Trump threatens extortion

And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.

I didn’t say that — you did.

Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.

Actually , Clinton was guilty of sexually harassing Paula Corbin Jones and paid her off.

Executives in the Private Sector- where Trump came from- are traditionally fired on the spot for such a transgression.
Bullshit. Her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. After she lost, she filed an appeal and that’s when Clinton paid her to go away, accepting the money only, with no admission of guilt from Clinton.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.

Talk about lying. The reason she continued to go after Clinton was because he offered her money with no apology. Had he manned up and apologized, Lewinski would have never been investigated.

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You dumbfuck, a) she filed her appeal before he offered to settle. He only offered to settle after she filed for an appeal to make her go away; b) why would he apologize for something he said he didn’t do? And c) you’re beyond help if you think Lewinsky wouldn’t have been investigated under any circumstance. Once Linda Tripp put that ball in motion, there was no stopping it.

Lewinsky was only brought up to prove that Clinton had a record of taking advantage of subordinates. Since he lied about Jones and she had no way to prove it, they set sails to prove it with other people.

On August 29, 1997, Jones' attorneys Davis and Cammarata asked to resign from the case, believing the settlement offer they had secured, which Jones refused, was the appropriate way to end the case.[14] Jones had reportedly told her lawyers she wanted an apology from Clinton, in addition to a settlement.[15] In September, Judge Wright accepted their request.[10]

Paula Jones - Wikipedia
Again … why would Clinton apologize for something he maintains he never did? Would you apologize for something you never did?
Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.

I didn’t say that — you did.

Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.

Actually , Clinton was guilty of sexually harassing Paula Corbin Jones and paid her off.

Executives in the Private Sector- where Trump came from- are traditionally fired on the spot for such a transgression.
Bullshit. Her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. After she lost, she filed an appeal and that’s when Clinton paid her to go away, accepting the money only, with no admission of guilt from Clinton.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.

Talk about lying. The reason she continued to go after Clinton was because he offered her money with no apology. Had he manned up and apologized, Lewinski would have never been investigated.

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The reason why Slick Willy was investigated in the Lewinski matter is that it was evidence in the matter of Paula Corbin Jones, the aide who he sexually harassed.

And the reason why Clinton lied was because of the MONEY he owed Jones for the harassment. He got off really cheap, paying only $800k instead of the $3 M he owed.

From the same Wiki link above:

Jones's lawyers decided to show to the court a pattern of behavior by Clinton that involved his allegedly repeatedly becoming sexually involved with state or government employees. Jones's lawyers therefore subpoenaed women they suspected Clinton had had affairs with, one of whom was Monica Lewinsky. In his deposition for the Jones lawsuit, Clinton denied having "sexual relations" with Monica Lewinsky. Based on testimony provided by Linda Tripp, which identified the existence of a blue dress with Clinton's semen on it, Kenneth Starr concluded that Clinton's sworn testimony was false and perjurious.

So the truth of the matter is had Clinton just manned up and told the truth plus offer an apology to Jones, she would have been happy with that. But Bill (assuming he had all bases covered) figured since his actions could not be proven, deny, deny, deny. What really set her off was Carville's comment about dragging a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park.
Actually , Clinton was guilty of sexually harassing Paula Corbin Jones and paid her off.

Executives in the Private Sector- where Trump came from- are traditionally fired on the spot for such a transgression.
Bullshit. Her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. After she lost, she filed an appeal and that’s when Clinton paid her to go away, accepting the money only, with no admission of guilt from Clinton.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.

Talk about lying. The reason she continued to go after Clinton was because he offered her money with no apology. Had he manned up and apologized, Lewinski would have never been investigated.

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The reason why Slick Willy was investigated in the Lewinski matter is that it was evidence in the matter of Paula Corbin Jones, the aide who he sexually harassed.

And the reason why Clinton lied was because of the MONEY he owed Jones for the harassment. He got off really cheap, paying only $800k instead of the $3 M he owed.
And yet, according to the court where Paula Jones presented her case, there was no evidence she was sexually harassed.

Go figure rightards still lie about that.

Ms. Jones' own TESTIMONY was the evidence. And wasn't the point of the "Me Too" movement is that the Broad is always believed in this type of matter?
And her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.
Actually , Clinton was guilty of sexually harassing Paula Corbin Jones and paid her off.

Executives in the Private Sector- where Trump came from- are traditionally fired on the spot for such a transgression.
Bullshit. Her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. After she lost, she filed an appeal and that’s when Clinton paid her to go away, accepting the money only, with no admission of guilt from Clinton.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.

Talk about lying. The reason she continued to go after Clinton was because he offered her money with no apology. Had he manned up and apologized, Lewinski would have never been investigated.

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You dumbfuck, a) she filed her appeal before he offered to settle. He only offered to settle after she filed for an appeal to make her go away; b) why would he apologize for something he said he didn’t do? And c) you’re beyond help if you think Lewinsky wouldn’t have been investigated under any circumstance. Once Linda Tripp put that ball in motion, there was no stopping it.

