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Trump Threatens Mexico With NAFTA

NAFTA is a failure and the Mexican gov't does very little to stop the illegals from coming here..........

In regards to the drug flow..............Mexico has been and still is in a War with the Drug lords..........

Mexico's bloody drug war is killing more people than ever

Mexican Drug War - Wikipedia

By the end of Felipe Calderón's administration (December 1, 2006 – November 30, 2012), the official death toll of the Mexican Drug War was at least 60,000.[105]Estimates set the death toll above 120,000 killed by 2013, not including 27,000 missing.[106][107]

More people have been dying there than in our wars in the Middle East...............The drug lord are a brutal bunch.
As I said from the beginning, and I KNOW that Trump knows this, China, Mexico, Canada in that order are exploiting America.

I wrote my first book report about Trump in grade 5 as I had an interest in successful people at a young age, I even vaugely remember his photo on the cover in a suit. It was a biography of sorts as he was still in his prime. When it comes to results and having a sense of how to Win, he has it.

So, NAFTA is the leverage he needs, and yes, they may need a nuclear option to correct these problems. The bloody mid-terms and maybe even 2020 are at risk.

If I am Trump, I declare a National Emergency on the wall and on the economy if need be. Put the National Guard on the border or the military, these are the most patriotic of Americans who do what they do out of a sense of duty and love for country. The Border Guards would love the temporary support.

Second, walk away from NAFTA. Tell Mexico and Canada to justify the deal by giving details on how many Canadian and Mexican companies opened up a business in America and employed America, vs how many American companies did the same in Mexico and Canada. I am betting it's a minimum 20 to 1 for American businesses investing in jobs in those countries than the contrary, Give the six month heads up as per the agreement and then you will see these abusers get in line right quick.

Trump needs some bold moves before November anyways since the abuse of the Omnibus by the establishment that cornered him into military funding. When he is that ferocious fighter who goes to bat for America, with results, his supporters and Independents will go to bat for him. That is what is at stake here, he is smart enough to see how this is playing out in an effort to undermine him, even before he was sworn in. Rally the troops now while the iron is hot and even Roseanne is kicking ass.

Build the Wall and deal with NAFTA. Get it done, win in 2018 and cost in 2020 If not, I fear these globalist bastards who want to harm America will succeed. Don't let them win.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
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As I said from the beginning, and I KNOW that Trump knows this, China, Mexico, Canada in that order are exploiting America.

I wrote my first book report about Trump in grade 5 as I had an interest in successful people at a young age, I even vaugely remember his photo on the cover in a suit. It was a biography of sorts as he was still in his prime. When it comes to results and having a sense of how to Win, he has it.

So, NAFTA is the leverage he needs, and yes, they may need a nuclear option to correct these problems. The bloody mid-terms and maybe even 2020 are at risk.

If I am Trump, I declare a National Emergency on the wall and on the economy if need be. Put the National Guard on the border or the military, these are the most patriotic of Americans who do what they do out of a sense of duty and love for country. The Border Guards would love the temporary support.

Second, walk away from NAFTA. Tell Mexico and Canada to justify the deal by giving details on how many Canadian and Mexican companies opened up a business in America and employed America, vs how many American companies did the same in Mexico and Canada. I am betting it's a minimum 20 to 1 for American businesses investing in jobs in those countries than the contrary, Give the six month heads up as per the agreement and then you will see these abusers get in line right quick.

Trump needs some bold moves before November anyways since the abuse of the Omnibus by the establishment that cornered him into military funding. When he is that ferocious fighter who goes to bat for America, with results, his supporters and Independents will go to bat for him. That is what is at stake here, he is smart enough to see how this is playing out in an effort to undermine him, even before he was sworn in. Rally the troops now while the iron is hot and even Roseanne is kicking ass.

Build the Wall and deal with NAFTA. Get it done, win in 2018 and cost in 2020 If not, I fear these globalist bastards who want to harm America will succeed. Don't let them win.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
He has a short window to get this done
As I said from the beginning, and I KNOW that Trump knows this, China, Mexico, Canada in that order are exploiting America.

