Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent.

Something else to blame on Trump and he isn't even in office yet? Where is Obama's responsibility to Renewable Energy jobs? I didn't hear Hillary promising any expansion in clean or renewable energy efforts or jobs.
China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent.

Something else to blame on Trump and he isn't even in office yet? Where is Obama's responsibility to Renewable Energy jobs? I didn't hear Hillary promising any expansion in clean or renewable energy efforts or jobs.

President Obama has been pushing renewable energy for EIGHT years. Why do you think dirty coal lovers hate him?
China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent.

Something else to blame on Trump and he isn't even in office yet? Where is Obama's responsibility to Renewable Energy jobs? I didn't hear Hillary promising any expansion in clean or renewable energy efforts or jobs.

President Obama has been pushing renewable energy for EIGHT years. Why do you think dirty coal lovers hate him?

Eight years, huh? Not very effective is he? Or maybe not on his priority list
Beijing will create 13 million jobs by 2020, investing $360 billion in clean energy, while Trump vows to abandon the sector.


China is preparing to go big on the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades.

Beijing’s newest 5-year energy development plan invests a stunning 2.5 trillion yuan ($360 billion) in renewable generation by 2020. Of that, $144 billion will go to solar, about $100 billion to wind, $70 billion to hydropower, and the rest to sources like tidal and geothermal power.

The Chinese National Energy Administration said in a statement Thursdaythe resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent (see chart above).

We know clean energy jobs are the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades for several reasons.

More: Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

Why is Trump abandoning clean energy for dirty coal? Sounds like we should learn to speak Chinese.
Hopefully the Chinese are "smart enough" to use these new energy sources to power their aircraft carriers and other military and industrial hardware...imagine a wind powered carrier or solar powered submarine coming at ROFLMAO literal meaning
America can develop alternative energy, but it must be done via the free market. Some tax breaks for hiring during start up, ok. Some private investor seed money, sure. Subsidies and government ownership or "grants"? Go see how well that worked out for Ontario. We are broke, a failed Communist jurisdiction.

Or, America could do it the Chinese way, let them develop the R&D and have the CIA go steal the technology from THEM for once.
China's investment in their clean energy program is an act of desperation. They've nearly polluted and poisoned themselves to death and the size of the investment shows how desperate they are. That has ZERO to do with Trump ceding jobs to China. If you love China so much, punch your ticket for Beijing. I recommend you take a gas mask.

It's called evolution. We also poisoned America during the Industrial Revolution. China is evolving.

China is having their 30's and 1940's right now! Hopefully they learned from our history not to completely allow free and unfair trade once they get to their 70's and 80's. But, I am betting they will be a very powerful nation soon.

China is about to implode numbnut.
China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent.

Something else to blame on Trump and he isn't even in office yet? Where is Obama's responsibility to Renewable Energy jobs? I didn't hear Hillary promising any expansion in clean or renewable energy efforts or jobs.

President Obama has been pushing renewable energy for EIGHT years. Why do you think dirty coal lovers hate him?

Think Solyndra.....
Beijing will create 13 million jobs by 2020, investing $360 billion in clean energy, while Trump vows to abandon the sector.


China is preparing to go big on the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades.

Beijing’s newest 5-year energy development plan invests a stunning 2.5 trillion yuan ($360 billion) in renewable generation by 2020. Of that, $144 billion will go to solar, about $100 billion to wind, $70 billion to hydropower, and the rest to sources like tidal and geothermal power.

The Chinese National Energy Administration said in a statement Thursdaythe resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent (see chart above).

We know clean energy jobs are the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades for several reasons.

More: Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

Why is Trump abandoning clean energy for dirty coal? Sounds like we should learn to speak Chinese.
Maybe we should give Solyndra another try?
Beijing will create 13 million jobs by 2020, investing $360 billion in clean energy, while Trump vows to abandon the sector.


China is preparing to go big on the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades.

Beijing’s newest 5-year energy development plan invests a stunning 2.5 trillion yuan ($360 billion) in renewable generation by 2020. Of that, $144 billion will go to solar, about $100 billion to wind, $70 billion to hydropower, and the rest to sources like tidal and geothermal power.

The Chinese National Energy Administration said in a statement Thursdaythe resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent (see chart above).

We know clean energy jobs are the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades for several reasons.

More: Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

Why is Trump abandoning clean energy for dirty coal? Sounds like we should learn to speak Chinese.

No, sounds like you regressives should quit lying. What China does inside their borders is their business and costs us nothing.
It's worse than that. We can't keep giving up important market segments and expect to remain economic leaders.

Remember that we are the 5%. Those who have only 5% usually have to actually work to be the ones out in front.

5% of what? And exactly what market segment are we giving up? On a per capita basis we created more green energy jobs than China.
We are 5% of earth's population.

We we talk nationalism as a direction, we are cutting ourselves off the vast majority of the marketplace.

The US imports only 18% of China's exports. It's not like we have them in some sort of bind. When we sit by and watch the formation of a trans-pacific trade deal that doesn't include the USA (but includes Canada, Mexico, Australia, as well as Asia), we're giving up massive economic influence.

And, that translates to influence in national security, human rights, etc., as well as economics.
China's investment in their clean energy program is an act of desperation. They've nearly polluted and poisoned themselves to death and the size of the investment shows how desperate they are. That has ZERO to do with Trump ceding jobs to China. If you love China so much, punch your ticket for Beijing. I recommend you take a gas mask.

It's called evolution. We also poisoned America during the Industrial Revolution. China is evolving.