Lewinsky was only brought up to prove that Clinton had a record of taking advantage of subordinates. Since he lied about Jones and she had no way to prove it, they set sails to prove it with other people.

On August 29, 1997, Jones' attorneys Davis and Cammarata asked to resign from the case, believing the settlement offer they had secured, which Jones refused, was the appropriate way to end the case.[14] Jones had reportedly told her lawyers she wanted an apology from Clinton, in addition to a settlement.[15] In September, Judge Wright accepted their request.[10]

Paula Jones - Wikipedia
Again … why would Clinton apologize for something he maintains he never did? Would you apologize for something you never did?

Problem is he did do it. He only met Jones one time, and that was when he had a state trooper usher her into a hotel room. She thought her work as a state employee was recognized by the Governor. Boy was she wrong. So if Bill didn't want her for sexual reasons, WTF would he invite her into a hotel room?
How can it be blackmail if nobody did anything wrong?

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It’s blackmail regardless of whether or not there was wrong doing.

No, blackmail is when you have criminal evidence against somebody and are threatening to reveal that evidence unless your demands are met. If there is no criminal evidence, there can't be blackmail.
Wrong, criminal evidence is not a requirement. There doesn't even have to be a crime, it could be something legal but embarrassing, like revealing an affair. Also, the crime is in demanding money in exchange for silence; not for revealing the matter at hand. So even blackmail based on the belief that there was a crime or something embarrassing is all that is needed, even if there was none; as the crime is solely on the actions of the blackmailer.

Here is an example. This is the law in Florida. As you can see, a crime on the victim's part is not required.

836.05 Threats; extortion.—Whoever, either verbally or by a written or printed communication, maliciously threatens to accuse another of any crime or offense, or by such communication maliciously threatens an injury to the person, property or reputation of another, or maliciously threatens to expose another to disgrace, or to expose any secret affecting another, or to impute any deformity or lack of chastity to another, with intent thereby to extort money or any pecuniary advantage whatsoever, or with intent to compel the person so threatened, or any other person, to do any act or refrain from doing any act against his or her will, shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. [/URL]775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

Trump just blackmailed Democrats and the sycophantic right, ever diligent and loyal to trump, leap once again at the opportunity to defend his boorish tactics.

So what does that have to do with what I said?

If Trump doesn't have anything, he has no ability to blackmail anybody.
Still extortion

If I have evidence you committed a crime and demand $1 million to keep quiet

That is blackmail and extortion

Yes it is, keywords being If I have evidence.
Bullshit. Her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. After she lost, she filed an appeal and that’s when Clinton paid her to go away, accepting the money only, with no admission of guilt from Clinton.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.

Talk about lying. The reason she continued to go after Clinton was because he offered her money with no apology. Had he manned up and apologized, Lewinski would have never been investigated.

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You dumbfuck, a) she filed her appeal before he offered to settle. He only offered to settle after she filed for an appeal to make her go away; b) why would he apologize for something he said he didn’t do? And c) you’re beyond help if you think Lewinsky wouldn’t have been investigated under any circumstance. Once Linda Tripp put that ball in motion, there was no stopping it.

Lewinsky was only brought up to prove that Clinton had a record of taking advantage of subordinates. Since he lied about Jones and she had no way to prove it, they set sails to prove it with other people.

On August 29, 1997, Jones' attorneys Davis and Cammarata asked to resign from the case, believing the settlement offer they had secured, which Jones refused, was the appropriate way to end the case.[14] Jones had reportedly told her lawyers she wanted an apology from Clinton, in addition to a settlement.[15] In September, Judge Wright accepted their request.[10]

Paula Jones - Wikipedia
Again … why would Clinton apologize for something he maintains he never did? Would you apologize for something you never did?

Problem is he did do it. He only met Jones one time, and that was when he had a state trooper usher her into a hotel room. She thought her work as a state employee was recognized by the Governor. Boy was she wrong. So if Bill didn't want her for sexual reasons, WTF would he invite her into a hotel room?
According to you, he did it. She couldn't prove he did it. Her claims in court fell apart under scrutiny.

How about the woman who claims trump raped her when she was 13? Do you believe her too? Or do you need to know the party of the accused to make that determination?
Again … why would Clinton apologize for something he maintains he never did? Would you apologize for something you never did?

Clinton apologized for a lot of thing he didn't do, like Slavery.

Clinton's probably is in apologizing for things he did do
Does this mean that Trump is going to prove, once and for all, that Obama is not a US citizen?

It isn't that Obama isn't a US's that he lied about NOT being one when he was a student trying to scam the things that foreign students get from American colleges!
lying con tool, everyone knows you have zero proof to back that up.

Do you ever stop lying?