I wrote my first book report about Trump in grade 5 as I had an interest in successful people at a young age, I even vaugely remember his photo on the cover in a suit. It was a biography of sorts as he was still in his prime. When it comes to results and having a sense of how to Win, he has it.

So, NAFTA is the leverage he needs, and yes, they may need a nuclear option to correct these problems. The bloody mid-terms and maybe even 2020 are at risk.

If I am Trump, I declare a National Emergency on the wall and on the economy if need be. Put the National Guard on the border or the military, these are the most patriotic of Americans who do what they do out of a sense of duty and love for country. The Border Guards would love the temporary support.

Second, walk away from NAFTA. Tell Mexico and Canada to justify the deal by giving details on how many Canadian and Mexican companies opened up a business in America and employed America, vs how many American companies did the same in Mexico and Canada. I am betting it's a minimum 20 to 1 for American businesses investing in jobs in those countries than the contrary, Give the six month heads up as per the agreement and then you will see these abusers get in line right quick.

Trump needs some bold moves before November anyways since the abuse of the Omnibus by the establishment that cornered him into military funding. When he is that ferocious fighter who goes to bat for America, with results, his supporters and Independents will go to bat for him. That is what is at stake here, he is smart enough to see how this is playing out in an effort to undermine him, even before he was sworn in. Rally the troops now while the iron is hot and even Roseanne is kicking ass.

Build the Wall and deal with NAFTA. Get it done, win in 2018 and cost in 2020 If not, I fear these globalist bastards who want to harm America will succeed. Don't let them win.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
He has a short window to get this done

He knows this, so he has to act.

Nothing drives peoples to the polls more than action. It would have a massive domino effect for other Trump GOP running as well, they will say "see, he said he was going to do it, he is fighting against the Estasblishment and kept his promises", even his detractors have to respect a leader of action. It's all about him keeping his promises, he can't lose if he does.
Those countries had better re-negotiate NAFTA with us. That Trump is crazy and I'm pretty sure he means business.

Losses grow for Georgia farmers waiting for OK on foreign workers

Many Georgia farmers appear to be falling victim to whatever is causing the agency to see its record of processing applications fall from the first to the second quarter. The impact, however, is farmers following the rules and watching their crops die.

“An American producer is abiding by the law (and) our government is failing them,” Black said.

Goodman, the Homerville blueberry farmer, is in a race against the clock. Every week the price of blueberries falls as the end of the annual harvest nears. The highest prices have already come and gone, he said.

“Every day you’re not getting your blueberries picked you’re losing money,” he said. “We’re on the cusp of not being able to harvest the crop. If we don’t get some help by the end of this week, we’re probably going to have to try and pick it by machines, and that’s not ideal at all.”

Machine pickers are not suited to picking delicate blueberries. A lot of the fruit ends up squished or on the ground. Eason, the Alma farmer, estimates using a machine would cost him 25 percent of his crop.

“It’s at epidemic proportions,” Goodman said. “The H-2A program … I don’t know what they have to do, but they have to strengthen that program. I don’t think they understand. We’ve got a time-sensitive crop. You’ve got a week or two-week period that you can harvest it and get paid for it. That’s gone.”

The United States has a program..............LEGAL PROGRAM............for getting labor for Farmers from Mexico.......but the
Dept. of Labor doesn't do it's job and those farmers requesting the workers lose their crops...........GO FIGURE...........our OWN GOV'T SCREWING THE FARMERS HERE................

The one's hiring ILLEGAL HELP don't have this problem............The ONE'S OBEYING THE LAW get SCREWED...........Typical GOV'T INCOMPETENCE.......
From Mexico to the U.S., a Nafta Tale of Two Truckers

Interesting article on Truckers........

The most important part for me is the part where the Mexican Truck Driver only gets $12 per load...........if he's lucky he can work a 18 hour day and earn $48.