But we're not now, so evidently we evolved too.
China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent.

Something else to blame on Trump and he isn't even in office yet? Where is Obama's responsibility to Renewable Energy jobs? I didn't hear Hillary promising any expansion in clean or renewable energy efforts or jobs.
You came to a conclusion without even reading her web site or listening to what she said?

Why would you do that???

Hillary on climate change

Clean energy is a giant opportunity for employment, as it can include efforts in every segment of our economy for businesses of all sizes (from large corporations down to individuals). Remember that every watt saved, even just by insulation, is the same as creating a new watt.

Even today there are companies that will put solar on your home for FREE and then split the value of the new energy with you. How many houses are there in America?
Even today there are companies that will put solar on your home for FREE and then split the value of the new energy with you. How many houses are there in America?
Says nothing except that people do not really want these new energies, and those companies are exploiting the lack of understanding of these "new energies" by getting folks to use an inferior product and taking their money for that, as an example...
...Suppose this is what I am willing to do, come shut off your electric for you and then let you keep 75% of the savings, just think of all the new watts you will be creating, still sound good to you?
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"we're giving up massive economic influence."

In what way?
If you are responding to me, what I'm pointing out is that ever since Nixon we've recognized that making progress with China on issues such as patent theft, worker pay/conditions, North Korea, Taiwan/regional security, opening markets for our products in China, etc. ALL are more possible when we have trade deals with them and others.

Compare that to a trans-pacific marketplace where there is one main trade deal that involves all the major east Asian and western Americas except for the USA.

Let's remember that ANY approach to North Korea absolutely has to include China. Also, China's military expansion in the South China Sea, etc., is easy for them if all we have is blustering at them with our military - when we ALL know there is NO CHANCE that we're going to go to war against China.

What do we have if China augments its approach to US patent violations if we have no trade pact as powerful as China can put together without us?
China's investment in their clean energy program is an act of desperation. They've nearly polluted and poisoned themselves to death and the size of the investment shows how desperate they are. That has ZERO to do with Trump ceding jobs to China. If you love China so much, punch your ticket for Beijing. I recommend you take a gas mask.

It's called evolution. We also poisoned America during the Industrial Revolution. China is evolving.

Big L, how uneducated are you? I mean seriously-------------> China STEALS our technology, they did it right under Obysmals nose. Why would they steal our tech, if they knew more than we did? You are totally illogical, you realize that, do you not!

Besides----------> nobody is abandoning green tech here, that would be stupid. All anyone is doing is---------->trying to figure out how to make it cheaper than fossil fuels, and once that happens, fossil fuels are history.

Again, how uneducated are you?
Beijing will create 13 million jobs by 2020, investing $360 billion in clean energy, while Trump vows to abandon the sector.


China is preparing to go big on the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades.

Beijing’s newest 5-year energy development plan invests a stunning 2.5 trillion yuan ($360 billion) in renewable generation by 2020. Of that, $144 billion will go to solar, about $100 billion to wind, $70 billion to hydropower, and the rest to sources like tidal and geothermal power.

The Chinese National Energy Administration said in a statement Thursdaythe resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent (see chart above).

We know clean energy jobs are the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades for several reasons.

More: Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

Why is Trump abandoning clean energy for dirty coal? Sounds like we should learn to speak Chinese.
Let me get this straight.

China is loosening up of government restrictions, rebuilding their infrastructure, and their people are becoming more prosperous with better, higher-paying jobs....

.....and that's a BAD thing?

.....and you say (of course) that it's all Trump's fault?

You poor little snowflakes can invent the weirdest, silliest things, in your feeble quest to destroy Donald Trump, can't you. :cuckoo:

Do you have any idea how ludicrous and whiny normal Americans find people like you?
Even today there are companies that will put solar on your home for FREE and then split the value of the new energy with you. How many houses are there in America?
Says nothing except that people do not really want these new energies, and those companies are exploiting the lack of understanding of these "new energies" by getting folks to use an inferior product and taking their money for that, as an example...
...Suppose this is what I am willing to do, come shut off your electric for you and then let you keep 75% of the savings, just think of all the new watts you will be creating, still sound good to you?
I have no idea what that meant.

And, I know people who are "renting" their roof space like I said, and they are very happy with having lower energy charges.

Plus, your "shut off your electricity" is something you should explain.
China's investment in their clean energy program is an act of desperation. They've nearly polluted and poisoned themselves to death and the size of the investment shows how desperate they are. That has ZERO to do with Trump ceding jobs to China. If you love China so much, punch your ticket for Beijing. I recommend you take a gas mask.

It's called evolution. We also poisoned America during the Industrial Revolution. China is evolving.

Big L, how uneducated are you? I mean seriously-------------> China STEALS our technology, they did it right under Obysmals nose. Why would they steal our tech, if they knew more than we did? You are totally illogical, you realize that, do you not!

Besides----------> nobody is abandoning green tech here, that would be stupid. All anyone is doing is---------->trying to figure out how to make it cheaper than fossil fuels, and once that happens, fossil fuels are history.

Again, how uneducated are you?
- we're not going to slow patent violations by having no trade deal that includes China plus others. We're 18% of their exports. A multinational trade deal that includes China, but not the US will be headed by China. And, our leverage will be LESS than it is today, giving us even less ability to push for patent protection and the other features we see as critically important.

If you think we need more influence (such as implied by your infantile ad hom toward Obama) then you need to figure out how to give us MORE influence, not LESS influence.

- Trump has promised to de-emphasize green energy.

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