trump threatens violence by his "fans" if jailed

Like all Democrats, snowflakes, trolls, and bots, you are a complete liar.

Not once in the article you posted did Donald Trump 'THREATEN' VIOLENCE.

Trump WARNED that the on-going, blatantly obvious criminal partisanly weaponization of the DOJ combined with tbe frustration and anger with it and the passion of his supporters makes for a potentially volatile situation.

Biden, Democrats, Garland, Wray and their 3rd world partisanly weaponized Socialist Injustice system that targets Trump and Conservatives while prote ting the Bidens, Democrats, and violent leftist criminals and domestic terrorists gave this country at the precipice of a CIVIL WAR.

The Democrats already know this, as on J6 they gave Americans a nudge a cross that line, baited them, then rounded all of them up and punished them as a message to the test of them NOT to oppose tbe Democrat Socialist agenda / takeover.

Democrats know now that they have targeted, unfairly attacked, Intimidated, silenced, victimized, Conservatives to a point Anwricans are almost ready to more actively oppose what the Democrats are doing.

Trump didn't threatening anything - he said what others know but are afraid to say. He WARNED the criminal, traitorous, Socialist oppressors and Gestapo the Anerican people ate almost at a breaking point.
A whole lot of words confirming the narrative of the OP. Was it intentional?

The only reason he is not in jail now is he is a former president. He has threatened violence before.
This is a threat?

DONALD TRUMP: I think it’s a very dangerous thing to even talk about, because we do have a tremendously passionate group of voters, much more passion than they had in 2020 and much more passion than they had in 2016.

I think it would be very dangerous.
Her case was pretty much stalled while Trump was a sitting president. Her other case against Trump was just released from DOJ because AG Barr granted Trump federal status claiming that defaming private citizens was part of his job as president.

That case is now going forward after all these years.
It would not be going forward at all if Trump wasn’t a candidate.
This is a threat?

DONALD TRUMP: I think it’s a very dangerous thing to even talk about, because we do have a tremendously passionate group of voters, much more passion than they had in 2020 and much more passion than they had in 2016.

I think it would be very dangerous.
Indeed it is a threat, and a thinly veiled call to arms to the cult.
Delldude said: This is a threat?

DONALD TRUMP: I think it’s a very dangerous thing to even talk about, because we do have a tremendously passionate group of voters, much more passion than they had in 2020 and much more passion than they had in 2016.

I think it would be very dangerous.

John Edgar Slow Horses: Yes, it is a clear and present threat.
No.... those tricked by Trump on January 6th, seemed to understand his buzz words. As many of those who were charged, used that as their "I was only following orders" defense.
The 1/6 rightwing domestic terrorists knew exactly what they were doing as ordered by Trump: overturn a fair, honest, lawful election; install Trump as autocrat and dictator contrary to the will of the American people.

The only reason he is not in jail now is he is a former president. He has threatened violence before.
He didn't just threaten violence before, he has unleashed it on J6.

Grifty is a one trick pony when he realizes that he lost. Violence will fix my problem.

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