The disparity of wages between the United States and Mexico is EXTREME..................What did the man get for working 18 hours a day..........He lost his family........

The article also shows that very few are allowed to transport through the United States............

It is not our fault that Mexico has piss poor wages for it's people...........and it is not our fault that they can't hold their own country against the drug cartels..........And in the area of the Drug Cartels we have a responsibility to make it as difficult as possible for these drugs to enter our country.......Not to mention those violent members from the cartels.............need to be stopped from entering our country..........

Border security is a NATION'S RIGHT............and the Wall and MORE MANPOWER is our right to stop the flow of illegals and the drug cartels goons..........

Mexico needs to solve it's problems INTERNALLY........then the people there wouldn't want to leave.
It's Time to Fix the Top Problem Plaguing Mexico

Corruption dominates Mexico’s headlines: helicopter rides for officials’ family members, housing deals from favored government contractors, the still unexplained disappearance of 43 students and a drug lord escaping a maximum-security prison, for the second time. In a recent survey, Mexicans listedcorruption as the country’s top problem, ahead of security and the economy.

In absolute terms corruption eats away at Mexico’s growth. The think tank IMCO estimates the costs at $53 billion, or five percent of GDP. It increases the costs of doing business, with bribes for permits and government contracts tacking on up to ten percent according to Transparency International. And business owners face an uneven playing field—65 percent report that on at least one occasion a competitor offered a bribe or tapped personal relationships to win new business. By undercutting the market, corruption stifles excellence, deters investment and hinders growth.

Corruption also distorts public spending. Studies show corrupt public officials direct funds to projects more amenable to personal enrichment than those that offer the highest public returns. This means they overweight spending on (often shoddy) infrastructure and underfund education, health, and other human capital building services—the very skills needed for a twenty-first century economy and society.

Lastly, corruption delegitimizes the state and undercuts democracy. The belief by two-thirds of Mexican citizens that their taxes line the pockets of officials fuels the informal sector and limits the collection of government revenue necessary to provide public services: education, healthcare, and basic safety. And it threatens Mexico’s democratic gains. When citizens know about corruption and nothing is done—as is the case in Mexico, where impunity reigns—voter turnout falls.

Sounds like a lot of our politicians but on a lesser scale...........
View attachment 185876
Hundreds of Central Americans marching from the southern state of Mexico to the center and north of the country.

Trump renews threat to link NAFTA talks to border security, warns on deal for immigrant 'Dreamers'
Mexico needs to be threatened , Mexico lets them pour over the border form all over, put $50,000 head tax on everyone we catch and release back to Mexico. Time to get real on this shit .[/QUOTE]
They are from Central America..............and the Mexican gov't is allowing them to walk through their country. People are feeding them and assisting them. I have no problem with that part. I have a problem with that they are illegals in Mexico itself.

Mexico will use them as pawns in the illegal immigration fight with the U.S.
His threat regarding NAFTA is appallingly ill considered. It is because to the extent NAFTA is a boon for Mexico, it provides more opportunity for Mexicans to earn a decent living, relative to Mexico's standards of living. Economically rational people, when they have adequate opportunity to make a living, don't emigrate from their country.
His threat regarding NAFTA is appallingly ill considered. It is because to the extent NAFTA is a boon for Mexico, it provides more opportunity for Mexicans to earn a decent living, relative to Mexico's standards of living. Economically rational people, when they have adequate opportunity to make a living, don't emigrate from their country.
They make far more here than in Mexico..........they are here for that rationality..................Even at the lower wage jobs here it is night and day from their own country. That is why they come here. And many that come here send the money to their families back home. I can't blame them for doing so..................but immigration is a numbers game.............and we need to maintain LEGAL IMMIGRATION HERE.
His threat regarding NAFTA is appallingly ill considered. It is because to the extent NAFTA is a boon for Mexico, it provides more opportunity for Mexicans to earn a decent living, relative to Mexico's standards of living. Economically rational people, when they have adequate opportunity to make a living, don't emigrate from their country.
They make far more here than in Mexico..........they are here for that rationality..................Even at the lower wage jobs here it is night and day from their own country. That is why they come here. And many that come here send the money to their families back home. I can't blame them for doing so..................but immigration is a numbers game.............and we need to maintain LEGAL IMMIGRATION HERE.