Gee, why do you think Barry's college records are guarded like nuclear launch codes, Faun? They don't want anyone to GET the proof of the scams he was running back then.
gawd almighty, more bull crap propaganda... do you EVER research anything?

nothing special has been done to Obama's school records.... it's simply the LAW, covering every student... schools can't give out any info on you due to privacy laws, without your own personal, in writing, permission. :rolleyes:

The man runs for President with zero Executive legislative success...nothing published as a college lecturer...and nothing exceptional done as a lawyer! His one "accomplishment" as an adult is graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and becoming the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! So why would someone not want to disclose his records from when he was at Harvard? Why wouldn't Barry be TRUMPETING his academic record from the rooftops? Unlike you liberal shills...I'm a common sense kind of guy! When someone doesn't disclose something that they SHOULD be proud of...I wonder why that is! So you tell me, Kiddies...why wouldn't Obama release his college records and put pressure on those he was running against to do the same? Why would he hide behind the privacy laws precluding schools from releasing information about students? I'd love it if you could give me one reason for that that made any sense at all!
"I'm a common sense kind of guy!"


No, you're a lying con tool.

And this is the perfect example. The story of Obama going to college on a foreign exchange student scholarship was thoroughly debunked as an April Fool's joke. The person who did even said it was so stupid and filled with such obviously incorrect details, he never thought anyone would believe it.

Yet here you are, the lying con tool you are, still peddling this nonsense. And even when challenged with the truth behind it, you ignore that and make up bullshit to fill in the gapping head wound that was blown into your idiocy.
Again … why would Clinton apologize for something he maintains he never did? Would you apologize for something you never did?

Clinton apologized for a lot of thing he didn't do, like Slavery.

Clinton's probably is in apologizing for things he did do
He was the leader of the country which contributed to that atrocious act many years before. He was apologizing on behalf of the country for that, not for himself.
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."

Are republican men turned on by Trump?
How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood:
From boasting about the size of his penis on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. His behavior also seems to have struck a chord with some male voters.
But our research suggests that Trump is not necessarily attracting male supporters who are as confidently masculine as the president presents himself to be. Instead, Trump appears to appeal more to men who are secretly insecure about their manhood. We call this the “fragile masculinity hypothesis.”
It isn't that Obama isn't a US's that he lied about NOT being one when he was a student trying to scam the things that foreign students get from American colleges!
lying con tool, everyone knows you have zero proof to back that up.

Do you ever stop lying?


Gee, why do you think Barry's college records are guarded like nuclear launch codes, Faun? They don't want anyone to GET the proof of the scams he was running back then.
gawd almighty, more bull crap propaganda... do you EVER research anything?

nothing special has been done to Obama's school records.... it's simply the LAW, covering every student... schools can't give out any info on you due to privacy laws, without your own personal, in writing, permission. :rolleyes:

The man runs for President with zero Executive legislative success...nothing published as a college lecturer...and nothing exceptional done as a lawyer! His one "accomplishment" as an adult is graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and becoming the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! So why would someone not want to disclose his records from when he was at Harvard? Why wouldn't Barry be TRUMPETING his academic record from the rooftops? Unlike you liberal shills...I'm a common sense kind of guy! When someone doesn't disclose something that they SHOULD be proud of...I wonder why that is! So you tell me, Kiddies...why wouldn't Obama release his college records and put pressure on those he was running against to do the same? Why would he hide behind the privacy laws precluding schools from releasing information about students? I'd love it if you could give me one reason for that that made any sense at all!
"I'm a common sense kind of guy!"


No, you're a lying con tool.

And this is the perfect example. The story of Obama going to college on a foreign exchange student scholarship was thoroughly debunked as an April Fool's joke. The person who did even said it was so stupid and filled with such obviously incorrect details, he never thought anyone would believe it.

Yet here you are, the lying con tool you are, still peddling this nonsense. And even when challenged with the truth behind it, you ignore that and make up bullshit to fill in the gapping head wound that was blown into your idiocy.
old and trump would be good together Trump would shat in his hat and old would wear it
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.
Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.

I didn’t say that — you did.

Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.
Which is your way of supporting the political misuse of the House by the Democrats.
And still, the only one suggesting that is you.

The only one assuming any investigation Democrats start will be bogus, is again you.
More accurately, the only one denying it is you.
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."

When will people stop playing games with Dims?

They will destroy anyone who crosses them, it's all out war.

If Trump has information he should let it fly.

He should also have kept to his campaign promise of locking up Hillary.

Now he will find out the hard way that his inaction was wrong while being eaten up by these brown shirts.
i suspect another empty threat from Trump

President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.
"If they want to play tough, I will do it," Trump told the New York Post in an interview Wednesday. "They will see how devastating those pages are."

When will people stop playing games with Dims?

They will destroy anyone who crosses them, it's all out war.

If Trump has information he should let it fly.

He should also have kept to his campaign promise of locking up Hillary.

Now he will find out the hard way that his inaction was wrong while being eaten up by these brown shirts.
Gonna bring up the BS about Cruzes father Or the lying scumbags lie about where Obama was born??

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