who actually claimed the Republican-led House didn’t launch investigations of Obama.


Wipe your chin and move on.
You began this discussion with a lie about the President threatening national security by releasing to voters some classified documents unfavorable to Democrats, and you are now defending another of your lies that investigations of the Presidents actions and policies in office are the same as digging into his private life and actions before he became President. There is clearly nothing to any of your posts but lies and insults, making my point that you have no interest in any of the issues and are simply a mindless partisan.

You’re fucking deranged, rightie. :cuckoo:

I said releasing classified material for the purpose of getting even with political foes can potentially compromise national security, and it certainly can. So that’s not a lie.

And I never said anything about diving into a president’s personal life; so who knows how mental you are to think I did.

And of course, you’re on record for idiotically claiming the Republican House didn’t launch investigations into Obama .... which is when I bitchslapped you with reality in the form of about 20 such investigations.

Clearly, you can't put up a post without telling another lie. You were explicit in saying the President would be endangering national security if he released the classified documents he was threatening to release despite the fact you had no idea what those documents were. This is just another example of the brainless partisan nonsense which is a fair characterization of all your posts.
"You were explicit in saying the President would be endangering national security if he released the classified documents he was threatening to release"


Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

I never said, he "would," ya lyin' sack 'o shit. I said he "could."

"would" ≠ "could"

I even pointed that out to you the last time you tried to lie about what I actually said...
I said it could, not that it necessarily would.

The only thing you've demonstrated is that you are merely blindly partisan with no real interest in any of the issues.

Slobbers the imbecile who actually claimed the Republican-led House didn’t launch investigations of Obama.


Wipe your chin and move on.
You began this discussion with a lie about the President threatening national security by releasing to voters some classified documents unfavorable to Democrats, and you are now defending another of your lies that investigations of the Presidents actions and policies in office are the same as digging into his private life and actions before he became President. There is clearly nothing to any of your posts but lies and insults, making my point that you have no interest in any of the issues and are simply a mindless partisan.

You’re fucking deranged, rightie. :cuckoo:

I said releasing classified material for the purpose of getting even with political foes can potentially compromise national security, and it certainly can. So that’s not a lie.

And I never said anything about diving into a president’s personal life; so who knows how mental you are to think I did.

And of course, you’re on record for idiotically claiming the Republican House didn’t launch investigations into Obama .... which is when I bitchslapped you with reality in the form of about 20 such investigations.

Clearly, you can't put up a post without telling another lie. You were explicit in saying the President would be endangering national security if he released the classified documents he was threatening to release despite the fact you had no idea what those documents were. This is just another example of the brainless partisan nonsense which is a fair characterization of all your posts.
"You were explicit in saying the President would be endangering national security if he released the classified documents he was threatening to release"


Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

I never said, he "would," ya lyin' sack 'o shit. I said he "could."

"would" ≠ "could"

I even pointed that out to you the last time you tried to lie about what I actually said...
I said it could, not that it necessarily would.

Their heads are as hard as rocks
The only thing you've demonstrated is that you are merely blindly partisan with no real interest in any of the issues.

Slobbers the imbecile who actually claimed the Republican-led House didn’t launch investigations of Obama.


Wipe your chin and move on.
You began this discussion with a lie about the President threatening national security by releasing to voters some classified documents unfavorable to Democrats, and you are now defending another of your lies that investigations of the Presidents actions and policies in office are the same as digging into his private life and actions before he became President. There is clearly nothing to any of your posts but lies and insults, making my point that you have no interest in any of the issues and are simply a mindless partisan.

You’re fucking deranged, rightie. :cuckoo:

I said releasing classified material for the purpose of getting even with political foes can potentially compromise national security, and it certainly can. So that’s not a lie.

And I never said anything about diving into a president’s personal life; so who knows how mental you are to think I did.

And of course, you’re on record for idiotically claiming the Republican House didn’t launch investigations into Obama .... which is when I bitchslapped you with reality in the form of about 20 such investigations.

Clearly, you can't put up a post without telling another lie. You were explicit in saying the President would be endangering national security if he released the classified documents he was threatening to release despite the fact you had no idea what those documents were. This is just another example of the brainless partisan nonsense which is a fair characterization of all your posts.
"You were explicit in saying the President would be endangering national security if he released the classified documents he was threatening to release"


Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

I never said, he "would," ya lyin' sack 'o shit. I said he "could."

"would" ≠ "could"

I even pointed that out to you the last time you tried to lie about what I actually said...
I said it could, not that it necessarily would.

It's true that when I challenged you on your original statement that the President was threatening to endanger national security by releasing unspecified classified documents, you amended your original statement by claiming you meant the release of these document could endanger national security, but since you had no idea what documents would be released, you had no reason to think they could endanger national security.

Let me put it this way, it could be you are a foreign agent whose job it is to attack the President in order to weaken the US, and while your posts make it clear that your goal is to weaken the weaken the President without any concern for how that will effect the US, we do not have any evidence that you working for a hostile foreign power. Notice I only said you could be working for a foreign power, not that you are, so you can't possibly object to my example.

Slobbers the imbecile who actually claimed the Republican-led House didn’t launch investigations of Obama.


Wipe your chin and move on.
You began this discussion with a lie about the President threatening national security by releasing to voters some classified documents unfavorable to Democrats, and you are now defending another of your lies that investigations of the Presidents actions and policies in office are the same as digging into his private life and actions before he became President. There is clearly nothing to any of your posts but lies and insults, making my point that you have no interest in any of the issues and are simply a mindless partisan.

You’re fucking deranged, rightie. :cuckoo:

I said releasing classified material for the purpose of getting even with political foes can potentially compromise national security, and it certainly can. So that’s not a lie.

And I never said anything about diving into a president’s personal life; so who knows how mental you are to think I did.

And of course, you’re on record for idiotically claiming the Republican House didn’t launch investigations into Obama .... which is when I bitchslapped you with reality in the form of about 20 such investigations.

Clearly, you can't put up a post without telling another lie. You were explicit in saying the President would be endangering national security if he released the classified documents he was threatening to release despite the fact you had no idea what those documents were. This is just another example of the brainless partisan nonsense which is a fair characterization of all your posts.
"You were explicit in saying the President would be endangering national security if he released the classified documents he was threatening to release"


Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

I never said, he "would," ya lyin' sack 'o shit. I said he "could."

"would" ≠ "could"

I even pointed that out to you the last time you tried to lie about what I actually said...
I said it could, not that it necessarily would.

Their heads are as hard as rocks
Always a deep thinker, aren't you?

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