“Is everyone who lives in Ignorance like you?" asked Milo.
"Much worse," he said longingly. "But I don't live here. I'm from a place very far away called Context.”
-- Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth

Like Trump's, your remarks above are ill considered.
  • Cost of living in Mexico -- Regardless of how much you need to live well in Mexico, the fact is, you'll get more for your money than in other areas of the world. It isn't surprising when one considers that the median household income in Mexico is not much more than a tenth of that in the US. In general, just about everything required for your daily living needs costs more in the US, Australia or Europe, with the exception perhaps of luxury items like brand name products such as designer label jeans and other upper-end clothing items or other imported goods. The cheaper cost of living is a key reason more people are finding it tempting to move to Mexico.
    • Overall: For between $1,000 and $2,000 USD a month, one can live in an upper-middle class level of poshness in Mexico. (Source)
    • Rent: In one of the more popular expat suburbs (i.e., suburbs just like American and Western European middle and upper middle income suburbs one might find surrounding the close in areas of a big city ) like Condesa, Roma, or Polanco, you can expect to pay upwards of 10,000 pesos per month to have your own one bedroom apartment. With the current exchange rate (as of October 2017), that equals about $530 USD. This doesn’t include any bills and most apartments around the city have a monthly maintenance fee of about 1,000 pesos (roughly $50). (Source)
    • Groceries: Grocery items are anywhere from 10% to 130% lower in Mexico than other countries, mostly due to the fact that a lot of products are grown there and don't need to be imported. (Source)
    • Transportation: Public transportation is almost 200% more in the US than in Mexico. Gas prices tend to be cheaper, too, and if you're living in a smaller town, there are a lot of public transportation options such as commuter vans and buses. (Source)
  • Exchange rate calculator

The absolute sum an individual living in a given place -- be it a town, county, state, city, region or nation -- earns and how much the same person can earn in another nation is ingermane in the context of motivators to economically rational people's emigration decisions. The relevant discriminant is the purchasing power of the sum they earn, that is, whether the sum they earn (can earn) in the place they are is sufficient to live a reasonable or better lifestyle, "reasonable" being defined not by others, but by the individual who must evaluate their situation and, in turn, choose to remain in the place they are or go to some other place. [1]

What drives whether one can live a "reasonable" lifestyle in a society that is economically and predominantly capitalist (no societies are 100% capitalist) and in large measure democratic?
  • The knowledge, skills and abilities one possess that one can parlay into income that one uses to sustain oneself.
  • The cost of living relative to the revenue one can generate using one's skills and abilities.
  • The nature of opportunities available in
  • One's access to ways of continually developing new skills and abilities as the economy where one finds oneself changes.
  • One's willingness to adapt to temporally inexorable macroeconomic change.
Of course, one can make illogical economic choices; nobody's going to stop one from doing so. Be both those things as they are, one makes illogical economic choices at one's peril. To wit, one of the most basic rational economic choices everyone makes is that of choosing where they will apply their skills and abilities to produce income that will sustain themselves. The scope of that decision varies. Sometimes it means one must move to a new city or state within a country. Other times it means one must emigrate and pursue one's "oyster" in another country.

  1. People who travel very quickly discover that "middle class lifestyle" means the same thing no matter where one is. What varies is how much it costs to live a middle class lifestyle. Travelers, particularly expats, observe that regardless of whether they temporarily relocate within their own country or in a different one. Indeed, one need not even travel far to observe it. For instance, the cost of living in D.C. itself is higher than it is just 15 miles outside of D.C. That's so for all preponderantly thriving cities.

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